Real Housewives Of Dallas 星/主役にする Cary Deuber 発表するs she has been downsized to 'friend' of the series as she 明かすs new reality show

The Real Housewives Of Cary Deuber had two big 告示s to make on Wednesday.?

In a 声明 to Us 週刊誌, the reality 星/主役にする 明らかにする/漏らすd she had downsized her 役割 to 'friend' for season four ーするために 焦点(を合わせる) on her 医療の practice and a new, secret 事業/計画(する).???

Though she did not 明示する what the 事業/計画(する) was in her 声明, Cary 明かすd it on social マスコミ -?a new reality series 焦点(を合わせる)d on her plastic 外科 office, Plump It Up.??

Let's do this! The Real Housewives Of Cary Deuber had two big announcements to make on Wednesday

Let's do this! The Real Housewives Of Cary Deuber had two big 告示s to make on Wednesday

'I will be returning to RHOD as a friend thi s season,' she told Us 週刊誌 in a 声明. 'Our practice has grown so much that I need to 焦点(を合わせる) on managing what we built at Lemmon Avenue Plastic 外科 & レーザー 中心.?

'I'm also working on a new 事業/計画(する) that I'm 最高の excited about and hope to 株 with you soon. Have no 恐れる, you will still see me and my sarcasm on RHOD.'

Cary then 株d a teaser of her new series Plump It Up の上に her Instagram account.???

'I'm so excited to give you a こそこそ動く peek at my new 事業/計画(する) in 開発! #PlumpItUp #PlumpItUpDallas #lipsbydallas,' she 噴出するd in the caption.?

Not everything is always bigger in Texas: Deuber announced she had downgraded her role to 'friend' for season four

Not everything is always bigger in Texas: Deuber 発表するd she had downgraded her 役割 to 'friend' for season four

Hello Housewives:?Cary has starred on The Real Housewives Of Dallas since it's inception in 2016

Hello Housewives:?Cary has starred on The Real Housewives Of Dallas since it's inception in 2016

Before and after:??Plump It Up will share patient success stories, Cary's work as a nurse, as well as various office hijinks

Before and after:??Plump It Up will 株 患者 success stories, Cary's work as a nurse, 同様に as さまざまな office hijinks

'The 説 goes, "everything is bigger in Texas," and this new series 証明するs it’s not just big hair, and big jewels, but BIG 注射s...that make Texans and other fans from around the globe flock to @lemmonavenueplasticsurgery in Dallas, TX.'?

A 登録(する)d nurse, Cary 作品 と一緒に her plastic 外科医 husband 示す Deuber at their Dallas practice Lemmon Avenue Plastic 外科.

Plump It Up will 株 患者 success stories, Cary's work as a nurse, and even some office 演劇.?

Reaction to the new 事業/計画(する) was 圧倒的に 肯定的な, though a few fans were saddened to learn about her 減ずるd 役割 on Bravo.??

Cary has starred on The Real Housewives Of Dallas since it's inception in 2016, and 株 six-year-old daughter Zuri with her husband.?

Teamwork! A registered nurse, the star works alongside her plastic surgeon husband Mark Deuber at their Dallas practice Lemmon Avenue Plastic Surgery

Teamwork! A 登録(する)d nurse, the 星/主役にする 作品 と一緒に her plastic 外科医 husband 示す Deuber at their Dallas practice Lemmon Avenue Plastic 外科


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