A mom who has been 軍隊d to live with her 'cheating' ex has been exacting 復讐 by 拷問ing him with 'karma karaoke' every morning until she can move out.??

Jordan Capitano, from?Tampa, Florida,?re-調印するd a year-long 賃貸し(する) with her partner of eight years in July 2023 - but the couple 分裂(する) up すぐに afterwards when she caught him talking to women both on and offline.

The pair, who 株 a two-year-old son, realized it would cost $10,000 to break their 賃貸し(する) and decided to remain living together until it runs out in July 2024.

The 28-year-old, who 収容する/認めるs she's 'not the best' at singing, decided to get the ultimate 復讐 by serenading him at the most inconvenient moments using a karaoke machine she was gifted in March.

Jordan Capitano, from Tampa, Florida, re-signed a year-long lease with her partner of eight years in July 2023 - but the couple split up shortly afterwards when she caught him talking to women both on and offline

Jordan Capitano, from Tampa, Florida, re-調印するd a year-long 賃貸し(する) with her partner of eight years in July 2023 - but the couple 分裂(する) up すぐに afterwards when she caught him talking to women both on and offline?

The 28-year-old, who admits she's 'not the best' at singing, decided to get the ultimate revenge by serenading him at the most inconvenient moments
The 28-year-old, who admits she's 'not the best' at singing, decided to get the ultimate revenge by serenading him at the most inconvenient moments

The 28-year-old, who 収容する/認めるs she's 'not the best' at singing, decided to get the ultimate 復讐 by serenading him at the most inconvenient moments

Planning to move out on April 27,?Jordan has been 文書ing the final 25 days of living with her ex through her Karma Karaoke clips on?TikTok.??

The mom-of-one recently 株d a hilarious clip of her singing?Carrie Underwood's Before He Cheats to her ex as he slept which has now racked up 4.8 million 見解(をとる)s.

The (映画の)フィート数 shows Jordan turn on the lights in her ex's bedroom before singing loudly while the dad wakes up and puts a pillow over his 長,率いる in 失望/欲求不満.?

行政官/管理者 Jordan (人命などを)奪う,主張するs her 半端物 method of 復讐 has helped her 傷をいやす/和解させる whi le living under the same roof as her ex.?

Jordan said: 'It's my 復讐. He 傷つける me, so now I'm going to annoy the s**t out of him.???

'If I don't joke about it, I'll cry. It's very 傷をいやす/和解させるing. I have 外傷/ショック from the things that have happened in the 関係.

'He literally has no 手がかり(を与える) when I'm going to do it. It's always at inconvenient タイミングs. It's a いたずら, but he's not angry about it. We're able to joke with each other.

'Me and him have a good 創立/基礎 and friendship. We've been together since I was 18. We have a lot of history.

Planning to move out on April 27, Jordan has been documenting the final 25 days of living with her ex through her Karma Karaoke clips on TikTok
Planning to move out on April 27, Jordan has been documenting the final 25 days of living with her ex through h
er Karma Karaoke clips on TikTok

Planning to move out on April 27, Jordan has been 文書ing the final 25 days of living with her ex through her Karma Karaoke clips on TikTok?

'But whether we're friends or not, he knows what he has done to 傷つける me.'

She transparently 株d: 'There was some cheating に向かって the end of the 関係 - that was the final straw.

'He was talking to people online. He 認める to it. He's very honest with me. The last straw was when he went to a casino and just met a 無作為の girl.

'I'm not harboring 怒り/怒る anymore. At this point I'm just getting my 復讐 because it makes the days go by faster. It's funny. It does give me a sense of empowerment.

'People have told me to 燃やす his 着せる/賦与するs. No, I'm not going to do anything crazy to 傷つける him.

'This is more 肯定的な. I'm not the best singer but I've always loved singing.

'I want to have a funny friendship with him because 最終的に, that is 有益な for our son.'?

Jordan continued: 'Last year I was very upset and emotional about it. I didn't know how I was supposed to be stuck living with my ex for a year.

'But I stuck with it, and now I'm moving out in 12 days. We are both ready to move on with o ur lives.

'I waited eight-and-a-half months and 設立する the perfect apartment at the perfect price. Karaoke made it more bearable living with my ex.

The mom-of-one recently shared a hilarious clip of her singing Carrie Underwood's Before He Cheats to her ex as he slept which has now racked up 4.8 million views
The mom-of-one recently shared a hilarious clip of her singing Carrie Underwood's Before He Cheats to her ex as he slept which has now racked up 4.8 million views

The mom-of-one recently 株d a hilarious clip of her singing Carri e Underwood's Before He Cheats to her ex as he slept which has now racked up 4.8 million 見解(をとる)s?

'I'll still be seeing him because we have a child together. I have an idea that when I've been gone a month, I'll see if he's home, and put on the karaoke 十分な-爆破, and 拷問 him.'

Other clips on TikTok show Jordan singing No Scrubs by TLC in her kitchen before her ex comically happens to return from a dog walk and shoot her a 混乱させるd look.

A third clip 逮捕(する)s Jordan 叫び声をあげるing Beyonc?'s Irreplaceable outside the bathroom, while he tries to take a にわか雨, captioned, 'for all my irreplaceable ladies.'

Now Jordan says she hopes her karma karaoke helps 奮起させる other women to 傷をいやす/和解させる from their 有毒な 関係s.

Jordan said: 'It means a lot to me when people message me telling me they can relate, or that I've given them strength.

'One girl told me she was leaving her 関係 because of my bravery. It's so insane to be able to help people through my 復讐 and my 傷をいやす/和解させるing 過程.'

Many テレビ視聴者s took to the comments to 賞賛する Jordan for her 復讐 karaoke as one 使用者 wrote: 'The series I didn't know I've been waiting for my entire life.'

Another 使用者 commented: 'I 株d this with my husband as a 警告 if he ever cheats.'

A third 使用者 wrote: 'This is a girl who knows she deserves more.'

Many viewers took to the comments to praise Jordan for her revenge karaoke as one user wrote: 'The series I didn't know I've been waiting for my entire life'

Many テレビ視聴者s took to the comments to 賞賛する Jordan for her 復讐 karaoke as one 使用者 wrote: 'The series I didn't know I've been waiting for my entire life'?

A fourth 使用者 commented: 'Girl I live for these. You are 傷をいやす/和解させるing me.'

Other 使用者s jumped to Jordan's ex's 弁護 as one 使用者 wrote: 'How [does] he 扱う stuff like this?'

Another 使用者 commented: 'He has patience.'

Jordan's ex-partner, who does not wish to be 指名するd, 認める he understands her 願望(する) to take 復讐.

He (人命などを)奪う,主張するs he 'feels bad for 傷つけるing Jordan' by cheating but 追加するd: 'We all make mistakes.'

The 27-year-old said: 'I think it's a unique idea, and it's Jordan's way of getting 復讐 on me for 傷つけるing her in our 関係.

'As for the cheating, I feel 不正に for 傷つけるing Jordan. We all make mistakes, but I feel like we're better apart and not together.'

Jordan has gone on to turn her singing into a lucrative 味方する hustle for other 軽蔑(する)d lovers - and has already made $500 by 記録,記録的な/記録するing karaoke takes for fans to annoy their partners with.?

'I used to want to be on Broadway when I was younger, but I couldn't, because I'm not a good singer.?

'Now people are 支払う/賃金ing me to call their exes, and sing karaoke to their exes over the phone, whether they answer or not.

'I 拷問 them in their voicemails by singing songs that have been requested. I've made over $500 so far, p eople are telling me to start a whole 商売/仕事.

'I 基本的に tell people it is karma karaoke, and that they've received some bad karma for 存在 a jerk or a cheater.

'It is 単独で just to be funny and humorous. I'm not going to いじめ(る) anybody, or say anything 汚い or 脅すing.'