An 都市の explorer has 株d an inside glimpse into an eerie Canadian ghost town that was left to rot - and now has いっそう少なく than 10 居住(者)s left in its 崩壊するing homes.

Kayville, in?Saskatchewan, Canada, was once a bustling village with over 100 国民s and 30 商売/仕事s.

But now, the dwindling community is a 爆撃する of its former self - with most of its buildings boarded up and its houses abandoned.

A photographer and popular vlogger, 指名するd Dave, recently took a trip to the decaying town, 調査するing some of the 砂漠d abodes and speaking to one of the very few remaining 国民s.

An urban explorer has shared an inside glimpse into an eerie Canadian ghost town that was left to rot - and now has less than 10 residents left in its crumbling homes

An 都市の explorer has 株d an inside glimpse into an eerie Canadian ghost town that was left to rot - and now has いっそう少なく than 10 居住(者)s left in its 崩壊するing homes?

Kayville, in Saskatchewan, Canada , was once a bustling village with over 100 citizens and 30 businesses

Kayville, in Saskatchewan, Canada , was once a bustling village with over 100 国民s and 30 商売/仕事s

But now, the dwindling community is a shell of its former self - with most of its buildings boarded up and its houses abandoned

But now, the dwindling community is a 爆撃する of its former self - with most of its buildings boarded up and its houses abandoned

A photographer and popular vlogger, named Dave, recently took a trip to the decaying town, exploring some of the deserted abodes and speaking to one of the very few remaining citizens

A photographer and popular vlogger, 指名するd Dave, recently took a trip to the decaying town, 調査するing some of the 砂漠d abodes and speaking to one of the very few remaining 国民s

He documented it all for his YouTube channel, Freaktography, lifting a lid
 on what really drove the former thriving area to become vacant and deteriorating

He 文書d it all for his YouTube channel, Freaktography, 解除するing a lid on what really drove the former 栄えるing area to become 空いている and 悪化するing

He 文書d it all for his YouTube channel,?Freaktography, 解除するing the lid on what really drove the former 栄えるing area to become 空いている and 悪化するing.

In his ビデオ, Dave explained that?Kayville's 拒絶する/低下する was likely driven by an 経済的な 転換, 同様に as the 改良 of transportation to larger areas.

'The farm economy went 負かす/撃墜する and with no money to be made the 全住民 dropped, schools の近くにd, the 穀物 elevator shut 負かす/撃墜する and the 鉄道 was taken away,' he 株d.?

'In 1970, the community's 全住民 was over 100. Today, the 全住民 has dropped 徹底的に to いっそう少なく than 10.?

'All buildings,?schools, and most of the homesteads are ?空いている and no one lives there anymore. There are no more 商売/仕事s in town.'

(映画の)フィート数 showed Dave wandering through the ghostly town, with not a person in sight.

He first (機の)カム across an old church; the paint was 明確に chipping, the windows were boarded up, and the doors padlocked.

As he continued through the barren village, he then discovered what appeared to be its former main street.

In his video, Dave explained that Kayville's decline was likely driven by an economic shift, as well as the improvement of transportation to larger areas

In his ビデオ, Dave explained that Kayville's 拒絶する/低下する was likely driven by an 経済的な 転換, 同様に as the 改良 of transportation to larger areas

'The farm economy went down and with no money to be made the population dropped, schools closed, the grain elevator shut down and the railway was taken away,' he shared

'The farm economy went 負かす/撃墜する and with no money to be made the 全住民 dropped, schools の近くにd, the 穀物 elevator shut 負かす/撃墜する and the 鉄道 was taken away,' he 株d

Footage showed Dave wandering through the ghostly town, with not a person in sight

(映画の)フィート数 showed Dave wandering through the ghostly town, with not a person in sight

He first came across an old church; the paint was clearly chipping, the windows were boarded up, and the doors padlocked

He first (機の)カム across an old church; the paint was 明確に chipping, the windows were boarded up, and the doors padlocked

As he continued through the barren village, he then discovered what appeared to be its former main street

As he continued through the barren village, he then discovered what appeared to be its former main street

A slew of empty and withering buildings stood on a dirt road, and Dave theorized a few of them must have previously been shops or stores

A slew of empty and withering buildings stood on a dirt road, and Dave theorized a few of them must have 以前 been shops or 蓄える/店s

Next, he peaked inside one of the abandoned homes; its structure was crumbling and the windows were broken

Next, he 頂点(に達する)d inside one of the abandoned homes; its structure was 崩壊するing and the windows were broken

He found a creepy garden gnome sitting on the home's porch

He 設立する a creepy garden gnome sitting on the home's porch

A slew of empty and withering buildings stood on a dirt road, and Dave theorized a few of them must have 以前 been shops or 蓄える/店s.

Next, he 頂点(に達する)d inside one of the abandoned homes; its structure was 崩壊するing and the windows were broken.

Upon 押し進めるing on the old 木造の door, he discovered it was 打ち明けるd - and made his way inside.?

It was almost like the 居住(者)s 選ぶd up and left suddenly, as old items and rotting furniture - 含むing a slew of children's toys - were left behind.

In one bedroom, he 設立する a Spice Girls poster hung above a mattress that laid on the 床に打ち倒す.

The bed was still made up and had sheets, a 一面に覆う/毛布, and a pillow, the latter of which had been ripped open, likely by an animal. On the mattress sat a slew of dolls.

Upon pushing on the old wooden door, he discovered it was unlocked - and made his way inside

Upon 押し進めるing on the old 木造の door, he discovered it was 打ち明けるd - and made his way inside

It was almost like the residents picked up and left suddenly, as old items and rotting furniture - including a slew of children's toys - were left behind
It was almost like the residents picked up and left suddenly, as old items and rotting furniture - including a slew of children's toys - were left behind

It was almost like the 居住(者)s 選ぶd up and left suddenly, as old items and rotting furniture - 含むing a slew of children's toys - were left behind

The walls were painted bright purple and pink throughout the home

The 塀で囲むs were painted 有望な purple and pink throughout the home

He headed upstairs, and what he found next was even more unnerving

He 長,率いるd upstairs, and what he 設立する next was even more unnerving

In one bedroom, he noticed a Spice Girls poster hung above a mattress that laid on the floor

In one bedroom, he noticed a Spice Girls poster hung above a mattress that laid on the 床に打ち倒す

The bed was still made up and had sheets, a blanket, and a pillow, the latter of which had been ripped open, likely by an animal

The bed was still made up and had sheets, a 一面に覆う/毛布, and a pillow, the latter of which had been ripped open, likely by an animal

On the mattress sat a slew of dolls
There was also a desk covered with more odd items

On the mattress sat a slew of dolls. There was also a desk covered with more 半端物 items

nother room was filled to the brim with random possessions from whoever lived there, including various paintings and decorations, and tons more toys

Another room was filled to the brim with 無作為の 所有/入手s from whoever lived there, 含むing さまざまな 絵s and decorations, and トンs more toys

Another room was filled to the brim with 無作為の 所有/入手s from whoever lived there, 含むing さまざまな 絵s and decorations, and トンs more toys.

After that, Dave continued to walk through the town. He 明らかにする/漏らすd he had talked to one of the town's few remaining 居住(者)s, 指名するd Randy.

Randy didn't appear on camera, but Dave explained that he said he only knew 'three or four' other people living there.

'In 1905, Romanian 植民/開拓者s?捜し出すing 解放する/自由な 政府 land under the?Dominion Lands 行為/法令/行動する 設立するd?Kayville,' Dave told テレビ視聴者s during the ビデオ.

'植民/開拓者s began to build in Kayville?around Main Street in homesteads outside the community.?

'The first homesteads were?built in 1906 and the homesteaders consisted of 農業者s and?ranchers.

'In 1905, Romanian settlers seeking free government land under the Dominion Lands Act founded Kayville,' Dave told viewers during the video

'In 1905, Romanian 植民/開拓者s 捜し出すing 解放する/自由な 政府 land under the Dominion Lands 行為/法令/行動する 設立するd Kayville,' Dave told テレビ視聴者s during the ビデオ

'The first homesteads were built in 1906 and the homesteaders consisted of farmers and ranchers,' he continued. The church is seen

'The first homesteads were built in 1906 and the homesteaders consisted of 農業者s and ranchers,' he continued. The church is seen

Around 1912 to 1913, Kayville was big enough to maintain a post office and a school was established. And in 1984, a center complex with a 'pool' were built

Around 1912 to 1913, Kayville was big enough to 持続する a 地位,任命する office and a school was 設立するd. And in 1984, a 中心 コンビナート/複合体 with a 'pool' were built

This is just one of many ghost towns in Saskatchewan ? as there are approximately 140, many of which were abandoned during the 20th century, The church is seen from above

This is just one of many ghost towns in Saskatchewan ? as there are だいたい 140, many of which were abandoned during the 20th century, The church is seen from above

'Around 1912 to 1913,?Kayville?was big enough to 持続する a?地位,任命する office and a school was?設立するd.

'The community にわか景気d with?the arrival of the Canadian 太平洋の?鉄道 in 1924 and it became a 栄えるing community, large?enough to become an 組織するd Hamlet by?1951. And in 1970 the community's 全住民?reached over 100 国民s.'

In 1984, Dave explained that a '中心 コンビナート/複合体' with a 'pool' were built, which was used for 'many community 機能(する)/行事s.'

And while the once-繁栄するing town is now 崩壊するing, Dave still has hope for Kayville.?

'Although the 全住民 has dropped?徹底的に to a mere 10 居住(者)s,?居住(者)s from surrounding?cities have realized the 可能性のある?Kayville has to 申し込む/申し出 because of its proximity to the city and?have started?buying land in and around?Kayville bringing hope for a better and more 繁栄する 未来,' he 追加するd.

This is just one of many ghost towns in Saskatchewan ? as there are だいたい 140, many of which were abandoned during the 20th century.