Blind psychic Baba Vanga's 冷気/寒がらせるing WW3 予測 明らかにする/漏らすd as 緊張s between Iran and イスラエル 増大する

A blind psychic, who 恐らく 予報するd 9/11 and the Covid-19 pandemic, also made a 冷気/寒がらせるing WW3 予測 - which has resurfaced as 緊張s between Iran and イスラエル 増大する.

Baba Vanga, who died 27 years ago in 1996, was a Bulgarian prophetess who become a 教団 人物/姿/数字 の中で 共謀 理論家s after some of her pronouncements 証明するd eerily true.

Known as the Nostradamus of the Balkans, she left behin d 予測s for every year up until 5079-?when she said the world would end.

によれば the mystic, 2024 will 報道によれば bring a host of dark events, 含むing テロリスト attacks in Europe, 生物学の attacks and World War 3 - and as 緊張s rise in the Middle East, some of them seem eerily plausible.

As?Iran 抑えるのをやめるd a ミサイル and drone strike on イスラエル on Saturday, 誘発するing a 報復 strike on Lebanon,?some are 関心d the 予測 could soon be realised.

Blind psychic Baba Vanga, who died 27 years ago in 1996 has made a chilling WW3 prediction as tensions between Iran and Israel escalate

Blind psychic Baba Vanga, who died 27 years ago in 1996 has made a 冷気/寒がらせるing WW3 予測 as 緊張s between Iran and イスラエル 増大する

The prophetess 警告するd of an 後継の wave of terror and even 示唆するd an 公表されていない 'major country ' could dabble with 生物学の 戦争.?

She 警告するd the 開発s could come に引き続いて Hamas' attack when they?侵略するd southern イスラエル and killed 1,200 people on October 7, 2023.

Iran's (軍隊などの)展開,配備 of 自殺 drones, ミサイルs and ロケット/急騰するs, were 大部分は 発射 負かす/撃墜する by US and UK 航空機, however the as 緊張s are rising discussions about a third world war are 広まる on social マスコミ, while world leaders remain on high 警報.?

As the West 勧めるd for calmer 長,率いるs to 勝つ/広く一帯に広がる in the ユダヤ人の 明言する/公表する, Iranian 議会's 国家の 安全 委員会 Abolfazl Amoue 明言する/公表するd that Iran is '用意が出来ている to use a 武器 that we have never used' if イスラエル 答える/応じるs その上の.

Iranian 大統領 Ebrahim Raisi also 警告するd イスラエル it will 直面する a 'painful 返答' if it takes the 'slightest 活動/戦闘' in 返答 to his country's attack.?

The psychic, who was born Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova, (人命などを)奪う,主張するd she had a rare gift from God that helped her see into the 未来 after losing her sight at the age of 12.

She has 以前 正確に 予報するd the ロシアの 侵略 of ウクライナ共和国 同様に as the 9/11 attacks in New York City.

An Israeli army F-15 fighter jet flies over central Israel on April 15, 2024

An Israeli army F-15 闘士,戦闘機 jet 飛行機で行くs over central イスラエル on April 15, 2024

She even terrifyingly once claimed in a 1979 interview that Russia was to dominate the world and that president Vladimir Putin (pictured) is to become 'Lord of the World'

She even terrifyingly once (人命などを)奪う,主張するd in a 1979 interview that R ussia was to 支配する the world and that 大統領,/社長 Vladimir Putin (pictured) is to become 'Lord of the World'

She even terrifyingly once (人命などを)奪う,主張するd in a 1979 interview that Russia was to 支配する the world and that 大統領,/社長 Vladimir Putin is to become 'Lord of the World'.

During the interview with writer Valentin Sidorov, she said Putin's 'glory' will remain 'untouched'.

She said: 'All will 雪解け, as if ice, only one remain untouched - Vladimir's glory, glory of Russia. All will be 除去するd by her from the way and not only will be kept, but also becomes the lord of the world.'

It is (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that during her 50-year career, she also 予報するd the Coronavirus pandemic, Chernobyl 災害 in ウクライナ共和国 in 1986 and the death of Princess Diana in 1997.

The psychic 報道によれば 予報するd the Covid 突発/発生 'years ago' when she 警告するd: 'The corona will be all over us.'

In 1989, she 報道によれば said of the 9/11 attacks on the World 貿易(する) Centre: 'Horror, horror! The American brethren will 落ちる after 存在 attacked by the steel birds. The wolves will be howling in a bush, and innocent 血 will be 噴出するing.'

Baba also 正確に 予報するd that the 44th US 大統領,/社長 [Barack Obama] would be the first to be 黒人/ボイコット, although she did say he would be the very last.

She also said the 45th 大統領,/社長 of the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs was to be '直面するd with a 危機' that would 'bring the country 負かす/撃墜する' which could be linked to the challenges 直面するd during Trump's time in office, 含むing the 嵐/襲撃するing of the 明言する/公表する (ワシントンの)連邦議会議事堂 in Washington DC.

She incorrectly 予報するd that Europe would '中止する to 存在する' by 2017, the mystic said the continent would be turned into a 'wasteland almost 完全に devoid of human life.'

Vanga grew up on a farm, in what is now Macedonia, and became blind after 存在 dragged into a トルネード,竜巻 when she was young, with 信奉者s 説 this freak 事故 was what gave her second sight.

Baba's 訂正する 予測s?

干ばつs and floods in 2022

The psychic 警告するd that large cities would 直面する draught 予定 to rising 気温s in 2022, which 証明するd to be true.

In 2022, we had the driest July in England since 1935, which 原因(となる)d 11 of the 環境 機関's 14 areas in England to be 急落(する),激減(する)d into '干ばつ status' with hosepipe 禁止(する)s in some areas only 存在 解除するd in December.

The blistering heat and little 降雨 also 原因(となる)d some of Britain's 貯蔵所s to 消える, with river levels 存在 記録,記録的な/記録するd at 30 per cent of normal levels.

Other countries such as Italy, フラン and Portugal also 直面するd 記録,記録的な/記録する breaking 干ばつs and wildfires.

Another of her 2022 prophecies was that Australia and Asia would be 攻撃する,衝突する with '激しい 一区切り/(ボクシングなどの)試合s of floods'.

Again, this (機の)カム true and Australia 宣言するd a 国家の 緊急 in March of last year 予定 to flooding.


Perhaps her most haunting 予測, Baba Vanga 正確に foresaw the 9/11 災害.

She said to 推定する/予想する 'horror' for the US, 警告 in 1989 that 'the American brethren will 落ちる after 存在 att acked by the steel birds'.

追加するing: 'The wolves will be howling in a bush, and innocent 血 will be 噴出するing.'

The 予測 (機の)カム true when four ハイジャック(する)d 計画(する)s brought terror to America on 9/11, 殺人,大当り nearly 3,000 people, with people reading 'Steel birds' as a 言及/関連 to the jets.

The Covid-19 pandemic

The seer 報道によれば 予報するd the Covid-19 突発/発生 in 1966 - she 恐らく 警告するd 'The corona will be all over us.'

A woman who met Baba, Neshka Stefanova Robeva, 73, (人命などを)奪う,主張するd the psychic 株d the 予測 with her before she died.

She said, she 'did not realise' what the words meant at the time, によれば the Daily 星/主役にする.

Her own death?

Baba Vanga even 予報するd her own death 正確に, 予知するing that she would die on August 11 1996 at the age of 85.

It (機の)カム true when the Bulgarian psychic passed away from breast 癌, with her funeral attracting large (人が)群がるs.

The 2004 ボクシング day 津波

It's also 広範囲にわたって 報告(する)/憶測d that the mystic 正確に foresaw the 破滅的な ボクシング Day 津波 of 2004.

The 災害 brought 荒廃 to Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand and other countries, 殺人,大当り more than 230,000

Baba Vanga 恐らく said: 'A 抱擁する wave will cover a big coast covered with people and towns, and everything will disappear beneath the water. Everything will melt, just like ice'.?

The 2000 Kursk 災害?

The prophetess 恐らく 予報するd the Kursk 潜水艦 disas ter in 2000 - one of Russia's most serious 海軍の 災害s.

The 潜水艦 sank 12 months after Vanga (人命などを)奪う,主張するd the Kursk was to be 'covered with water' and the 'whole world will weep over it'.

It 急落するd as the result of an 爆発 onboard 主要な to 118 deaths - they all were dead when divers finally arrived eight days later and the Kursk was 350ft 負かす/撃墜する.?

暗殺 of Indira Gandhi?

Indira Gandhi was the third 総理大臣 of India, who served from 1966 to 1977 and then again in 1980, before she was assassinated in 1984.

In 1969, Baba 報道によれば (人命などを)奪う,主張するd 'The dress will destroy her. I see an orange-yellow dress in the smoke and 解雇する/砲火/射撃'.

On October 31, 1984, Ghandi was 発射 dead by two of her 護衛s - at the time she was wearing a saffron coloured saree.

The rise of Obama and Trump

Although this 予測 did not 完全に (犯罪の)一味 true, elements of it became reality.

She 明らかにする/漏らすd that the 44th US 大統領,/社長, Barack Obama, would be the first to be 黒人/ボイコット, although she did say he would be the very last, which did not come true.

否定するing her last point, she also 予報するd the 45th 大統領,/社長 of the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs was to be '直面するd with a 危機' that would 'bring the country 負かす/撃墜する'.

This could be linked to the challenges 直面するd during Trump's time in office, 含むing the 嵐/襲撃するing of the 明言する/公表する (ワシントンの)連邦議会議事堂 in Washington DC.

She also 予報するd an illness for Trump, which (機の)カム true when he caught Covid-19 in October 2020.?

Other 予測s?

There are a who le host of prophecies Baba Vanga 恐らく made during her 50-year career, 含むing the Chernobyl 災害 in ウクライナ共和国 in 1986 and the death of Princess Diana in 1997.

However, there are also 予測s the seer has made that have not come true - she 予報するd an end to natural births in 2023, Earth’s 軌道 to 転換 and 悲惨な solar 嵐/襲撃するs - so far, these are yet to materialise.

She also incorrectly 予報するd that Europe would '中止する to 存在する' by 2017, as the mystic said the continent would be turned into a 'wasteland almost 完全に devoid of human life.'

However, 信奉者s have pointed out that Britain did 投票(する) to leave the European Union on June 23 of that year.