Medics 開始する,打ち上げる £1.8m 裁判,公判 to identify heart 患者s for lifesaving 装置s

A £1.8 million 臨床の 裁判,公判 has been 開始する,打ち上げるd with the 目的(とする) of 正確に 的ing heart 患者s who need tiny defibrillators to be fitted under their 肌 with the 目的(とする) of 減ずるing deaths from sudden cardiac 逮捕(する)s.

研究員s believe that those who have scarring on the heart could be more at 危険 of 異常な heart rhythms and, therefore, of cardiac 逮捕(する)s and 可能性のある death from 逮捕(する), so could 潜在的に 利益 the most from having the defibrillators.

Now Phil O’Donoghue, from Chandler’s Ford, Hampshire, has been fitted with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) as the first 患者 to 参加する the British Heart 創立/基礎-基金d 熟考する/考慮する run by the NIHR Southampton 臨床の 裁判,公判s 部隊.

ICDs are small 装置s that are routinely fitted in the chests of 患者s with heart 失敗.

They can stop 異常な rhythms and 扱う/治療する cardiac 逮捕(する) by 配達するing an electric shock to the heart but the 裁判,公判 研究員s say that 現在/一般に some people are 存在 fitted with the 装置s unnecessarily.



Mr O’Donoghue, 53, who 苦しむs from 非,不,無-ischemic cardiomyopathy (NICM) was first 診断するd with heart 失敗 after …に出席するing 事故 and 緊急 in May 2020.

He said: “I was 急ぐd into hospital and 実験(する)s showed my heart’s ejection 率 was 負かす/撃墜する to 24% which meant 血 was not 存在 pumped around my 団体/死体 適切に. I was told there was a 裁判,公判 about to start and that I fitted what they were looking for.”

Dr Andrew Flett, 長,指導者 捜査官/調査官 for the 裁判,公判 from University Hospital Southampton, said: “The 現在の 指導基準s look at how 井戸/弁護士席 the heart is pumping to decide which 患者s should get a defibrillator.

“But for many 患者s who go through the 手続き of having a defibrillator fitted, they will never 現実に see the 装置 誘発する/引き起こすd and may not need it.

“We therefore want to find a better way to 査定する/(税金などを)課す which 患者s will truly 利益 from one of these 装置s.

Dr Andrew Flett (NIHR/PA Wire)

Dr Andrew Flett (NIHR/PA Wire)

“There is 証拠 that scar tissue in the heart muscle may be the 原因(となる) of dangerous heart rhythms for 患者s with NICM. This will be the first ever 裁判,公判 to look at whether the presence of scar tissue can 予報する who should be fitted with an ICD.”

He said an MRI ざっと目を通す was used to (悪事,秘密などを)発見する the presence of scar tissue in the heart and those 患者s were 招待するd into the 裁判,公判.

Professor Sir Nilesh Samani, 医療の director of the British Heart Foundatio n, said: “ICDs are 決定的な 装置s to 扱う/治療する sudden cardiac 逮捕(する) and save lives. But it is important that we continue to 設立する 正確に/まさに which 患者s need them, so that people who are ありそうもない to 利益 do not have to を受ける invasive 手続きs unnecessarily.”

The 裁判,公判, to 伴う/関わる 2,500 患者s, is 現在/一般に open to 患者s at five hospitals in Southampton, Portsmouth, Aberdeen, East Kent and Barts in London, with a その上の 30 場所/位置s to open in the coming months.