Algeria 一時的に 避難させるs Turkish 労働者s after IS 脅し - sources

By Lamine Chikhi

ALGIERS, March 23 (Reuters) - Algerian 当局 一時的に 避難させるd nearly 100 Turkish construction 労働者s from a roadway 事業/計画(する) east of Algiers as a 警戒 after a 脅し from 交戦的なs (v)提携させる(n)支部,加入者d with Islamic 明言する/公表する, 安全 sources said on Monday.

The 手段 強調するs growing 関心 over 交戦的な attacks in North Africa に引き続いて last week's Bardo museum 大虐殺 of foreign tourists in Tunisia and Islamic 明言する/公表する's growing presence in 隣人ing Libya.

The Turkish 労働者s were 避難させるd for 24 hours as a "preventative" 手段 but returned to the Kabilye 地域 east of the 資本/首都 on Monday. A French tourist was kidnapped and beheaded in the area by Islamic 明言する/公表する 現体制支持者/忠臣s last year. (Editing by Patrick Markey; editing by Ralph Boulton)