Nacho Figueras 賞賛するs his 'very good friend' Prince Harry's 'かかわり合い to making a difference' as 'truly 奮起させるing' and says he was 'proud' to play in the Duke's Netflix-filmed polo match in?Miami

Nacho Figueras has 賞賛するd his?'very good friend' Prince Harry's 'かかわり合い to making a difference' as 'truly 奮起させるing' - and said he was 'proud' to play in the Duke of Sussex's Netflix-filmed polo match in Miami.

The Argentinian polo player - who's been dubbed the 'David Beckham' of the sport - took to his Instagram account to 株 photographs from the celebrity プロの/賛成の-am game, which 利益d Harry's charity Sentebale.

Nacho - who captained one of the two teams as he went 長,率いる-to-長,率いる against the Duke - was joined at the match by his Argentine socialite wife Delfina Blaquier and their daughter Alba. The Duke was …を伴ってd by his wife Meghan Markle.?

The 星/主役にする-studded event was covered from every angle by an eager Netflix?camera 乗組員 who filmed the game for an 近づいている miniseries that will 焦点(を合わせる) on polo, for which Harry and Meghan will serve as (n)役員/(a)執行力のある 生産者s.

Taking to Instagram yesterday, Nacho - whose friends hip with Harry is thought to date 支援する to 2007 - wrote: 'What an incredible day yesterday at the Grand 支持する/優勝者s Polo Club, It was a day not just of sport, but of 重要な 目的.

Nacho Figueras has praised his 'very good friend' Prince Harry's 'commitment to making a difference' as 'truly inspiring' - and said he was 'proud' to play in the Duke of Sussex's Netflix-filmed polo match in Miami

Nacho Figueras has 賞賛するd his 'very good friend' Prince Harry's 'かかわり合い to making a difference' as 'truly 奮起させるing' - and said he was 'proud' to play in the Duke of Sussex's Netflix-filmed polo match in Miami

'I’m so proud to have 株d this experience with my very good friend, Prince Harry. We (機の)カム together to support Sentebale, a charity の近くに to our hearts that does remarkable work for children in Lesotho and Botswana.?

'It’s always an 栄誉(を受ける) to ride と一緒に Prince Harry, whose かかわり合い to making a difference is truly 奮起させるing.

'Here’s to more unforgettable moments and continuing to support the wonderful 原因(となる)s that 改善する so many lives! #PoloForACause #Sentebale #FriendshipAndCharity @sentebale @grandchampionspoloclub.'

They have played polo と一緒に one another in さまざまな matches over the years, and Nacho,?46, has become one of Harry and?Meghan's most 声の 支持者s, 賞賛するing them in magazine interviews and during TV 外見s.

The father-of-four?was also の中で a handful of the Duke and Duchess's closest confidantes who appeared in the couple's Netflix?文書の series.

It has also been 推測するd that Nacho and his glamorous wife Delfina could be 正規の/正選手s in two Netflix series 予定 to be 開始する,打ち上げるd by Harry and Meghan as part of their?$100 million (£80 million) を取り引きする the streaming 巨大(な).

While Meghan's series is likely to 焦点(を合わせる) on cooking and lifestyle, Harry will showcase his love of polo in another programme as part of the 取引,協定 - and as the Duke keeps such glamorous and good looking company on the polo field, テレビ視聴者s may find it difficult to switch off.

Figueras said?he hopes the show will have the same 衝撃 for polo that 決まり文句/製法 1: 運動 to 生き残る had for the 世界的な 自動車 racing 回路・連盟.

The Argentinian polo player - who's been dubbed the ' David Beckham ' of the sport - took to his Instagram account to share photographs from the celebrity pro-am game, which benefited Harry's charity Sentebale

The Argentinian polo player - who's been dubbed the ' David Beckham ' of the sport - took to his Instagram account to 株 photographs from the celebrity プロの/賛成の-am game, which 利益d Harry's charity Sentebale

Nacho - who captained one of the two teams as he went head-to-head against the Duke - was joined at the match by his Argentine socialite wife Delfina Blaquier and their daughter Alba. The Duke was accompanied by his wife Meghan Markle

Nacho - who captained one of the two te ams as he went 長,率いる-to-長,率いる against the Duke - was joined at the match by his Argentine socialite wife Delfina Blaquier and their daughter Alba. The Duke was …を伴ってd by his wife Meghan Markle

Taking to Instagram yesterday, Nacho - whose friendship with Harry is thought to date back to 2007 - wrote: ' What an incredible day yesterday at the Grand Champions Polo Club, It was a day not just of sport, but of significant purpose

Taking to Instagram yesterday, Nacho - whose friendship with Harry is thought to date 支援する to 2007 - wrote: ' What an incredible day yesterday at the Grand 支持する/優勝者s Polo Club, It was a day not just of sport, but of 重要な 目的

He 追加するd that before Friday's match he and Harry gave each other a lot of ribbing over who would come out 勝利を得た, before complementing The Duke on his athleticism.?

'We joke a lot about who is going to 勝利,勝つ,' Figueras said, 追加するing Harry is 'a very good rider, he's a very good 競技者, he has 広大な/多数の/重要な 注目する,もくろむ-手渡す 調整. He's very 競争の激しい. He's a very good polo player.'?

In his first match of the day, Harry's 王室の Salute Sentebale team (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域 the Maseru Team?1-0, にもかかわらず the Prince 行方不明の an open in-の近くに 発射 during the match.?

The Duke's 味方する later 嵐/襲撃するd to victory over?Figueras' squad, (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域ing them 3-1, after Harry 得点する/非難する/20d the 開始 goal.?He 選ぶd up the ball at midfield - 150 yards (137 メーターs) from the goal - and 繰り返して 大打撃を与えるd it the 残り/休憩(する) of the way, popping it through the goal 地位,任命するs.?

He also stopped his friend from a possible 脱退/分離, though he let out a loud yelp of 失望/欲求不満 when he 行方不明になるd a pass to a チーム仲間 that could have led to a goal.

With Sentebale winning both matches, Harry received the トロフィー for winning the 小型の-tournament - and a kiss on the cheek - from Meghan.?

About 300 観客s …に出席するd the matches, part of a fundraising 週末 that will raise $1 million for Sentebale, which 供給するs support for children and young adults who live in the southern Africa countries of Lesotho and Botswana, organisers said.?

Since 2006, celebrity polo matches around the world have raised about $15 million for the charity, organisers said.?

Meghan Markle was seen congratulating her husband Prince Harry with a passionate kiss after he won a charity polo match in Miami today

Meghan Markle was seen congratulating her husband Prince Harry with a 熱烈な kiss after he won a charity polo match in Miami today

Harry and Meghan were joined at the event by Nacho - who is known as the 'David Beckham of polo' and his wife, Argentine socialite?Delfina Blaquier

Harry and Meghan were joined at the event by Nacho - who is known as the 'David Beckham of polo' and his wife, Argentine socialite?Delfina Blaquier

によれば its 最新の 年次の 報告(する)/憶測, Sentabale raised about $6 million 全体にわたる in its 2022 会計年度, with about half that coming from the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs.?

Meghan, who was joined at the event by her の近くに friend?Serena Williams, put on a sensationally stylish 陳列する,発揮する as she a nd?Harry arrived 手渡す-in-手渡す at the glitzy charity polo match in Palm Beach, Miami, with a camera 乗組員 in 牽引する as they 用意が出来ている to start filming for their next Netflix special.?

The Duchess of Sussex, 42, embraced the beaming 日光 in an elegant white dress, which featured a pleated skirt design, halterneck 最高の,を越す, and a 削減(する)-out at the waist, 完全にするing her look with glamorous sunglasses, and a chain-ひもで縛る shoulder 捕らえる、獲得する.?

She dared to 危険 可能性のある 災害 by 冒険的な a pair of 非常に高い heels on the grassy 地形, but seemed to 苦しむ no 問題/発行する as she and Harry made their way across the field, while surrounded by burly 安全 guards.?

一方/合間 Harry 選ぶd for a pair of cream trousers, a pale grey jacket, and a crisp blue shirt, while donning some slip-on tan shoes - before changing into his team uniform and taking to the field for the match.?

The couple were then seen striding out の上に the field while surrounded by a 乗組員 of cameramen who 逮捕(する)d their every move as they chatted with Harry's チーム仲間s.?

Harry and Meghan pulled up at the swish Grand 支持する/優勝者s Polo Club in 郊外の Palm Beach 郡 at around 4:30pm 地元の time, with a film 乗組員 in 牽引する 狙撃 their every move.?

The cameras continued to roll as they hopped out of their white SUV with Harry's Argentine polo player pal Nacho and were led to the clubhouse by excited staff as the Duke 用意が出来ている to go 長,率いる-to-長,率いる in the charity match against the Argentine 星/主役にする.?

Meghan put on a stunning display as she and Prince Harry, 39, arrived hand-in-hand at the event

Meghan put on a 素晴らしい 陳列する,発揮する as she and Prince Harry, 39, arrived 手渡す-in-手渡す at the event

Harry has been friends with Nacho for years - and it's understood that Meghan has formed a close bond with the Argentine polo star's wife Delfina

Harry has been friends with Nacho for years - and it's understood that Meghan has formed a の近くに 社債 with the Argentine polo 星/主役にする's wife Delfina?

The dapper Duke appeared moments later on a terrace where he was seen chatting with guests and 提起する/ポーズをとるing for group photos.?

'He looked the quintessential networker ? shaking 手渡すs, smiling for photos. He looked in his element,' one onlooker said.?

While Harry took to the field, Meghan was kept company by her former tennis プロの/賛成の pal Serena, who was seen sipping on a glass of シャンペン酒 as they mingled with their fellow guests and friends.?

At one point, Serena and Harry enjoyed a warm 抱擁する as the Prince checked in on the 活動/戦闘 away from the match, embracing like old friends - having grown の近くに in the years since the Duke and Duchess began dating.?

Soon after his arrival, Harry changed into his team uniform and took to the field on horseback, getting ready to take on good friend Nacho - with the two men captaining …に反対するing teams in the three-way tournament.?

Harry looked thrilled to be 支援する in the saddle and was seen grinning from ear-to-ear as he warmed up with his チーム仲間s on the field.

The Duke is also taking on 義務s as an (n)役員/(a)執行力のある TV 生産者 this 週末 as he takes part in filming for an 近づいている Netflix 文書の 事業/計画(する) about the glamorous world of professional polo.?

The show is 存在 produced? the same 生産/産物 company that makes the サッカー reality show Welcome to Wrexham, the Disney 加える series 文書ing the rise of Wrexham A.F.C. after it was bought by Hollywood A-lister Ryan Reynolds and 略奪する McElhenney.?

一方/合間, Meghan is working on her own 非,不,無-fiction series for the streaming 巨大(な), with which the couple have a five-year 生産/産物 取引,協定 that was 調印するd in 2020 and is thought to be 価値(がある) around $100 million.?

Meghan's 事業/計画(する) will 焦点(を合わせる) on lifestyle-centric topics like gardening and cooking in a move that will likely 許す her to cross-促進する her new brand American Riviera Orchard, while the Duke will delve into the 'aesthetic and social' world of polo, a sport that he has played since he was a child.?

によれば a 声明 解放(する)d by Archewell on Thursday night, the show will '供給する テレビ視聴者s with 前例のない 接近 to the world of professional polo.'?

They 追加する: 'Known まず第一に/本来 for its aesthetic and social scene, the series will pull the curtain 支援する on the grit and passion of the sport, 逮捕(する)ing players and all it takes to compete at the highest level.'?