The Queen joked her grandson Louis was 'やめる a handful' as she met (人が)群がるs of 支持者s on a visit to the 小島 of Man.

Camilla made the comment as she 迎える/歓迎するd people outside Douglas Borough 会議 on Wednesday after 現在のing the letters 特許, 公式に conferring city status on Douglas.

会合 38-year-old Rachael Hughes and her 15-week-old twin boys Louie and Oliver, the Queen said: 'I have a Louis grandson... やめる a handful'.

Ms Hughes said the Queen had come over to 'admire' the boys in their matching blue outfits, 追加するing: '[She] asked their 指名するs and said it gets easier when they are two.?It was so lovely to see her. She is doing a 広大な/多数の/重要な 職業 and she looks fabulous.'

Camilla has three grandsons, twin boys Gus, 13, and Louis, 15, by her daughter Laura Lopes, and 13-year-old Frederick, by son Tom Parker?Bowles.

Queen Camilla joked that her 15-year-old grandson, Louis Lopes, is 'quite a handful' during a trip to Isle of Man today

Queen Camilla joked that her 15-year-old grandson, Louis Lopes, is 'やめる a handful' during a trip to 小島 of Man today?

She also has a step-grandson Prince Louis, the lively youngest son of the Prince and Princess of むちの跡s.

The Queen, dressed in 海軍 adorned with a sapphire and diamond brooch, made a 飛行機で行くing visit to the 小島 on に代わって of her husband the King, 説 he was 'so sorry' he could not be there himself to celebrate the '極端に special occasion'.

She thanked 居住(者)s for their 'warm welcome' before reading out a speech 用意が出来ている by the King which 定評のある the late Queen Elizabeth II and thanked his wife for reading his words.

It read: 'The 認めるing of your city status is 特に special to me, as your letters 特許 are the only ones in 存在 that 持つ/拘留する both my 署名 and that of my late mother.

'Therefore, ladies and gentlemen, as you 示す your 井戸/弁護士席-deserved status as one of the newest cities in the British 小島s, and the only one of the 栄冠を与える Dependencies, I would like to 申し込む/申し出 on に代わって of my wife and myself, my 深く心に感じた congratulations and my very best wishes for the 未来.'

(人が)群がるs gathered to 会合,会う the Queen after she 明かすd a City Hall plaque, waving 旗s, 手渡すing her bouquets of flowers and shaking 手渡すs.

After leaving the borough 会議, the Queen took an eight-minute 運動 to 政府 House in Onchan, the 公式の/役人 住居 of the 中尉/大尉/警部補 知事 and his family, where she met community groups 含むing the swimming club the Manx Bluetits and the RNLI, which was formed on the island.

She was 手渡すd gift 捕らえる、獲得するs from the RNLI and The Fynoderee Distillery, which produced commemorative spirits to 示す the lifeboat charity's 200th 周年記念日 this year.

Louis Lopes (pictured on the Buckingham Palace balcony after the coronation of the new King and Queen at Westminster Abbey) is the oldest son of Camilla's daughter Laura Lopes

Louis Lopes (pictured on the Buckingham Palace balcony after the 載冠(式)/即位(式) of the new King and Queen at Westminster Abbey) is the oldest son of Camilla's daughter Laura Lopes?

Camilla received a warm welcome in Isle of Man and chatted with excited members of the public

Camilla received a warm welcome in 小島 of Man and chatted with excited members of the public?

The Queen then 迎える/歓迎するd schoolchildren who had gathered to see her, asking them if they were excited for the 近づいている 復活祭 holidays, what their 計画(する)s were and if they were going to 参加する 復活祭 egg 追跡(する)s.

Camilla also spent around 45 minutes with Diana Parkes CBE, an 小島 of Man 居住(者) who 始める,決める up the Joanna Simpson 創立/基礎 in memory of her daughter who was 殺人d by her estranged husband, before leaving 政府 House.

Douglas was one of eight towns to be 認めるd city status in May 2022 as part of the 祝賀s for the late Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee, と一緒に Bangor, Colchester, Doncaster, Dunfermline, Milton Keynes, Stanley and Wrexham.

It comes after three London Clinic 労働者s who are under 調査 by 管理/経営 over (人命などを)奪う,主張するs they tried to 接近 Kate Middleton's 私的な 医療の 記録,記録的な/記録するs are believed to have been 一時停止するd.

The trio all work at the prestigious 私的な hospital where the Princess of むちの跡s had 復部の 外科 earlier this year, and where King Charles was 扱う/治療するd for an 大きくするd prostate before 存在 診断するd with 癌.

The Princess of むちの跡s is believed to have been told about the 可能性のある data 違反. The King's 私的な 医療の (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) was not 影響する/感情d.

Lieutenant Governor Sir John Lorimer (left) greeted Queen Camilla upon her arrival to Douglas Borough Council

中尉/大尉/警部補 知事 Sir John Lorimer (left) 迎える/歓迎するd Queen Camilla upon her arrival to Douglas Borough 会議

Ellan Vannin pipes and drums played in the streets outside the City Hall to welcome Queen Camilla

Ellan Vannin 麻薬を吸うs and 派手に宣伝するs played in the streets outside the City Hall to welcome Queen Camilla?

School children lined the streets and waved Union Jack flags as they waited for Camilla's arrival

School children lined the streets and waved Union Jack 旗s as they waited for Camilla's arrival?

Looking typically stylish, Her Majesty donned an all-blue ensemble to confer City status on the Borough of Douglas

Looking typically stylish, Her Majesty donned an all-blue ensemble to 会談する City status on the Borough of Douglas

Aside from a 声明 put out by bosses at the clinic, it has 辞退するd to answer questions on the status of the staff and when the 調査 began, although all three are believed to have been 一時停止するd.

The (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) Commissioner's Office (ICO) says it is 調査/捜査するing the 出来事/事件 as the clinic itself says it will take 'all appropriate steps' to 調査/捜査する the 申し立てられた/疑わしい 違反.

It is also believed the police could 調査(する) the 主張s, with one 政府 大臣 (人命などを)奪う,主張するing the Met Police has been 'asked to look at it', although the 軍隊 says it is not aware of any referral as of yet.

The CEO of the London Clinic has 公約するd 'all appropriate investigatory, regulatory and disciplinary steps will be taken' as it 調査/捜査するs the data 違反 (人命などを)奪う,主張するs .

Its 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある, Al Russell, finally broke his silence this afternoon, 説 in a 声明: 'Everyone at the London Clinic is acutely aware of our individual, professional, 倫理的な and 合法的な 義務s with regards to 患者 confidentiality.

'We take enormous pride in the 優れた care and discretion we 目的(とする) to 配達する for all our 患者s that put their 信用 in us every day.

'We have systems in place to 監視する 管理/経営 of 患者 (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) and, in the 事例/患者 of any 違反, all appropriate investigatory, regulatory and disciplinary steps will be taken.

'There is no place at our hospital for those who 故意に 違反 the 信用 of any of our 患者s or 同僚s.'

A spokesperson for the clinic told ITV News that they would not comment その上の other than to say 'all our 患者s, no 事柄 what their status, deserve total privacy and confidentiality regarding their personal 医療の (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状).

The Princess is said to be aware of the 主張s, while a spokesperson for Kensington Palace said: 'This is a 事柄 for the London Clinic.'

The ICO said on Wednesday: 'We can 確認する that we have received a 違反 報告(する)/憶測 and are 査定する/(税金などを)課すing the (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) 供給するd.'