A pair of?Taylor Swift?fans were left ガス/煙ing after 存在 sold £660 VIP tickets with a '制限するd 見解(をとる)' at her Liverpool 時代s gig at the Anfield stadium on Thursday.

The attendee, Zella, was left 失望させるd by her poor 見解(をとる) of the concert and 地位,任命するd a ビデオ to TikTok, which quickly amassed over half a million 見解(をとる)s.

She wrote: 'Paid £660 for VIP seats and this is our 見解(をとる). We asked and they won't move us,' she penned: '現実に going to cry.'

She panned the camera around the stadium, showing テレビ視聴者s what she could see, which was おもに a large テント and technical 器具/備品 封鎖するing the 行う/開催する/段階.

Fellow Taylor Swift 支持者s advised her to ask again, (人命などを)奪う,主張するing she would have to be moved if she did not have 制限するd 見解(をとる) tickets.?

A pair of Taylor Swift fans were left fuming after being sold £660 VIP tickets with a 'restricted view' at her Liverpool Eras tour concert at Anfield on Thursday

?A pair of Taylor Swift fans were left ガス/煙ing after 存在 sold £660 VIP tickets with a '制限するd 見解(をとる)' at her Liverpool 時代s 小旅行する concert at Anfield on Thursday

The attendee, Zella, was left frustrated by her poor view of the concert and posted a video to TikTok, which quickly amassed over half a million views

The attendee, Zella, was left 失望させるd by her poor 見解(をとる) of the concert and 地位,任命するd a ビデオ to TikTok, which quickly amassed over half a million 見解(をとる)s

によれば Zella, she had already made the 試みる/企てる however the entire show was sold out meaning there was nowhere to move her to.

But all ended 井戸/弁護士席 for the superfan as she 明らかにする/漏らすd she and a friend were given even better seats - so they could 明確に see the superstar in 活動/戦闘.

'Thank you to everyone for the support and 親切! We had an amazing time in the end,' she 株d.

At the gig, Taylor, 34,?あられ/賞賛するd the かかわり合い of thousands of fans who 勇敢に立ち向かうd the rain to watch her 成し遂げる the first of three gigs at Anfield Stadium for the 100th show of her 時代s 小旅行する.

The American superstar 成し遂げるd in 前線 of a 53,000-strong (人が)群がる at the Liverpool FC stadium - breaking the かつてない 出席 記録,記録的な/記録する for the 円形競技場.

However, other fans were also unhappy with their seats for the show, taking to social マスコミ to complain.

One attendee 株d a shocking photo of their 見解(をとる) on X (以前は Twitter).?

They wrote: 'Some 見解(をとる) that,' と一緒に two laughing emojis and a sick emoji.

However the duo were not disappointed as they were moved to even better seats so they could see their idol in action (pictured: Zella and a friend)

However the 二人組 were not disappointed as they were moved to even better seats so they could see their idol in 活動/戦闘 (pictured: Zella and a friend)

Other fans shared their disappointment - this concertgoer bought a cheaper ticket for £60 but was not happy with the experience

Other fans 株d their 失望 - this concertgoer bought a cheaper ticket for £60 but was not happy with the experience?

That night, the popstar hailed the commitment of thousands of fans who braved the rain to watch her perform the first of three gigs at Anfield Stadium for the 100th show of her Eras Tour

That night, the popstar あられ/賞賛するd the かかわり合い of thousands of fans who 勇敢に立ち向かうd the rain to watch her 成し遂げる the first of three gigs at Anfield Stadium for the 100th show of her 時代s 小旅行する

The snap, taken from their seat, showed what they could see from the 最高の,を越す corner of the area, behind the actual 行う/開催する/段階.?

The fan, who paid £60 for their ticket, could see the diamond walkway that Taylor spends some of the show on, but the main 行う/開催する/段階 itself was 完全に 封鎖するd from sight.

However, they did 認める that the ticket was cheap compare d to what they are 存在 flogged for on resale 場所/位置s.

The fan wrote: 'You know what it was £60 直面する but 明白に gold dust to get.'?

Social マスコミ 使用者s slammed the 発生地 for selling the tickets, penning:

'What's the point in going?'

'How much they 非難する for that?!'

'Should be 違法な that '見解(をとる) 'imagine that.'

'Could say you were backstage.'

'This makes me feel so much better now at having to sell 地雷 last night.'?

Social media users slammed the venue for selling the tickets

Social マスコミ 使用者s slammed the 発生地 for selling the tickets

Another fan shared their own experience, writing: 'Don?t remember buying restricted view? So angry #LiverpoolTStheErasTour'

Another fan 株d their own experience, 令状ing: 'Don't remember buying 制限するd 見解(をとる)? So angry #LiverpoolTStheErasTour'


'No point going I'd ask for a refund.'?

'That is 犯罪の.'?

'May 同様に stay at home.'

'Disney 加える for two y ears would've been cheaper and you can 現実に watch the concert!!!'?

'How is that even possible to be behind the 行う/開催する/段階.'?

Another disappointed fan 株d their own experience, 令状ing: 'Don't remember buying 制限するd 見解(をとる)? So angry #LiverpoolTStheErasTour.'

They 地位,任命するd a picture of their lower-bowl 見解(をとる) which was 妨害するd by テントs and technical 器具/備品.?

MailOnline have 接触するd Ticketmaster and Anfield for comment, although it's not (疑いを)晴らす if a third party sold the tickets in question.?

It comes just after fans who forked out £662 for a VIP ticket to see the singer live in Edinburgh were left sour-直面するd after (人命などを)奪う,主張するing to have a 制限するd 見解(をとる).

Taylor Swift fans who forked our £662 for a VIP ticket to see the singer live in Edinburgh have been left sour-faced after claiming to have a restricted view
Swifties who brought the 'It's Been A Long Time Coming Package' paid £662, plus fees, to get a a merchandise bundle as well as what is described as a 'unforgettable reserved seated ticket'

Taylor Swift fans who forked our £662 for a VIP ticket to see the singer live in Edinburgh have been left sour-直面するd after (人命などを)奪う,主張するing to have a 制限するd 見解(をとる)?

Sinead Fitz said she was 'scammed' by Ticketmaster and given an obstructed view twice. Taking to TikTok she said there was a 'lot of back and forth' with Murrayfield stadium, who said they would be moved in their seat was an obstructed view

Sinead Fitz said she was 'scammed' by Ticketmaster and given an 妨害するd 見解(をとる) twice. Taking to TikTok she said there was a 'lot of 支援する and 前へ/外へ' with Murrayfield stadium, who said they would be moved in their seat was an 妨害するd 見解(をとる)

Swifties who brought the 'It's Been A Long Time Coming 一括' paid £662, 加える 料金s, to get a a 商品/売買する bundle 同様に as what is 述べるd as a 'unforgettable reserved seated ticket'.

But taking to TikTok, many have said the seats were 'behind a テント' or 'to the 味方する' meaning they struggled to see the Anti-Hero singer.

One attendee said they complained about their seats - only to be moved to another 制限するd seat.

Another complained they're seat was 'behind a 中心存在' and he could 'barely see Taylor'. A third 追加するd they paid £680 for a 'lovely 見解(をとる) of a テント'.

Holly Evans, 29, took to TikTok to say is was a '広大な/多数の/重要な show' but she couldn't 'see Taylor'.

She 株d a ビデオ showing her seat behind the (人が)群がる and 封鎖する by by 障壁s and テントs.

Sinead Fitz said she was 'scammed' by Ticketmaster and given an 妨害するd 見解(をとる) twice.

Taking to TikTok she said there was a 'lot of 支援する and 前へ/外へ' with Murrayfield stadium, who said they would be moved in their seat was an 妨害するd 見解(をとる).

She 追加するd that she 接触するd TicketMaster in March o ver 関心s her 見解(をとる) may be 妨害するd, she said after she arrived she spoke to a member of staff who then moved her to another 妨害するd seat.

Ticketmaster have been 接触するd for commented.?

It comes after Taylor revealed that The Eras Tour will officially end in December as she took to the stage in Liverpool

It comes after Taylor 明らかにする/漏らすd that The 時代s 小旅行する will 公式に end in December as she took to the 行う/開催する/段階 in Liverpool

During the show, Taylor announced that the Eras Tour would officially be coming to a close in December after raking in millions of pounds, breaking a slew of records and even triggering earthquakes

During the show, Taylor 発表するd that the 時代s 小旅行する would 公式に be coming to a の近くに in December after raking in millions of 続けざまに猛撃するs, breaking a slew of 記録,記録的な/記録するs and even 誘発する/引き起こすing 地震s

Addressing the crowd, the superstar said: 'This is the very first time I’ve ever acknowledged to myself and admitted that this tour is going to end in December'

演説(する)/住所ing the (人が)群がる, the superstar said: 'This is the very first time I've ever 定評のある to myself and 認める that this 小旅行する is going to end in December'

It comes after Taylor 明らかにする/漏らすd that The 時代s 小旅行する will 公式に end in December as she took to the 行う/開催する/段階 in Liverpool.?

During the show, Taylor 発表するd that the 時代s 小旅行する would 公式に be coming to a の近くに in December after raking in millions of 続けざまに猛撃するs, breaking a slew of 記録,記録的な/記録するs and even 誘発する/引き起こすing 地震s.?

演説(する)/住所ing the (人が)群がる, the superstar said: 'This is the very first time I've ever 定評のある to myself and 認める that this 小旅行する is going to end in December'.

憶測 was rife that Taylor would be making a big 告示 at Thursday's show, with many fan theories 伸び(る)ing traction on social マスコミ ahead of the gig.

The fact it was the 目印 100th show 同時に起こる/一致するd with it 存在 June 13,?which many sleuthing Swifties took as a 調印する.

Taylor's lucky number is famously 13 and it has become a symbol の中で her fanbase, who often 令状 the number on the 支援する of their 手渡すs when …に出席するing her shows.

In an interview with MTV News in 2009, the pop 星/主役にする explained: 'I was born on the 13th. I turned 13 on Friday the 13th. My first album went gold in 13 weeks.

'Also, my first song that ever went number 1, it had a 13 second intro, I didn't even do that on 目的! And every time I've ever won an award at an award show, I've either been seated in the 13th 列/漕ぐ/騒動, or 列/漕ぐ/騒動 M, which is the 13th letter.'?

追加するing to 開始するing rumours, was the realising that as Taylor was born on 13 December 1989, Thursday 示すs her 'half-birthday'.