Putin stands by 中国, criticises U.S., in 貿易(する), Huawei 論争s

By Andrey Ostroukh and Katya Golubkova

ST PETERSBURG, June 7 (Reuters) - 積極的な U.S. 策略 such as a (選挙などの)運動をする against Chinese telecoms 会社/堅い Huawei will lead to 貿易(する) wars - and かもしれない real wars - ロシアの 大統領 Vladimir Putin said on Friday, in a show of 団結 with 中国 と一緒に its leader Xi Jinping.

In some of his strongest words on the 支配する, Putin (刑事)被告 Washington of "unbridled 経済的な egoism", 選び出す/独身ing out U.S. 成果/努力s to 妨害する a ロシアの gas pipeline to Europe and a U.S. (選挙などの)運動をする to 説得する countries to 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 Huawei, the world's biggest telecoms 器具/備品 製造者, from 供給(する)ing 網状組織 gear.

His broadside, at an 経済的な 会議 in St Petersburg on the same 壇・綱領・公約 as Xi, was a (疑いを)晴らす show of まとまり with 中国 at a time when Beijing is locked in a 貿易(する) war with Washington and Moscow's own 関係 with the West are at a 地位,任命する-冷淡な War low.

"明言する/公表するs which 以前 促進するd 自由貿易 with honest and open 競争 have started speaking the language of 貿易(する) wars and 許可/制裁s, of open 経済的な (警察の)手入れ,急襲ing using arm-新たな展開ing and 脅す 策略, of 除去するing competitors using いわゆる 非,不,無-market methods," said Putin.

"Look for example at the 状況/情勢 around Huawei which they are trying not to just squeeze out, but to 無作法に 押し進める out of the 全世界の market. It's already 存在 called the first 科学技術の war of the 現れるing 数字表示式の 時代 in some circles."

The world 危険d slipping into an 時代 when "general international 支配するs will be 交流d for the 法律s of 行政の and 合法的な 機械装置s ... which is how the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs is unfortunately behaving, spreading its 裁判権 over the whole world," 追加するd Putin.

"...It's a path to endless 衝突s, 貿易(する) wars and maybe not just 貿易(する) wars. Figuratively speaking, it's a path to 戦う/戦いs without 支配するs that 炭坑,オーケストラ席 everyone against everyone else."

中国's Xi struck a more 懐柔的な トン, calling for world 力/強力にするs to 保護する the g lobal 多国間の 貿易(する) system.

Russia has long complained about Western 許可/制裁s 課すd on it over 論争s 含むing its behaviour in ウクライナ共和国. Moscow casts the 制限s as an 試みる/企てる to 含む/封じ込める its growth.

Washington has asked countries to 拒絶する Huawei 科学(工学)技術 in the 開発 of new 動きやすい phone 網状組織s, arguing that it could be 攻撃を受けやすい to Chinese eavesdropping. Huawei 否定するs its 器具/備品 is a 安全 危険. (付加 報告(する)/憶測ing by Vladimir Soldatkin, Anastasia Lyrchikova, Tom Balmforth, Polina Ivanova, Olesya Astakhova, Daria Korsunskaya 令状ing by Andrew Osborn Editing by Peter Graff)