'Shut up you're annoying me!' The 封鎖する's Sara Vale snaps at husband Hayden as they continue to fight after breaking 負かす/撃墜する in 涙/ほころびs over their '激しい' marriage

The 圧力 of Tuesday night's Styling to Sell challenge 証明するd all too much for The 封鎖する's Sara Vale.?

During a shopping spree with husband Hayden, the 31-year-old snapped at her partner while racing 一連の会議、交渉/完成する Melbourne for 高級な furniture.?

Sara's abrupt 爆発 comes after she broke 負かす/撃墜する during Monday's episode - 自白するing she feels like she's '絶えず 溺死するing' in their marriage.?

'Shut up you're annoying me': The Block's Sara Vale snapped at husband Hayden as they continued to fight after breaking down in tears over their 'intense' marriage on Monday

'Shut up you're annoying me': The 封鎖する's Sara Vale snapped at husband Hayden as they continued to fight after breaking 負かす/撃墜する in 涙/ほころびs over their '激しい' marriage on Monday

The atmosphere between the couple first turned 消極的な as Hayden 試みる/企てるd to help Sara 選ぶ out furniture - a 仕事 she usually does alone.

'When it comes to shopping and stuff I’m like, "You stay in your domain and I'll stay in 地雷,"' she said.

'He felt that he needed to help me make 決定/判定勝ち(する)s.'

にもかかわらず an unimpressed Hayden 答える/応じるing,?'I reckon I need some imput,' Sara snapped: 'You need to shush.'

Feeling the pressure: The couple bickered as Hayden attempted to help Sara pick out furniture, a job she usually does solo, and continued to argue while driving?

Feeling the 圧力: The couple bickered as Hayden 試みる/企てるd to help Sara 選ぶ out furniture, a 職業 she usually does 単独の, and continued to argue while 運動ing?

The 演劇 then continued as they drove 支援する from the 蓄える/店 with their 購入(する)s.

A misplaced piece of paper relating to a bed order led to even more raised 発言する/表明するs between the married couple.?

'Shut up you're annoying me,' Sara spat as they bickered.

As Hayden then asked for a kiss, Sara ignored his request and continued scrolling on her 動きやすい phone in the 乗客 seat.

'We fight at home all the time':?As Hayden then asked for a kiss, Sara ignored his request and continued scrolling on her mobile phone in the passenger seat

'We fight at home all the time':?As Hayden then asked for a kiss, Sara ignored his request and continued scrolling on her 動きやすい phone in the 乗客 seat

Talking about their marriage in a piece to camera together later in the episode, Sara said: 'This is good, at home we fight all the time.'

'We still argue but not as much as I thought we would. It is 現実に bringing us closer together.'?

However, her comments come after a very draining week.?

Breaking down: Sara cried down the phone to a wallpaper saleswoman on Monday while opening up about her marriage problems?

Breaking 負かす/撃墜する: Sara cried 負かす/撃墜する the phone to a wallpaper saleswoman on Monday while 開始 up about her marriage problems?

While 運動ing away from The Gatwick Hotel to 見解(をとる) carpet 見本s on Monday, Sara opened up to a 女性(の) wallpaper saleswoman over the phone.?

She cried: 'Hayden's taking on board everybody else's opinions except for my own and it's 現実に やめる 激しい. Whatever I choose, he's like why did y ou choose this?'

As the 同情的な ear 答える/応じるd that she was 'doing the best' she can, Sara said: 'I feel like I'm just 絶えず 溺死するing.'

'I'm feeling alone because he's not 許すing me to do my 職業 適切に. He's an amazing partner but when things shake me I just think about it a lot.'??

Finding it hard:?'I'm feeling alone because he's not allowing me to do my job properly. He's an amazing partner but when things shake me I just think about it a lot,' Sara sobbed?

Finding it hard:?'I'm feeling alone because he's not 許すing me to do my 職業 適切に. He's an amazing partner but when things shake me I just think about it a lot,' Sara sobbed?

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