The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of 知恵 review: The stuff of legend, 令状s PETER HOSKIN

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of 知恵 (Nintendo Switch, £49.99)

判決: The stuff of legend


At last, the Legend of Zelda truly is the Legend of Zelda. For 10年間s now, we've been used to playing these games as the indomitable Link, adventuring across a fantasy kingdom to 救助(する) Princess Zelda from some 危険,危なくする or other. But now, in Echoes of 知恵, it's Zelda who gets to do the adventuring ? and she has to 救助(する) the kingdom itself.

The apocalypse, in this one, is purple. 広大な/多数の/重要な purple 不和s have opened up everywhere ? and they're sucking in Zelda's friends and spitting out monsters. It's 負かす/撃墜する to our ヘロイン, with the 援助(する) of a small, friendly ghost-thing, to の近くに the 不和s and 回復する peace.

But how? Zelda isn't really one for 戦闘, so she (軍隊を)展開する,配備するs the magical 'echoes' of the game's 肩書を与える ? 召喚するd 見解/翻訳/版s of things she 遭遇(する)s out in the world. Swish! A (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する appears for her to stand on and reach higher areas. Swoosh! A bed on which she can 残り/休憩(する). Shazam! A monster to fight on her に代わって.

Echoes of Wisdom, it's Zelda who gets to do the adventuring ? and she has to rescue the kingdom itself

Echoes of 知恵, it's Zelda who gets to do the adventuring ? and she has to 救助(する) the kingdom itself

It's down to our heroine, with the aid of a small, friendly ghost-thing, to close the rifts and restore peace

It's 負かす/撃墜する to our ヘロイン, with the 援助(する) of a small, friendly ghost-thing, to の近くに the 不和s and 回復する peace

Zelda isn't really one for combat, so she deploys the magical 'echoes' of the game's title

Zelda isn't really one for 戦闘, so she (軍隊を)展開する,配備するs the magical 'echoes' of the game's 肩書を与える

It turns the whole realm into a sort of puzzle space. You'll 絶えず be 人物/姿/数字ing out which combination of items will best help Zelda to proceed.

And it's wonderful that there's often more than one answer. It may look like a cartoonier, more old-fashioned form of Zelda, but Echoes of 知恵 has at least some of the freewheeling experimentalism of 2017's Breath of the Wild and 2023's 涙/ほころびs of the Kingdom.

But like those masterpieces, it is also a little fiddly at times. There are so many items to remember and 交換(する) between that it can いつかs seems as though you're sorting as much as playing. Until, that is, you, Zelda and the ghost-thing 打ち勝つ yet another delightful puzzle ? and feel like total legends.


EA FC 25 (PlayStation, Xbox, PC, Switch, £69.99)

判決: ごくわずかの 伸び(る)s


Another year, another FIFA. 現実に, sorry, I should have remembered that it's been called EA FC since last year, after the good folk at Electronic Arts parted ways with the 疑わしい folk at football's world 治める/統治するing 団体/死体.

And, last year at least, it seemed as though the 指名する was the only thing that changed. EA FC 24, far from 代表するing the 夜明け of a new 時代, was 基本的に just the same old game of FIFA.

Which meant that, a 長,率いる of the 解放(する) of this 最新の incarnation, EA FC 25, I was feeling rather jaded. Would this game do anything ? anything at all ? to revolutionise one of the most complacent (yet lucrative) franchises in all gaming?

And the answer? Hm, not really.

EA FC 24, far from representing the dawn of a new era, was basically just the same old game of FIFA

EA FC 24, far from 代表するing the 夜明け of a new 時代, was 基本的に just the same old game of FIFA

A charitable interpretation is that EA has spent the past year fixing the basics of this game of football

A charitable 解釈/通訳 is that EA has spent the past year 直す/買収する,八百長をするing the basics of this game of foo tball

There are definitely some welcome 新規加入s in EA FC 25, starting with the new '急ぐ' 方式 and its 急速な/放蕩な-paced, 支配するs-bending matches of five-a-味方する, and continuing with the (daftly 指名するd) FC IQ feature that 許すs for more 精製するd, player-by-player 戦術の configurations. I even 設立する myself enjoying the 改造するd 地位,任命する-match 最高潮の場面s editing 審査する.

But all of this is iteration rather 革新, and most of it should have happened years ago. At last, for instance, 天候 条件s can make an appreciable difference to the on-field play. Wow!

A charitable 解釈/通訳 is that EA has spent the past year 直す/買収する,八百長をするing the basics of this game of football. But my own sense of charity rather depends on what happens next.

Will EA FC 26 be more of the same old, same old? Or will the good folk at Electronic Arts 証明する their 価値(がある) by innovating like they (s ometimes) did during the FIFA years, like that time when they introduced the delightfully soap オペラ-ish 'The 旅行' 方式? The beautiful game deserves more.