Where are the WAGS from THAT World Cup snap now? As 2018 photo 刈るs up in Coleen Rooney and Rebekah Vardy's 名誉き損 事例/患者, how others from the group were 捨てるd and caught in sex and anti-vax 論争s

  • Coleen Rooney and Rebekah Vardy are 現在/一般に fighting out a bombshell £3million 名誉き損 法廷,裁判所 対決
  • Pair have been at war since 2019 after Coleen (刑事)被告 Rebekah of 漏れるing '誤った stories' about 私的な life
  • 主張s were 空気/公表するd yesterday that Vardy helped 行う/開催する/段階 a pap photo of WAGs at 2018 World Cup in Russia
  • Texts read to the 法廷,裁判所 were said to 明らかにする/漏らす Rebekah's 役割 in setting the photo op which left some WAGs 'upset'
  • Here FEMAIL 明らかにする/漏らすs what happened to the women in the 悪名高い snap in the four years since it was taken


Coleen Rooney and Rebekah Vardy's £3million 名誉き損 対決 is 速く turning into an epic 戦う/戦い of the WAGs with fellow footballers wives and girlfriends' 指名するs 存在 dragged into the fray - 含むing the posse who …に出席するd the 2018 World Cup in Russia.?

Yesterday, the High 法廷,裁判所 heard Harry Maguire's fianc?e Fern Hawkins was 'upset and embarrassed' when Rebekah Vardy 明らかに helped to 行う/開催する/段階 a paparazzi photo of the England WAGs gathered outside a restaurant.?

The (人命などを)奪う,主張する was 空気/公表するd because Rebekah, 40, is 現在/一般に 告訴するing her fellow WAG?Coleen Rooney, 36, for 名誉き損 after she (刑事)被告 her of 株ing stories from her 私的な Instagram?with The Sun - with a paparazzi photograph of nine WAGs in Russia forming a 重要な part in 証拠 yesterday.?

But from 告発する/非難するing an ex of watching her through CCTV to 発言する/表明するing support for anti-vaxers, the WAGs from the group have experienced plenty of 演劇 of their own.?

While?Rebekah may be 現在/一般に fighting it out in 法廷,裁判所 with Coleen, here FEMAIL 明らかにする/漏らすs where the other WAGS from the snap have been up to since it was taken in 2018...

From 告発する/非難するing an ex of watching her through CCTV to 発言する/表明するing support for anti-vaxers, the WAGS caught up in Rebekah Vardy's 名誉き損 法廷,裁判所 対決 have plenty of 演劇 of their own (pictured, 1. Millie Savage, 2. Gemma Acton, 3. Megan Davison, 4. Rebekah Vardy, 5. Annabelle Peyton, 6. Fern Hawkins, 7. Shannon Horlock, 8. Annie Kilner, Lucia Loi)



Millie Savage, 29,?met John 石/投石するs at school in South Yorkshire when she was 14 and they were together when he moved to 首相 League 味方する Everton from Barnsley before joining Manchester City for £47million in 2016.

Ms Savage then gave birth to their daughter a year later and the couple were pictured hugging in the stands at the Russia World Cup after England 敗北・負かすd Sweden 2-0 and reached the 半分-決勝戦.?

She said that before the tournament, 石/投石するs was 'lovely, polite' and that she and him were 'like an old couple'.?

However she saw her 関係 with John 石/投石するs 崩壊する after the summer football tournament in?Russia.?

Millie Savage, 29, who met John Stones at school in South Yorkshire when she was 14, was dumped by the footballer shortly after the Russia World Cup

Millie Savage, 29, who met John 石/投石するs at school in South Yorkshire when she was 14, was 捨てるd by the footballer すぐに after the Russia World Cup?

The couple?split in November of 2018 and she claimed he told her he was 'done' and 'I don't love you anymore'. It was reported he told Millie that he would be returning to the house at some point and she would have to find somewhere else to live

The couple?分裂(する) in November of 2018 and she (人命などを)奪う,主張するd he told her he was 'done' and 'I don't love you anymore'. It was 報告(する)/憶測d he told Millie that he would be returning to the house at some point and she would have to find somewhere else to live?

They 分裂(する) in November of that year and she (人命などを)奪う,主張するd he told her he was 'done' and 'I don't love you anymore'.?

It was 報告(する)/憶測d he told Millie that he would be returning to the house at some point and she would have to find somewhere else to live.?


私的な: Gemma 活動/戦闘 stays off social マスコミ to concentrate on raising her two children with Gary Cahill?Freya, nine, and Frank, seven?

Gemma Acton, 32, has been with Gary Cahill, 32, since they met at school in Dronfield, Derbyshire.

The couple married in 2013 and have a daughter, Freya, nine, and son, Frank, seven. Centre-支援する Cahil? earned £130,000 a week while with Chelsea.

They live in a £5 million mega-mansion in Surrey, which has staff 4半期/4分の1s 同様に as the footballers' usual 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業, library, gym and swimming pool.

Guests at their wedding were 招待するd to make a 寄付 to the Bluebell 支持を得ようと努めるd Children's Hospice in Sheffield, which 申し込む/申し出s care and support to children who have a 縮めるd life 見込み.

However she?is one of the most elusive of the WAGS.?

She stays off social マスコミ and 焦点(を合わせる)s on raising their two children.

一方/合間 Cahil very rarely 株 snaps of his publicity-shy wife.

The footballer has 地位,任命するd just one Instagram photo with Gemma since 2015, 株ing a snap of the pair together last summer.


Speaking in an interview with The Sun?in 2020, Millie, who is mother to their daughter, 老年の five, (人命などを)奪う,主張するd: 'The last two years have been hell and it is 現在進行中の. I wouldn't want to put anyone through this. He has been an a***穴を開ける.'

すぐに after their 分裂(する), Ms Savage (人命などを)奪う,主張するd she received an Instagram message 明らかにする/漏らすing the footballer, 26, who also plays for 首相 League club Manchester City, had started dating former beautician Olivia Naylor.

She (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that she has felt 'いじめ(る)d ever since by his wealth and 力/強力にする'.

Ms Savage said that footballers are 扱う/治療するd as 'gods' and that 石/投石するs 'bought into it?wholeheartedly' after the World Cup in Russia.

'He let fame get into his 長,率いる,' she 追加するd.?

However, she (人命などを)奪う,主張するd to have noticed a change in his behaviour after the tournament. She 申し立てられた/疑わしい he started partying more with チーム仲間s and drinking at home.? ??

The mother 追加するd that she was then left in 涙/ほころびs when he left her in November 2018 after she questioned why they had not got married.?

石/投石するs left their Cheshire home and stayed in a flat at City's training ground, as we 報告(する)/憶測d.

Ms Savage then received the Instagram message 主張するing he was dating Ms Naylor and that she was 妊娠している with his child. But the child was not 石/投石するs'.?

石/投石するs (機の)カム under 解雇する/砲火/射撃 for 'turfing out' his ex-girlfriend and daughter from their mansion in Cheshire to make way for his new love.?

However a?source told MailOnline: 'John is keen to move 支援する into his own h ome. It was subsequently then Millie's 決定/判定勝ち(する) to move out and as a result the timeframe for that has been 相互に agreed between the pair of them.

'There is no question of John 取り消すing on his かかわり合いs.

'He has 供給するd Millie with a large and 高級な 予算, and a number of 選択s to 購入(する) a new 所有物/資産/財産 for herself.

'It may be that she 最初 rents a house while she 査定する/(税金などを)課すs her 選択s. John is an incredible father and his first 優先 will always be 確実にするing the best possible care and life for his daughter.'?

A source の近くに to 石/投石するs told The Sun that the footballer is a '充てるd and loving father' and that he '否定するs and 反駁するs' the '見解/翻訳/版 of events 述べるd.?

In May 2020, it was (人命などを)奪う,主張するd 石/投石するs was visited by police after he was (刑事)被告 of using CCTV to 秘かに調査する on Millie.

She said she was left 'feeling 攻撃を受けやすい' after finding out that she may be 存在 watched on CCTV at the couple's old £6million home.

She received text messages that (人命などを)奪う,主張する to show the Man City centre-支援する had been able to use cameras at the house 経由で the internet.

Feeling that she was 存在 監視するd, Millie 接触するd Cheshire Police.

Police then visited 石/投石するs at the end of last month and gave him some 'advice', the 出版(物) 報告(する)/憶測d.?

However, the officers were 満足させるd that no offence had been committed, and no その上の 活動/戦闘 was taken.

They also said Millie, who 株d a three-year-old daughter with 石/投石するs, could break the coronavirus lockdown to move in with her parents.



Megan Davison met Everton エース Jordan Pickford when they were 十代の少年少女s. The childhood sweethearts have been dating since she was 14 and he was 16 after 会合 at school and 株 a two-year-old son, Arlo.?

The pair went out on their first date to the cinema while he was a pupil at St Robert of Newminster カトリック教徒 School in their native Washington, Tyne and Wear.

Megan, now 25, 卒業生(する)d from university in 2019. She had son, Arlo, in February that year, and the couple were married in March 2020 at a 登録(する) office in 乗組員, having had to 延期する their lavish Maldives nuptials 予定 to the pandemic.

The 儀式 was distinctly understated, with Pickford, 27, wearing a baseball cap and ripped ジーンズs, while the bride wore Givenchy studded boots and carried a Dior handbag.?

Megan Davison, 25, has been a supportive presence in the stands since she began dating Everton ace Jordan Pickford when they were teenagers (pictured in 2018)

Megan Davison, 25, has been a supportive presence in the stands since she began dat ing Everton エース Jordan Pickford when they were 十代の少年少女s (pictured in 2018)?

?Megan, now 25, 卒業生(する)d from university in 2019. She had son, Arlo, in February that year, and the couple were married in March 2020 at a 登録(する) office in 乗組員, having had to 延期する their lavish Maldives nuptials 予定 to the pandemic

An Instagram addict with platinum hair and a love of shopping, Megan has assumed a 'mother hen' status with the other wives. Ahead of the opening game of the Euros against Croatia, she arranged a pre-match party for them. L-R; Kieran Trippier's wife Charlotte; Jordan Pickford's fianc? Megan Davison; Harry Maguire's fianc? Fern Hawkins; Luke Shaw's girlfriend Anouska Santos and Kyle Walker's wife Annie Kilner

An Instagram (麻薬)常用者 with platinum hair and a love of shopping, Megan has assumed a 'mother 女/おっせかい屋' status with the other wives. Ahead of the 開始 game of the Euros against Croatia, she arranged a pre-match party for them. L-R; Kieran Trippier's wife Charlotte; Jordan Pickford's fianc? Megan Davison; Harry Maguire's fianc? Fern Hawkins; Luke Shaw's girlfriend Anouska Santos and Kyle Walker's wife Annie Kilner

Megan, who often shares snaps of her lavish lifestyle and luxury holidays on Instagram, has gained quite a following online with 96,000 fans

Megan, who often 株 snaps of her lavish lifestyle and 高級な 売春婦 lidays on Instagram, has 伸び(る)d やめる a に引き続いて online with 96,000 fans?

An Instagram (麻薬)常用者 with platinum hair and a love of shopping, Megan has assumed a 'mother 女/おっせかい屋' status with the other wives. Ahead of the 開始 game of the Euros against Croatia, she arranged a pre-match party for them (pictures from which she 株d on Instagram, of course.)?

She 誘発するd 論争 in December last year after 株ing a message in support of anti-vax protestors.?

Megan 株d a photo from the いわゆる Freedom March that 誘発するd 大混乱/混沌とした scenes across central London on December 18.

The demonstration, 宣言するd a 'major 出来事/事件' by London 市長 Sadiq 旅宿泊所, was …に出席するd by thousands of anti-vaxxers after その上の 制限s were put in place to slow the spread of new coronavirus variant Omicron.

Davison appeared to show a degree of empathy for the 暴徒 by 株ing a photo of one protestor 持つ/拘留するing a 掲示 emblazoned with the message: 'Even if you're not 共謀 minded, something in your soul has to say…something is wrong.'?

The photo was 地位,任命するd without 付加 comment from the mother-of-one, and is no longer 現在の on her Instagram account.?



The model and TV personality, 40, appeared on I'm A Celebrity in 2017 before going on to support her husband at the Russia World Cup

The model and TV personality, 40, appeared on I'm A Celebrity in 2017 before going on to support her husband at the Russia World Cup

She later appeared on Dancing On Ice in 2021? as well as making appearances on Loose Women to discuss motherhood and trolling she has faced (pictured)
She later appeared on Dancing On Ice in 2021

She later appeared on Dancing On Ice in 2021 (権利), 同様に as making 外見s on Loose Women to discuss motherhood and trolling she has 直面するd (left)?

The footballer's wife bringing the (人命などを)奪う,主張する, Rebekah's family was thrust into the limelight after her husband Jamie helped Leicester City on their way to an ありそうもない 首相 League 勝利,勝つ in 2016.

The model and TV personality, 40, appeared on I'm A Celebrity in 2017 before going on to support her husband at the Russia World Cup.

She later appeared on Dancing On Ice in 2021, 同様に as making 外見s on Loose Women.

The mother-of-five recently wrote a children's 調書をとる/予約する with her husband Jamie, する権利を与えるd Cedric The Little Sloth With A Big Dream, which follows a little sloth who hopes to become a footballer.

The couple are parents to Sofia, seven, Finley, five, and two-year-old Olivia Grace, and Rebekah has two children from previous 関係s, Megan, 16 and Taylor, 12. Jamie also has one child from a previous 関係.

Coleen Rooney, 36, (刑事)被告 Rebekah of 漏れるing '誤った stories' about her 私的な life to the マスコミ in October 2019, after she said she carried out a months-long 'おとり捜査'.?

She 公然と (人命などを)奪う,主張するd Rebekah 株d three 偽の stories she had 地位,任命するd on her personal Instagram with The Sun, a (人命などを)奪う,主張する Rebekah 熱心に 否定するd - 主要な her to 開始する,打ち上げる the 高くつく/犠牲の大きい 名誉き損 活動/戦闘 which finally reached 裁判,公判 this week.?

Wagatha Christie timeline: How Coleen and Rebekah's long-running, vicious war 広げるd before t he 注目する,もくろむs of the world?

September 2017 to October 2019 - The Sun runs a number of articles about Coleen, 含むing that she travelled to Mexico to look into baby 'gender 選択' 治療, her 計画(する) to 生き返らせる her TV career and the flooding of her 地階.

October 9, 2019 - Coleen uses social マスコミ to 告発する/非難する Rebekah of selling stories from her 私的な Instagram account to the tabloids.

Coleen says she spent five months 試みる/企てるing to work out who was 株ing (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) about her and her family based on 地位,任命するs she had made on her personal social マスコミ page.

After 株ing a 一連の '誤った' stories and using a 過程 of 排除/予選, Coleen (人命などを)奪う,主張するs they were 見解(をとる)d by one Instagram account, belonging to Rebekah.

Rebekah, then 妊娠している with her fifth child, 否定するs the 主張s and says さまざまな people had 接近 to her Instagram over the years.

She (人命などを)奪う,主張するs to be 'so upset' by Coleen's 告訴,告発, later 追加するing: 'I thought she was my friend but she 完全に 絶滅するd me.'

The public 論争 makes headlines around the world, with the hashtag #WagathaChristie 傾向ing.

How it all began: On October 9, 2019, Coleen Rooney, now 36, accused Rebekah Vardy, 40, of leaking 'false stories' about her to the press in an Instagram post (above)

How it all began: On October 9, 2019, Coleen Rooney, now 36, (刑事)被告 Rebekah Vardy, 40, of 漏れるing '誤った stories' about her to the 圧力(をかける) in an Instagram 地位,任命する (above)?

Shortly after Coleen's public accusation, Rebekah - who was pregnant and on holiday in Dubai at the time - denied any involvement (above)

すぐに after Coleen's public 告訴,告発, Rebekah - who was 妊娠している and on holiday in Dubai at the time - 否定するd any 関与 (above)?

February 13, 2020 - In a tearful 外見 on ITV's Loose Women, Rebekah says the 強調する/ストレス of the 論争 原因(となる)d her to have 厳しい 苦悩 attacks and she 'ended up in hospital three times'.?Coleen says in a 声明 that she does not want to 'engage i n その上の public 審議'.

June 23, 2020 - It 現れるs that Rebekah has 開始する,打ち上げるd 名誉き損 訴訟/進行s against Coleen.

Rebekah's lawyers 主張する she '苦しむd extreme 苦しめる, 傷つける, 苦悩 and 当惑 as a result of the 出版(物) of the 地位,任命する and the events which followed'.

November 19-20, 2020 - The 名誉き損 戦う/戦い has its first High 法廷,裁判所 審理,公聴会 in London. A 裁判官 支配するs that Coleen's October 2019 地位,任命する '明確に identified' Rebekah as 存在 '有罪の of the serious and 一貫した 違反 of 信用'.

Mr 司法(官) Warby 結論するs that the 'natural and ordinary' meaning of the 地位,任命するs was that Rebekah had '定期的に and frequently 乱用d her status as a 信用d 信奉者 of Coleen's personal Instagram account by 内密に 知らせるing The Sun of Coleen's 私的な 地位,任命するs and stories'.

February 8-9, 2022 - A 一連の 爆発性の messages between Rebekah and her スパイ/執行官 Caroline ワット - which Coleen's lawyers 主張する were about her - are 明らかにする/漏らすd at a 予選 法廷,裁判所 審理,公聴会.

The 法廷,裁判所 is told Rebekah was not referring to Coleen when she called someone a '汚い bitch' in one 交流 with Ms ワット.

Coleen's lawyers 捜し出す その上の (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) from the WhatsApp messages, but the 法廷,裁判所 is told that Ms ワット's phone fell into the North Sea after a boat she was on 攻撃する,衝突する a wave, before その上の (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) could be 抽出するd from it.

February 14 - Coleen is 辞退するd 許可 to bring a High 法廷,裁判所 (人命などを)奪う,主張する against Ms ワット for misuse of 私的な (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) to be heard と一緒に the 名誉き損 戦う/戦い. A High 法廷,裁判所 裁判官, Mrs 司法(官) Steyn, says the 企て,努力,提案 was brought too late and previous 適切な時期s to make the (人命などを)奪う,主張する had not been taken.

April 13 - Ms ワット is not fit to give oral 証拠 at the 近づいている 名誉き損 裁判,公判, the High 法廷,裁判所 is told as the 事例/患者 returns for another 審理,公聴会.

The スパイ/執行官 取り消すs 許可 for her 証言,証人/目撃する 声明 to be used, and 身を引くs her 権利放棄 which would have 許すd Sun 新聞記者/雑誌記者s to say whether she was a source of the 恐らく 漏れるd stories.

April 29 - Rebekah 'appears to 受託する' that her スパイ/執行官 was the source of 恐らく 漏れるd stories, Coleen's barrister David Sherborne tells the High 法廷,裁判所. He argues that a new 証言,証人/目撃する 声明 submitted by Rebekah 示唆するs Ms ワット was the source but Rebekah (人命などを)奪う,主張するs she 'did not authorise or 容赦する her'.

Rebekah's lawyer Hugh Tomlinson says the 声明 did not 含む/封じ込める 'any change whatever in the pleaded 事例/患者', with her 合法的な team having no communication with Ms ワット.




Jack Butland first began dating Annabel Peyton in 2016 after 存在 捨てるd by his childhood sweetheart Steph Parsons.

The couple 誘発するd up a romance after first 会合 in Dubai while he was on a 中央の-season break with his Stoke team-mates.

The football 星/主役にする appeared to hint that he had a new lady during a 雑談(する) with Piers Morgan at a Cannes 祝祭 in June of that year, when he was asked: 'So you're a multi-millionaire, good-looking footballer and lots of people here want to know one thing, are you 選び出す/独身?' to which he replied 'No.'

The couple got engaged in April 2018 during an Italian 逃亡 and have gone on to welcome two children, George, three, and Freddie, one.?

While Peyton, who once worked as cabin 乗組員 on 首長国s, keeps her Instagram 私的な, Buckland can't help 株ing the 半端物 snap of the loved-up couple on social マスコミ with his 211k 信奉者s.?

Butland 以前 credited the stewardess for helping him 回復する from a from an 傷害 that kept him off the pitch.

Speaking to the MailOnline he said: 'she's an incredible girl who I 借りがある the world too in helping me return from my 傷害.'??

Jack Butland first began dating Annabel Peyton in 2016 after being dumped by his childhood sweeth
eart Steph Parsons, and she went on to travel to Russia to watch the matches with the other WAGs

Jack Butland first began dating Annabel Peyton in 2016 after 存在 捨てるd by his childhood sweetheart Steph Parsons, and she went on to travel to Russia to watch the matches with the other WAGs

The couple got engaged in April 2018 during an Italian getaway and have gone on to welcome two children, George, three, and Freddie, one (pictured together)

The couple got engaged in April 2018 during an Italian 逃亡 and have g one on to welcome two children, George, three, and Freddie, one (pictured together)?

While Peyton, who once worked as cabin crew on Emirates, keeps her Instagram private, Buckland can't help sharing the odd snap of the loved-up couple with their children on social media with his 211k follower

While Peyton, who once worked as cabin 乗組員 on 首長国s, keeps her Instagram 私的な, Buckland can't help 株ing the 半端物 snap of the loved-up couple with their children on social マスコミ with his 211k 信奉者



Fern Hawkins and Harry Maguire have been dating since they were 十代の少年少女s and met in their hometown of Sheffield.

The couple s hare two daughters, Lillie Saint, two, and Piper Rose, 20 months.

Fern, who?has a first-class degree in science and physiotherapy, 発表するd their 約束/交戦 in February 2018, after Harry 素早い行動d her off to Paris.

Sources claimed that Harry and his bride-to-be have already sent out invitations for their big day, and are set to exchange vows in a castle in France

Sources (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that Harry and his bride-to-be have already sent out 招待s for their big day, and are 始める,決める to 交流 公約するs in a 城 in フラン

The Sheffield beauty, a First Class Graduate in physiotherapy, regularly posts photos of her amazing physique in bikini shots on social media

The Sheffield beauty, a First Class 卒業生(する) in physiotherapy, 定期的に 地位,任命するs photos of her amazing physique in bikini 発射s on social マスコミ

Fern Hawkins, who joined her fellow WAGS to watch the England squad in Russia (pictured), has been dating Harry Maguire since they were teenagers and met in their hometown of Sheffield

Fern Hawkins, who joined her fellow WAGS to watch the England squad in Russia (pictured), has been dating Harry Maguire since they were 十代の少年少女s and met in their hometown of Sheffield

Harry Maguire's fianc?e Fern Hawkins 'upset and embarrassed' when Rebekah Vardy helped 行う/開催する/段階 a paparazzi photo of the England WAGs at t he 2018 World Cup in Russia?

The 事例/患者 has already heard 証拠 about the 2018 paparazzi photo, with bombshell texts between Rebekah and her former スパイ/執行官 Caroline ワット said to 明らかにする/漏らす Rebekah's 重要な 役割 in setting it up behind her fellow WAGs' 支援するs.

She had 以前 否定するd any part in the 提起する/ポーズをとるd-up photo, which showed the women gathered outside a restaurant.

Yesterday, the 法廷,裁判所 heard an 11th-hour 証言,証人/目撃する 声明 from FA 連絡事務 officer Harpreet Robertson which (人命などを)奪う,主張するd Harry Maguire's wife-to-be Fern Hawkins had been annoyed by the snap.

In 証言 read to the 法廷,裁判所 Ms Robertson said: 'Fern did 表明する her upset to me, that she had taken part and she was embarrassed, was unprepared and had not 推定する/予想するd to be put in that position by Mrs Vardy.'

Messages between Rebekah and Ms ワット during a day-out in St Petersburg on June 26, in 2018, were 手渡すd over to Coleen's 合法的な team as part of their High 法廷,裁判所 戦う/戦い.

At 14:37pm, Rebekah messaged her スパイ/執行官: 'We may have to walk to restaurant from hotel now… so might be a good pic of us walking 負かす/撃墜する it's about 10/15 mins away'

Ms ワット replied: 'Ok will let them know thanks'

At 16.12pm, Rebekah messaged: 'On the way 負かす/撃墜する in the restaurant car… He's doing two runs'.

Five minutes later, Ms ワット replied: 'Ok. Hopefully he catches you all! Don't forget to take a group 発射.'

Rebekah then said: 'If he's here he is hiding in bushes or behind trees lol'

Half an hour later, however, Rebekah messaged that she is worried the other women will think she has tipped off the photographer after they 位置/汚点/見つけ出す him outside the restaurant.

'F*** I made ever あそこの go outside for a pic and the pap was there… Looks like I tipped him off now,' Vardy says.

She said her fellow WAGS 手配中の,お尋ね者 her to put her own picture of them on her own Instagram.

'Girls have asked me to put it on insta so quick get them out… they want me to put it up before the pap puts his in! I've bought about 10 mins,' she wrote.

地位,任命するing a picture of the group on one of the WAGS Instagram would (判決などを)下す the paparazzi 発射 いっそう少なく 価値のある, as it would be 自由に 利用できる to マスコミ 出口s.






She penned at the time: 'On Saturday night, Harry made me the happiest girl in the world & asked me to marry him in the most perfect way [sic] #ISAIDYES #TheFutureMrsMaguire #17thFebruary2018.'

Harry will 報道によれば 長,率いる to Portugal for a four-day ゴルフ stag party with his pals before his big day, while Megan will jet to Marbella for her 女/おっせかい屋 night.?

And earlier this year, the Manchester 部隊d and England footballer, 28, and his long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 partner, moved into their dream £4 million Cheshire mansion の近くに to many of his team-mates, The Mirror 報告(する)/憶測d.

Speaking to the 出版(物), a source said: 'It is a lovely house. Harry and Fern enjoyed their first Christmas in their new home. They will be very happy there.'

It comes as the couple are 報道によれば 始める,決める to tie the knot this June, with Harry already planning a 抱擁する poolside 祝賀 which will take place the day after the 儀式.

Sources (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that Harry and his bride-to-be have already sent out 招待s for their big day, and are 始める,決める to 交流 公約するs in a 城 in フラン.?

によれば The Mirror, Harry and Fern's 招待s (機の)カム in a box with a 'fancy pink and white 屈服する,' although the couple are keeping the exact 詳細(に述べる)s of their wedding under 包むs.

A source said: 'No one is 存在 given the 演説(する)/住所 of the 発生地 until they are on their way. That way they can keep it under 包むs.'

It's understood that Megan Davison - wife of Harry's England チーム仲間 Jordan Pickford - is 始める,決める to be a bridesmaid, と一緒に Harry's sister Daisy, who will be the all-important Maid of Honour.

Megan and Fern have developed a の近くに friendship as a result of their jet-setting with the England team and their partners during away games.

Everton goalkeeper Jordan, 27, was in the running for best man, however it is believed that Harry's brother Joe, who plays for Tranmere Rovers, will step up.

Harry also has a tight-knit 社債 with his older brother Laurence, who plays as a defender for Chesterfield.

The family, 含むing Harry's parents Zoe and Alan, travelled collectively as Team Maguire when the sportsman starred in England's run to the 2018 World Cup 半分-決勝戦 in Russia.

It has been said that Fern is 'very excited' about getting married at such a romantic 発生地 after ten years with Harry, and is busy planning the wedding.



Along with several of the other WAGS from England 2018, Shannon Horlock has kept an incredibly low profile.?She met Burnley keeper Nick Pope in 2013 (pictured)

Along with several of the other WAGS from England 2018, Shannon Horlock has kept an incred ibly low profile.?She met Burnley keeper Nick ローマ法王 in 2013 (pictured)?

Along with several of the other WAGS from England 2018, Shannon Horlock has kept an incredibly low profile.

She met Burnley keeper Nick ローマ法王 in 2013.??

On the couple's three-year 周年記念日, Shannon 地位,任命するd on Facebook: 'You make me feel happy, proud and loved every 選び出す/独身 day.'

Nick, 29, and Shannon prefer not to 株 much of their 私的な life online, but it is thought they had a daughter together in 2019.



Kyle Walker met Annie Kilner when he was 18 while he was playing at his hometown club Sheffield 部隊d, when the model was 16.?

The smitten couple are parents to three children - Roman, Riaan and 統治する.

Having supported Kyle through the 2018 World Cup, in March 2019, she 捨てるd him after he 恐らく sent messages to Ex On The Beach reality 星/主役にする Laura Brown.?

同様に as the three children he 株 with Annie, Kyle 株 son Kairo, 14 months, with ex Lauryn Goodman.

The footballer conceived his youngest child Kairo while 伴う/関わるd in a short 関係 with Lauryn, during a 一時的な 分裂(する) from Annie in February 2020.

Having supported Kyle through the 2018 World Cup, in March 2019, she dumped him after he allegedly sent messages to Ex On The Beach reality star Laura Brown (pictured, Annie with Rebekah)

Having supported Kyle through the 2018 World Cup, in March 2019, she 捨てるd him after he 恐らく sent messages to Ex On The Beach reality 星/主役にする Laura Brown (pictured, Annie with Rebekah)?

After breaking up several times in the last few years, the couple ultimately tied the knot last year in a small ceremony at the end of November

After breaking up several times in the last few years, the couple 最終的に tied the knot last year in a small 儀式 at th e end of November

Family:?The smitten couple are parents to three children - Roman, Riaan and Reign

Family:?The smitten couple are parents to three children - Roman, Riaan and 統治する

In June 2020, the Mirror 報告(する)/憶測d that Kyle had popped the question to Annie with an epic floral 提案 at her home.

Last year, Annie (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that days before Kyle 恐らく met Lauryn, she 苦しむd a miscarriage, and was 荒廃させるd when she (人命などを)奪う,主張するd he 自白するd that the reality 星/主役にする was 妊娠している.

She told The Sun On Sunday at the time: 'I don't know what my thoughts or feelings are any more. I feel dead inside. Each day is filled with 苦痛.

'I don't think I'll ever be the same again because of what he's done. It makes me really sad that I've been 損失d so 不正に when I've done nothing to deserve it.

'I've tried to hate him but how can I hate the man my kids love so much? Before the infidelity he was my best friend, my soulmate. I could count on him for anything.'

Drama:?As well as the three children he shares with Annie, Kyle shares son Kairo, 14 months, with ex Lauryn Goodman

演劇:?同様に as the three children he 株 with Annie, Kyle 株 son Kairo, 14 months, with ex Lauryn Goodman

Kyle also (機の)カム under 解雇する/砲火/射撃 last year for 恐らく hosting a sex party with two 護衛するs while the country remained in Covid-19 lockdown.

It was (人命などを)奪う,主張するd the footballer, 29, and a friend, paid £2,200 for Louise McNamara, 21, and a 24-year-old Brazilian call girl to visit his Cheshire home, before leaving the next day.

Walker, who has 48 England caps, apologised for the 出来事/事件.

He said: 'I want to take this 適切な時期 to 問題/発行する a public 陳謝 for the choices I made last week.

'I understand that my position as a professional footballer brings the 責任/義務 of 存在 a 役割 model.

'As such, I want to apologise to my family, friends, football club, 支持者s and the public for letting them 負かす/撃墜する.'

Earlier this year, Lauryn 攻撃するd out at Kyle after the England defender 明かすd a pair of bespoke football boots 耐えるing the 指名するs of each of his children - but not Kairo.???



Marcus and Lucia met at Ashton on Mersey School in Greater Manchester.

Lucia has been seen supporting Marcus at football games over the years, 含むing during the 2018 World Cup in Russia.

She was seen donning a Three Lions shirt with Rashford printed the 支援する during England's 勝利を得た game against Sweden in the 4半期/4分の1-決勝戦.

After the World Cup the 二人組 flew to Barbados where they were seen relaxing in the sun during a ヨット day and enjoying themselves on a jet-ski.

Lucia, who worked as an account (n)役員/(a)執行力のある for Manchester 会社/堅い Sugar PR, is thought to have 卒業生(する)d in Advertising and Brand 管理/経営 with first-class honours.

A LinkedIn page under her 指名する says she …に出席するd Manchester University from 2014-2017.

The football エース, 24, was thought to have 分裂(する) from the university 卒業生(する) in February last year after eight years together because of 'lockdown 圧力s', and their break-up was 報告(する)/憶測d three months later.?

Lucia has been seen supporting Marcus at football games over the years, including during the 2018 World Cup in Russia (pictured)

Lucia has been seen supporting Marcus at football games over the years, 含むing during the 2018 World Cup in Russia (pictured)?

The football ace, 24, was thought to have split from the university graduate in February last year after eight years together because of 'lockdown pressures', and their break-up was reported three months later

The football エース, 24, was thought to have 分裂(する) from the university 卒業生(する) in February last year after eight years together because of 'lockdown 圧力s', and their break-up was 報告(する)/憶測d three months later

But proving things were very much back on track Rashford uploaded several photos from holidays and experiences together in February (pictured, together)

But 証明するing things were very much 支援する on 跡をつける Rashford uploaded several photos from holidays and experiences together in February (pictured, together)?

A source told The Sun the couple felt the break gave them both time to 'breathe and focus on themselves', before reconnecting shortly before Christmas

A source told The Sun the couple felt the break gave them both time to 'breathe and 焦点(を合わせる) on themselves', before reconnecting の直前に Christmas

But 証明するing things were very much 支援する on 跡をつける Rashford uploaded several photos from holidays and experiences together in February.?

In one loved-up mirror selfie, the England エース wrapped his arm around his childhood sweetheart, while in another the pouted for the camera in a hotel room.

Another photo was taken while the couple were on a boat trip, with Lucia wearing a 急落(する),激減(する)ing bikini 最高の,を越す.

Alluding to their 再会, Marcus wrote: 'Through 厚い & thin'.

A source told The Sun the couple felt the break gave them both time to 'breathe and 焦点(を合わせる) on themselves', before reconnecting の直前に Christmas.

They said: 'The break was good for their 関係 as it 申し込む/申し出d them both space and 保証/確信 that they 手配中の,お尋ね者 to make this work moving 今後.'

The insider 追加するd: 'They have been together since school so an 適切な時期 to breathe and 焦点(を合わせる) on themselves was important.'

Another source dished: 'They have a 株d history. She is one of the people who knows him best. They got 支援する together before Christmas and are taking things slowly.'??

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