As 発射 Mayfair's £265 coffee leaves a bitter taste, how British high street chains are 押し進めるing the cost of a humble latte to a fiver and beyond

It's been considered a 通勤(学)者 中心的要素 for 10年間s, a delicious caffeine 攻撃する,衝突する to kick-start the working day - yet the?cost of a humble latte is 存在 押し進めるd に向かって £5 or more by High Street?coffee shops and caf?s.

At?Starbucks, the price of a large latte is?£5.20 when ordered for collection on?Uber Eats in London, while Queens of Mayfair, in one of the British 資本/首都's swankiest postcodes, 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s an 注目する,もくろむ-watering £13 for its latte.

Danish juice and coffee brand Joe & the Juice, which has more than 50 支店s in London alone, and 出口s across the UK 含むing Liverpool, Brighton, Birmingham and Oxford, 現在/一般に 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s £4.70 for a large (16oz) latte with 正規の/正選手 milk.?

追加する in a syrup, say vanilla, and you'll get 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d an 付加 50 pence, although unlike many other 出口s, you won't be 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d extra for an 付加 milk.?

It comes after it 現れるd that Britain's most expensive coff ee using topica beans shipped in from?Japan's 'island of eternal 青年'?is 存在 sold for a whopping £265 a cup.??

Coffee lovers who have a few hundred 続けざまに猛撃するs to spare can find the pricey brew at 発射 - a darkly-lit coffee shop based in Mayfair and Marylebone in London.

The coffee is made from typica beans, a higher 質 見解/翻訳/版 of the arabica beans, and have been shipped in from the Nakayama 広い地所 based on the?Okinawa Island in Japan.

At 発射, the high 定価つきの (水以外の)飲料 can be made into any form of coffee that would be 設立する in a high street coffee shop. It is 利用できる as an espresso, macchiato, flat white, americano, cappuccino or latte.?

But while the price of the drink has raised eyebrows, even the modest latte is seemingly becoming more expensive,?with many coffee lovers 説 they're already 支払う/賃金ing more than £5 by 追加するing extra 発射s, 酪農場 代案/選択肢s and flavoured syrups.

High-end fashion label Prada's London coffee shop in Harrods department 蓄える/店, 開始する,打ち上げるd in 2023, 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s £6.50 for a latte.

Caffe Nero's is 定価つきの at £4.40 for a large latte, the same as?Costa Coffee.?Pret A Manger and Patisserie Valerie come in わずかに cheaper at?£4.05.?

But this is before any 新規加入s are made - for instance, 追加するing coconut and oat milk to your Caffe Nero (水以外の)飲料 will 始める,決める you 支援する up to 50p.?

Syrups such as caramel, vanilla and hazelnut at Costa Coffee, 一方/合間, will cost up to 55p.

Not much change from a fiver! Danish brand Joe & the Juice, which specialises in healthy juices and hot drinks, currently charges £4.70 for a large latte

Not much change from a fiver! Danish brand Joe & the Juice, which specialises in healthy juices and hot drinks, 現在/一般に 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s £4.70 for a large latte

Black Sheep Coffee, which started in London's Camden Market and is fast expanding across the globe, charges £5.29 for a regular cup of its Black Hoof coffee

黒人/ボイコット Sheep Coffee, which started in London's Camden Market and is 急速な/放蕩な 拡大するing across the globe, 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s £5.29 for a 正規の/正選手 cup of its 黒人/ボイコット Hoof coffee

Regional pricing comes into play; a large latte with a shot of syrup costs £4.95 at Costa Coffee's Birmingham Airport outlet

地域の pricing comes into play; a large latte with a 発射 of syrup costs £4.95 at Costa Coffee's Birmingham Airport 出口

In the North East Lincolnshire town of Grimsby, the same drink is 20 pence cheaper

In the North East Lincolnshire town of Grimsby, the same drink is 20 pence cheaper

At trendy 黒人/ボイコット Sheep Coffee, which has more than 80 支店s across the UK and is 拡大するing 急速な/放蕩な both here and overseas, a 正規の/正選手 黒人/ボイコット Hoof coffee will 始める,決める you 支援する £5.29.?

追加する an extra 発射 (69p), a syrup (69p) and make it almond milk (59p) and your pimped up coffee is a whopping £7.26.?

MailOnline ordered the coffee above in Aberdeen, and it would have cost the same in London's West End - but the cost of your coffee can depend where you live.?

While most major coffee chains have 地域の pricing, some, 含むing 黒人/ボイコット Sheep and Pret, don't, 非難する the same prices in almost all of their 蓄える/店s.?

If you're on the road, then a service 駅/配置する 出口 is likely to 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 you more for your coffee than the same brand in your 地元の town.?

Likewise an airport caf? might also ch arge you more for the 特権 of a decent brew while you wait for your flight.?

A large latte with a caramel 発射 at?Costa Coffee Birmingham?airport costs £4.95. The same drink at Freshney Place in the North East Lincolnshire town of Grimsby costs 20 pence いっそう少なく.?

The price of a cup of coffee has been driven up by a third in the last three years, によれば 最近の 研究.

Bougie beans! Queens of Mayfair, in central London, is one such cafe where ordering a coffee might feel like ordering a wine, with its specialist beans costing significantly more than high street brands

Bougie beans! Queens of Mayfair, in central London, is one such cafe where ordering a coffee might feel like ordering a ワイン, with its specialist beans costing 意味ありげに more than high street brands?

It comes after it emerged that Britain's most expensive coffee using topica beans shipped in from Japan 's 'island of eternal youth' is being sold for a whopping £265 a cup. Coffee lovers who have a few hundred pounds to spare can find the pricey brew at Shot - a darkly-lit coffee shop based in Mayfair and Marylebone in London

It comes after it 現れるd that Britain's most expensive coffee using topica beans shipped in from Japan 's 'island of eternal 青年' is 存在 sold for a whopping £265 a cup. Coffee lovers who have a few hundred 続けざまに猛撃するs to spare can find the pricey brew at 発射 - a darkly-lit coffee shop based in Mayfair and Marylebone in London?

A 基準 medium latte from a high street chain is now likely to 始める,決める you 支援する £3.70. In 2021, the same drink at the same caf? - a 支店 of Pret in Buckinghamshire - would have cost 30 per cent いっそう少なく at £2.75,? によれば a 熟考する/考慮する carried out by?製造業者 UCC Coffee.

Unsurprisingly, some of the only 小売 部隊s that aren't floundering on the UK's high streets are coffee shops - with many selling a raft of associated drinks, some of which have little to do with caffeine.?

There is also the growing エリート coffee market, where the world's most bougie beans are filtered - using a variety of techniques - and menus are 現在のd like ワイン 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)s, with baristas on 手渡す to tell you all about your expensive brew.?

A cup brewed using Jamaican Blue Mountain Anaerobic Natural beans - which have 公式文書,認めるs of 'chocolate' and 'zesty orange' and 誇るs '有望な 酸性' - are served up at Queens of Mayfair for no いっそう少なく than £10.50, and that's for an espresso 発射. A latte costs an 注目する,もくろむ-watering £13, with a mocha at £15.?

And should you want the Bollinger of the coffee world, then look to Asia's civet cats, who are behind the?sought-after Kopi Luwak beans.?

In Indonesia and the Philippines, 地元のs 選ぶ beans from the faeces of the cats, who eat the 熟した coffee berries as part of their diet. They're then cleaned, roasted and sold to coffee connoisseurs.

A cup, which 誇るs a '深い, mellow flavour, not acidic' can cost in 超過 of £60 in restaurants.

However, 恐れるs over cruel farming practices - Harrods stopped selling the beans a 10年間 ago - has seen only organically sourced beans now sold, sending the prices spiralling even その上の.?

The price of a cup of coffee has been driven up by a third in three years, research has shown

The price of a cup of coffee has been driven up by a third in three years, 研究 has shown

一方/合間, Britain's most expensive coffee using topica beans shipped in from Japan's 'island of eternal 青年' is 存在 sold for a whopping £265 a cup.

によれば baristas working in the influencer-港/避難所 of 発射, the coffee is 報道によれば ordered 'two to three times a week' and is most often ordered by 'true coffee lovers'.

Maxwell Colonna-Dashwood, a UK barista 支持する/優勝者 and 創立者 of Colonna Coffee, told the Telegraph that 'hardly anyone grows coffee in Japan' because of the difficult 気候. He 推測するd that this may be the 推論する/理由 for the extreme cost of the beans.

Mr Colonna-Dashwood said:?'Rarity is 明白に sought-after in coffee, and most of the "fancy" coffee people drink is all arabica.?

'Typica, which is what is used here, is not the most sought-after variety of arabica ? I've never seen a typica that expensive before ? which 示唆するs the value is coming from the fact that it's grown in Japan.' He 追加するd that it was the most expensive coffee he had ever seen.


While our coffee habit is nothing new, 急に上がるing bean prices is something that we're not 完全に used to.?

Until April 2021, 全世界の coffee prices had 高原d, with 人物/姿/数字s from 分析家s 貿易(する)ing 経済的なs showing the price of a 続けざまに猛撃する of coffee dropped below $1.50 (£1.20) in January 2017, and stayed there for four years.

Then (機の)カム the にわか景気; coffee prices 急に上がるd to highs of $2.40 a 続けざまに猛撃する in September 2022, before tailing off and hovering at around $1.80 for all of 2023.

Why are prices higher? 支援する in 2021, Brazil - which produces a third of the world's coffee - 苦しむd both a bad 干ばつ and below-無 気温s in the same year. That led to 不足s in 2022, which led in turn to higher coffee prices.

Higher 燃料 costs in 2022 also bumped up the cost of shipping and 輸送(する)ing coffee - and the end price to 消費者s.

The price of the caffeinated drink rose 94 per cent from 2020 to 2022, によれば 投資 会社/堅い eToro.

The cost of living 危機, which began in October 2021 with rising energy 法案s and is only just abating, also led to higher coffee costs.

Coffee shops are 支払う/賃金ing higher prices for coffee, milk, energy and staff, which is all passed on to 顧客s.

Prices at coffee shop chain Pret A Manger rose 18 per cent this year. The price of its 最高の,を越す three coffees (latte, cappuccino and flat white) 増加するd from £2.95 to £3.30 in the past year.