What a pair of wimps Simon 事例/患者 and Richard Moore are for 辞職するing from the Garrick Club - The ロシアのs and Chinese must be laughing themselves silly, 令状s an 匿名の/不明の club member

The 辞職 of Simon 事例/患者, our most 上級の civil servant, and Sir Richard Moore, 長,率いる of MI6, in reaction to the 出版(物) of the Garrick Club's 会員の地位 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) is absurd and worrying.

These two men are supposed to be ? それぞれ ? running the country and keeping it 安全な from 敵意を持った foreign 力/強力にするs.

Yet, at the first 調印する of 後継の 解雇する/砲火/射撃 from a Left-wing newspaper, the 後見人, which criticised them for belonging to a club that 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業s women members, they すぐに waved the white 旗, 辞職するd and apologised abjectly for the appalling 罪,犯罪 of having the 時折の lunch or drink in the convivial atmosphere of a 選び出す/独身-sex 私的な club.

The ロシアの and Chinese secret services must be laughing themselves silly at the absurd spectacle of James 社債's boss, 'C', 崩壊するing at the slightest 批評 from the 軍隊s of political correctness.

It is a troubling 調印する of the times that, at the first whiff of displeasure from the Offencerati, people such as Moore and 事例/患者 feel compelled to make pathetic excuses ? 事例/患者 (人命などを)奪う,主張するd to have joined the Garrick ーするために work from the inside to get the 禁止(する) on 女性(の) members overturned ? and then 洞穴 in.

The Garrick is a melting pot of professions who socialise, exchange ideas and learn from each other without fear of being cancelled for holding the 'wrong' opinion

The Garrick is a melting マリファナ of professions who socialise, 交流 ideas and learn from each other without 恐れる of 存在 cancelled for 持つ/拘留するing the 'wrong' opinion

Such a kneejerk reaction is utterly pathetic. It certainly doesn't say much for their backbone or character. I 疑問 they 辞職するd of their own volition. So who was 適用するing the thumbscrews? Undoubtedly someone in Whitehall, as this 保守的な 行政 落ちるs over itself to be more 権利-on than any 政府 in history.

I would wager that most of my fellow members would agree with me that, however much they were 圧力d and cajoled, they should have stood 会社/堅い rather than 許すing themselves to be いじめ(る)d by the woke 旅団.

Some 女性(の) lawyers cl 目的(とする) that 存在 閉めだした from 会員の地位 of the Garrick 妨げるs their career, as they can't hobnob with 上級の male lawyers who are members there unless they are 招待するd as guests. (Women are welcome, of course, just not as members. And that 控訴s most of them 罰金.)

But the whole point of the Garrick is that it is for 楽しみ, not 商売/仕事. It is very much not a 網状組織ing 発生地. Indeed, 商売/仕事 会合s are 特に 無法者d. It is a melting マリファナ of professions ? actors, 外科医s, writers, musicians and, yes, lawyers ? who socialise, 交流 ideas and learn from each other without 恐れる of 存在 cancelled for 持つ/拘留するing the 'wrong' opinion. It is one of the few places left where people can agree to 同意しない.

I 恐れる that the real 推論する/理由 that Left-wingers loathe the Garrick is not because of 不平等, or exclusivity, but 簡単に jealousy. Such spitefulness is, sadly, a hallmark of the modern Left. If you don't understand it, or can't 接近 it, then it must be destroyed.

Senior civil servant Simon Case claimed to have joined the Garrick in order to work from the inside to get the ban on female members overturned ? and then caved in

上級の civil servant Simon 事例/患者 (人命などを)奪う,主張するd to have joined the Garrick ーするために work from the inside to get the 禁止(する) on 女性(の) members overturned ? and then 洞穴d in

Sir Richard Moore, head of MI6, also resigned in reaction to the publication of the Garrick Club's membership list

Sir Richard Moore, 長,率いる of MI6, also 辞職するd in reaction to the 出版(物) of the Garrick Club's 会員の地位 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)

Previous 世代s of the Left were not so small-minded. The 後見人's own former editor, Alan Rusbridger, was a member for many years, and its illustrious former political editor Michael White still is. Amusingly, the distinguished 女性(の) 新聞記者/雑誌記者 who wrote the Garrick 'expos?' in the 後見人 is the daughter-in-法律 of a Garrick member: Stanley Johnson, father of Boris 同様に as Ms Amelia Gentleman's husband Jo.

Other 現在の members 含む self-布告するd feminist Benedict Cumberbatch, along with BBC luminaries such as Clive Myrie, John Simpson, Jim Naughtie, Michael Buerk and Jeremy Paxman.

Will the BBC, that high-寺 of wokery, now 圧力 them all to 辞職する?

Unlike many other members' clubs, the Garrick is financially 井戸/弁護士席-endowed. It owns its own 所有物/資産/財産 and it 利益s from a 遺産/遺物 left by A. A. Milne, which gives it a 確かな resilience from attacks and 試みる/企てるs to destroy it. Will the wokerati 取り消す Winnie-the-Pooh next?

Now that men like 事例/患者 and Moore have 許すd themselves to be いじめ(る)d by the thought police, where will it end?

If we can't rely on two people who should be 保護(する)/緊急輸入制限ing our freedoms to stand up to such illiberal attacks, that is troubling indeed. What a pair of wimps!