EXCLUSIVEInside Justin Timberlake's boozy spiral: Singer started 'drinking more' to 対処する with Britney Spears スキャンダル ahead of his 小旅行する, insiders say - as they 明らかにする/漏らす major red 旗s that led to 下落する Harbor DWI 逮捕(する)

Justin Timberlake?has been drinking more to 'escape' the (激しい)反発 over?Britney Spears' bombshell memoir and the 開始するing 圧力s of staying in the charts, with insiders (人命などを)奪う,主張するing he has arrived at 小旅行する rehearsals reeking of booze on more than one occasion.?

The singer, 43, was 逮捕(する)d?for 運動ing while intoxicated after having drinks at 下落する Harbor's American Hotel in New York on Monday night, with pictures showing him looking 爆撃する-shocked as he was led in 手錠s to 法廷,裁判所 from the Hamptons police 駅/配置する the に引き続いて morning.

Justin was pulled over すぐに after midnight when he blew past a stop 調印する in his BMW X7 ? having already been 観察するd by 警官,(賞などを)獲得するs swerving across the road, によれば 報告(する)/憶測s.

The father-of-two 成し遂げるd a field sobriety 実験(する) and was asked to take a breathalyzer 実験(する), which he 辞退するd.

Insiders (人命などを)奪う,主張する the 出来事/事件 should serve as a 'wake-up call' for the singer who used alcohol to 対処する with the 爆発性の 主張s leveled against him by Britney, 42, 含むing tha t he 勧めるd her to have an abortion?in the 早期に 2000s.

Justin Timberlake was arrested for driving while intoxicated after having drinks at Sag Harbor's American Hotel in New York on Monday night (pictured)

Justin Timberlake was 逮捕(する)d for 運動ing while intoxicated after having drinks at 下落する Harbor's American Hotel in New York on Monday night (pictured)?

Justin, 43, turned to alcohol after being caught up in controversy last year following allegations made by Britney Spears, insiders told DailyMail.com

Justin, 43, turned to alcohol after 存在 caught up in 論争 last year に引き続いて 主張s made by Britney Spears, insiders told DailyMail.com?

On 最高の,を越す of this, sources 主張する that he has been 崩壊するing under the 増加するing 圧力 to compete with popular artists like Harry Styles?? and has struggled with the lackluster 業績/成果 of his 最新の album, Everything I Thought It Was, which failed to 最高の,を越す the charts on its 解放(する) in March.?

'Justin has been 強調する/ストレスd over the Britney 演劇 that happened at the end of last year and some of us noticed that he was drinking more,' a source told DailyMail.com 排他的に.

'He isn't an アル中患者 by any stretch, but he was advised to reel the drinking in so he could have a (疑いを)晴らす 長,率いる when 取引,協定ing with any public 論争 because he had been (刑事)被告 of 扱うing the Britney and Janet Jackson (激しい)反発 貧しく.'

Justin, who has 以前 自白するd to 'getting plastered' and 'doing his fair 株 of 麻薬s' in secret, had been out for dinner with friends before his 逮捕(する) on Monday.

The Sexy 支援する singer was arraigned on one count of DWI and also 特記する/引用するd for running a stop 調印する and for 失敗 to stay in his 小道/航路. He is next in 法廷,裁判所 on July 26 after 存在 解放(する)d without 保釈(金).

For 辞退するing the breathalyzer 実験(する), Justin had his 運動ing 特権s in the 明言する/公表する of New York 一時停止するd.

The source continued: 'The guys who were there last night didn't want him to 運動 because they had been drinking, but they were ignored.

'He is 存在 協同組合 now and is working with his lawyer Edward [Burke, Jr.] to help him work his way through it. His friends have 手配中の,お尋ね者 him to 減少(する) the booze for some time, so this is somewhat of a wake-up call.

Insiders told DailyMail.com that Justin has,?on several occasions, turned up to rehearsals for his Forget Tomorrow world tour 'smelling like alcohol'

Insiders told DailyMail.com that Justin has,?on several occasions, turned up to rehearsals for his Forget Tomorrow world 小旅行する 'smelling like alcohol'?

Justin, who has previously confessed to 'getting plastered' and 'doing his fair share of drugs' in secret, had been out for dinner with friends before his arrest on Monday

Justin, who has 以前 自白するd to 'getting plastered' and 'doing his fair 株 of 麻薬s' in secret, had been out for dinner with friends before his 逮捕(する) on Monday?

'The 圧力 of having to compete with artists like Harry Styles and Drake is getting to him and his numbers [album sales] 存在 lower is definitely bothering him.?

'We've all felt this for a while, and it has 影響する/感情d his 令状ing 過程 on his last few 記録,記録的な/記録するs.'

A second insider echoed the 関心s, (人命などを)奪う,主張するing Justin's 最新の alcohol-燃料d 出来事/事件 茎・取り除くs from a need to 'escape' に引き続いて poor album sales.

'It's hard to say why anyone drinks but if it has to do with where he is at in his life 権利 now, it makes sense to say he needs an escape,' they said.

'This will lik ely be his last successful 小旅行する and he is aware of this. He has a wife and two young kids at home.

'He has not been 最高の happy about his album sales but no one at the label really has. Everyone was 推定する/予想するing so much better.'??

A third source (人命などを)奪う,主張するd his drinking habits are 井戸/弁護士席 known の中で those closest to him.?

'It is no secret that Justin drinks, and the ダンサーs know this better than anyone,' they said. 'He has turned up to rehearse smelling like alcohol on several occasions.'

Insiders claim the incident should serve as a 'wake-up call' for the singer who?has also been crumbling under the increasing pressure to compete with popular artists like Harry Styles

Insiders (人命などを)奪う,主張する the 出来事/事件 should serve as a 'wake-up call' for the singer who?has also been 崩壊するing under the 増加するing 圧力 to compete with popular artists like Harry Styles

One source said Just
in often 'celebrates a good show by getting drunk' but can also become 'flirty' - with his wife Jessica Biel joining nights out to 'babysit' him

One source said Justin often 'celebrates a good show by getting drunk' but can also become 'flirty' - with his wife Jessica Biel joining nights out to 'babysit' him

The pop 星/主役にする has two 近づいている shows in Chicago later this week as part of his Forget Tomo rrow world 小旅行する, followed by 支援する-to-支援する nights at Madison Square Garden in New York City next week.

The source said he often 'celebrates a good show by getting drunk' but can also become 'flirty' - with his wife Jessica Biel joining nights out to 'babysit' him.

'When he drinks, he gets 最高の flirty, and Jessica does have to babysit him,' they continued. 'She has gone out with the 乗組員 several times.

'He has 非難するd alcohol for past 行為, 含むing when he got caught "持つ/拘留するing 手渡すs" with Alisha [Wainwright].'

支援する in 2019 Justin (人命などを)奪う,主張するd he had drank 'way too much' after pictures 現れるd of him 持つ/拘留するing 手渡すs with his Palmer costar Alisha at a New Orleans 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業.?

He later 問題/発行するd a public 陳謝 in which he said he '陳列する,発揮するd a strong lapse in 裁判/判断,' before 主張するing 'nothing happened between me and my costar.'?

'I drank way too much that night and I 悔いる my 行為,' he said. 'I should have known better. This is not the example I want to 始める,決める for my son.'?

In October, Justin was dealt a shock blow when Britney made 多重の 告訴,告発s against him in her memoir The Woman In Me, 含むing 非難するing his 2002 跡をつける Cry Me a River for how it made her look.

Justin and Britney 時代遅れの from 1999 until 2002 and w 女/おっせかい屋 they 分裂(する) his career 急に上がるd, with his albums 促進するd under the narrative that she broke his heart.

In the music ビデオ for Cry Me A River, he even used a Britney lookalike and she was vilified for their break-up.

Justin has two children with Jessice who is currently filming her upcoming movie The Better Sister in New York

Justin has two children with Jessice who is 現在/一般に filming her 近づいている movie The Better Sister in New York?

反映するing on the 分裂(する), she wrote about how she felt voiceless and 'felt there was no way at the time to tell [her] 味方する of the story' as he had made her look like a 'harlot who'd broken the heart of America's golden boy.'

'I don't think Justin realized the 力/強力にする he had in shaming me,' she wrote. 'I don't think he understands to this day.'

The 有毒な hitmaker also 詳細(に述べる)d the 'agonizing' 決定/判定勝ち(する) to 終結させる her pregnancy after conceiving in late 2000 when the pair were both 19.

The 星/主役にする (人命などを)奪う,主張するd while she 手配中の,お尋ね者 the baby and 'dreamed of having a family' with Justin, he 'wasn't ready' for the 責任/義務s of parenthood and thought the pair were too young.

She wrote: 'It was a surprise, but for me, it wasn't a 悲劇. I loved Justin so much...

'He said we weren't ready to have a baby in our lives, that we were way too young.'

In January Britney わびるd to Justin for the comments, and 主張するd she was '深く,強烈に sorry.'

He was dealt another blow in March に引き続いて the 解放(する) of his sixth studio album, Everything I Thought It Was.

にもかかわらず getting mixed reviews the album was not a 粉砕するing success and debuted at number four on the US Billboard 200, 収入 just 67,000 album-同等(の) 部隊s calculated from 31.13 million on-需要・要求する streams and 41,000 pure album copies.

His previous four 単独の studio albums all topped the chart, while his debut 正当化するd reached number two.