Maybe the Tories are doomed, but at least under a reinvigorated Rishi they won't go 負かす/撃墜する without a fight, 令状s LEO McKINSTRY

After the 劇の passage of his 旗艦 Rwanda 法案 through 議会 早期に yesterday morning, Rishi Sunak was in 反抗的な mood. 'Nothing is going to stand in our way,' he 宣言するd.

Just a few months ago, such a 声明 might have smacked of hubris, but the 総理大臣 took a 抱擁する 危険 in 火刑/賭けるing his 当局 on this 手段, and the 賭事 appears ― 権利 now, at least ― to have worked.

The moment the 法案 was finally passed was not only a 決定的な victory for the 政府, but also his own very personal 勝利.

The Prime Minister took a huge risk in staking his authority on Rwanda policy, and the gamble appears ? right now, at least ? to have worked

The 総理大臣 took a 抱擁する 危険 in 火刑/賭けるing his 当局 on Rwanda 政策, and the 賭事 appears ― 権利 now, at least ― to have worked

Some members of his 閣僚 thought he was 危険に misguided in 焦点(を合わせる)ing so much energy and political 資本/首都 on his Rwanda 計画(する), which 目的(とする)s to 阻止する crossings of the English Channel by 確実にするing 違法な migrants are sent to the central African 共和国.

'He is a really bad 政治家,政治屋,' said one 大臣 just before Christmas, arguing that Sunak had chosen the wrong battleground.


But unlike his critics, the 総理大臣 recognised that 過激な 活動/戦闘 is needed to の近くに 負かす/撃墜する the illicit cross-Channel 貿易(する) run by the people-trafficking ギャング(団)s.

Not only have the numbers become unsustainable, but the 大勝する 代表するs a mortal 脅し to the safety of 攻撃を受けやすい people desperate to make it to our shores, a 危険 that was thrown into sharp 救済 only yesterday by the death of five migrants ― 含むing a little girl ― who'd 試みる/企てるd the crossing.

It cannot be 否定するd that many 障害物s 嘘(をつく) ahead. Left-wing lawyers 代表するing migrants who 捜し出す to 避ける 国外追放 will 徹底的に捜す the small print of the 法律制定 in search of any (法などの)抜け穴 that might serve their 原因(となる). 対抗者s of a 厳重取締, who love to 布告する their 恐らく 人道的な values, will 捜し出す to 勝利,勝つ in the 法廷,裁判所 of public opinion.

The PM, pictured talking to reporters en route to Poland yesterday, recognised that radical action is needed to close down the illicit cross-Channel trade run by people-trafficking gangs

The PM, pictured talking to reporters en 大勝する to Poland yesterday, recognised that 過激な 活動/戦闘 is needed to の近くに 負かす/撃墜する the illicit cross-Channel 貿易(する) run by people-trafficking ギャング(団)s

But 投票者s are heartily fed up with the toleration of a ゆすり that 許すs migrants ― most of them fit, young men ― to jump the 列 to enter Britain.

Through his 決意 to stick to his 計画(する), the 総理大臣 has also exposed the emptiness of 労働's 対立. Beyond trumpeting their moral 優越, 労働 has nothing to 申し込む/申し出. The 対立 会談 about '粉砕するing the ギャング(団)s' ― as if that had never been tried ― and about '安全な 大勝するs', but this is meaningless code for open 国境s.

The reality is that against all 半端物s, the 総理大臣 has driven through an 率先 that could have a real 衝撃.

And if the 計画(する)s do start to take off for Rwanda with 得点する/非難する/20s of 被追放者s on board, the narrative will be transformed. The Tories could begin to eat into 労働's 20-point lead in the 投票s.

Yet even before any 航空機 take to the skies, Sunak's own image has been 高めるd by his resolute 扱うing of this 問題/発行する. For months he has been written off as a dithering 技術家出身の管理職者, too immersed in the 詳細(に述べる) of 政策 to make 決定的な 介入s.

But now an 代案/選択肢 picture is 現れるing: that of a leader of uncompromising perseverance whose work ethic is matched by an inner steel. And にもかかわらず the admittedly dismal prospects of the Tories, Sunak seems to have grown in stature.

Yesterday, as part of his new, tougher approach, he 発表するd that defence spending will 増加する to 2.5 per cent of GDP by 2030 ― an uplift of at least £75 billion on the 現在の 予算 and a victory for this paper in its powerful (選挙などの)運動をする against the neglect of the 武装した 軍隊s.

This 告示 followed his 誓約(する) last week to 取り組む the 'sick-公式文書,認める culture' which is 土台を崩すing our economy by 供給するing perverse incentives to the 失業した and fostering a spirit of 福利事業 dependency.

In the same vein, his 政府 has been strong in its defence of イスラエル and ウクライナ共和国, and he and (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 Jeremy 追跡(する) have brought 支援する 安定 to the economy after Liz Truss's 悲惨な (一定の)期間 in 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金.

In contrast to her recklessness, which 脅すd a 財政上の 炉心溶融, Sunak's 経済的な stewardship is built on Tory 原則s of sound money, the 昇進/宣伝 of 企業 and living within one's means.

It was always a myth ― cultivated by his enemies in the party ― that he is not a 'true 保守的な'.

In fact, he is a stronger 信奉者 in 会計の 抑制 than either Truss or her 前任者 Boris Johnson, who once compared his fondness for big-明言する/公表する 組織/基盤/下部構造 事業/計画(する)s with that of the arch interventionist Michael Heseltine. 'I'm a Brexity Hezza,' he 宣言するd.

It took a man of Sunak's guts to bring the HS2 gravy train to a 停止(させる) ― and put the ブレーキs on the mad dash to 逮捕する 無.

In fact, much of the 減らすing of the PM's 評判 is built on a caricature. His detractors 主張する that he leads a 'zombie' 政府 without a sense of 目的 but, in truth, his 記録,記録的な/記録する in office is more impressive than is usually 認める.

It could be argued that he has done more than any other 政治家,政治屋 in the past 20 years to save the union between England and Scotland.

For it was his 決定/判定勝ち(する) to 封鎖する the Scottish 国家主義者s' Gender 承認 法案 which had been passed by the Scottish 議会 and would have made Scotland the first part of the UK to introduce a self-身元確認,身分証明 system for people who want to change gender.

Migrants cross the Channel on a dangerously overloaded small boat in March

Migrants cross the Channel on a 危険に 積みすぎる small boat in March

It was a 高度に 議論の的になる move and 最終的に led to the downfall of Nicola Sturgeon. The SNP has been in 危機 ever since.

Yet at the time, Sunak (機の)カム in for 厳しい criticis m, even from his own party, for challenging the Scottish 国家主義者s' 政策.

A Tory member of the Scottish 議会, Jamie Greene, 述べるd his move as a 'gift to proponents of independence', and the One-Nation Tory 改革(する) Group said his 封鎖する on Sturgeon's 法律制定 was '深く,強烈に 関心ing' and would 'play into the 手渡すs of the SNP'.

How wrong they were. Sunak's sound judgment was also evident in his 交渉 of the Windsor 枠組み, which settled the 条件 of the EU's 貿易(する) relations with 地位,任命する-Brexit Northern Ireland and 覆うd the way for the return of the devolved 議会 in Belfast.

In reconciling the 相違する approaches of the Tories, the EU, Sinn Fein and, 最終的に, the Democratic Unionists, he 明らかにする/漏らすd himself to be a true political 操作者.

予測s of a major 反乱 by Tory Euro-sceptics never materialised, for Sunak had read the room better than his critics.

He is far from out of the 支持を得ようと努めるd yet, of course. Westminster is 絶えず abuzz with 憶測 about leadership 企て,努力,提案s, and such talk will no 疑問 be 新たにするd when the party 耐えるs another 大打撃を与えるing at the 地元の 選挙s next week.

Sunak can certainly come across as 木造の and over-rehearsed, but 非,不,無 of his 可能性のある 後継者s ― such as 商売/仕事 長官 Kemi Badenoch, defence 長官 認める Shapps or leader of the ありふれたs Penny Mordaunt ― has anything like his 当局, 知識人 firepower or sense of 目的.

'He is a 完全にする machine. I have never seen anything like it,' says one 公式の/役人 who worked at the 財務省 when Sunak was (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長.

William Hague, his 前任者 as MP for Richmond (Yorks), is 確かな of the 総理大臣's 質s: 'I struggle to 解任する anyone with stronger せいにするs of 知能, thoughtfulness and self-discipline.' And, as his 最近の pronouncements have shown, he is committed to Tory 原則s.

?The 保守的な 原因(となる) may 井戸/弁護士席 be doomed, but at least under Sunak they will go 負かす/撃墜する fighting.