I love my XL いじめ(る) dog - owners should go out and 証明する how good they can be by walking them with pride

A British woman who owns an XL いじめ(る) dog has 勧めるd other owners to 'get out there' and show their dog is 安全な as 'now is not the time to hide'.

Sophie Coulthard, 39, who goes by Training Billy the いじめ(る) on social マスコミ, has a one-year-old dog called Billy who 'loves cuddles' and has never growled.

The owner, an '支持する' for the 産む/飼育する, has received an influx of messages from other XL いじめ(る) dog owners who are too 脅すd to walk their dogs.

にもかかわらず admitting a stream of 消極的な experiences since the 告示, she has 勧めるd owners to get outside and show the world what 'responsible owners look like'.

The ビデオ, which has amassed two million 見解(をとる)s,?has fuelled an 激しい 審議 online. While some agree that all dogs are 'する権利を与えるd to a walk', others are taking a more stringent 姿勢 and に例える Billy to a crocodile on leash.

Sophie Coulthard, 39, (pictured) has taken to TikTok to urge XL Bully dog owners that 'now is not the time to hide'

Sophie Coulthard, 39, (pictured) has taken to TikTok to 勧める XL いじめ(る) dog owners that 'now is not the time to hide'?


If you own an #xlbully then now is not the time to hide. We need to get out there and show people how 広大な/多数の/重要な this 産む/飼育する can be. I’ve never felt conscious walking my dog before but this week i have. I feel like everyone is 裁判官ing him. But there are so many nice people out there thay are 証明するing that we are a nation of dog lovers after all ?? #americanbully #dontbullymybreed? #trainingmydogontiktok #dangerousdogsact #bsl #xlbullyowner

? 初めの sound - Training Billy the いじめ(る)

Sophie told テレビ視聴者s: 'XL いじめ(る) owners, you have to get out there. There are people messaging me 説 they're too 脅すd to walk their dogs, that they're walking their dogs at five in the morning because they're worried about 消極的な comments.

'I will 収容する/認める that it feels like I'm in a goldfish bowl at the moment, and I'm sure a lot of you feel the same way.

'I feel like everyone's looking at him. I feel like people are 軽く押す/注意を引くing their partners. I feel like people are taking wide births with their children.'

She continued: 'You can't be 脅すd because we need to be getting out there and showing the world what responsible いじめ(る) owners look like.

The pair had just visited the park where Billy was on a flexi lead. She 勧めるd owners to: 'Wear a training pouch, take food, take a toy, do training with your dog, so people can see what you're doing.'

She 結論するd: 'Go and 証明する to people how good your dog is because this is what we need 権利 now.

'We all know how amazing these dogs are, we just need to 証明する it.'

The owner (人命などを)奪う,主張するd to receive support from members of the public while 論証するing Billy's training. Others follow 控訴 in the comment section, however, many are unable to consider 効果的な training as grounds to stop the 禁止(する) on the 産む/飼育する.

The woman has urged viewers to show the country what a responsible XL Bully dog owner looks like

The woman has 勧めるd テレビ視聴者s to show the country what a responsible XL いじめ(る) dog owner looks like?

One 使用者 said: 'All dogs are する権利を与えるd to a walk.'?

A second agreed and 簡単に put: '#dontbullymybreed'?

However, many others chimed in with a 消極的な take. One said: 'They all think they’re responsible owners until… responsible is not having one.'?

Another wrote: 'If you could 信用 him off lead and he had bulletproof 解任する, he would be an amazingly trained dog. but there's a 推論する/理由 he's on a flexi lead.'?

Another said: '広大な/多数の/重要な fun...UNTIL ITS NOT!!'?

She 以前 told how her XL いじめ(る) loved 'cuddles' and said those using the dogs for 'status' and '保護' would just find another 産む/飼育する if they were banned.

She said: 'I genuinely believed this is 存在 turned into a moral panic.

'Retired dog 専門家s have been using this language - "devil dogs", "franken-いじめ(る)" and "tiger on a lead".

'All that is doing is 脅すing the general public into putting 圧力 into a 膝-jerk reaction.

'You are going to have responsible owners like me who are 不公平に 的d for the type of dog that I have, while dog attacks across all 産む/飼育するs are up at the moment.'

She 追加するd: 'If we've learned anything from the Dangerous Dog 行為/法令/行動する, it's that banning by type doesn't work.

'The people who are 産む/飼育するing irresponsibly and owning irresponsibly will just move の上に another 産む/飼育する.'

But Ms Coulthard said those using the dogs for 'status' and 'protection' would just find another breed if they were banned

But Ms Coulthard said those using the dogs for 'status' and '保護' would just find another 産む/飼育する if they were banned

Ms Coulthard said she decided to get an XL いじめ(る) dog after 捜し出すing a dog that was both 有能な of going on 引き上げ(る)s and could live in her London apartment.

She felt the US 産む/飼育する, which is a mixture of the American 炭坑,オーケストラ席 Bull Terrier, American Bulldog and English Bulldog, would 控訴 her lifestyle perfectly.

Ms Coulthard, who films ビデオs about her dog on her TikTok profile 'Training Billy the いじめ(る)', said he'd never growled but she had worked hard to 始める,決める 境界s for him.

She says 'a moral panic' had arisen around the?powerful 産む/飼育する of bulldog に引き続いて several high-profile attacks on youngsters.

And she 警告するd against '膝-jerk' changes to the 法律 banning the 産む/飼育する - 説 irresponsible owners should be at the 最前部 of new 法律制定.

And she didn't 認める the characterisation of XL いじめ(る)s as 自然に violent animals, 追加するing that her pooch was the ideal 'family companion'.

She said: 'We looked at a Staffordshire Bull Terrie 初めは, but they tend to have やめる little 脚s.

'Then we ran into someone with an American いじめ(る), and thought "this is like a Staff but わずかに bigger".

'Billy is your classic couch potato. If I take him to the park he loves to run around, but he's always on a lead. He loves to play. He's like any 肉親,親類d of happy-go-lucky dog.

'He's massively affectionate. He will literally 嘘(をつく) on his 支援する and 需要・要求する that you 一打/打撃 him all day, he's really soft.

'He is 正確に/まさに what we 手配中の,お尋ね者, which is a family companion dog. He has never growled or ever shown even a hint of 侵略.

'But I've always been conscious of teaching him 'impulse 支配(する)/統制する' and putting things in place to make sure he has a happy life, but with 境界s.'

Ms Coulthard said she'd felt '強調する/ストレスd' に引き続いて calls to 無法者 the 産む/飼育する, and said it was important that new 法律制定 was 草案d that introduced licences for owners.

It comes after?Rishi Sunak was 勧めるd over the 週末 to consider a general cull of all American XL いじめ(る)s over 恐れるs that faster 活動/戦闘 was needed to 戦闘 the '殺し屋 dogs'.

The video, which amassed two millions views, has received a mixed reaction. While some have commented in solidarity, others think owning an XL Bully dog is irresponsible

The ビデオ, which amassed two millions 見解(をとる)s, has received a mixed reaction. While some have commented in sol idarity, others think owning an XL いじめ(る) dog is irresponsible?

The call from a 上級の Tory MP (機の)カム after the 政府 発表するd a 禁止(する) on the 産む/飼育する last week, but with an 恩赦,大赦 for 存在するing owners as long as their pets were 登録(する)d, neutered and muzzled when in public.

政府 公式の/役人s 強調する/ストレスd yesterday that by 要求するing all owners to get their いじめ(る) dogs neutered, the 産む/飼育する would 簡単に die out.

However, Sir Robert 好意/親善, chairman of the ありふれたs 環境, Food and 田舎の 事件/事情/状勢s 委員会, said 大臣s may have to 行為/法令/行動する more quickly.

He told The Mail on Sunday: 'These dogs live 井戸/弁護士席 over 12 years and we can't wait a 10年間 to 除去する this 脅し.

MAULED TO DEATH: Ian Price, 52, who was killed by these suspected XL bullies (pictured below) in Staffordshire on Thursday

MAULED TO DEATH: Ian Price, 52, who was killed by these 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd XL いじめ(る)s (pictured below) in Staffordshire on Thursday

American XL Bully dogs will be banned in the UK by the end of the year

American XL いじめ(る) dogs will be banned in the UK by the end of the year

'Imagine if you are living next door to someone with one of these dogs and you have young children.

'Yes, it would be muzzled when the owner takes it out. But would you want one of these 殺し屋 dogs next door for the next 10年間?'

On Friday, the 総理大臣 branded XL いじめ(る) dogs a 'danger to our communities' and 公約するd to bring in 支配するs by the end of the year under the Dangerous Dogs 行為/法令/行動する to 禁止(する) them. It (機の)カム after a horrific 出来事/事件 24 hours earlier when father-of-two Ian Price, 52, was mauled to death in a frenzied attack by two 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd いじめ(る)s.

Days before, Ana Paun, 11, was 傷つける by an American いじめ(る) ? a type linked to ten deaths since 2021.

環境 長官 Therese Coffey is to 会を召集する a 会合 with 専門家s to define the XL 産む/飼育する, which is said to have 起こる/始まるd in the US in the 1980s when American pitbull terriers were crossed with Staffordshire terriers.

But 長,指導者 Veterinary Officer Christine Middlemiss said earlier this week that there would be an 恩赦,大赦 for 存在するing owners. She told BBC 無線で通信する 4's Today programme: 'People that have these dogs ? and some will be 井戸/弁護士席 s ocialised, 井戸/弁護士席 managed, 井戸/弁護士席 trained ? you will need to 登録(する) and take 活動/戦闘s. Your dog will need to be neutered… muzzled when out in public and on a lead and insured. If you 従う… you will be able to keep your dog.'

What is an American いじめ(る) XL and what makes it so dangerous??

American いじめ(る)s are a 比較して new 産む/飼育する, having 起こる/始まるd in the 1980s.?

They are mixed 産む/飼育する bulldogs, typically American pitbull terriers crossed American, English and Olde English bulldogs.?

にもかかわらず their 親族 人気 in the UK, they are not 公式に 登録(する)d as a 産む/飼育する by the UK Kennel Club, making it difficult to know 正確に/まさに how many are in the country.?

They are seen as 'status symbols' and are often 購入(する)d for their 脅迫してさせるing looks.?

Though the いじめ(る) XL is the most ありふれた, the dogs can also be bred with mastiffs and other larger dogs to make them bigger, XXL or even XXXL.?

議論の的になる and 違法な practices such as ear cropping are also carried out to make them appear more 脅迫してさせるing.?

The males can 重さを計る between 70 and 130 続けざまに猛撃するs of muscle bone and have enormous strength.?

The 'status symbol' nature of the dogs has seen them become something of a 武器, 購入(する)d by people who want a thuggish and scary looking dog.?

にもかかわらず their 欠如(する) of 公式の/役人 certification, there is also a にわか景気ing market with puppies 定期的に sold on Facebook and through places like Gumtree for anywhere between £500 and £3,000.?

However, 専門家s are at 苦痛s to 警告する of their 潜在的に dangerous nature, 特に if their 侵略 is encouraged.?

They descend from bull-baiting dogs and if they aren't trained 適切に then their 侵略 could surface.???

This could 提起する/ポーズをとる a real 脅し to humans, 特に children, and has been seen in several shocking 最近の deaths 伴う/関わるing the dog.??

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