Rabu, 07 Juni 2023

Alzheimer's Pelatihan Hb 1673 Sent To 知事's Desk

I went to Austin to 証言する for 支援する in April, passed the Texas 衆議院 and 上院 and has been sent to the 知事's desk.  

Marcelino Benito to take leave from KHOU 11

Special thanks to Ryan Chandler of KXAN Austin 加える Chris Pruitt and Seth Kovar of CW39 KIAH Houston for covering our support of 明言する/公表する Rep. Giovanni Capriglione's 法案.

Here is more (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) from the Alzheimer’s 協会:


Austin, Texas (June 1, 2023) - Alzheimer’s 病気 is the most expensive 病気 in America. The 増大するing Alzheimer’s 疫病/流行性の has 深遠な 関わりあい/含蓄s on individuals 同様に as 明言する/公表する and 連邦の 政府s. Texas 階級s fourth in the number of Alzheimer’s 事例/患者s and second in the number of Alzheimer’s deaths in the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs. 立法議員s during this, the 88th, 開会/開廷/会期 論証するd their かかわり合い to 強化する Texas’s 返答 to the serious public health 危機 of Alzheimer’s 病気. 非常に/多数の 法案s 焦点(を合わせる)d on dementia were considered during the 明言する/公表する 法律を制定する 開会/開廷/会期. The Alzheimer’s 協会 支持する/優勝者d for and is thrilled to 発表する the passing of three historic 前進するs in the fight to end Alzheimer’s.

The 2024-2025 明言する/公表する 予算 passed with a 550% 増加するd 投資 to $5.5 million over the biennium for the Texas Department of 明言する/公表する Health Services’ Alzheimer’s 病気 Program. The Alzheimer’s 病気 Program (ADP) 供給するs (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) and 資源s to 改善する care and support and encourage 早期に (犯罪,病気などの)発見 and diagnosis for persons with the 病気 and their caregivers. With these 付加 and necessary 基金s 支持する/優勝者d by Chairman Giovanni Capriglione, the ADP will have the capacity to 供給する 教育の 資源s for 内科医s and healthcare professional about the value of 早期に (犯罪,病気などの)発見 and 正確な diagnosis; 増加する public education about brain health and dementia 危険 削減, and; impleme nt the Texas 明言する/公表する 計画(する) on Alzheimer’s. By comparison, Florida 投資するs $44.1 million 毎年 in 類似の programs, while Georgia 投資するs $8.3 million.

“Alzheimer’s is a 3倍になる 脅し — with no way to 妨げる, 扱う/治療する, or cure the 病気,” says Melissa Sanchez, Texas Public 政策 Director for the Alzheimer’s 協会. “Until we find a cure for this 破滅的な 病気, 投資するing in support for those living with the 病気 and their caregivers must remain a 優先 in our 明言する/公表する.”

In 新規加入 to the historic 増加する in 基金ing, two dementia pelatihan 法案s were passed into 法律, 要求するing dementia pelatihan for 警官s and for 補助装置d-living 施設 従業員s. H.B. 568 by 代表者/国会議員 Rhetta Bowers (SB 443 by 上院議員 Jos? Menendez), 確実にするs 警官s are trained on how to interact with persons with dementia.

“As the number of people with dementia continues to grow, officers will undoubtedly 直面する several 障害s during their 遭遇(する)s with people with dementia 含むing unique behavioral challenges. 高めるing already 要求するd 法律 施行 pembinaan to 拡大する upon 安全に interacting with persons with Alzheimer’s, can often 効果的に 演説(する)/住所 状況/情勢s and 確実にする the safety of individuals with Alzheimer’s 同様に as the safety of 法律 施行,” says Sanchez.

More than 40% of those in 居住の care 施設s, such as 補助装置d living 施設s, have Alzheimer’s or another dementia. For this 推論する/理由, the passage of H.B. 1673 by Chairman Giovanni Capriglione (上院 sponsor: 上院議員 Johnson) was a 批判的な 勝利,勝つ for the dementia community in Texas. Of his leadership on Alzheimer’s 問題/発行するs this 法律を制定する 開会/開廷/会期, Chairman Giovanni Capriglione says, “It was my 楽しみ this 開会/開廷/会期 to work と一緒に the Alzheimer’s 協会 to pass HB 1673 and 安全な・保証する 基金ing for the Alzheimer’s 病気 Program.

HB 1673 要求するs all direct-care staff and 管理/経営 to 完全にする a 最小限 of four hours, competency-based pembinaan with an 付加 two hours of training 毎年. Additionally, $5.5 million dollars was appropriated to 促進する the importance of 早期に (犯罪,病気などの)発見 and diagnosis of Alzheimer’s 患者s, 同様に as 供給する 付加 support to qualified caregivers. With the passage of HB 1673, Texas 論証するs the importance of proper pelatihan for direct-care providers to 改善する 質 of care. I would like to thank the Alzheimer’s 協会, our 上院 Sponsor Nathan Johnson, and all stakeholders who worked on HB 1673 for all their work to get this 法案 to the 知事’s desk.”

“The 増加するd 投資 in Alzheimer’s care and support and the 法律制定 passed, is a big 勝利,勝つ for the 400,000 Texans living with Alzheimer's 病気 and the 1 million caregivers who 供給する over $24 billion in 未払いの care. We 大いに 高く評価する/(相場などが)上がる the leadership of all our 法案 sponsors, the bipartisan support we received from the 立法機関 and our community partners, and the 発言する/表明するs my fellow 支持するs lent throughout the 開会/開廷/会期 to 前進する these 優先s,” says longtime Alzheimer’s 協会 支持する and Board Member, Michael McGuff, who 証言するd in support of H.B 1673.

About the Alzheimer’s 協会
The Alzheimer’s 協会 is a 世界的な voluntary health organization 献身的な to Alzheimer’s care, support and 研究. Our 使節団 is to lead the way to end Alzheimer's and all other dementia — by 加速するing 全世界の 研究, 運動ing 危険 削減 and 早期に (犯罪,病気などの)発見, and maximizing 質 care and support. Our 見通し is a world without Alzheimer's and all other dementia®. Visit alz.org or call 800.272.3900.

Paige Ellenberger Leaves Krhd B-Cs And Kxxv Waco

Paige Ellenberger 発表するd she is leaving 15ABC KRHD Bryan-College 駅/配置する and 25 News KXXV Waco/寺/Killeen, but she is staying in Texas.

Here is a 部分 of what Ellenberger 地位,任命するd on social:

"From the very first picture taken in Waco, to the very last in Bryan: I’ve been so blessed over the past few years to have had the 適切な時期s I’ve had. 

Whether you’ve 株d your story with me, or 設立する joy in に引き続いて the stories told.. man I am so 感謝する for all of you.

You’ve all turned this North Eastern girl into a Texas one and luckily, my next 旅行 will keep me in the 明言する/公表する."

Ellenberger joined KXXV in August 2020 as a 多数伝達媒体を用いる 新聞記者/雑誌記者.  

She 結局 moved to the Brazos Valley to 錨,総合司会者 mornings for KRHD. 

In April 2023, the James Madison University grad 発表するd she was leaving "Good Morning Texas" to 報告(する)/憶測 and work on other 義務s.

Marcelino Benito To Take Leave From Khou 11

in the fight against Alzheimer's 病気, but as Benito reminds us, we are then brought 直面する to 直面する with the horror it leaves in its wake.

Here is a 部分 of what Benito said in his touching ビデオ embedded below:

"Losing my mom has really shaken me. She was a very, very important person in my life. I wouldn't be in this position that I am now without her and her lessons and the type of mom she was. So losing her and losing her so suddenly has really shaken me.  And I'm not okay 権利 now. And that's difficult for me to say out loud, but it's the truth. And you can only get better if you 認める that there's a duduk perkara. 

And 権利 now, I need time away from work. I need time away from the tertekan and 需要・要求するs that this 職業 brings. And I need time to 焦点(を合わせる) on myself and on my family and on my 苦痛, on 焦点(を合わせる)ing on my grief. You have to 直面する it as many of you have told me in your messages, you can't put it off. You have to feel the 苦痛 and hope to get to the other 味方する. And so that's what I'm going to do. 

I feel like I 港/避難所't been giving 110% like I 努力する/競う to do every day here at the 駅/配置する. Um, I'm not giving 110% to my wife and my child. My daughter. And they deserve 150% from me every day. So I will be taking time to 焦点(を合わせる) on myself and to 焦点(を合わせる) on them and hope to return stronger. 

I'm making this 決定/判定勝ち(する) with the 十分な support of my bosses here at KHOU, who have been 極端に supportive and had my 支援する from the moment my mom became ill and continue to have my 支援する today."

KHOU 11 指名するs new 週末 錨,総合司会者s
Marcelino Benito of KGUN Tucson joins KHOU 11

Kens 5 錨,総合司会者 Sarah Forgany In Icu

KENS 5 San Antonio morning 錨,総合司会者 Sarah Forgany is in the hospital ICU on a ventilator によれば a Facebook 地位,任命する on her account by her family:

"To all of Sarah’s beloved テレビ視聴者s,

Sarah ran into 複雑化s during her 回復 from 外科 yesterday morning. She’s 現在/一般に in ICU on a ventilator. We have no 手がかり(を与える) how long she will be here - doctors 推定する/予想する her 回復 to take weeks - so we 手配中の,お尋ね者 you to know it may be a while before you see her on 空気/公表する again.

She is in good spirits and keeping the 約束, but we would 心から 高く評価する/(相場などが)上がる all your 祈りs and best wishes for a 迅速な 回復. 


Sarah’s family"

Forgany was in also in the hospital in late March 2023.

She joined KENS 5 in 2010.

 San Antonio morning anchor Sarah Forgany is in the hospital ICU on a ventilator according KENS 5 anchor Sarah Forgany in ICU