Princess Martha Louise has pre-wedding fallout with her 未来 mother-in-法律: Norwegian 王室の 爆破s (人命などを)奪う,主張するs by her shaman fianc?'s mother that he grew up poor and 主張するs he was 'one of the richest kids in school' and was raised in a $3m 所有物/資産/財産

Princess Martha Louise of Norway has furiously 攻撃する,衝突する 支援する at her 未来 mother-in-法律's (人命などを)奪う,主張するs that Durek Verrett 'was not from a 豊富な family'.

In a 反抗的な Instagram 地位,任命する, the 王室の, 52, 含むd comments from one of Durek's former classmates who 主張するd he was 'one of the richest kids' in their school.

Martha Louise's social マスコミ rant comes after her 未来 mother-in-法律 Veruschka Urquhart gave another interview to celebrity magazine?Se og H?r - having 以前 labelled her son 'dangerous' and 主張するing that he had 'brainwashed' the 王室の.

In the 最新の bombshell interview,?Veruschka commented on the family's 財政/金融s and (人命などを)奪う,主張するd they were not as 豊富な as Durek - who 以前 told Vanity Fair that he had 接近 to a 私的な 計画(する) growing up - has tried to make out.?

告発する/非難するing the 出版(物) of 'spreading lies', the 王室の wrote: 'This time they are repeating the 嘘(をつく) that Durek was not from a 豊富な family as a child [...], when the truth is that he grew up in a good neighbourhood, his mom left him at an 早期に age and it was in reality his mom not having money, not him.

Pictured: Princess Martha Louise of Norway and her American shaman fiance Durek Verrett. The royal posted this photo to hit back at claims his mother made in an interview

Pictured: Princess Martha Louise of Norway and her American shaman fiance Durek Verrett. The 王室の 地位,任命するd this photo to 攻撃する,衝突する 支援する at (人命などを)奪う,主張するs his mother made in an interview

'She wasn’t even around. Durek’s father’s 破産 (機の)カム after Durek moved out, so he was not 影響する/感情d by his father’s 破産.'

Princess Martha Louise then proceeded to 株 photos of the Californian mansion Durek (人命などを)奪う,主張するs to have grown up in, which was 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)d for over $3m when it was last on the market.

She continued: 'This is the house Durek grew up in in Foster City, California. It is 価値(がある) more than NOK 30mill today and is 321 square メーターs(3460 square feet).'?

The images show a sprawling open-計画(する) living and kitchen area and large 前線 garden.?

The final image in the Instagram carousel is a 声明 from a woman called Danielle Washington, who (人命などを)奪う,主張するs to have …に出席するd school with Durek.?

It reads: 'Many kids were jealous of his family's wealth as it seems like he had it all when it (機の)カム to 構成要素 items. It didn't help that Durek was the ONLY person in school that had limos and taxis outside of the ones taking him to school because that wasn't what people did here in Foster City.?

'However, it always felt like his parents were too busy to take time out of their lives (and happiness) to take care of him.

'When Durek became a shaman, it didn't surprise me. He has lived his entire life 献身的な to 株ing love with all. You'd think growing up with トンs of money and very little parental love would make him bitter or arrogant.?

The final image in the Instagram carousel is a statement from a woman called Danielle Washington, who claims to have attended school with Durek

The final image in the Instagram carousel is a 声明 from a woman called Danielle Washington, who (人命などを)奪う,主張するs to have …に出席するd school with Durek

Undated photo of Shaman Durek with his mother Veruschka Urquhart, who has given interviews to local media in recent months

Undat ed photo of Shaman Durek with his mother Veruschka Urquhart, who has given interviews to 地元の マスコミ in 最近の months

'He is neither bitter, arrogant or 行為/法令/行動するs like he is better than the next person. Durek is still the same jovial spirit I met many years ago who is open to 株ing his gifts with all and someone I'm proud to call a friend.'?

Princess Marie 追加するd: 'It is not important to me wether he was from a family with money or not as a child, but the fact is that he was, and I am sick and tired of Se og H?r’s lies about us. And about Durek.'?

調印 off the 地位,任命する, the 王室の wrote: 'Please don’t believe what Se og H?r says about Durek or me 主要な up to the wedding.?

'From experience I know it will get worse as we move closer to the wedding. It is so sad that it needs to be this way as a wedding should be a joyous occasion for everyone 伴う/関わるd. Also for us…'

In a 最近の interview with the magazine, Durek's mother (人命などを)奪う,主張するd she had not heard from her son for over a year.?In a previous Instagram 地位,任命する, Durek 噴出するd about his 'amazing and powerful' mother who 'raised him to be a leader'.?

The couple 発表するd in September 2023 that they will tie the knot at the?Union Hotel in Geiranger, Norway, this coming August.?

In December 2020, Durek told?Vanity Fair that he was the son of a 豊富な architect and that his family had their own 私的な 計画(する) and servants.

Official royal family photograph celebrating?Crown Prince Haakon (Up 2nd L) 45th birthday with his family, while he poses beside Princess Martha Louise (Up L), Crown Princess Mette-Marit (Up C), Princess Ingrid Alexandra (2nd R), Maud Angelica Behn (R), (Bottom L-R) Prince Sverre Magnus, Queen Sonja and King Harald V, in July 2018

公式の/役人 王室の family photograph celebrating?栄冠を与える Prince Haakon (Up 2nd L) 45th birthday with his family, while he 提起する/ポーズをとるs beside Princess Martha Louise (Up L), 栄冠を与える Princess Mette-Marit (Up C), Princess Ingrid Alexandra (2nd R), Maud Angelica Behn (R), (底(に届く) L-R) Prince Sverre Magnus, Queen Sonja and King Harald V, in July 2018

The 告示 comes after several years of difficulty for the Norwegian 王室のs which 最高潮に達するd in Princess Martha's 決定/判定勝ち(する) to step 負かす/撃墜する as a working member of the family - which she 明らかにする/漏らすd has been filled with '騒動'.

Eyebrows were raised when the Princess first began dating Verrett, who 持つ/拘留するs some 議論の的になる and pseudoscientific 見解(をとる)s, 含むing that ?in children can be 原因(となる)d by '存在 unhappy'.

In November 2022, Princess Martha 発表するd she was stepping 負かす/撃墜する as a 上級の member of the 王室の Family in a move labelled 'Norway's Megxit'.

In an interview with the?BBC?earlier this year, she 賞賛するd her parents, King Harald an Queen Sonja, for keeping the 対話 open while she made her 決定/判定勝ち(する) and they worked out the 詳細(に述べる)s about how the 手はず/準備 would work.?

When asked about her 決定/判定勝ち(する) in comparison with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who also s tepped 負かす/撃墜する as 上級の 王室のs, she spoke about her 'amazing' family, 含むing King Harald and Queen Sonja, and how the 対話 between them has always remained open.

Princess Martha Louise stepped down as a working royal in 2022 - in a move that was dubbed Norway's 'Megxit'. Pictured: the royal's family

Princess Martha Louise stepped 負かす/撃墜する as a working 王室の in 2022 - in a move that was dubbed Norway's 'Megxit'. Pictured: the 王室の's family

Pictured: Princess Martha Louise's husband-to-be Durek Verret with his celebrity client Gwyneth Paltrow

Pictured: Princess Martha Louise's husband-to-be Durek Verret with his celebrity (弁護士の)依頼人 Gwyneth Paltrow

'What I think has been amazing through this whole cycle has been the conversations we have had through it all,' she said.

'From a very young age I remember my mum and dad 説 (the King and Queen 説) that we always have to stick together. We always have to talk things through even if it's hard, we have to put all the cards on the (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する because we are family and we have to work things through.'?

The Norwegian 王室の also discussed how her fianc?'s 議論の的になる '見解(をとる)s' had 与える/捧げるd to how the public 見解(をとる)d her position in the 王室の family.

She said: 'The Norwegian people I guess... have decided it's best for me to step 負かす/撃墜する because of his 見解(をとる)s about things.'

Durek, who 述べるs himself as a 'Shaman', was dropped by his publisher すぐに after the couple 発表するd their 約束/交戦 in June 2022 over pseudoscientific (人命などを)奪う,主張するs he made in his 調書をとる/予約する 'Spirit 切り開く/タクシー/不正アクセスing'.

の中で the (人命などを)奪う,主張するs were that children 'can get 癌 from 存在 unhappy'. Durek has also (人命などを)奪う,主張するd he once (機の)カム 支援する from the dead, 回復するing from a month-long 昏睡, by letting his soul '燃やす' and he has also spoken of having to を受ける a 腎臓 移植(する) from his sister as a child.

It is 不明瞭な why he needed the 腎臓 or how he became 車椅子 bound, as he has 述べるd. The illness which sent him into a 昏睡 is also 公表されていない.

どこかよそで in the interview, Martha Louise (人命などを)奪う,主張するd she first began to experience psychic premonitions as a child.

She said: 'When I was little I would see things in you. If you were sad or if you were happy... if you had a 苦痛 in your shoulder I would get a 苦痛 in my shoulder.

'And I understood that that's a talent and, you know, I could help other people. And that's when the whole ball started rolling.'

The Princess said she decided she 手配中の,お尋ね者 to 'earn my own money' which she could only do by giving up her 'money from the 明言する/公表する' and 支払う/賃金ing 税金s for the first time in her life.

After giving up her position in the 王室の family, the Princess 明らかにする/漏らすd she has had to を取り引きする 'lots of scrutiny' - 特に when she takes on new 役割s.

'Everything you do that's a first, that goes out of the box that you're put in,' she said, 追加するing that 圧力(をかける) scrutiny has 'continued'.?

Princess Martha Louise and Ari Behn married in 2002 and have three children together Maud Angelica, Leah Isadora and Emma Tallulah

Princess Martha Louise and Ari Behn married in 2002 and have three children together Maud Angelica, Leah Isadora and Emma Tallulah

Princess Martha Louise and her first husband Ari Behn attend the wedding of Prince Carl Philip and Sofia Hellqvist in June 2015 - before his death four years later

Princess Martha Louise and her first husband Ari Behn …に出席する the wedding of Prince Carl Philip and Sofia Hellqvist in June 2015 - before his death four years later

She 追加するd that, in Norway, spiritual beliefs like the ones she 持つ/拘留するs are 'タブー'.

Her comments echoed an interview she gave on Swedish TV in March, in which she (人命などを)奪う,主張するd she had?'received the most 批評 of anyone in Norway' for her beliefs.?

As she sat 負かす/撃墜する with Anna Hedenmo on Min Sanning - which translates to My Truth - the 王室の said she felt she needed to step 支援する because of public image.

She said: 'I am probably the one in Norway who has received the most 批評 of all, I think.'?

どこかよそで in the television special, the mother touched on how her ex-husband Ari Behn - who took his own life in December 2019 - 扱うd 存在 in the スポットライト.

に引き続いて their wedding in 2002, the 王室の said the father of her three children - who made a 指名する for himself as an author -said he didn't receive good reviews of his work.

She 追加するd: 'His mental health depended a lot on him getting 批評 in the マスコミ.

'But I am not 説 it was anyone's fault. It is always how you 扱う 批評. The 圧力(をかける) took self-批評 after he died, that they were perhaps a little 厳しい に向かって him, and that he only received 批評 and was 現実に a very nice person.'

In June 2022, the newly-engaged couple appeared in a ビデオ together on Durek's Instagram account w here the American spiritual guide - whose celebrity (弁護士の)依頼人s have 含むd Gwyneth Paltrow, Nina Dobrev and James 先頭 Der Beek - 攻撃する,衝突する 支援する at online trolling they've 直面するd.

He said: 'One, they don't want to see a 黒人/ボイコット man in the 王室の Family because there's never been one in the history of the European 王室の family.

'Second, she's a 女性(の) - it's different when a 王室の prince chooses a woman of colour because it's like, "oh he's a man, he can choose whoever he wants".

'But for a princess to choose a man of colour, has never been done in history. So it's really though for a lot of people to be able to 扱う that.'