High street heyday! Nostalgic pictures show how our favourite shops and restaurants have changed since the 1980s and 1990s

Before online shopping 爆発するd の上に the scene, British town centres were packed with bustling shops and there was barely an empty window in sight.

The age of the high street saw department 蓄える/店s like 示すs and Spencer at their heyday, but as the way we shop has changed, many of our once-loved big 指名するs in 小売 have disappeared from shopping 商店街s, such as Debenhams, which has now moved online after 存在 bought out by Boohoo.

Other 指名するs that bring 支援する good memories but no longer 存在する on our high street 含む Etam/Tammy Girl, Topshop and C&A.

We've also welcomed new 指名するs to the high street over the last few 10年間s, as 急速な/放蕩な food chains native to North America have made their way across the 大西洋 Ocean to our shores such as Mexican-奮起させるd restaurant Taco Bell.?

There are also plenty of 井戸/弁護士席-known retailers that took different forms after 存在 bought out by other 商売/仕事s, such as Argos, which was 吸収するd by supermarket 巨大(な) Sainsbury's.?

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支援する in the day, Burger King was all about 封鎖する colours and geometric 形態/調整s in its decor, with 木造の (法廷の)裁判s at booths and 木造の panelled 塀で囲むs, as 論証するd by the photo of an abandoned restaurant, left. Nowadays the 急速な/放蕩な food chain is somewhat more high-tech, with 審査するs above the 反対する to 陳列する,発揮する the menu, 有望な shiny 調印するs and squeaky-clean white 床に打ち倒すs. However, as 論証するd in this modern-day 蓄える/店, the 木造の パネル盤s remain part of the decor

But what about the 蓄える/店s that stood the 実験(する) of time? And how has the British high street 発展させるd with the 影響(力) of US and European 蓄える/店s and restaurants??

一方/合間, more 全世界の chains like McDonald's and Burger King have made 抱擁する 拡大s within the UK, owning thousands of 場所/位置s up and 負かす/撃墜する the country.

Here, FEMAIL takes a look at some of today's favourite high street shops, supermarkets and restaurants, to see how they fared in 10年間s past compared to today...?

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Argos was once known for its enormous 目録, used to 持つ/拘留する 支援する doors and 支え(る) up (米)棚上げする/(英)提議するs, and which children excitedly flicked through ahead of birthdays and Christmas. Today, Argos 蓄える/店s look very different and are filled with interactive 審査するs where people can place their orders (支店 in Luton pictured 権利). And it's rare to see an Argos 支店 on its own, as many have been 吸収するd by Sainsbury's?

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Taco Bell is a Mexican-奮起させるd 急速な/放蕩な food chain which only arrived in the UK in 2010, but 支援する in the 1990s it was already 井戸/弁護士席 設立するd in the US and Canada, and was kitted out with booths for communal meals and decorated with geometric 形態/調整s in pastel colours. Nowadays the style is more minimalist, with hanging lights and high-最高の,を越す (米)棚上げする/(英)提議するs and stools. The 審査するs 陳列する,発揮するing the menu are now computerised and there are murals on the 塀で囲むs

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Much-loved Swedish flatpack furniture 蓄える/店 Ikea first arrived in the UK in 1987 and soon became one of the nation's most popular home shopping 目的地s. One 蓄える/店, pictured in the noughties, shows a 小売 assistant scanning items while wearing what would now be 述べるd as a vintage uniform. These days, Ikea hasn't changed too much and is still a go-to for people kitting out their homes with flatpack furniture and 平易な 指示/教授/教育s, with 倉庫/問屋s 大(公)使館員d to the 支援する of the 蓄える/店s where 顧客s can 選ぶ up their 購入(する)s

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Until 2000, Popular department 蓄える/店 示すs and Spencer was better known as St Michael's - although it had 選ぶd up the affectionate 愛称 示すs and 誘発するs. This 蓄える/店, pictured 在庫/株d up with festive goodies in 10年間s past, was perfectly 持続するd (not dissimilar from how M&S looks nowadays)

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An old McDonald's 支店 in the 1990s 陳列する,発揮するd furniture in the style of its 製品s, like these cheeseburger-主題d stools at the (米)棚上げする/(英)提議するs which are 完全にする with googly 注目する,もくろむs (left). Nowadays McDonald's 支店s are a little bit more basic in decor with a 機能の, clean design 含むing dark 床に打ち倒す tiles. Unlike the 急速な/放蕩な food chains of years past, McDonald's 支店s are now kitted out with touch-審査する order 駅/配置するs where you can place your order and 支払う/賃金 and 列 for it to be 用意が出来ている

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Sainsbury's in the 1990s was piled high with favourite brands many people would recognise today. This 支店, photographed in January (left) 陳列する,発揮するd its 地位,任命する-Christmas 取引,協定s on festive 扱う/治療するs 含むing 質 Street and Roses chocolates. The photo shows a family with a shopping trolley 十分な of goodies while the older daughter clutches a favourite 1990s brand of crisps, Golden Wonders. Today, Sainsbury's 蓄える/店s don't look wildly different and even have very 類似して designed linoleum 床に打ち倒すs, however as with many chains, they are kitted out with self-service checkouts, which definitely weren't around in the 90s

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Waitrose has always been known as one of the higher-end supermarkets ons the high street and, as the photo on the left 示唆するs, even helped its 顧客s out with packing their shopping 捕らえる、獲得するs 支援する in the day.? In the background of the photo, which is taken at the checkout, the supermarket's specialist aisles can be seen, 含むing the fruit and vegetable section. The modern-day Waitrose still has special 反対するs, as can be seen in the background of the photo on the 権利, taken in 2015 in Brighton, where the パン屋 section is

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Much like Sainsbury's, Tesco has 保持するd its speckled 床に打ち倒すing from the 1990s to the 現在の day. A photo of the supermarket in 1999 (left) shows a 労働者 wearing a red and white checked uniform 押し進めるing 在庫/株 around the supermarket. On the 権利, the same 床に打ち倒す can be seen as a 顧客 walks throu gh the 蓄える/店 while wearing a 直面する covering in a 冷気/寒がらせるing 調印する of the times, and, as the Christmas period descends, the 蓄える/店 is filled with special 申し込む/申し出s and Clubcard prices

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The 団体/死体 Shop has been a beloved high street cosmetics chain since it was first 設立するd in Brighton in 1976. In 最近の years, the shop has had something of a rebrand with a new font, although it has 保持するd its circular logo (Regent Street 蓄える/店 pictured 権利). These days, the 蓄える/店 also 選ぶs for more 中立の トンs in its decor, compared to the 2000s when the 蓄える/店s were painted in 有望な oranges and greens (left)

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Beloved high street brand Chelsea Girl, which debuted in 1948, remained a popular women's 着せる/賦与するing 蓄える/店 for 10年間s. However, 消費者s now know the 蓄える/店 as River Island, which? caters for women, men and children. The 蓄える/店 rebranded in 1988, but over the years River Island has designed and sold lines of 着せる/賦与するing under the Chelsea Girl 指名する

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