BORIS JOHNSON: If ¥¦¥¯¥é¥¤¥Ê¶¦Ï¹ñ Íî¤Á¤ës, it'll be a ²õÌÇŪ¤Ê turning point in history - and an utter humiliation for the West... Why the hell are we waiting to give this heroic nation the Éð´ïs it needs?

But why the ±ä´ü¤¹¤ë? What the hell has got into us? If the war in ¥¦¥¯¥é¥¤¥Ê¶¦Ï¹ñ ends in ºÒ³² then it will be for one ¿äÏÀ¤¹¤ë¡¿Íýͳ only ¡½ because of the dithering, doddering drift of the West.

Every month that we wait is a month in which more Ukrainian children are ÇúÃÆd and killed.

Every week in which we fail to do the obvious ¡½ and give the Ukrainians the Éð´ïs they need ¡½ is a week in which Putin gets closer to his disgusting ambition, to ¹éÌä a European country to death.

Every day the °µÎÏ on the Ukrainians is growing ¡½ and yet the ²òÅú is within our ¤·¤Ã¤«¤êÄϤà.

Boris Johnson on a visit to Kyiv in January last year. 'We have it in our power to give the Ukrainians what they need,' the former prime minister writes

Boris Johnson on a visit to Kyiv in January last year. 'We have it in our ÎÏ¡¿¶¯ÎϤˤ¹¤ë to give the Ukrainians what they need,' the former ¼óÁê Îá¾õs

We know what to do. We have done it before and we can easily do it again.

When Ronald Reagan won the Îäø¤Ê War ¡½ with the ¿®Íê¤Ç¤­¤ë support of Margaret Thatcher ¡½ he ¸å·Ñ¤¹¤ëd because of the ¶ÛµÞ and ·è°Õ with which he ľÌ̤¹¤ëd the problem.

He could see, with total moral clarity, that the U.S. was engaged in a titanic struggle: between freedom and tyranny.

So he ¡Êµ¡¤Î¡Ë¥«¥à up with a ²òÅú that was made possible by the very ·ÐºÑŪ¤Ê freedom in which he believed. After years of ¶¦»º¼çµÁ¼Ô °µÇ÷ in the Soviet Union, the ÉôÂâd ÌÀ¸À¤¹¤ë¡¿¸øɽ¤¹¤ës had become so incomparably richer that he was able massively to outspend Moscow.

He used the sheer throw-Éé¤ï¤»¤ë of American ·³¤Î spending to ¶¼Ç÷¤·¤Æ¤µ¤»¤ë the ¥í¥·¥¢¤Îs, ·³Ââ them to the ¸ò¾Ä¤¹¤ëing ¡ÊÊÆ¡Ëê¾å¤²¤¹¤ë¡¿¡Ê±Ñ¡ËÄóµÄ¤¹¤ë, and to begin a ²áÄø that led to the break-up of the Soviet empire.

For dozens of benighted Á´½»Ì±s, across eastern Europe and around the old Soviet Union, it was the ÌëÌÀ¤± of freedom.

When the Berlin ʽ¤Ç°Ï¤à ¡Êµ¡¤Î¡Ë¥«¥à É餫¤¹¡¿·âÄƤ¹¤ë, it was the most joyous political moment of my lifetime. For hundreds of millions of people, it meant the end of the ·Ù»¡¹ñ²È and the midnight knock on the door. It was an end to the terror of the Securitate and the Stasi, of children ¸ºß paid to grass up their parents, and of people ¸ºß sent to ·ºÌ³½ê¡¤¹´ÃÖ½ê ¡½ in their thousands ¡½ ´Êñ¤Ë because they had the courage to dissent from the ¶¦»º¼çµÁ¼Ô À¯¸¢.

It was a moment of total moral, ·ÐºÑŪ¤Ê and political ¾¡Íø for Western ideas of freedom; and yet all those ¿­¤Ó¡Ê¤ë¡Ës are now at ´í¸±. The world in 2024 is on a knife-¿É¾¡¤¹¤ë¡¿Í¥°Ì, with a real ´í¸± that Western Ëͼç¼çµÁs are about to be humiliated, and ÀìÀ©À¯¼£s emboldened around the world ¡½ because of our lassitude, our pathetic µñÀä to do what is necessary.

Think »Ù±ç¤¹¤ë to what would have happened if ¡½ as so many ÀìÌç²Ès ͽÊ󤹤ëd ¡½ Putin had ¸å·Ñ¤¹¤ëd in his blitzkrieg of February 2022. Think what would have happened if he had À¬Éþ¤¹¤ë¡¿ÂǤÁ¾¡¤Äd the whole of ¥¦¥¯¥é¥¤¥Ê¶¦Ï¹ñ, ´Þ¤àing Kyiv.

Boris, pictured with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in April 2022, writes that 'defeat for Ukraine would usher in a new era of fear in the whole Euro-Atlantic area'

Boris, pictured with Ukrainian ÂçÅýÎÎ Volodymyr Zelensky in April 2022, Îá¾õs that 'ÇÔËÌ¡¦É餫¤¹ for ¥¦¥¯¥é¥¤¥Ê¶¦Ï¹ñ would ´«¤á¤ë in a new »þÂå of ¶²¤ì¤ë in the whole Euro-ÂçÀ¾ÍÎ area'

It would of have meant the end of Ukrainian Ëͼç¼çµÁ and the ÁϤ of a vassal ÌÀ¸À¤¹¤ë¡¿¸øɽ¤¹¤ë; and ¡¼¤¹¤ë¤¿¤á¤Ë ³Î¼Â¤Ë¤¹¤ë the obedience of the newly subjugated Á´½»Ì± Putin would have followed the hideous playbook he has used in those parts of ¥¦¥¯¥é¥¤¥Ê¶¦Ï¹ñ he has already ÂáÊá¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ëd: ·³Ââd Russification, systematic »¦¿Í of any who resist and the taking of Ukrainian children to Russia for brainwashing.

¸ø¼°Ê¸½ñ¡¤Ç§¤á¤ë how Putin runs his own country ¡½ ÁÀ·â ¿·Ê¹µ­¼Ô¡¿»¨»ïµ­¼Ôs, flagrantly »¦¿Íing political Âй³¼Ôs such as Alexei Navalny.

That was so nearly the ±¿Ì¿¡¿½ÉÌ¿ of the whole of ¥¦¥¯¥é¥¤¥Ê¶¦Ï¹ñ and the only ¿äÏÀ¤¹¤ë¡¿Íýͳ it did not happen was that the Ukrainians disproved Putin¡ Çs own ÏÀÂê¡¿ÏÀʸ, and fought like lions for the country they love. The ¿äÏÀ¤¹¤ë¡¿Íýͳ they ¸å·Ñ¤¹¤ëd so spectacularly was that they had already been given ·èÄêŪ¤Ê Western support, ´Þ¤àing anti-Àï¼Ö¡¿¥¿¥ó¥¯ ¥ß¥µ¥¤¥ës from the U.S. and UK. Look what the Ukrainians have ãÀ®¤¹¤ëd, against the Ⱦüʪs, with the ʼ´ï we have so far given them.

They have driven Putin out of more than 50 per cent of the ÎÎÅÚ he has ÀêÎΤ¹¤ëd; they have incapacitated more than 40 per cent of the ¹õ¿Í¡¿¥Ü¥¤¥³¥Ã¥È Sea (n)´ÏÂâ¡¿(a)ÁÇÁᤤ; they have ¡ÊÂǷ⡤·ºÈ³¤Ê¤É¤ò¡ËÍ¿¤¨¤ëd appalling »à½ý¼Ôs on Putin¡Çs ÉðÁõ¤·¤¿ ·³Ââs ¡½ more than 300,000 dead or Éé½ý¤µ¤»¤ëd.

And yet we must also ǧ¤á¤ë that the cost to ¥¦¥¯¥é¥¤¥Ê¶¦Ï¹ñ has also been Êè¡¿¸·½Í¡¿Ä¦¤ë¡¿½ÅÂç¤Ê, and that cost is now ³«»Ï¤¹¤ëing ¡½ ´°Á´¤Ë unnecessarily ¡½ because we are failing to give them what they need.

The ÉÔ­ of Çú·â¤¹¤ës on the Ukrainian Á°Àþ line is now so bad that ¤¤¤Ä¤«s they have to wait under ¥í¥·¥¢¤Î ˤ·â, unable to ²ò¸Û¤¹¤ë¡¿Ë¤²Ð¡¿¼Í·â »Ù±ç¤¹¤ë.

The ÉÔ­ of ¶õµ¤¡¿¸øɽ¤¹¤ë defences is now so ·ãÎõ¤Ê¡¿¶ÛµÞ¤Î that Kharkiv ¡½ the second city of ¥¦¥¯¥é¥¤¥Ê¶¦Ï¹ñ ¡½ is in danger of ¸ºß turned into another Mariupol . Ukrainian ÎÏ¡¿¶¯ÎϤˤ¹¤ë ±Ø¡¿ÇÛÃÖ¤¹¤ës are ¸ºß pulverised. The Ukrainians used to be able to ·Þ·â¤¹¤ë 90 per cent of ¸å·Ñ¤Î ¥ß¥µ¥¤¥ës.

Now we are ²î»à¤¹¤ëing them, for ¿äÏÀ¤¹¤ë¡¿Íýͳs I do not understand, of the Êݸî¤Î Êݸîʪ¡¤¼Ôs they need. There are about 100 °¦¹ñ¼Ô systems dotted around Europe, doing nothing. Why? If this goes on ¡½ the constant ¥í¥·¥¢¤Î ˤ·â, the under-¶¡µë¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë of the Ukrainians ¡½ then there is a real ´í¸± that Putin will be able to ³«»Ï¤¹¤ë some Æù¿Æ¡¤¿ÆÎàd of break-out this summer and ±¿Æ° his armour, once again, to Kyiv.

What will that mean, after all we have told the Ukrainians ¡½ that we will ¡Æhave their »Ù±ç¤¹¤ës for as long as it takes?¡Ç

Let us be ¡Êµ¿¤¤¤ò¡ËÀ²¤é¤¹, that if ¥¦¥¯¥é¥¤¥Ê¶¦Ï¹ñ Íî¤Á¤ës, it will be not only a ºÒ³² for that innocent country.

It will be a total humiliation for the West ¡½ the first time in the 75 years of Nato¡Çs ¸ºß that this hitherto successful ƱÌÁ has been utterly Â羡¤¹¤ëd ¡½ and on European ¹ñ¡¿ÃÏ°è.

A ÇÔËÌ¡¦É餫¤¹ for ¥¦¥¯¥é¥¤¥Ê¶¦Ï¹ñ would ´«¤á¤ë in a new »þÂå of ¶²¤ì¤ë in the whole Euro-ÂçÀ¾ÍÎ area, as Putin continues his ±¿Æ° to ºÆ¹½ÃÛ¤¹¤ë the Soviet empire: from the Baltics to Georgia to Moldova to Central Asia to the Ë̶ˤÎ.

It will be a terrifying moment for the people of Taiwan and the clearest possible signal to Ãæ¹ñ that the West has lost the willpower to Êݸ¤ë Ëͼç¼çµÁ.

It will be a turning point in history, the moment when the West finally loses its Àï¸å¤Î hegemony, the moment when ¹ñ¶­s everywhere are suddenly up for ÆÀ¤ë¡¤¤È¤é¤¨¤ës and ¿¯Î¬ is seen to »Ùʧ¤¦¡¿Ä¶⠡½ and all because of a ¼ºÇÔ to stand up for ¥¦¥¯¥é¥¤¥Ê¶¦Ï¹ñ.

What is so infuriating about this slowly unfurling ÂçºÒ³² is that we can so easily ²óÈò¤¹¤ë it. We have it in our ÎÏ¡¿¶¯ÎϤˤ¹¤ë to give the Ukrainians what they need: not just the $60billion °ì³ç of ±ç½õ that I hope and believe the U.S. µÄ²ñ will ¤¹¤°¤Ë ǧ²Ä¤¹¤ë.

The Germans could and should give the Taurus ¥ß¥µ¥¤¥ës, and we could all give and do much, much more. We could easily give ¥¦¥¯¥é¥¤¥Ê¶¦Ï¹ñ the long ÈÏ°Ï Âçˤ to take out the communications between Russia and Crimea and ¸¶°ø¡Ê¤È¤Ê¤ë¡Ë Putin serious Àïά¤Î problems.

Why aren¡Çt we doing it? This time the advantage of the West is even bigger than it was in the Îäø¤Ê War. The Nato economies are about 30 times the size of Russia.

If we get a »ÙÇÛ¤¹¤ë now and start Ëܵ¤¤Ç À½Â¤¶È¤Î the ·³¼ûÉÊs the Ukrainians need, then we can not only ľ¤¹¡¿Çã¼ý¤¹¤ë¡¤È¬É´Ä¹¤ò¤¹¤ë the problem of ¥¦¥¯¥é¥¤¥Ê¶¦Ï¹ñ ¡½ we can ±¿Æ° ¿¦¶Ès and growth in our own countries.

It is time for the West, ´Þ¤àing Britain, to snap out of our sleep-walk; to ²óÉü¤¹¤ë the spirit of Reagan and Thatcher and Åê»ñ¤¹¤ë in the defence of our freedoms.

The simplest and most cost-¸ú²ÌŪ¤Ê way to defend freedom is to Åê»ñ¤¹¤ë now in the defence of ¥¦¥¯¥é¥¤¥Ê¶¦Ï¹ñ.