'奇蹟' 癌 回復 for Ashya

The parents of five-year-old Ashya King, who were 刑務所,拘置所d when they took him abroad for brain 癌 治療, have 宣言するd their son has made a " 奇蹟" 回復.

They said his life was saved because he was given innovative 陽子 therapy 治療 not 利用できる for him on the NHS.

The 陽子 Therapy Centre (PTC) in Prague, where he received the 治療 last year, said it was "thrilled" to hear news that a 最近の ざっと目を通す showed no 調印する of a tumour.

Ashya King had treatment at the Proton Therapy Centre in Prague for brain cancer (Hampshire Police/PA)

Ashya King had 治療 at the 陽子 Therapy Centre in Prague for brain 癌 (Hampshire Police/PA)

Ashya's mother Naghmeh, who と一緒に her husband Brett 誘発するd an international manhunt last summer by 除去するing the little boy from hospital in Southampton without 医療の 同意, told the Sun the news was "incredible".

"If we had left Ashya with the NHS in Britain, he would not be with us today. He was too weak and would not have 生き残るd," she told the newspaper.

Ashya was finally 許すd to を受ける 治療 at the PTC for brain 癌 after a long 合法的な 戦う/戦い fought by his parents and he has since been 回復するing in Spain.

Jana Kulhankova, marketing director at the centre, said she had not seen the 最新の ざっと目を通す but has been in 正規の/正選手 契約 with Ashya's doctor, Hernan Cortes-Funes, since his 治療 ended.

"Ashya's doctor told me last week that Ashya is doing so 井戸/弁護士席 that he is able to 解放(する) him for rehabilitation.

"If the ざっと目を通すs are showing that Ashya is 癌-解放する/自由な, as Mr King says, than we are thrilled, that is what we have worked for.

"We have no 推論する/理由 to 疑問 Mr King - he does all that is best for his child."

Ashya's father Brett said his son's 条件 now 正当化するs their 活動/戦闘s in taking him from Southampton General Hospital last August to Spain, where they have a holiday home.

He said: "We have saved his life", 追加するing that they would do the same thing again if they felt they had to.

The Kings were 逮捕(する)d in Spain after 逃げるing the UK and spent several nights in 刑務所,拘置所 away from their son, before 存在 解放(する)d .

A High 法廷,裁判所 裁判官 認可するd the move to take Ashya to Prague for 陽子 therapy, which the PTC said is more 効果的な than the 放射線療法 Ashya was 存在 申し込む/申し出d on the NHS.

It 限界s the collateral 損失 of 放射(能) to other 決定的な 組織/臓器s, such as the heart and 肝臓 in Ashya's 事例/患者. This would lead to いっそう少なく 厳しい long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 sid e-影響s 含むing heart and breathing problems.

The centre said it has helped dozens of children to 回復する from 癌.

The therapy was not 利用できる for him on the NHS, although the health service later agreed to 基金 Ashya's 治療.

The family, who have 以前 spoken of their 逮捕 over returning to the UK for 恐れる social services would get 伴う/関わるd, are staying in Marbella where Ashya will continue his 回復.

Dr Nick Plowman, 上級の 臨床の oncologist at 広大な/多数の/重要な Ormond Street children's hospital, told BBC 無線で通信する 4's World At One: "It's very gratifying to hear that he is in remission, and if time goes on and he 持つ/拘留するs that remission, hopefully that equates with cure.

"I do not agree that he could not have been in a 類似の 状況/情勢 had he had 正統派の X-ray 放射線療法, which is going on to a very high 基準 in all the departments in this country.

"That's not to say there are no advantages of 陽子s, but I think we could have 達成するd the remission he is in now with 基準 放射線療法."

Dr Plowman 追加するd: "This country sends だいたい 150 selected children to the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs for 陽子 beam 放射線療法 every year, so we recognise the advantages and send that number of children abroad for 陽子s.

"The 器具/備品 is 極端に expensive, and that's why it's been difficult for us to have 接近 to as many machines as we want. To the credit of the NHS, we are 基金ing two cyclotron-based 陽子 systems for this country, in London and in Manchester, but it's taken so long in 調達 that the 科学(工学)技術 has 前進するd during that 調達 過程.

"We believe that the newer-世代 machines , in particular the machine invented by the 粒子 physicists at Cern, will 追いつく and 取って代わる the 現在の cyclotron-based machines within a very short space of time."