I tried Davina McCall's 負わせるd vest and after 3 weeks I hated the aches and 苦痛s it gave me - but the 2cm off my waist and 改善するd fitness might just be 価値(がある) it,?says SAMANTHA REA

Will wearing a 負わせるd vest while I'm アイロンをかけるing make me as fit as Davina McCall? I decide I'd like to find out!

Masked Singer presenter Davina is known for having the abs of a Victoria's Secret model, the 武器 of an Olympian and thighs that could 鎮圧する cars.

I'd always thought Davina's superhero physique was 負かす/撃墜する to 割れ目-of-夜明け workouts that would put a mere mortal in hospital.

However, as I was faffing about online to 避ける 取り組むing my 洪水ing inbox, I つまずくd across a ビデオ of Davina wearing a 負わせるd vest, which she says she wears around the house.

'You'll be able to do 家事 in it,' she explains in the clip, 追加するing that if you wear it while you're doing the washing or 荷を降ろすing the dishwasher: 'You're gonna feel it!'

London-based journalist Samantha Rea (pictured) decided to give a we
ighted vest a try to see if it would improve her fitness

London-based 新聞記者/雑誌記者 Samantha Rea (pictured) decided to give a 負わせるd vest a try to see if it would 改善する her fitness

Usually when I think of celebrities wearing 負わせるd vests I picture 耐える Grylls doing pull-ups, David Beckham running, 示す Zuckerberg doing The Murph Challenge, or Gemma Atkinson doing Tabata style workouts.

Then there's the 傾向 for 'rucking' which 伴う/関わるs putting on a 負わせるd vest or 激しい rucksack for a 引き上げ(る), to make it harder.

But could wearing a 負わせるd vest get me fit while I'm just doing everyday activities like putting the rubbish out or walking to Tesco?

井戸/弁護士席 if Davina says it can then I'm pretty much sold - and there are 現実に stats to 支援する it up.

A Swedish 熟考する/考慮する?設立する that 関係者s who wore a 負わせるd vest eight hours a day, for three weeks, all lost 負わせる - just while going about their daily lives as usual.

Could this work for me??To find out, I got の上に Argos to order the 3kg £22 負わせるd vest from Davina's fitness 範囲.

In the 熟考する/考慮する, 関係者s who wore 11kg 負わせるd vests lost 1.6kg in 団体/死体 負わせる. This would be 広大な/多数の/重要な, but the prospect of carrying 11kg makes me 恐れる for my spine, so I 人物/姿/数字 3kg is a pretty good place to start.

I'll be wearing the 負わせるd vest for eight hours a day and living my life as usual. This means working from home, either at my standing desk or sitting 負かす/撃墜する with my laptop on my (競技場の)トラック一周 - I tend to do a bit of each throughout the day.

Samantha bought a 3kg weighted vest for £22 from Davina McCall's (pictured) fitness range at?Argos

Samantha bought a 3kg 負わせるd vest for £22 from Davina McCall's (pictured) fitness 範囲 at?Argos

The journalist wore a weighted vest for eight hours each day for three weeks while going about her daily routine

The 新聞記者/雑誌記者 wore a 負わせるd vest for eight hours each day for three weeks while going about her daily 決まりきった仕事

I'll wear the vest while I'm working, きれいにする, nipping to the shop and doing anything else that's part of my daily life - but I'll take it off when I do anything that could be considered a workout, whether that's yoga, running or anything in the gym.

This means that although I'll wear the vest for eight hours a day, it might be over a nine or ten hour period.< /p>


When I first put it on, on the Monday, I feel like: 'Oh no, eight hours of this is going to be horrible,' but I quickly get used to it, and find myself checking in with my posture (shoulders 支援する and 負かす/撃墜する, abs engaged) in a way I would usually only do at the gym.

I'm 一致するing up the time I'm wearing the vest, and when I check に向かって the end of the afternoon to see how long I've got left, I'm surprised to find that I've already clocked up just over eight hours.

The only downside on my first day has been わずかに achey shoulders when I'm typing at my standing desk. I wonder if it's because the vest has elasticated shoulder ひもで縛るs which makes the 負わせる feel like it's really hanging 負かす/撃墜する on me.

It's only on Friday, when I put the vest 支援する on after a yoga break that I somehow put it on 異なって and I realise this is how I should have been wearing it all along. It turns out the vest doesn't have elasticated shoulder ひもで縛るs - I was wearing it upside 負かす/撃墜する!

My first 遠出 in the vest is to 選ぶ up a 小包 that I've had 配達するd to a collection point. It's a 40 minute 一連の会議、交渉/完成する trip, at a slow stroll. The 負わせるd vest fits easily under my coat and it crosses my mind that I'm glad it's coat 天候.

I live on the fifth 床に打ち倒す of my building and I always use the stairs so I'm hoping that carrying an extra 3kg will 改善する my cardiovascular fitness and work my muscles more, giving me a gym bunny 団体/死体 without the squats.

Over the course of the week I walk up the five flights, wearing the 3kg vest, seven times.

'When I first put it on, on the Monday, I feel like: "Oh no, eight hours of this is going to be horrible"', admitted Samantha (pictured)
'When I first put it on, on the Monday, I feel like: "Oh no, eight hours of this is going to be horrible"', admitted Samantha (pictured)

'When I first put it on, on the Monday, I feel like: "Oh no, eight hours of this is going to be horrible"', 認める Samantha (pictured)

'When I take the vest off for yoga breaks, I feel so light I think I might float off my mat', admitted Samantha (pictured)

'When I take the vest off for yoga breaks, I feel so light I think I might float off my mat', 認める Samantha (pictured)

It feels light when I'm not carrying much, but on the Saturday I do my food shopping on the way home from swimming and the 負わせる of 捕らえる、獲得するs 連合させるd with the vest makes it a 堅い walk home.

I 重さを計る the 捕らえる、獲得するs when I get in and they come to 9.5kg. This is a 公正に/かなり 正規の/正選手 shop for me as I tend to 備蓄(する) tins of lentils (and ワイン, 承認する, ワイン) but as I'm wearing the 3kg vest, it means I've carried a 負わせる of 12.5kg up five flights of stairs.

This is probably a personal 記録,記録的な/記録する, and it definitely feels like my 限界. If the vest had been any heavier, I might not have made it up the stairs.

On the flip 味方する, when I take the vest off for yoga breaks, I feel so light I think I might float off my mat, and when I go to the gym on Wednesday evening, I whizz through my reps - and beyond.

The 脚 拡張 is so 平易な, I feel like my 脚s are literally weightless and I have to 二塁打 check that I'm using the usual 負わせる that I've been stuck on for three months. It's like I'm an 宇宙飛行士 doing a workout in space.

At the end of the seven days I should have wracked up a total of 56 vest hours, but I've gone over a bit most days, and I find I've worn it for 57 hours 37 minutes.


Taking it up a notch, this week I am wearing a 5kg vest from Wilko (定価つきの at £19.99). I'd planned to go to the gym on the Monday evening, but I find I'm 肉体的に too tired.

I don't know if it's the 増加する from 3kg to 5kg, or the fact that this is the eighth day in a 列/漕ぐ/騒動 that I've been wearing a 負わせるd vest, but I decide to do yoga at home instead.

On the Tuesday, rather than 危険 a repeat of getting too tired, I go to the gym in the morning. It's a 10-15 minute walk and I wear the 負わせるd vest until I get to the changing room, then put it in my rucksack. The vest feels heavier to 解除する in a 捕らえる、獲得する than it does to wear - and this is an 問題/発行する because I am not putting it in a locker.

Lugging the 捕らえる、獲得する from the locker room to the gym, then around the gym with me, leaves me exhausted.

On week two, Samantha swaps her 3kg vest for a 5kg vest from Wilko (priced at £19.99)

On week two, Samantha 交換(する)s her 3kg vest for a 5kg vest from Wilko (定価つきの at £19.99)

Samantha (pictured) said: 'By the Wednesday, the prospect of putting on the vest makes me feel like Leonardo DiCaprio in The Man in the Iron Mask where he's forced back into the mask after a taste of freedom'

Samantha (pictured) said: 'By the Wednesday, the prospect of putting on the vest makes me feel like Leonardo DiCaprio in The Man in the アイロンをかける Mask where he's 軍隊d 支援する into the mask after a taste of freedom'

On my way out, the receptionist asks if I had a good workout and I tell her: 'I'm very tired now,' in the manner of a three year old who's 延滞の a nap. I think this is making me out of sorts.

By the Wednesday, the prospect of putting on the vest makes me feel like Leonardo DiCaprio in The Man in the アイロンをかける Mask where he's 軍隊d 支援する into the mask after a taste of freedom.

The main problem is achy shoulders whe n I'm typing at my standing desk. Although I'm now wearing the vest the 権利 way 一連の会議、交渉/完成する - which helps - the aches are still an 問題/発行する and I've reached the point of hating it.

This week I keep a closer 注目する,もくろむ on the clock and wrack up 56 hours 16 minutes.


I'd ーするつもりであるd to take it up another notch by wearing an 8kg vest for my final week. However, my shoulders say no, so I decide to stick to 5kg.

On the Monday, when I take off the vest for a gentle jog, I do not feel like I'm 飛行機で行くing - instead I'm really feeling it in my 脚s. I think that two weeks of the 負わせるd vest has taken its (死傷者)数.

'On the Tuesday I am playing ping pong at Bounce in Farringdon, at 5pm,' explained Samantha (pictured)

'On the Tuesday I am playing ping pong at Bounce in Farringdon, at 5pm,' explained Samantha (pictured)

On the Tuesday I am playing ping pong at Bounce in Farringdon, at 5pm. I've taken the vest off for swimming, earlier in the day, so I'm yet to 会合,会う my eight hour 的. This means I am still wearing the vest when I arrive for ping pong. Only it's not just ping pong, it's a second date, and now I don't want to take my coat off because what 肉親,親類d of weirdo turns up for a date wearing a 負わせるd vest?

I awkwardly slip off my coat then sit there 持つ/拘留するing it up in 前線 of me, like a bath towel. We 雑談(する) for a bit, as if there is nothing strange about this. My date does a good 職業 of pretending not to notice, but 打ち勝つ with 当惑 I tell him I am wearing a 負わせるd vest and I don't want him to see. I am afraid it will give him the ick.

He doesn't seem fazed, so I put the coat 負かす/撃墜する and we begin our game of ping pong. He tells me I look like I'm wearing 団体/死体 armour, but this seems to be more of an 観察 than an 問題/発行する - although he's probably pleased when I take it off for dinner.

On the Wednesday, I change at home for a 圧力(をかける) workout at Barry's, then dash out the door, forgetting to put the vest 支援する on for the walk there and 支援する.

I'm out for about three hours, which puts me behind on getting my eight hours in. I arrive home exhausted and despair at the prospect of dragging myself about in the vest until the 早期に hours of the morning, like one of Scrooge's ghosts, 重さを計るd 負かす/撃墜する by chains. Something has to give, and I 受託する 敗北・負かす at 6 hours 35 minutes.

I (不足などを)補う the time over the 週末, which 含むs a dog walk around Regent's Park. My 週刊誌 total comes to 56 hours 50 minutes, so I 現実に 結局最後にはーなる going over.


'As weighted vests are thought to improve cardiovascular fitness, I've do
ne a VO2 Max test, at the University of Westminster, before and after the three weeks of wearing the weighted vest,' explained the journalist (pictured taking the tests)

'As 負わせるd vests are thought to 改善する cardiovascular fitness, I've done a VO2 Max 実験(する), at the University of Westminster, before and after the three weeks of wearing the 負わせるd vest,' explained the 新聞記者/雑誌記者 (pictured taking the 実験(する)s)?

By sticking to my usual 決まりきった仕事, but wearing a 負わせるd vest while I'm doing it, I've lost 1.5kg and 2cm off my waist. This is 基本的に the 負わせる I put on over Christmas, drinking?litres of Baileys and eating acre long boxes of chocolates - so don't worry folks, I'm not wasting away (and I've still got lockdown 負わせる to lose).

It seems incredible that the vest could make such a difference, without doing anything extra while I'm wearing it, so to get an 専門家 opinion I talk to Dr. Bradley Elliott. He's a 上級の lecturer in physiology at the University of Westminster, and a 研究 scientist specialising in how and why we lose muscle 集まり with age, and what can be done to 妨げる this.

He says: 'One of the 広大な/多数の/重要な things about walking with a 負わせるd vest or 捕らえる、獲得する is that you're working lots of muscles. So all the muscles in your 脚s, 支援する, chest, shoulders, 復部のs - it's a multi-muscle eff ort. You're using a bit of everything, all the time.'

He 追加するs: 'We know that aerobic style 演習 like walking is good for you. We also know that strength training is good for you. I like the combination of both of them together. So it's not just strength training and it's not just walking, it's a bit of both, which I think is brilliant.'

But I don't have to walk to get the 利益s of the 負わせるd vest. Dr. Elliott explains: 'You're doing more work just standing up out of a 議長,司会を務める. If you 重さを計るd 60kg before and then you 重さを計るd, artificially, 65kg, it takes more 成果/努力 to get you out of a 議長,司会を務める or to walk up stairs or do anything.'

As 負わせるd vests are thought to 改善する cardiovascular fitness, I've done a VO2 Max 実験(する), at the University of Westminster, before and after the three weeks of wearing the 負わせるd vest.

This 伴う/関わるs running on a treadmill while wearing a heart 率 監視する and 存在 wired up to a computer. It's a way of 手段ing cardiovascular fitness and I'm doing it to see if three weeks of wearing the 負わせるd vest up and 負かす/撃墜する the stairs has made a difference.

ーに関して/ーの点でs of how my 団体/死体 uses oxygen, the results of the VO2 Max 実験(する) are pretty much the same, before and after. However there is a difference between my 実験(する)s. On my first 実験(する), I run for eight minutes, at a 最高の,を越す 速度(を上げる) of 9km per hour. On my second 実験(する), I run for eleven minutes, at a 最高の,を越す 速度(を上げる) 11km per hour.

I ask Dr. Elliott if he thinks I've 伸び(る)d muscle 集まり in the time I've been wearing the vest. He says: 'Yes, I think you've plausibly 伸び(る)d muscle 集まり, and over a longer period of time you would 伸び(る) muscle 集まり. 絶対.'

I started this challenge thinking about 負わせる loss and cardiovascular fitness, but it seems like the 利益s of the 負わせるd vest go way beyond this - perhaps even to the exten t of 減ずるing the 危険 of osteoporosis.

We know that bone 濃度/密度 can 減少(する) with age, 特に for women, and we know that this can 潜在的に lead to osteoporosis. We're told that doing 負わせる 耐えるing 演習?such as walking can help with this - so could wearing the 負わせるd vest while walking 減ずる the 危険 of osteoporosis?

Dr. Elliott's opinion is: 'Probably yes.' He explains: 'Walking is good for bone 濃度/密度. That's one of the 推論する/理由s why walking and running is better for your bones than cycling, where you're not 現実に 耐えるing any 負わせる. So 追加するing a bit of 集まり on there would, I think, help 伸び(る) more bone 濃度/密度 同様に.'

Now that my three weeks is up, I'm glad not to be wearing the 負わせるd vest for eight hours a day, and I definitely won't wear it at my desk again.

However, I'm happy to wear it while I'm walking or doing 家事, and given the 利益s it would be mad not to.?

For no extra time, and barely any extra perceptible 成果/努力, wearing the vest means I'm 燃やすing fat, 増加するing bone 濃度/密度, and getting a 十分な 団体/死体 workout. And it only costs around £20. What's not to like?