Blinken says Saudis not asked to choose between US, 中国

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken struck a conciliatory tone in Riyadh

US 国務長官 Antony Blinken struck a 懐柔的な トン in Riyadh

US 国務長官 Antony Blinken said Saudi Arabia was not 存在 軍隊d to choose between Washington and Beijing, striking a 懐柔的な トン in Riyadh に引き続いて 緊張s with the long-time 同盟(する).

Blinken, appearing と一緒に his Saudi 相当するもの Prince Faisal 貯蔵所 Farhan at the end of a three-day visit, 否定するd that Saudi Arabia's warming 関係 with 中国 were a problem for the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs.

He 追加するd that the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs supported the 人道的な goals that Prince Faisal said were behind 解除するing Syria's 中断 from the アラブ連盟, a move that was 非難するd by Washington.

"We've... been very (疑いを)晴らす we're not asking anyone to choose between the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs and 中国," Blinken told マスコミ after a 会合 of the 全世界の 連合 fighting the Islamic 明言する/公表する group.

"We're 簡単に trying to 論証する the 利益s of our 共同 and the affirmative 協議事項 that we bring."

中国 論証するd its growing clout in the Middle East when it 仲買人d a surprise 親善 between Saudi Arabia a nd Iran in March, seven years after the heavyweights 厳しいd 関係.

Riyadh's 強化するing relations with Beijing follow 最近の 緊張s between Saudi Arabia and the US, its 10年間s-old 安全 guarantor, おもに over human 権利s and oil prices.

- Not '無-sum game' -

Washington is also seen as playing a 減ずるd 役割 in the 地域, where it has long 行為/法令/行動するd as a protector to its 同盟(する)s 含むing Saudi Arabia, the world's biggest oil 輸出業者.

But Prince Faisal said relations with the US and 中国 were not a "無-sum game" for Saudi Arabia.

"We are all 有能な of having 多重の 共同s and 多重の 約束/交戦s and the US does the same in many instances," he said.

"So I'm not caught up in this really 消極的な 見解(をとる) of this. I think we can 現実に build a 共同 that crosses these 国境s."

Blinken (L) appeared alongside Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan

Blinken (L) appeared と一緒に Saudi 外務大臣 Prince Faisal 貯蔵所 Farhan

As if to 論証する these "多重の 共同s", de facto Saudi 支配者 Mohammed 貯蔵所 Salman had a phone conversation with ロシアの 大統領 Vladimir Putin on Wednesday, and also hosted Venezuelan leade r Nicolas Maduro this week.

"保存するing the 安定 of the 全世界の energy market was discussed extensively," a Kremlin 声明 said, referring to the phone call.

- '懐疑的な of Assad' -

Blinken's trip comes at a time of quickly 転換ing 同盟s in the 地域 誘発する/引き起こすd by the 国際間の緊張緩和 between Saudi Arabia and Iran, which 再開するd its 大使館 in Riyadh on Tuesday.

Saudi Arabia has also 再開するd 関係 with Syria, whose leader Bashar al-Assad last month …に出席するd his first アラブ連盟 首脳会議 since the start of Syria's 12-year civil war.

"関わりなく what one thinks about Bashar al-Assad, we took the only pathway to 解決するing the 人道的な challenges that we 直面する in the 影響 of the Syrian 危機," Prince Faisal said.

Blinken said the US did not agree with 解除するing Syria's アラブ連盟 中断, but was 提携させるd with the goals of working に向かって a peace 過程, stopping the re-出現 of IS, 許すing 接近 to 人道的な 援助(する) and stopping the captagon 貿易(する).

"I have to 収容する/認める we are 懐疑的な of Assad's 乗り気 to take the necessary steps, but we're 提携させるd with our partners here on what those steps are, and on the ultimate 的s," he said.

Blinken met Gulf Cooperation Council foreign ministers on Tuesday

Blinken met 湾 協調 会議 外務大臣s on Tuesday

Earlier, the US 誓約(する)d $148 million for stabilisation 成果/努力s in Iraq and Syria and joined Saudi Arabia in 勧めるing Western 明言する/公表するs to 本国に送還する foreign IS 闘士,戦闘機s and their 親族s.

The 大臣の 会合 of the international 連合 against IS 目的(とする)d at raising $601 million for a stabilisation 基金, with $300 million 誓約(する)d so far, a 声明 said.

At the start of Thursday's 開会/開廷/会期, Prince Faisal said it was "disheartening and 絶対 容認できない" that some 豊富な countries had not 本国に送還するd 国民s who had travelled to Iraq and Syria to join IS.

"To those countries, you must step up, you must take your 責任/義務," he said, in comments echoed by Blinken.

The "caliphate", which IS 布告するd across 列s of Iraq and Syria in 2014, was 宣言するd 敗北・負かすd in 2019 に引き続いて 反対する-不快な/攻撃s in both Iraq and Syria.

Thousands of jihadists and their family members continue to be held in 拘留,拘置 centres and informal (軍の)野営地,陣営s where US 指揮官s have 警告するd they could 燃料 an IS 復活.

にもかかわらず repeated calls for their 本国送還, foreign 政府s have 許すd only a trickle to return home, 恐れるing 安全 脅しs and 国内の political (激しい)反発.