A 法廷の psychiatrist has debunked five myths many people believe when it comes to 臨床の psychopaths.?

London-based Dr Sohom Das, has a YouTube?channel called A Psych for Sore Minds, where he covers a 範囲 of mental health and 罪,犯罪-関係のある topics, on 最高の,を越す of his practice.

In a 最近の YouTube ビデオ, he discussed psychopathy, first defining what it is, before then debunking five ありふれた myth around it.

によれば Dr Das: 'As a 法廷の psychiatrist, I 正式に 診断する psychopaths on many occasions using the Hare psychopathy checklist - you've probably heard of that.?

'I've 扱う/治療するd and rehabilitated psychopaths in 安全な・保証する 部隊s.?

'I can say firsthand that there are 負担s of myths and fallacies about what is a real actual factual, 本物の psychopath clinically, and what isn't.'?

述べるing a psychopath, Dr Das said it is 'somebody who 欠如(する)s empathy, is willing to do almost anything, 潜在的に 暴力/激しさ, but importantly, they're charming and they're persuasive and they're parasitic...[which] means they manipulate other people around them to get what they want'.?

Forensic psychiatrist Dr Sohom Das (pictured) recently shared 5 myths about psychopaths in a YouTube video

法廷の psychiatrist Dr Sohom Das (pictured) recently 株d 5 myths about psychopaths in a YouTube ビデオ

Myth one: All psychopaths are violent 犯罪のs

によれば Dr Das, myth number one is that all?psychopaths are violent 犯罪のs - but, he said, that is not the 事例/患者.

'Psychopathy is a personality, it's not a synonym for 暴力/激しさ,' he 追加するd.

'And 反して some psychopaths might be 犯罪のs, many are not, because they're able to 支配(する)/統制する their impulses, or they find nonviolent ways to 達成する their goals.'?

However, he 公式文書,認めるd, there is an 増加するd 危険, and 'people with psychopathy are about twice as likely to engage in violent 罪,犯罪 compared to the general 全住民'.

In 新規加入, he said: 'Also, a psychopath will only be violent if i t's convenient and there's a 目的 for for them to be violent.??

'Think about if you had a 麻薬 売買業者 who's a psychopath, versus a CEO who's a psychopath, the 麻薬 売買業者's 暴力/激しさ is instrumental...反して if you're a CEO psychopath...slapping your CFO for messing up the 年4回の returns might not work in your favour, it might get you into trouble.'

Myth two: Psychopaths 欠如(する) emotion?

According to Dr Das, many people believe all psychopaths are violent criminals and that they lack all emotions - but this is not true (stock image)

によれば Dr Das, many people believe all psychopaths are violent 犯罪のs and that they 欠如(する) all emotions - but this is not true (在庫/株 image)

Dr Das' second myth?about psychopaths is that they that 欠如(する) emotion.?

He explained: 'Psychopaths can experience emotions, but they often have trouble understanding that emotion, what it means to them, where it's coming from, and also 答える/応じるing to that emotion.?

'So 全体にわたる, resear ch 示唆するs that psychopaths have a blunted emotional 返答, but they still experience emotions like 怒り/怒る, excitement, or joy, but they tend to be a いっそう少なく 激しい experience.'

However, he 公式文書,認めるd, there are 'some 重要な emotions that psychopaths either don't feel at all or rarely feel or to the same degree' as other people.?

Dr Das explained: 'An obvious one is empathy...so they struggle to understand and 株 the feelings of others.?

'And this is the same for associated emotions like 犯罪, like 悔恨, like 深い attachment, so that can make psychopaths as callous and uncaring and unconcerned about the 井戸/弁護士席 存在 of others.'

The other emotion?a psychopath might 欠如(する) is 恐れる, which, he said, can make them more dangerous than other people, 同様に as more impulsive.

He 追加するd: 'The other thing I'd say is that for psychopaths, emotions often seem to be a means for an end. So they might 現実に use emotion strategically to manipulate 状況/情勢s or to 達成する their goals. So what I'm talking about is instrumental emotions rather than 深い emotion.'?

Myth three: Women can't be psychopaths

One myth about psychopaths is that they can't be women, but this is not the case, though it can present differently in women (stock image)

One myth about psychopaths is that they can't be women, but this is not the 事例/患者, though it can 現在の 異なって in women (在庫/株 image)

Moving の上に myth number three, Dr Das said it is that women can't be psychopaths.

However, psychopathy can occur in both men and women, he explained, 'although it's more 一般的に 診断するd in men'.?

Dr Das continued: 'Some 見積(る)s say [psychopathy] is 診断するd around 10 times as often in men in women than in women.?

'But here's the 重要な bit: recently some 専門家s, and I think I'd probably agree, say that the 査定/評価 of psychopathy is 現実に itself に向かって more male traits, 反して 女性(の) psychopathy traits are more subtle.'?

Myth four: Psychopaths can be cured

Dr Sohom Das (pictured) is a London-based forensic psychiatrist who also makes YouTube content on his channel A Psych for Sore Minds

Dr Sohom Das (pictured) is a London-based 法廷の psychiatrist who also makes YouTube content on his channel A Psych for Sore Minds

によれば Dr Das: 'Myth number four [is that] psychopaths can be cured...In reality, there is no cure for psychopathy.?

'But that doesn't mean that 治療 isn't helpful...to manage the symptoms and to 減ずる the 危険 of the 未来 harmful behaviour.?

'So what we're 説 is you can't change 相続するd personality traits. You can't 軍隊 somebody to feel empathy, but you can work on other factors that leads to 暴力/激しさ. You can work on 怒り/怒る 管理/経営, you can work on impulsivity.'

As an example, he explained that if?there's a psychopath who 'becomes more violent when they're drinking because they become disinhibited, or when they're taking 麻薬s, you can do 麻薬 and?alcohol?rehab'.?

He 公式文書,認めるd as an aside that in his experience, 'psychopaths or anybody with any 肉親,親類d of antisocial traits, they can change, but...you can't 軍隊 change....They have to have the 内部の 動機づけ.?

'They have to have this 内部の epiphany that they need to change. And from my expe rience, this does happen but it's when people get older.'

Myth Five: Psychopaths are 高度に intelligent?

にもかかわらず TV depictions of psychopaths, it is a myth that they are all 高度に intelligent.

'So 知能...is not a defining trait of psychopathy,' said Dr Das.

'Having said that, if you're intelligent, and a psychopath, and やめる crafty, then you're probably going to be successful?in what you want to do.'

He 追加するd: 'So if you are a psychopath, and you're intelligent, and don't have others' pesky morals getting in your way,?you're probably going to 達成する your goal, even if it means 鎮圧するing other people in your path.'?

Dr Sohom Das can be 設立する on Twitter,?Instagram, and TikTok, 同様に as YouTube.??