BORIS JOHNSON: If ウクライナ共和国 落ちるs, it'll be a 壊滅的な turning point in history - and an utter humiliation for the West... Why the hell are we waiting to give this heroic nation the 武器s it needs?

But why the 延期する? What the hell has got into us? If the war in ウクライナ共和国 ends in 災害 then it will be for one 推論する/理由 only ― because of the dithering, doddering drift of the West.

Every month that we wait is a month in which more Ukrainian children are 爆弾d and killed.

Every week in which we fail to do the obvious ― and give the Ukrainians the 武器s they need ― is a week in which Putin gets closer to his disgusting ambition, to 拷問 a European country to death.

Every day the 圧力 on the Ukrainians is growing ― and yet the 解答 is within our しっかり掴む.

Boris Johnson on a visit to Kyiv in January last year. 'We have it in our power to give the Ukrainians what they need,' the former prime minister writes

Boris Johnson on a visit to Kyiv in January last year. 'We have it in our 力/強力にする to give the Ukrainians what they need,' the former 首相 令状s

We know what to do. We have done it before and we can easily do it again.

When Ronald Reagan won the 冷淡な War ― with the 信頼できる support of Margaret Thatcher ― he 後継するd because of the 緊急 and 決意 with which he 直面するd the problem.

He could see, with total moral clarity, that the U.S. was engaged in a titanic struggle: between freedom and tyranny.

So he (機の)カム up with a 解答 that was made possible by the very 経済的な freedom in which he believed. After years of 共産主義者 圧迫 in the Soviet Union, the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs had become so incomparably richer that he was able massively to outspend Moscow.

He used the sheer throw-負わせる of American 軍の spending to 脅迫してさせる the ロシアのs, 軍隊 them to the 交渉するing (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する, and to begin a 過程 that led to the break-up of the Soviet empire.

For dozens of benighted 全住民s, across eastern Europe and around the old Soviet Union, it was the 夜明け of freedom.

When the Berlin 塀で囲む (機の)カム 負かす/撃墜する, it was the most joyous political moment of my lifetime. For hundreds of millions of people, it meant the end of the 警察国家 and the midnight knock on the door. It was an end to the terror of the Securitate and the Stasi, of child ren 存在 paid to grass up their parents, and of people 存在 sent to 刑務所,拘置所 ― in their thousands ― 簡単に because they had the courage to dissent from the 共産主義者 政権.

It was a moment of total moral, 経済的な and political 勝利 for Western ideas of freedom; and yet all those 伸び(る)s are now at 危険. The world in 2024 is on a knife-辛勝する/優位, with a real 危険 that Western 僕主主義s are about to be humiliated, and 専制政治s emboldened around the world ― because of our lassitude, our pathetic 拒絶 to do what is necessary.

Think 支援する to what would have happened if ― as so many 専門家s 予報するd ― Putin had 後継するd in his blitzkrieg of February 2022. Think what would have happened if he had 征服する/打ち勝つd the whole of ウクライナ共和国, 含むing Kyiv.

Boris, pictured with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in April 2022, writes that 'defeat for Ukraine would usher in a new era of fear in the whole Euro-Atlantic area'

Boris, pictured with Ukrainian 大統領 Volodymyr Zelensky in April 2022, 令状s that '敗北・負かす for ウクライナ共和国 would 勧める in a new 時代 of 恐れる in the whole Euro-大西洋 area'

It would of have meant the end of Ukrainian 僕主主義 and the 創造 of a vassal 明言する/公表する; and ーするために 確実にする the obedience of the newly subjugated 全住民 Putin would have followed the hideous playbook he has used in those parts of ウクライナ共和国 he has already 逮捕(する)d: 軍隊d Russification, systematic 殺人 of any who resist and the taking of Ukrainian children to Russia for brainwashing.

公式文書,認める how Putin runs his own country ― 狙撃 新聞記者/雑誌記者s, flagrantly 殺人ing political 対抗者s such as Alexei Navalny.

That was so nearly the 運命/宿命 of the whole of ウクライナ共和国 and the only 推論する/理由 it did not happen was that the Ukrainians disproved Putin’s own 論題/論文, and fought like lions for the country they love. The 推論する/理由 they 後継するd so spectacularly was that they ha d already been given 決定的な Western support, 含むing anti-戦車/タンク ミサイルs from the U.S. and UK. Look what the Ukrainians have 達成するd, against the 半端物s, with the 兵器 we have so far given them.

They have driven Putin out of more than 50 per cent of the 領土 he has 占領するd; they have incapacitated more than 40 per cent of the 黒人/ボイコット Sea (n)艦隊/(a)素早い; they have (打撃,刑罰などを)与えるd appalling 死傷者s on Putin’s 武装した 軍隊s ― more than 300,000 dead or 負傷させるd.

And yet we must also 認める that the cost to ウクライナ共和国 has also been 墓/厳粛/彫る/重大な, and that cost is now 開始するing ― 完全に unnecessarily ― because we are failing to give them what they need.

The 不足 of 爆撃するs on the Ukrainian 前線 line is now so bad that いつかs they have to wait under ロシアの 砲撃, unable to 解雇する/砲火/射撃 支援する.

The 不足 of 空気/公表する defences is now so 激烈な/緊急の that Kharkiv ― the second city of ウクライナ共和国 ― is in danger of 存在 turned into another Mariupol. Ukrainian 力/強力にする 駅/配置するs are 存在 pulverised. The Ukrainians used to be able to 迎撃する 90 per cent of 後継の ミサイルs.

Now we are 餓死するing them, for 推論する/理由s I do not understand, of the 保護の 保護物,者s they need. There are about 100 愛国者 systems dotted around Europe, doing nothing. Why? If this goes on ― the constant ロシアの 砲撃, the under-供給(する) of the Ukrainians ― then there is a real 危険 that Putin will be able to 開始する some 肉親,親類d of break-out this summer and 運動 his armour, once again, to Kyiv.

What will that mean, after all we have told the Ukrainians ― that we will ‘have their 支援するs for as long as it takes?’

Let us be (疑いを)晴らす, that if ウクライナ共和国 落ちるs, it will be not only a 災害 for that innocent country.

It will be a total humiliation for the West ― the first time in the 75 years of Nato’s 存在 that this hitherto successful 同盟 has been utterly 大勝するd ― and on European 国/地域.

A 敗北・負かす for ウクライナ共和国 would 勧める in a new 時代 of 恐れる in the whole Euro-大西洋 area, as Putin continues his 運動 to 再構築する the Soviet empire: from the Baltics to Georgia to Moldova to Central Asia to the 北極の.

It will be a terrifying moment for the people of Taiwan and the clearest possible signal to 中国 that the West has lost the willpower to 保護する 僕主主義.

It will be a turning point in history, the moment when the West finally loses its 戦後の hegemony, the moment when 国境s everywhere are suddenly up for 得る,とらえるs and 侵略 is seen to 支払う/賃金 ― and all because of a 失敗 to stand up for ウクライナ共和国.

What is so infuriating about this slowly unfurling 大災害 is that we can so easily 回避する it. We have it in our 力/強力にする to give the Ukrainians what they need: not just the $60billion 一括 of 援助 that I hope and believe the U.S. 議会 will すぐに 認可する.

The Germans could and should give the Tau rus ミサイルs, and we could all give and do much, much more. We could easily give ウクライナ共和国 the long 範囲 大砲 to take out the communications between Russia and Crimea and 原因(となる) Putin serious 戦略の problems.

Why aren’t we doing it? This time the advantage of the West is even bigger than it was in the 冷淡な War. The Nato economies are about 30 times the size of Russia.

If we get a 支配する now and start 本気で 製造業の the 軍需品s the Ukrainians need, then we can not only 直す/買収する,八百長をする the problem of ウクライナ共和国 ― we can 運動 職業s and growth in our own countries.

It is time for the West, 含むing Britain, to snap out of our sleep-walk; to 回復する the spirit of Reagan and Thatcher and 投資する in the defence of our freedoms.

The simplest and most cost-効果的な way to defend freedom is to 投資する now in the defence of ウクライナ共和国.