Queen Mary of Denmark welcomes Olena Zelenska, to Copenhagen as ウクライナ共和国's Firsy Lady 賞賛するs the Danish 王室の family for its 現在進行中の 'support'

Queen Mary of Denmark looked radiant as she 迎える/歓迎するd ウクライナ共和国's First Lady in Copenhagen yesterday.

The Australian-born Queen, 52, skipped 形式順守s and 迎える/歓迎するd the wife of 大統領 Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Olena Zelenska, with a warm 抱擁する.

After the 会合, Olena, 46, 報いるd Mary's show of warm affection on Facebook, where she branded Denmark as one of ウクライナ共和国's 'biggest and most reliable partners'.

証明するing her fashion prowess, Mary sported a stylish off-white 控訴 paired with a ruffled cream blouse. She 完全にするd her look with snake-print heels.

The Ukrainian First Lady, 一方/合間, looked 平等に elegant in white blouse with 声明 balloon sleeves and a pair of wide 脚 trousers with a chic leather belt.

Queen Mary of Denmark (left) met Ukraine's First Lady,?Olena Zelenska (right), in Copenhagen yesterday

Queen Mary of Denmark (left) met ウクライナ共和国's First Lady,?Olena Zelenska (権利), in Copenhagen yesterday?

The pair looked at 緩和する as they chatted with one another on a 範囲 of topics, 含むing Denmark's support for ウクライナ共和国 に引き続いて Russia's 侵略 and Mary's 人道的な 成果/努力s.

に引き続いて the visit, Olena took to Facebook to 株 news of the 会合. She wrote: 'The Danish 王室の family has supported ウクライナ共和国 since the beginning of the 十分な-規模 ロシアの 侵略.

'During our visit to Denmark last year, the 大統領 of ウクライナ共和国 and I had the 栄誉(を受ける) of 会合 Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II. And today I am glad to 会合,会う with Her Majesty the Queen of Denmark.

'Like her entire family, the Queen of Denmark is active in social activities, in particular, she patronizes more than 30 organizations, 含むing those that 供給する 人道的な 援助(する), take care of health care, and 保護する women's 権利s.

'I am 感謝する to the 王室の family for the fact that Denmark is one of our biggest and most reliable partners in all 努力するs.'

It comes after Olena 類似して pra ised Britain's 王室の family for their show of support に向かって ウクライナ共和国, and?said it was a?'広大な/多数の/重要な 特権' to 会合,会う Queen Camilla at Clarence House?on her two-day visit to the UK.

'We really feel the support with the 王室の Family and through them, also the support from the British Nation. I have to say thank you to the British people, we feel your support', she said on Piers Morgan Uncensored.

Ms Zelenska also paid 尊敬の印 to the leadership of the late Queen Elizabeth II, whom she said 始める,決める an example and the '基準 of support for ウクライナ共和国'.

The Australian-born Queen, 52, put on a friendly display as she greeted Ukraine's First Lady with a warm hug

The Australian-born Queen, 52, put on a friendly 陳列する,発揮する as she 迎える/歓迎するd ウクライナ共和国's First Lady with a warm 抱擁する?

The pair appeared in high spirits as they chatted to one another on a range of topics, including Mary's humanitarian efforts

The pair appeared in high spirits as they chatted to one another on a 範囲 of topics, 含むing Mary's 人道的な 成果/努力s?

She 追加するd: 'We really feel the support with the 王室の Family and through them, also the support from the British Nation. I have to say thank you to the British people, we feel your support.

'It's sincere, it's warm, and it's not just a 宣言. It's a feeling of sincere and powerful support, and it really 奮起させるs us. Every time I come 支援する from London, I feel 奮起させるd. Just as if I had a holiday, as if I recharged my 殴打/砲列s, and so once again, thank you.'

During her trip to the UK, Ms Zelenska also met 総理大臣 Rishi Sunak and his wife Akshata Murty, and the Foreign 長官 Lord Cameron.??

In her 単独の interview of the visit with Piers Morgan she 認める that the 状況/情勢 was 'difficult', 追加するing that it was a 'マラソン, not a sprint'.

On the second 周年記念日 of Putin's 侵略, King Charles, who was recently 診断するd with 癌, paid 尊敬の印 to the '決意 and strength' of the Ukrainian people.

The 52-year-old monarch looked striking in an off-white cream suit paired with a ruffled cream blouse

The 52-year-old 君主 looked striking in an off-white cream 控訴 paired with a ruffled cream blouse?

ile, Olena looked equally elegant in a white blouse with balloon sleeves, matched with a pair of chic wide leg trousers

一方/合間, Olena looked 平等に elegant in a white blouse with balloon sleeves, matched with a pair of chic wide 脚 trousers?

'にもかかわらず the tremendous hardship and 苦痛 (打撃,刑罰などを)与えるd upon them, Ukrainians continue to show the heroism with which the world associates them so closely. Theirs is true valour, in the 直面する of indescribable 侵略', he said in a message last week.

Ms Zelenska said she was 'moved' by the King's 演説(する)/住所 and during her 30-minute 会合 with the Queen she 'passed our greetings to His Majesty 同様に and our best wishes for his health from the 大統領 of ウクライナ共和国 and from the Ukrainian nation'.?

But her greatest complements were reserved for the late Queen, without whom, she 示唆するd, the public 返答 would have been slower and いっそう少なく powerful.

She said: 'I think that, in general, the 基準 for support of ウクライナ共和国 was 始める,決める by the leadership of Queen Elizabeth II. In every 過程 of support, there needs to be a leader, a person who will 始める,決める an example, and then, everyone who cares will follow this example.

'And if there had not been such a leader, I guess, the 返答 from the public would not have been as powerful or would have been slower.?

'So, we are 感謝する. We remember those times very 温かく and for us, she is a very important historic 人物/姿/数字, I think for the whole world 同様に.'