Pookie is 妊娠している! TikTok's sweethearts Campbell and Jett Puckett 発表する they're 推定する/予想するing first baby

Pookie is 妊娠している.?

TikTok's most beloved couple - Campbell and Jett Puckett - have 発表するd they are 推定する/予想するing their first baby.?

…を伴ってing a ビデオ montage of the couple kissing and ぱらぱら雨ing petals in a garden, they said: 'Our greatest blessing. Baby Puckett coming soon.'

They (機の)カム to fame for their outfit of the day ビデオs, where they would talk fans through 正確に/まさに what they were wearing to go out.?

Jett, 33, went viral with his adoring comments about his wife, with 'Pookie is looking 絶対 解雇する/砲火/射撃 tonight' 存在 recreated millions of times.??

The internet's most beloved couple - Campbell and Jett Puckett - have announced they are expecting their first baby

The internet's most beloved couple - Campbell and Jett Puckett - have 発表するd they are 推定する/予想するing their first baby

株ing the news of their pregnancy with People, Pookie, 32, said: 'We've always dreamed of becoming parents.?

'Jett and I have been together for nine years, married for six, and I'm most excited to see him become a dad ― I've thought about that since I met him.'

'Our life has been building up to this moment, and we could not be more excited and blessed to bring another life into the world.?

'We're ready for this next 段階 in our life and this new 目的 as parents.'?

The baby is 推定する/予想するd to be born in November.?

The pair met in 2015 at a ワイン 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 in Philadelphia, where Jett approached Pookie, and got married in 2018.?

Sharing the news of their pregnancy with People, Pookie, 32, said: 'We've always dreamed of becoming parents.

株ing the news of their pregnancy with People, Pookie, 32, said: 'We've always dreamed of becoming parents.

述べるing their 会合 in a TikTok, Jett, who was a 卒業生(する) student at the time, said he 'walked up to the prettiest girl at the 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 and just started talking to her'.

Pookie was working as a flight attendant and was an hour and a half late to their first date be 原因(となる) her 計画(する) was 延期するd, but Jett said, 'thank God I waited'.??

He 追加するd: 'Two days later, we were inseparable, and 10 months later we were engaged.'

Jett 提案するd on a trip to Hawaii in 2016 and they bought their first home together in Atlanta in 2018 just before getting married in April.??

Pookie 述べるd their wedding as the best day of her life.