'Britain's most 議論の的になる chef' Gary 勧める 禁止(する)s 'vile' 顧客 who left a one-星/主役にする review of his pub which (人命などを)奪う,主張するd waitress, 21, was 'incredibly rude, conniving and deceitful' during a 列/漕ぐ/騒動 about the service 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金

A pub owner has gone viral after he slammed a 消極的な review directed at one of his young 従業員s at his restaurant.?

Outspoken chef Gary 勧める is the owner of エリート Bistros, which has restaurants across the north west of England, 含むing award-winning gastro pub The White Horse in Churton, Cheshire.?

Gary didn't 持つ/拘留する 支援する in 答える/応じるing to an 匿名の/不明の review left on the 保留(地)/予約 場所/位置 Open (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する on Sunday, which said the meal was '哀れな'.?

The scathing review in particular took 問題/発行する with the service from Jemma, a young member of the team, calling her 'incredibly rude, conniving and deceitful'.?

Gary, who is known as 'Britain's most 議論の的になる chef' thanks to his outspoken opinions, took to Twitter?on the pub's account to defend the 21-year-old, and even banned the 顧客 from ever returning to his restaurant.?

Chef Gary Usher has gone viral after defending one of his young employees from a negative review

Chef Gary 勧める has gone viral after defending one of his young 従業員s from a 消極的な review

Gary said that Jemma, 21, is an 'absolute' credit to the pub and offered her two tickets to the next pub chef night instead of working it

Gary said that Jemma, 21, is an '絶対の' credit to the pub and 申し込む/申し出d her two tickets to the next pub chef night instead of working it

The review, 地位,任命するd under the 指名する LCC44 from Cheshire, read: 'Jemma was our server and she coincidentally served us on our first visit.'

The reviewer (人命などを)奪う,主張するd Jemma had 'an 平等に horrible 態度' on the secon visit.?

'My 明確な/細部 問題/発行する is trying to 追加する a service 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 の上に the 法案 without showing a 領収書,' they continued, 述べるing her as 'incredibly rude, conniving and deceitful'.

'I thankfully asked for clarity and a copy of the 領収書 only to be shown the same 領収書 before the 保証人/証拠物件 was deduced. But after much discussion and 試みる/企てるd 混乱 she reluctantly went to the 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 the 3rd time to 除去する the service 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金.

'I do not feel bad 除去するing this どれでも as the service did not 令状 an extra 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金. The food was nice but the 部分 size and 付加 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 for gravy when you had a thimble 十分な on your meal 最初 is ostentatious.

'As 以前 について言及するd by others, we will not be returning and we will not be recommending. What a shame.'

Gary, who is sometimes known as Britain's 'most controversial' chef, took to Twitter to ban the unhappy customer from ever returning

Gary, who is いつかs known as Britain's 'most 議論の的になる' chef, took to Twitter to 禁止(する) the unhappy 顧客 from ever returning

The review gave the food two 星/主役にするs, and awarded the service and the ambiance only one.??

Gary 地位,任命するd the review to Twitter, banning the unhappy 顧客 from ever returning.?

と一緒に a picture of Jemma, he 申し込む/申し出d her two tickets to enjoy the pub's next chef night instead of working it and called her 'an 絶対の credit'.?

He wrote, in a 地位,任命する that has since gone viral and been 見解(をとる)d more than 500,000 times: 'Gary here, 非,不,無 Polite notice to anyone upsetting any of the team here or in any @EliteBistros.?

The scathing review was posted anonymously on OpenTable and only gave the pub one star

The scathing review was 地位,任命するd 不明な on OpenTable and only gave the pub one 星/主役にする?

The outspoken chef Gary Usher is the owner of Elite Bistros, which has restaurants across the north west of England, including award-winning gastro pub The White Horse (pictured)

The outspoken chef Gary 勧める is the owner of エリート Bistros, which has restaurants across the north west of England, 含むing award-winning gastro pub The White Horse (pictured)

'I will 封鎖する your number & 詳細(に述べる)s on our system from 存在 able to 調書をとる/予約する again & 信用 me I do it 定期的に. It’s music to my ears when a*******s end a review 説 they won’t be returning, but I like to call them to 確認する.

'Now let’s quickly compliment Jemma because at 21 years old she’s an 絶対の credit to The White Horse, to her parents & to the 歓待 産業.?

'Jemma I’m sorry these people upset you yesterday & on their に代わって instead of working the next guest chef night you can have two tickets to come & enjoy it instead. Much love from us all here at The White Horse X'

He 追加するd: 'Just for more 状況. My reaction is nothing to do with the “review”. The “guests” were 絶対 vile to Jemma yesterday.'

Social マスコミ 勧めるs 急ぐd to 賞賛する Gary for his staff 管理/経営, with one applauding his '最高の,を越す of the class 職員/兵員 管理/経営'.?

Another 地位,任命するd a picture of the roast dinner they'd had at the pub, 説 it 'was 絶対 wonderful and the gravy certainly was not a "thimble 十分な"'.?

Others 追加するd: 'Jemma served us last night and was wonderful. Wonderful to see how much her 信用/信任 has grown since we visited a year ago. She’s a 星/主役にする';?

'I tip my hat to you Sir. Speaking from experience, Jemma's 職業 is hard enough without 存在 公然と ridiculed. 井戸/弁護士席 done, Lovely gesture';?

Social media ushers rushed to praise Gary for his staff management, with one applauding his 'top of the class personnel management'

Social マスコミ 勧めるs 急ぐd to 賞賛する Gary for his staff 管理/経営, with one applauding his '最高の,を越す of the class 職員/兵員 管理/経営'

'Never been, not even sure where Churton is, but will look it up, - but let’s hear it for Jemma (and her wonderful boss).'

Gary's first restaurant was the Sticky Walnut in Hoole, Cheshire, in 2011. He has since become known as 'the 反逆者/反逆する chef' - and いつかs 'Britain's most 議論の的になる chef' for his outspoken opinions about staff 管理/経営 and food.?

Last year Gary 攻撃する,衝突する 支援する at 'ridiculous' (民事の)告訴s about a bur ger costing nearly £20 at his restaurant.? ?

Gary also made headlines in 2018 after a 顧客 complained about the Sticky Walnut's 欠如(する) of '顧客 技術s' after staff were asked to go shop for lemonade for a red ワイン spritzer.

Gary 発射 負かす/撃墜する the 顧客 説; 'We often 阻止する out for people's requests. It's part of 広大な/多数の/重要な 歓待. We just don't do it if you're a rude c***'.

Gary starred in a Channel 4 文書の in 2019 called The 反逆者/反逆する Chef: My Restaurant 革命.

The 文書の follows the 開始 of one of his crowdfunded bistros Pinion in the Merseyside Town of Prescot.?

In 2020, 勧める took 目的(とする) at a 消極的な review and slammed a 顧客 who said her meal at his restaurant was a '引き裂く-off' in a damning online review.

Gary previously made headlines for a burger costing almost £20 at his White Horse restaurant (pictured)

Gary 以前 made headlines for a burger costing almost £20 at his White Horse restaurant (pictured)

He has become known as 'the rebel chef' - and sometimes 'Britain's most controversial chef' for his outspoken opinions about staff management and food

He has become known as 'the 反逆者/反逆する chef' - and いつかs 'Britain's most 議論の的になる chef' for his outspoken opinions about staff 管理/経営 and food?

The dry aged beef burger with Comt? cheese, mustard, relish and pickle with a side of skinny fries for £19:50 on the menu

The 乾燥した,日照りの 老年の beef burger with Comt? cheese, 情熱, relish and pickle with a 味方する of skinny fries for £19:50 on the menu?

Emma said the £122 法案 for her meal - one course with drinks for two people - was '注目する,もくろむ-wateringly expensive', and the price tag was 'really not 価値(がある) it'.

But 勧める (人命などを)奪う,主張するd she had misunderstood the pricing, and that they could have ordered a three-course 始める,決める menu for just £39 each, (人命などを)奪う,主張するing that Emma and her dining companion were 'rude' and wouldn't 許す the 経営者/支配人 to explain this at the time.?

The outspoken chef also went viral in 2021 after?hitting 支援する at a 顧客 who wrote a scathing two-星/主役にする Tripadvisor review.?

In the review 肩書を与えるd 'excellent food let 負かす/撃墜する by Ryanair style service', the diner had 爆破d the 経営者/支配人 for 'not giving a 投げ上げる/ボディチェックする' about 顧客 service, which 勧める 熱心に 否定するd.??

The unsatisfied diner, known only as 略奪する V, wrote: 'The good news is that the food here is very, very tasty and deserves a high 率ing.

'The bad news is that the restaurant 管理/経営 doesn't give a 投げ上げる/ボディチェックする about 顧客 experience.

'I ate here on July 9 had a (民事の)告訴 that was dealt with 不正に enough by the 経営者/支配人 that I wrote to the owner.

The Sticky Walnut in Chester has a 4.5 star rating out of 5 on TripAdvisor, where it has amassed almost 2,000 reviews

The Sticky Walnut in Chester has a 4.5 星/主役にする 率ing out of 5 on TripAdvisor, where it has amassed almost 2,000 reviews?

'A restaurant that aspires to 申し込む/申し出 罰金 dining experience but has lost the ability to empathise with 顧客s and ignores them when they complain? That really is a shame.'

Restauranteur and chef Mr 勧める was quick to 答える/応じる with his own blistering 令状-up. He replied: 'For goodness sake Robert. I'm supposed to be in TwitAdvisor 退職 so let's not waste any time. After all, you've waited 11 years since joining Twitadvisor to 令状 your first review.??

'略奪する you reserved a (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する on a Friday evening and agreed to a 1 hour 45 minute time slot. A 基準 practice, 特に on busy periods, that guests and restaurants 世界的な agree to.

'After your dessert course the 経営者/支配人, who you said "doesn't give a 投げ上げる/ボディチェックする", gently reminded you that we would need the (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する 支援する すぐに. You ignored the 経営者/支配人 and proceeded to order another 一連の会議、交渉/完成する of drinks.

'Perhaps if your party had arrived on time for your 保留(地)/予約 this could have been 避けるd.'?