Prince Harry's pal Nacho Figueras 株 his heartwarming 'dream' for Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet - after losing to the Duke in 年次の Sentebale charity polo match

Prince Harry's polo pal Nacho Figeueras has 株d his heartwarming 'dream' for Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet.

The father-of-four, 47, from Argentina, competed against the Duke of Sussex in the 王室の Salute Polo Challenge, which took place in Santa Barbara last Friday.

The 年次の event raises money for Sentebale, the charity 設立するd by Prince Harry and Prince Seeiso of Lesotho in 2006 to support 攻撃を受けやすい young people in Southern Africa.?

に引き続いて the match, which saw 王室の Salute Sentebale 勝利 over the Grand 支持する/優勝者s, Nacho opened up about his の近くに friendship with the Duke and his 'dream' for their families' 未来.

In an interview with?Hello!, the polo player - who has known Prince Harry since 2007 - said he hopes that Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet 相続する their father's love of the sport.

Pictured: Prince Harry and his polo playing pal Nacho Figueras attend the annual Sentebale charity match

Pictured: Prince Harry and his polo playing pal Nacho Figueras …に出席する the 年次の Sentebale charity match

When asked if he'd like Harry's children to play against his own, Nacho said: 'I really hope so, I hope that Archie and Lili get to love horses as much as he does.'

Nacho continued: 'I know my kids love it and they love to play. It would be a dream that one day we all get to play polo together.'

Nacho welcomed his first child with his?Argentinian photographer wife Delfina Blaquier in 2000.?The couple now has four children together: Hilario; Aurora; Artemo; and Alba.

What's more, Nacho also opened up about his の近くに 関係 with the Duke and said they 'speak very often'.

に引き続いて the Sentebale's team's 勝利,勝つ, Nacho 賞賛するd his 'very good friend' Prince Harry on Instagram and labelled his?'かかわり合い to making a difference' as 'truly 奮起させるing'.?

The father-of-four wrote: 'What an incredible day yesterday at the Grand 支持する/優勝者s Polo Club, It was a day not just of sport, but of 重要な 目的.'??

'I’m so proud to have 株d this experience with my very good friend,?Prince Harry. We (機の)カム together to support Sentebale, a charity の近くに to our hearts that does remarkable work for children in Lesotho and Botswana.?

'It’s always an 栄誉(を受ける) to ride と一緒に Prince Harry, whose かかわり合い to making a difference is truly 奮起させるing.

Pictured: The Duke and Duchess of Sussex with their son Archie during a royal visit to South Africa in September 2019

Pictured: The Duke and Duchess of Sussex with their son Archie during a 王室の visit to South Africa in September 2019

Prince Harry's friend Nacho Figueras has 
revealed his 'hopes' that Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet (pictured) will inherit their father's love of horses

Prince Harry's friend Nacho Figueras has 明らかにする/漏らすd his 'hopes' that Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet (pictured) will 相続する their father's love of horses

'Here’s to more unforgettable moments and continuing to support the wonderful 原因(となる)s that 改善する so many lives!?

Since 2006, celebrity polo matches around the world have raised about $15 million for the charity, organisers said.?

The pair have played polo と一緒に one another in さまざまな matches over the years, and Nacho,?46, has become one of Harry and?Meghan's most 声の 支持者s, 賞賛するing them in magazine interviews and during TV 外見s.

The father-of-four?was also の中で a handful of the Duke and Duchess's closest confidantes who appeared in the couple's Netflix?文書の series.

It has also been 推測するd that Nacho and his glamorous wife Delfina could be 正規の/正選手s in two Netflix series 予定 to be 開始する,打ち上げるd by Harry and Meghan as part of their?$100 million (£80 million) を取り引きする the streaming 巨大(な).

While Meghan's series is likely to 焦点(を合わせる) on cooking and lifestyle, Harry will showcase his love of polo in another programme as part of the 取引,協定.

On Saturday,?the Duchess of Sussex was seen 温かく hugging Prince Harry's polo-playing pal?Nacho as her husband filmed scenes for h is new Netflix?series in Palm Beach.?

The mother-of-two, 42, also went on to embrace Nacho's wife Delfina, who has affectionately 述べるd the Duchess as her 'sister' and 'polo wife' in the past.

The two women - who have (1)偽造する/(2)徐々に進むd a strong friendship after …に出席するing polo matches together to watch their spouses play - were seen walking away from their husbands with their 武器 wrapped around each other as filming got 進行中で.?

Later in the day, Meghan was also seen affectionately 迎える/歓迎するing the couple's eight-year-old daughter Alba - giving her a kiss on the 長,率いる and a warm 抱擁する.?

Meghan's daughter Lilibet appears to have (1)偽造する/(2)徐々に進むd a の近くに friendship with Alba.

On Saturday, the couple mingled with spectators and smiled for photos before Harry saddled up to take on a team captained by his dashing Argentine pal, Nacho Figueras

On Saturday, the couple mingled with 観客s and smiled for photos before Harry saddled up to take on a team captained by his dashing Argentine pal, Nacho Figueras

Meghan Markle seen kissing Nacho?Figueras and Delfina Blaquier's eight-year-old daughter Alba behind the scenes of Netflix filming

Meghan Markle seen kissing Nacho?Figueras and Delfina Blaquier's eight-year-old daughter Alba behind the scenes of Netflix filming

によれば Hello reporter Alexandra Hurtado, Alba was asking after her friend at the polo event on Friday.

The 王室の reporter wrote: 'によれば Nacho, Alba 手配中の,お尋ね者 to know why the Sussexes’ daughter Lili wasn’t there.'

Alba's mother Delfina has even 以前 referred to the?Duchess of Sussex?as a 'sister' when 噴出するing over the 'fellow polo-wife' in an Instagram 地位,任命する in 2022.

She also 賞賛するd the 王室の mother-of-two as 存在 'stronger than she knows' in an interview with?Hello! magazine?in the same year.

Pictured: The late Queen - who passed away in September 2022 - seen beaming at a horse during a visit to the Windsor Horse Show

Pictured: The late Queen - who passed away in September 2022 - seen beaming at a horse during a visit to the Windsor Horse Show?

In 2022, に引き続いて a glamorous polo 会合,会う in Aspen,?Colorado, Delfina said: '[Meghan] is so wonderful and strong. Stronger than she knows. I love 存在 around my friends, and I will always support her.'
Prince Harry's grandmother also had a life-long love of horses - after 存在 given a Shetland pony called Peggy at the age of four.
The late 君主's racing 助言者 John 過密な住居 has 以前 said that the Queen was discussing her 'love of horses 権利 to the very end'.
Speaking in September 2022, Mr 過密な住居 明らかにする/漏らすd he spent the 週末 before the Queen died in Scotland discussing her horses.
He 反映するd: 'We sat there for hours over the 週末 strategising and making 計画(する)s going 今後.
'And I think the nicest thing for me is to know that she was surrounded by her family members.?'She was in such a healthy 明言する/公表する of mind and in tremendous form. It's very important to know that she was 絶対, wonderfully switched on.'