A flip 負かす/撃墜する memory 小道/航路: Sentimental Brits get nostalgic as TikToker browses through a 1998 Argos 目録... and they can't believe the prices

In an 時代 of online shopping and アマゾン 配達/演説/出産s, waiting anything longer than three days for a 一括 can seem an infuriating inconvenience.?

But a viral ビデオ has 誘発するd feelings of nostalgia for TikTokers, as they reminisce over a 1998 Argos 目録.

Sentimental 使用者s longed for the days of circling electronics and toys, or 倍のing over corners of pages before 追加するing items they'd never receive to a Christmas 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる).?

The wave of nostalgia was 誘発するd by 使用者 @daniellesgames, after she 地位,任命するd the 遺物 to 40,000 信奉者s.?

A TikToker has sparked a wave of nostalgia after showing followers an Argos catalogue from 1998

A TikToker has 誘発するd a wave of nostalgia after showing 信奉者s an Argos 目録 from 1998

Followers were shocked at how expensive electronics seemed two decades ago, as the going rate for a 14 inch TV was £249.99

信奉者s were shocked at how expensive electronics seemed two 10年間s ago, as the going 率 for a 14 インチ TV was £249.99

In the ビデオ 肩書を与えるd: 'POV you're looking through the 目録 in the 90's and circling what you want for your birthday,' the TikToker flicked through the now-discontinued 目録.?

The 前線 cover read 'Argos Superstore', and showed an old CD player, a 演習, a (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する and 議長,司会を務めるs and a blue and yellow Little Tikes car.

Captioning the ビデオ, Danielle wrote:?'I used to circle things knowing 十分な 井戸/弁護士席 I'd never get them but this 目録 攻撃する,衝突する me in the feels.'

Some stand out items 含むd an 初めの PlayStation, with two 監査役s and a memory card, 小売d at £ 129.?

The Nintendo Game Boy was also 利用できる to 購入(する) at £53.99 and (機の)カム with two games and a 事例/患者.?

A 14 インチ Daewood television was 定価つきの at an '優れた value' at £249.99, but shoppers could splash out on a 20 インチ Phillips TV for £429.?

一方/合間, other 14 インチ TV's 範囲d from £229.99 and £379.99, which shoppers could choose to 支払う/賃金 in 月毎の instalments.??

Cassette tapes were another relic featured in the catalogue, and had followers feeling sentimental

Cassette tapes were another 遺物 featured in the 目録, and had 信奉者s feeling sentimental?

Hundreds of followers reminisced over browsing through the catalogue and circling their interest for Christmas

Hundreds of 信奉者s reminisced over browsing through the 目録 and circling their 利益/興味 for Christmas?

Cassette players were another popular choice for shoppers in 1998, with Panasonic Cassette players taking up a 十分な page, the most expensive 定価つきの at £74.99.?

Since it was 地位,任命するd, the ビデオ has 伸び(る)d over 11,000 likes and has received hundreds of comments, with some 使用者s in 不信 over how expensive some items seemed.?

One 使用者 wrote: 'Mad how expensive electrics used to be, £230 for a 14 インチ 審査する.'

Another agreed: 'You can get a 40' TV now for the same price as a 14' one 支援する then!'

一方/合間, others reminisced over the 10年間s old 目録, one wrote:?'Used to 令状 負かす/撃墜する a Christmas 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる), with the prices and 目録 numbers.'

To which the creator 答える/応じるd: 'Me too but never got anything I wrote but was still fun to dream.'

Unfortunately, shoppers will never have the satisfaction of flicking through an Argos 目録 again, after the retailer scrapped them in 2020.?

After almost 50 years and one billion copies of the bi-年次の Argos 目録, Argos 確認するd it's expiry.?

In a 声明 at the time, the 小売 巨大(な) wrote: 'We're seeing an 増加するing 転換 に向かって 数字表示式の shopping, using our 動きやすい app, website and in-蓄える/店 browsers.'

'の近くにing the 調書をとる/予約する on the 目録 will help us 焦点(を合わせる) on 配達するing exciting and 奮起させるing 数字表示式の shopping experiences to 会合,会う the changing needs of our 顧客s, both in-蓄える/店 and online.'

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