A yoga teacher who was 警告するd by doctors never to 飛行機で行く again 辞退するd to give up on her dreams of travelling - so spent £5,000 and two months using boats to get all the way to New Zealand.

Bethany Hearn, from Colchester, Essex, was 決定するd to 実行する her dream of emigrating across the world にもかかわらず 警告s from doctors over the 危険s of flights after skull 外科.

The 23-year-old underwent 外科 to 除去する an 異常な collection of 肌 独房s 深い inside her ear - known as a cholesteatoma - in 2021.

The 操作/手術 meant a part of Bethany's skull was 除去するd and her ear 派手に宣伝する was 再建するd with a 汚職,収賄 of cartilage.

However, a year after 外科, Bethany was left in excruciating 苦痛 during a flight to Greece after the 圧力 on the 計画(する) 原因(となる)d the 汚職,収賄 in her eardrum to 沈む.

Bethany Hearn spent £5,000 on ships and trains to New Zealand after being told by doctors she couldn't fly

Bethany Hearn spent £5,000 on ships and trains to New Zealand after 存在 told by doctors she couldn't 飛行機で行く

Medics then advised the yoga and pilates teacher to 避ける all flight travel from then on to 避ける any その上の 複雑化s.

But Bethany was still 決定するd to fulfil her wish of emigrating to New Zealand, and began 研究ing ways to reach her 目的地 経由で フェリー(で運ぶ)s.?

She said: 'I was told not to 飛行機で行く again because it was too risky. The doctor said the 圧力 wasn't good for my 長,率いる. He said no more 飛行機で行くing.

'He said my 汚職,収賄 would 基本的に 沈む in even more and there was a 危険 my eardrum would burst.

'But I really 手配中の,お尋ね者 to go 支援する to New Zealand. I sat 負かす/撃墜する and thought: "I really don't want this to stop me travelling".

'When I got told I couldn't 飛行機で行く, I just really didn't want my diagnosis to define me. I just thought: "Why should I not be able to still travel?".

'I made a joke to one of my friends to say I might just get a boat and it went from there. I thought why not? Surely there must be a way. In the olden days before 計画(する)s, people still went.'

Bethany's first フェリー(で運ぶ) trip on Cunard's Queen Mary 2 始める,決める sail from Southampton to New York, on September 15, 2022.

The journey from Southampton, to Auckland took almost two months. Pictured: Bethany's boat journey

The 旅行 from Southampton, to Auckland took almost two months. Pictured: Bethany's boat 旅行

She said being a solo female traveller on a cruise (pictured) came with its own complications - including a strict dress code

She said 存在 a 単独の 女性(の) traveller on a 巡航する (pictured) (機の)カム with its own 複雑化s - 含むing a strict dress code?

The 23-year-old underwent surgery to remove an abnormal collection of skin cells deep inside her ear - known as a cholesteatoma

The 23-year-old underwent 外科 to 除去する an 異常な collection of 肌 独房s 深い inside her ear - known as a cholesteatoma

The operation meant a part of Bethany's skull was removed and her ear drum was reconstructed with a graft of cartilage

The 操作/手術 meant a part of Bethany's skull was 除去するd and her ear 派手に宣伝する was 再建するd with a 汚職,収賄 of cartilage

She boarded a three-day train from New York to LA, then 乗る,着手するd on a Princess 巡航する from LA, which stopped off in Hawaii, Fiji and French Polynesia on 大勝する, before finally arriving in New Zealand on October 27.

The t 引き裂く took nearly two months and cost Bethany around £5,000 - but she 計画(する)s to do it all over again in June this year for an epic trip 支援する to the UK after living in Auckland, New Zealand, for the past 16 months.

Bethany said she was the youngest person on board her first 巡航する by '50 years' - with 乗客s 混乱させるd as to what the backpacker was doing on board the ship.

She also 直面するd a 一連の problems as a 単独の 女性(の) traveller, 含むing men calling up her room on the 巡航する and others finding her social マスコミ profiles.??

She continued: 'The first 脚 of the trip was 現実に やめる lonely. I was the youngest 乗客 by about 50 years. The 巡航する was really 冷静な/正味の though - I went to a lot of gym classes and the entertainment was fun.

'I got やめる a lot of 敵意. I think people were 混乱させるd about what I was doing on the ship. I had no nice 着せる/賦与するs, I just had my backpack. But I did 会合,会う two other really nice 単独の travellers.'

After a three-day cross-country train 旅行 and another 巡航する across the 太平洋の Ocean, Bethany arrived in New Zealand with $40 to her 指名する.

There, she worked in babysitting and 歓待 職業s before becoming a yoga and pilates teacher.

Bethany's total journey via America was more than 12,000 miles through a combination of trains and ferries

Bethany's total 旅行 経由で America was more than 12,000 miles through a combination of trains and フェリー(で運ぶ)s?

Bethany is currently working as a yoga and pilates teacher in Auckland

Bethany is 現在/一般に working as a yoga and pilates teacher in Auckland

Pictured: Choppy seas on Bethany's boat journey

She was forced to forge a more unusual and expensive route to New Zealand as she was determined not to give up on her dream

She was 軍隊d to (1)偽造する/(2)徐々に進む a more unusual and expensive 大勝する to New Zealand as she was 決定するd not to give up on her dream

Bethany's first ferry trip on Cunard's Queen Mary 2 set sail from Southampton to New York on September 15, 2022

Bethany's first フェリー(で運ぶ) trip on Cunard's Queen Mary 2 始める,決める sail from Southampton to New York on September 15, 2022

Bethany said: 'I had saved £6,500 to get to New Zealand and 現実に turned up with $40 to my 指名する. I got here and すぐに started working.'

Bethany said her 慣習に捕らわれない method of travelling across the world helped her 'define who she is' - and 計画(する)s on making the same mammoth 旅行 home next month.

Bethany said: 'I really underestimated myself. You realise life is short, the world is 大規模な. I look 支援する and think, "Thank god I got on that ship".

'It was hard doing it by myself, but it really defined who I am.

'It's such a 冷静な/正味の way to 調査する the world and so much fun. Cost is the only thing to consider, but was much more reasonable than 最初 心配するd.'

A one-way flight from London to Auckland, New Zealand 範囲 from between £400 to £800, and takes a 最小限 of 24 hours, 含むing at least one stop.??


A Cholesteatoma is a cyst or pouch of 肌 within the ear and is usually 原因(となる)d by a repeated ear 感染 or 傷害.

The rare 条件 原因(となる)s 肌 to grow inwards from the eardrum. It is not cancerous but if left untreated it can grow and destroy bones within the ear and lead to deafness.?

It can also lead to an ear 感染, vertigo, tinnitus and 損失 to the 神経s in the 直面する.??

The first symptoms of a Cholesteatoma can be a 執拗な smelly 発射する/解雇する, or 漏れる, coming from the ear, and 審理,公聴会 loss.?

治療 選択s 含む having 外科 to 除去する it. In come 事例/患者s a prosthesis (tiny 人工的な 審理,公聴会 bone) may be 挿入するd.??

Sources: 国家の Deaf Children's Society; NHS