Victorian level crossings steam ahead

Victorian level crossings will be 除去するd sooner with the 明言する/公表する 政府 moving ahead on work to 除去する three on the Frankston line.

Level crossing 除去s at Chelsea, Edithvale and Bonbeach will be "急速な/放蕩な-跡をつけるd" to be 完全にするd at the same time from 中央の-2020 to the end of 2022.

作品 will be done to lower the 跡をつける under the road and build three new 駅/配置するs.

"Not only will we get on and 配達する in 十分な our 選挙 かかわり合い to 除去する dangerous and congested level crossings along the Frankston line ... but their 除去 will be 急速な/放蕩な-跡をつけるd," Mr Andrews told reporters on Sunday, 追加するing the design was based on 工学 advice.

"This is a really sensible way to do it and 劇的な 減ずるing the inconvenience to the travelling public both on road 同様に as rail."

If the 作品 had not been done together, it could have taken at least twice as much time, Mr Andrews said.

輸送(する) 組織/基盤/下部構造 Jacinta Allan said Sunday's 告示 brought together five level crossing 除去s into one 事業/計画(する) to be finished by the end of 2022.

対立 leader Michael O'Brien said Mr Andrews had put sky rail where "he doesn't care about the 投票者s" but "in ごくわずかの seats it's done 適切に".

"We shouldn't be playing politics on 組織/基盤/下部構造. It should be based on what's 権利. He is more 利益/興味d in chasing 投票(する)s than he is on 配達するing the 権利 結果s," Mr O'Brien told reporters on Sunday.

The 明言する/公表する 政府 公約するd in October ahead of last year's 選挙 to 除去する an extra 25 level crossings, bringing the total to 75, by 2025.

The remaining 存在するing crossings 推定する/予想するd to go in Melbourne 郊外s 含む Mont Albert, Surrey Hills, Moreland, Glen Huntly and Preston.