AMANDA PLATELL: How CAN Meghan give lectures on friendship?

Just when we thought it had all gone 静かな on the Montecito 前線, up pops Meghan with her exciting new 投機・賭ける.

It's a Netflix series celebrating 'the joys of cooking and gardening, entertaining and... ' ― wait for it ― 'friendship'.

This, from a woman who has 捨てるd most of her pre-Harry friends 同様に as her entire family (apart from mum Doria) while also 誘惑するing Harry away from his old friends.

A flick through Meghan's history reveals she began 'Markling' ― disposing of people once you have no use for them any more ― when she moved on from some of her Suits co-stars, writes Amanda Platell

A flick through Meghan's history 明らかにする/漏らすs she began 'Markling' ― 配置する/処分する/したい気持ちにさせるing of people once you have no use for them an y more ― when she moved on from some of her 控訴s co-星/主役にするs, 令状s Amanda Platell

A woman who has such a 評判 for defriending people, there's a verb for it in the 都市の Dictionary ― 存在 'Markled'.

What hypocrisy for someone who 捨てるs her besties faster than she traduces the 王室の Family to lecture us on friendship.

A 簡潔な/要約する flick through the Duchess of Sussex's friendship history 明らかにする/漏らすs she began 'Markling' ― 鮮明度/定義: 配置する/処分する/したい気持ちにさせるing of people once you have no use for them any more ― when she moved on from some of her 控訴s co-星/主役にするs, after 述べるing them as 'family'.

And when she started dating Harry in 2016, she counted stylist Jessica Mulroney の中で her best friends. They were の近くに for 10年間s and Jessica …に出席するd Meghan's £200,000 NYC baby にわか雨 in 2019. Today, she's nowhere to be seen, after getting 伴う/関わるd in a white 特権 審議, which might have (名声などを)汚すd Meghan's multi-racial brand.

She befriended Violet 出身の Westenholz, a friend of Harry in her 早期に days with the Prince, before that friendship also 冷静な/正味のd.

Same story with Made In Chelsea's Millie Mackintosh who is even said to have helped organise the 王室の wedding ― but ended up not 存在 招待するd.

And don't even get me started on the way she 'Markled' the 王室の family. Oh, and unforgivably, she slapped 負かす/撃墜する the 手渡す of friendship Kate 申し込む/申し出d when Meghan first joined the 会社/堅い.

Isn't it striking, too, that for all her supposed trailblazing feminism this new series makes her sound like a housewife who's got her Marigolds on?

But it's her (人命などを)奪う,主張する to know about friendship that really grates.

Meghan wouldn't know how to keep a friend to save her life.


井戸/弁護士席 done Keir Starmer for 明らかにする/漏らす ing in the Mail 労働's 'unshakeable' かかわり合い to 核搭載ミサイル and 核の subs, 沈むing any memory of peacenik Jeremy Corbyn's 政策s. Now can he please torpedo his 見解(をとる)s on women having a penis?


Caroline must RIP

I understand the despair of Caroline Flack's mother Christine at losing her daughter to 自殺 ― but is it really 権利 to 捜し出す to 再開する a police 調査 into the way they 扱うd her daughter's 逮捕(する) after she 強襲,強姦d her boyfriend then killed herself?

Caroline had a history of 自殺 試みる/企てるs and 申し立てられた/疑わしい 麻薬 乱用.

She was a wonderful but troubled woman who tragically chose to end her own life.

Can we really 非難する the 警官,(賞などを)獲得するs for that?


Hanks 勝利,勝つs movie race

Tom Hanks beat 'Hardest Geezer' Russ Cook to the finish by a country mile in getting a film depicting an epic run with 1994's Forrest Gump

Tom Hanks (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域 'Hardest Geezer' Russ Cook to the finish by a country mile in getting a film 描写するing an epic run with 1994's Forrest Gump??

He has run the entire length of Africa and now there's talk of eccentric 'Hardest Geezer' Russ Cook's epic 旅行 存在 turned into a movie.

Sorry to break it to you Russ, but Tom Hanks was there before you in 1994 in Forrest Gump which took nearly $700 million 世界的な.


Cat won't let ITV 負かす/撃墜する?

ITV's This Morning is 証明するing a 攻撃する,衝突する again with the arrival of Cat Deeley and Ben Shephard who've 取って代わるd Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby. 見解(をとる)ing 人物/姿/数字s are up by five per cent on last year.

Good news ― but mostly I'm happy for the behind-the-scenes team who I know from experience are の中で the best in the 商売/仕事. They kept that 沈むing ship afloat after Schofield's shameful 出口 and Holly's opportunistic 出発 just when they needed her most.


The father of one-month-old Ollie Davis is 宣告,判決d to life for 乱打するing and 殺人ing the baby boy who was so 不正に 負傷させるd he died in agony with a broken neck.

Yet Ollie's mother Kayleigh Driver gets just seven years for '許すing the death of a child and serious physical 傷害'.

In my 見解(をとる) she is as 有罪の as her husband Michael Davis. Any mother who '許すs' her baby to be 殺人d before her 注目する,もくろむs should serve life, too.


EX 地位,任命する Office managing director David Smith apologises for 説 in 2010 it was 'brilliant news' postmistress Seema Misra was given 15 months in 刑務所,拘置所.

'Looking at it through their 注目する,もくろむs not 地雷, you can see that it may have 原因(となる)d 相当な upset and I really do apologise for that,' he says.

This 妊娠している mother-of-one who was 刑務所,拘置所d and shamed in her community for a 罪,犯罪 she never committed may have been upset by his abhorrent glee? And what a weaselly way of 説 sorry, no 疑問 草案d by a 井戸/弁護士席-paid lawyer with an 注目する,もくろむ on 未来 起訴s. Of which I hope we'll see plenty ― for former 地位,任命する Office bosses.


忠義 in Isla's life

Isla Fisher has separated from her husband of 13 years Sacha Baron Cohen

Isla Fisher has separated from her husband of 13 years Sacha Baron Cohen

After her 分離 from husband of 13 years Sacha Baron Cohen, Isla Fisher 削減(する) a lonely 人物/姿/数字 this week walking with her dog Maisie. I know Maisie from my 地元の par k ― she's loving and playful although a bit naughty いつかs and liable to run off from her mistress. I'm always happy to return her to Isla 安全な in the knowledge she has one dog in her life that's happy at home.


Leo Woodall, the heartthrob in 攻撃する,衝突する TV series One Day, is lined up for the next Bridget Jones movie. Jolly good, but there are only two 役割s Leo, 27, could play ― the son of 54-year-old Renee Zellweger, or her toyboy. A middle-老年の Bridget rolling around in her famous fat pants with hunky Leo?

Please let it be the son! Or it will be a diary 入ること/参加(者) of alcohol 部隊s 35, cigarettes 22, just for the moviegoers.


I 支援する this Aintree favourite

A spectator for Ladies Day at Aintree poses in a detailed royal blue ensemble

A 観客 for Ladies Day at Aintree 提起する/ポーズをとるs in a 詳細(に述べる)d 王室の blue ensemble

Oh, I do so love Aintree's Ladies Day when women dress up in the most amazing outfits they've spent weeks, even months, planning.

The £5,000 prize for Best Dressed must go to this lass, resplendent in 王室の b lue. Her shoes were blue and even her toenails were painted to match.

Give that lady the blue 略章!


After Suki Waterhouse 地位,任命するd a picture of herself postpartum, looking pretty 広大な/多数の/重要な, other new mums said it doesn't 反映する the real brutality of what having a baby does to your 団体/死体. I'm just relieved these attention grabbing celebrities 侵略するing their own privacy 港/避難所't yet started 地位,任命するing pictures of the actual birth.


Westminster wars

  • Liz Truss says the late Queen's advice when she became PM was to 'pace yourself'. As Liz's 統治する was always doomed to be a 残酷に short one, maybe what the 政治上 savvy Queen really said was, 'を締める yourself'.
  • Sales of Rishi Sunak's favourite Adidas Samba trainers 戦車/タンク as people associate them with him. I get that. The moment Cherie Blair starting wearing the then trendy designer label Ronit Zilkha in No 10, the first stop for my collection of RZ frocks was the charity shop.

Sheridan Smith's West End 復帰 was a 賭事 after her struggles with drink ― given she played an アル中患者. There's no shame for Sheridan in 開始 Night の近くにing 早期に. Her 業績/成果 was called brilliant. The incontinent 陰謀(を企てる) scuppered it.