A mother was left in a 明言する/公表する of shock after realising that the baby she was caring for was not her newborn daughter.

Maisie Beth, 22, from Poole, was left stunned when she went to change her daughter's nappy only to find that the newborn was a boy.

The mother 嵐/襲撃するd into the maternity office at Poole Hospital 需要・要求するing to know where her child, Isabella, 愛称d Belle, had been taken.

She said: 'God knows what would've happened, I could've breastfed this baby or the mother could've woken up to an empty crib.'

Maisie gave birth to her daughter in September, and 予定 to needing phototherapy - a 治療 for jaundice using LED lights - and having a tube fitted, Belle had to be 監視するd every two hours and was placed in a nursery on her own.

New parents Maisie Beth and her partner were left horrified after the hospital mixed up their newborn daughter Belle with another child

New parents Maisie Beth and her partner were left horrified after the hospital mixed up their newborn daughter Belle with another child?

Maisie explained that one evening she went to visit her baby and, on her way, 支援する to her room, she 設立する the midwife in the office with Belle.

She was 混乱させるd because Belle was meant to be kept in her crib 予定 to needing phototherapy but without argument she just 受託するd it and made her way 支援する to her room with the child.

Before long, it was time for Maisie to return her newborn to the phototherapy crib, which is when she made her shocking 発見.

The midwife was in fact not looking after Belle in the office and had 手渡すd her the wrong baby.

While getting Belle undressed for the crib, Maisie changed her nappy and realised the baby was a boy, and she had someone else's newborn boy.

In a 完全にする panic, Maisie ran to the office to find her daughter. The midwife explained that Maisie looked 同一の to the little boy's mother, and therefore, she had 手渡すd over the wrong baby.

Maisie said: 'I went to the 洗面所 [and] on my way 支援する the midwife (機の)カム out of the office and told me to come in because they had Isabella in there.?I just assumed they had taken her out with her phototherapy crib while I was in the 洗面所.

'They told me they had her there for a while because shed been crying a lot. I did think this was strange because she wasn't 許すd out of her phototherapy crib, and I'd also just been cuddling a baby in the nursery.

Maisie (pictured) discovered she was caring for the wrong child when she went to change her daughter's nappy only to find that she was holding a boy

Maisie (pictured) discovered she was caring for the wrong child when she went to change her daughter's nappy only to find that she was 持つ/拘留するing a boy?

After being born in September, Maisie was placed in her own hospital nursey to receive phototherapy

After 存在 born in September, Maisie was placed in her own hospital nursey to receive phototherapy?

A midwife told Maisie that she had taken Belle out of her crib and into the office because she was crying

A midwife told Maisie that she had taken Belle out of her crib and into the office because she was crying?

After the shocking discovery, Maisie's first thought was that someone had stolen her newborn Belle

After the shocking 発見, Maisie's first thought was that someone had stolen her newborn Belle?

Maisie continued: 'I thought: 'Oh gosh, I hope nobody noticed that I was cuddling a baby that wasn't 地雷.

'Nurses then told me that she [the other mother] looked 正確に/まさに like me. At this point, it was so 早期に and I was two days postpartum, so we just didn't question anything and I took the baby 支援する to my bed.

'The mother was asleep on a 完全に different 区 from me and I don't know if she ever knew that the baby was passed to me.

'My instant reaction was that somebody had stolen my baby. I was 絶対 terrified after four years of infertility. I thought I'd lost my baby after giving birth to her.

When Maisie was reunited with Belle in the hospital, she was peacefully sleeping in her hospital crib

When Maisie was 再会させるd with Belle in the hospital, she was 平和的に sleeping in her hospital crib?

The nurse explained to Maisie that she had confused Belle for the other baby because she looked like the other mother

The nurse explained to Maisie that she had 混乱させるd Belle for the other baby because she looked like the other mother?

Maisie is unsure whether the mother of the newborn boy was aware of the situation regarding her son and Belle

Maisie is 自信のない whether the mother of the newborn boy was aware of the 状況/情勢 regarding her son and Belle?

Maisie was relieved to be reunited with Belle, but felt an overwhelming sense of guilt for the other mother

Maisie was relieved to be 再会させるd with Belle, but felt an 圧倒的な sense of 犯罪 for the other mother?

'As far as I'm aware, Isabella was still in her phototherapy crib this whole time across the hall from me, but I have no idea what went on while I was in be d with the other baby.

'When I saw her again, the 救済 I felt is unexplainable. She was still asleep in her little car and it didn't seem like anything had happened to her.?

'But I 即時に felt an 圧倒的な feeling of 犯罪 for the other mother. After the 出来事/事件 it was never really spoken about again.'

Lorraine 結社, director of midwifery at University Hospitals Dorset, said: 'We are 調査/捜査するing an 出来事/事件 in our maternity 部隊 in September 2023 in which a baby was 手渡すd to the wrong mother.?

'We 深く,強烈に 悔いる any 苦しめる that was 原因(となる)d and have reached out to the mother to 申し込む/申し出 her support.?

'We would 勧める her to get 支援する in touch with us to 補助装置 us in our 調査. The safety of our parents and babies is the highest 優先 and we are committed to 供給するing 十分な support to the 影響する/感情d families.'