Queen Mathilde of Belgium and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg don?glittering tiaras and elegant gowns as they …に出席する a lavish 明言する/公表する 祝宴 in Brussels

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg and Queen Mathilde of Belgium pulled out all the stops as they …に出席するd a 明言する/公表する 祝宴 in?Brussels today.

Maria Teresa, 68, has joined her husband Grand Duke Henri for a 公式訪問 to Belgium? - and their first evening's entertainment consisted of a lavish dinner at the Laken 城.?

The European 王室のs looked dazzling in all their finery, consisting of historical jewellery, long dresses, sashes and even tiaras.?

Looking effortlessly elegant, the Grand Duchess 選ぶd for a daring off-the-shoulder style 黒人/ボイコット dress, 追加するing a pale pink satin shawl.?

She wore the ベルギー Scroll Tiara with the Aquamarine Parure and the Order of Leopold - the highest order in Belgium - to 支払う/賃金 尊敬の印 to the host country.?

Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg, Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg, followed by Queen Mathilde of Belgium and King Philippe of Belgium arrive for a state banquet in Laeken

Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg, Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg, followed by Queen Mathilde of Belgium and King Philippe of Belgium arrive for a 明言する/公表する 祝宴 in Laeken

一方/合間, Queen Mathilde, 51, 命令(する)d attention in a 素晴らしい sky blue gown embellished 完全に with sequins.?

The mother-of-four's shimmering long sleeved dress 誇るd an elegant sweetheart neckline and 十分な tulle skirt.?

She also wore the Nine 州s Tiara - dating 支援する from 1926 - a diamond necklace, diamond earrings and the Order of the Gold Lion of the House of Nassau.?

The ベルギー 王室のs certainly 結論するd day one of the three-day visit with elegance and grandeur, showing their Luxembourg 相当するものs the splendour of their 王室の 住居 at Laeken.?

Earlier in the day, the Duchess was in high spirits as she and the Queen of Belgium 密談する/(身体を)寄せ集めるd under an umbrella to 雑談(する) during a 儀式 at the?Place des Palais.

Maria Teresa?grinned as Mathilde held up the parasol over them, to 保護物,者 away from the 雨の 天候.

The 公式の/役人 welcome 儀式 took place on the palaces' square, where both 国家の 国家s played after a 贈呈 from the 軍隊/機動隊s.

The ベルギー Queen was effortlessly elegant in a dusky pale pink ensemble, featuring an A-line dress that cinched at the waist with a belt.

The Grand Duchess opted for a daring off-the-shoulder style black dress, adding a pale pink satin shawl

The Grand Duchess 選ぶd for a daring off-the-shoulder style 黒人/ボイコット dress, 追加するing a pale pink satin shawl

Queen Mathilde, 51, wore a stunning sky blue gown embellished entirely with sequins

Queen Mathilde, 51, wore a 素晴らしい sky blue gown embellished 完全に with sequins

The European royals looked dazzling in their finery, consisting of historical jewellery, long dresses, sashes and even tiaras

The European 王室のs looked dazzling in their finery, consisting of historical jewellery, long dresses, sashes and even tiaras

Maria Teresa, 68, has joined her husband Grand Duke Henri for a state visit to Belgium - and their first evening's entertainment consisted of a lavish banquet at the Laken Castle

Maria Teresa, 68, has joined her husband Grand Duke Henri for a 公式訪問 to Belgium - and their first evening's entertainment consisted of a lavish 祝宴 at the Laken 城

The Belgian royals certainly concluded day one of the three-day visit with elegance and grandeur

The ベルギー 王室のs certainly 結論するd day one of the three-day visit with elegance and grandeur

The four glamorous royals were all smiles as they attended the lavish state banquet in Brussels this evening

The four glamorous 王室のs were all smiles as they …に出席するd the lavish 明言する/公表する 祝宴 in Brussels this evening

King Philippe and his wife Queen Mathilde walked arm-in-arm as they made their way to the state banquet

King Philippe and his wife Queen Mathilde walked arm-in-arm as they made their way to the 明言する/公表する 祝宴

The Belgium Queen teamed her dazzling tiara with a pair of drop diamond earrings and a matching necklace

The Belgium Queen teamed her dazzling tiara with a pair of 減少(する) diamond earrings and a matching necklace

Both Queen Mathilde of Belgium and?Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg opted for a smattering of makeup to finish off their looks

Both Queen Mathilde of Belgium and?Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg 選ぶd for a smattering of 構成 to finish off their looks

The four royals, dressed in their finery, pose for a photograph ahead of the state banquet

The four 王室のs, dressed in their finery, 提起する/ポーズをとる for a photograph ahead of the 明言する/公表する 祝宴

She accessorised her look with a matching headpiece and handbag, teamed with pastel gloves.

一方/合間, Maria Teresa 選ぶd for a 深い 海軍 frock and ornate overcoat.

The Grand Duchess also went for bedazzled earrings and a glamorous make-up look, styling her short blonde tresses in gen tle waves.?

どこかよそで the Grand Duke, 69, and King?Philippe of Belgium , 64, sported smart 控訴s as they walked and chatted と一緒に each other.

For the three-day visit to Belgium, the Grand Ducal couple are also joined by Luxembourg 公式の/役人s 同様に as?総理大臣 Luc Frieden and the 大臣 of 財政/金融, Gilles Roth.

This trip 目的(とする)s to 最高潮の場面 'new areas of 協調', as 輪郭(を描く)d by the Luxembourg 政府.

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg teamed her stylish ensemble with metallic heels

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg teamed her stylish ensemble with metallic heels

Cheers!?Queen Mathilde of Belgium and Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg pictured during a toast at the lavish meal

元気づけるs!?Queen Mathilde of Belgium and Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg pictured during a toast at the lavish meal

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa opted for a colourful diamond necklace to complete her outfit

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa 選ぶd for a colourful diamond necklace to 完全にする her outfit

The four European royals raise a glass at the state banquet at the?Royal Castle in Laeken

The four European 王室のs raise a glass at the 明言する/公表する 祝宴 at the?王室の 城 in Laeken

First cousins King Philippe and Grand Duke Henri (pictured this evening) were born a day apart

First cousins King Philippe and Grand Duke Henri (pictured this evening) were born a day apart

The lavish state banquet for the Luxembourg royal couple was held at the?Royal Castle in Laken-Laeken, Brussels

The lavish 明言する/公表する 祝宴 for the Luxembourg 王室の couple was held at the?王室の 城 in Laken-Laeken, Brussels

Henri (pictured left, at today's occasion) has revealed that he already has an 
abdication date in mind
Henri (pictured at today's occasion) has revealed that he already has an abdication date in mind

Henri (pictured 権利, at today's occasion) has 明らかにする/漏らすd that he already has an abdication date in mind

Queen Mathilde and?Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg, chat to one another during this evening's glittering occasion

Queen Mathilde and?Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg, 雑談(する) to one another during this evening's glittering occasion

Candles were placed along the elegantly dressed tables as guests chatted to one another at this evening's state banquet

Candles were placed along the elegantly dressed (米)棚上げする/(英)提議するs as guests chatted to one another at this evening's 明言する/公表する 祝宴

Guests listen to the National Anthems in the Great Gallery before a state banquet at the Royal Castle in Brussels

Guests listen to the 国家の 国家s in the 広大な/多数の/重要な Gallery before a 明言する/公表する 祝宴 at the 王室の 城 in Brussels

'This is the second 公式訪問 to Belgium by TRH the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess,' a 声明 on the 場所/位置 read.

'反映するing the excellent relations between Luxembourg and Belgium, who are の近くに 隣人s 部隊d by strong historical, political, socio-経済的な and cultural 関係.'

It comes as?Henri has 明らかにする/漏らすd that he already has an abdication date in mind - placing him in the fray of older European 君主s rumoured to be considering stepping 負かす/撃墜する from 義務 to let their young 相続人s take the 統治するs.

Speaking to La Libre, as 報告(する)/憶測d by Point de Vue, the 王室の quipped that he knows the exact date he 計画(する)s to pass the baton to his son?Guillaume, 42 - but 'won't tell' the 圧力(をかける) yet.

'All this is planned in family 協議. I find that it is very important to give young people a 視野,' he 追加するd.

'伝達/伝染 and 信用 are the two 必須の elements in my 関係 with my son Guillaume.'?

The Grand Duchess of Luxembourg was in high spirits as she and the Queen of Belgium huddled under an umbrella to chat

The Grand Duchess of Luxembourg was in high spirits as she and the Queen of Belgium 密談する/(身体を)寄せ集めるd under an umbrella to 雑談(する)

The pair chatted as they found shelter from the rain under an umbrella together - as day one of the state visit kicked off

The pair chatted as they 設立する 避難所 from the rain under an umbrella together - as day one of the 公式訪問 kicked off

< img id="i-597c602937327bf4" src="https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/04/16/13/83703413-13314223-Elsewhere_the_Grand_Duke_69_and_King_Philippe_of_Belgium_64_spor-m-42_1713270055377.jpg" height="500" width="634" alt="Elsewhere the Grand Duke, 69, and King Philippe of Belgium , 64, sported smart suits as they walked and chatted alongside each other" class="blkBorder img-share" style="max-width:100%" loading="lazy" />

どこかよそで the Grand Duke, 69, and King Philippe of Belgium , 64, sported smart 控訴s as they walked and chatted と一緒に each other

For the three-day trip, the Grand Ducal couple are also joined by Luxembourg officials as well as Prime Minister Luc Frieden and the Minister of Finance, Gilles Roth
< div>

For the three-day trip, the Grand Ducal couple are also joined by Luxembourg 公式の/役人s 同様に as 総理大臣 Luc Frieden and the 大臣 of 財政/金融, Gilles Roth

Also on the agenda today is a visit to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, in memory of those who lost their lives in the First and Second World Wars

Also on the 協議事項 today is a visit to the Tomb of the Unknown 兵士, in memory of those who lost their lives in the First and Second World Wars

Then, there are meetings at the Palais de la Nation scheduled, before the royals all meet for lunch

Then, there are 会合s at the Palais de la Nation scheduled, before the 王室のs all 会合,会う for lunch

Day one will end with a State Banquet at the Ch?teau de Laeken. This trip aims to highlight 'new areas of cooperation', as outlined by the Luxembourg Government

Day one will end with a 明言する/公表する 祝宴 at the Ch?teau de Laeken. This trip 目的(とする)s to 最高潮の場面 'new areas of 協調', as 輪郭(を描く)d by the Luxembourg 政府

The official welcome ceremony took place on the Place des Palais, where both national anthems played after a presentation from the troops

The 公式の/役人 welcome 儀式 took place on the Place des Palais, where both 国家の 国家s played after a 贈呈 from the 軍隊/機動隊s

.The Belgian Queen was effortlessly elegant in a dusky pale pink ensemble, featuring an A-line dress that cinched at the waist with a belt

.The ベルギー Queen was effortlessly elegant in a dusky pale pink ensemble, featuring an A-line dress that cinched at the waist with a belt

Mathilde accessorised her look with a matching headpiece and handbag, teamed with pastel gloves

Mathilde accessorised her look with a matching headpiece and handbag, teamed with pastel gloves

The 出口, 報告(する)/憶測ing on a conversation the Grand Duke had with programme Place 王室の, also 明らかにする/漏らすd that he said it's 'obvious' that he 'ーするつもりであるs to retire at some point'.

'There are 計画(する)s,' Henri - who has 統治するd since October 2000 - explained. 'There will come a day when it will have to be done.'

His comments follow a 一連の abdication rumours まっただ中に European 王室のs, after Queen Margrethe of Denmark?made the shock 決定/判定勝ち(する) to give up the 王位 after 52 years, making way for her son Frederik to take over as King on 14 January.

At the time, 王室の 伝記作家 Phil Dampier told MailOnline that he believes King Charles will be 影響(力)d by events in Denmark since New Year's Eve - 特に if it would 保護する the 未来 of the British 王室の Family.

He 追加するd that the Prince and Princess of むちの跡s are very friendly with 栄冠を与える Prince Frederik and 栄冠を与える Princess Mary, and will have been in 接触する with them.

Meanwhile, Maria Teresa opted for a deep navy frock and ornate overcoat. The Grand Duchess opted for bedazzled earrings and a glamorous make-up look, styling her short blonde tresses in gentle waves

一方/合間, Maria Teresa 選ぶd for a 深い 海軍 frock and ornate overcoat. The Grand Duchess 選ぶd for bedazzled earrings and a glamorous make-up look, styling her short blonde tresses in gentle waves

Mathilde elevated her classy look with a pearl necklace and ornate earrings, adding to her dusky pink outfit

Mathilde elevated her classy look with a pearl necklace and ornate earrings, 追加するing to her dusky pink outfit

The royals shielded themselves form the rainy weather with clear umbrellas as the state visit kicked off

The 王室のs 保護物,者d themselves form the 雨の 天候 with (疑いを)晴らす umbrellas as the 公式訪問 kicked off

Maria Teresa was all smiles as she donned a navy dress and patterned overcoat for day one of the visit

Maria Teresa was all smiles as she donned a 海軍 dress and patterned overcoat for day one of the visit

The royals greeted each other warmly, leaning in to chat to one another as they state visit began today

The 王室のs 迎える/歓迎するd each other 温かく, leaning in to 雑談(する) to one another as they 公式訪問 began today

The Grand Duke and Grand Duchess were in good spirits as they walked alongside each other today

The Grand Duke and Grand Duchess were in good spirits as they walked と一緒に each other today

The Grand Duke of Luxembourg and the King of Belgium matched in sleek black coats for the outing

The Grand Duke of Luxembourg and the King of Belgium matched in sleek 黒人/ボイコット coats for the 遠出

The royal couples chatted and smiled as they kicked off day one of the state visit, starting today

The 王室の couples chatted and smiled as they kicked off day one of the 公式訪問, starting today

Mathilde added warmth to the glum weather with a dusky pink ensemble which she adorned with a matching bag

Mathilde 追加するd warmth to the glum 天候 with a dusky pink ensemble which she adorned with a matching 捕らえる、獲得する?

Mathilde accessorised her look with a hat and gloves, elevating the already elegant and glamorous look

Mathilde accessorised her look with a hat and gloves, elevating the already elegant and glamorous look

'Our late Queen would never abdicate because of what happened in 1936 when her uncle abdicated and her father (機の)カム to the 王位. But times change,' he explained.

'William and Kate get on very 井戸/弁護士席 with Frederik and Mary and will be の中で the first to congratulate them. They will be fascinated to see how they get on as King and Queen and it wi ll make them think about their 未来 同様に'.

However, King Harald of Norway has 確認するd he has no 計画(する)s to abdicate after 憶測 he could follow in the footsteps of his former Danish 相当するもの.

The 君主, 86, (who is the second cousin of King Charles III) 主張するd that the 約束 he made to the Norwegian 議会 when he acceded the 王位 in 1991 'lasts for life'.

King Harald told?Faktisk.no: 'I stand by what I have said all along. I have taken an 誓い to the Storting, and it lasts for life.'

The Grand Duke and his wife?Maria Teresa, 68, have five children 含むing Guillaume - Prince F?lix, 39, Prince Louis, 37, Princess Alexandra, 33 and Prince S?bastien, 31.

Guillaume and his wife?St?phanie, 40, have two sons: Charles, three, and Fran?ois Henri Louis Marie Guillaume, who turned one last month.