Petra Ecclestone enjoys a dinner date with her husband Sam Palmer in Santa Monica after speaking out about her 肌 癌 脅す

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Petra Ecclestone was snapped looking chic after a dinner date out in Santa Monica on Saturday night - after speaking out about a 関心ing 肌 癌 脅す on Wednesday.

The F1 heiress, 35, looked stylish in a knit long-sleeve 黒人/ボイコット jumper teamed with smart grey wide-脚 trousers.

The model 追加するd elegant 黒人/ボイコット stiletto and a matching small handbag, while keeping her blonde locks neat with a headband.

Petra was seen 出口ing the Muse restaurant after enjoying a lavish meal with her husband and real 広い地所 スパイ/執行官 Sam Palmer, 39.

On Friday the socialite took to her Instagram page to 安心させる fans about her 回復, thanking them for the 圧倒的な support.

Petra Ecclestone was snapped looking chic after a dinner date out in Santa Monica on Saturday night - after speaking out about a concerning skin cancer scare on Wednesday

Petra Ecclestone was snapped looking chic after a dinner date out in Santa Monica on Saturday night - after speaking out about a 関心ing 肌 癌 脅す on Wednesday

Petra was seen exiting the Muse restaurant after enjoying a lavish meal with her husband and real estate agent Sam Palmer, 39

Petra was seen 出口ing the Muse restaurant after enjoying a lavish meal with her husband and real 広い地所 スパイ/執行官 Sam Palmer, 39

記録,記録的な/記録するing herself as she gave a 外科 update, while still wearing 包帯s on her 長,率いる, she said: 'Good morning guys, so I got 負担s of messages.

'I guess it was an alarming 場所/位置 my 長,率いる 存在 包帯d.

'I just 地位,任命するd it because I really want people to be careful about going the sun and having the 権利 保護.'

Petra tried to raise 認識/意識性 as she continued to talk about her own experience, 明らかにする/漏らすing she didn't use to care about 保護するing her own 肌 until recently.

Captioning her 最新の clip, she penned: 'Thank you to everyone who reached out yesterday about my story.

'I’m doing 井戸/弁護士席 and 回復するing but this is your 思い出の品 to take sun 損失 本気で… please wear sunscreen and 避ける tanning beds at all costs!'

Earlier this week, the heiress firstly 誘発するd 関心 after 株ing a selfie with her 長,率いる wrapped in a 包帯.

The マスコミ 星/主役にする was 構成-解放する/自由な in the Instagram snap as she pouted 負かす/撃墜する the レンズ while 覆う? in her pyjamas.?

And on Friday the socialite took to her Instagram page to reassure fans about her current recovery, thanking them for the overwhelming support

And on Friday the socialite took to her Instagram page to 安心させる fans about her 現在の 回復, thanking them for the 圧倒的な support

Petra captioned the snap: 'Guys k eep away from the sun. I wish I knew more about it when I was younger and the dangers of it. Please wear SPF daily and a hat.'

The mother-of-three did not 明示する what had happened.?MailOnline has 接触するd Petra's 代表者/国会議員s for comment.?

One of the 主要な 危険s of not using SPF is overexposure to UV rays, which leads to 早期に 高齢化 of the 肌 and 損失 that can 原因(となる) 肌 .?

The NHS encourages everyone to use at least SPF 30 保護.

正規の/正選手 使用者s of sun cream with SPF 15 or higher can 削減(する) their 危険 of melanoma ― the most deadly type of 肌 癌 ― in half, 熟考する/考慮するs have also 示唆するd.

Around 15,000 Brits and 10 0,000 Americans are 診断するd with melanoma each year, the most ありふれた form of 肌 癌.

Melanoma is often 急速な/放蕩な growing and can quickly burrow through the 肌 and into the 血 大型船s beneath.

Once the 癌 独房s get into the bloodstream, the 病気 can spread throughout the 団体/死体.

外科 is the main 治療 for melanoma. 放射線療法, 薬/医学s and chemotherapy are also いつかs used.


Sunburn 増加するs a person's 危険 of 肌 癌.

It can happen abroad or in the UK.?

To stay sun 安全な, 専門家s recommend people:

  • 捜し出す shade between 11am and 3pm, which is when the sun's rays are typically strongest
  • Wear at least SPF 30 sunscreen
  • 適用する sunscreen 30 minutes, and again just before, UV (危険などに)さらす
  • 選ぶ for water-抵抗力のある sunscreen if necessary and reapply after swimming, sweating or using a towel?
  • Cover up with 保護の 着せる/賦与するing, a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses
  • Be extra careful with babies and young children. 幼児s under six months should be kept out of direct sunlight
  • Do not use sunbeds or sunlamps?
  • Checks moles and 肌 for any changes?

Source: NHS Choices?

Earlier this week, the heiress firstly sparked concern after sharing a selfie with her head wrapped in a bandage

Earlier this week, the heiress firstly 誘発するd 関心 after 株ing a selfie with her 長,率いる wrapped in a 包帯?

Petra and husband Sam Palmer tied the knot in July 2022, enjoying a lavish ceremony at Petra's £170 million London mansion, but now live together in Los Angeles

Petra and husband Sam Palmer tied the knot in July 2022, enjoying a lavish 儀式 at Petra's £170 million London mansion, but now live together in Los Angeles

Petra 株 a daughter Millie, three, with her husband Sam Palmer and also 株 daughter Lavinia, 11, and twin sons James and Andrew, eight, with her ex-husband James Stunt.?

The TV personality and husband Sam tied the knot in July 2022, enjoying a lavish 儀式 at Petra's £170 million London mansion, but now live together in Los Angeles.?