How Taylor Swift's 保護の 銀行業者 father Scott has become his daughter's biggest fan as she 減少(する)s The 拷問d Poets Department

Taylor Swift has enjoyed one success after another in the past year, with not only her 記録,記録的な/記録する-breaking 時代s 小旅行する selling out thanks to 充てるd fans, but reaching 億万長者 status after an illustrious 17-year music career this month.

And the 星/主役にする - who on Friday 公式に dropped her 心配するd 11th studio album,?The 拷問d Poets Department - has a 抱擁する machine of loved ones behind her that have been on 手渡す for support, 含むing her doting parents, Scott, 71, and Andrea, 66.

The performer's 財政上の success could also be せいにするd to the direct 影響(力) from her father.?

Scott is a longtime Merrill Lynch (a Bank of America company) 従業員 whose 登録(する)d 投資 助言者 The Swift Group is based in the family's hometown of Wyomissing, Pennsylvania.?

A 公表,暴露 with the 安全s and 交流 (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)s him as linked to 10 companies (v)提携させる(n)支部,加入者d with his dau ghter, によれば Bloomberg.?

The performer's financial success could also be attributed to the direct influence from her father. Both pictured in 2015

The performer's 財政上の success could also be せいにするd to the direct 影響(力) from her father. Both pictured in 2015

This 含むs 商品/売買するing and 権利s-管理/経営 商売/仕事s and (独立の)存在s that own her 小旅行する bus, two 私的な jets and real 広い地所.

The father-of-two has 以前 been 述べるd as very 保護の of his daughter - and has been by her 味方する during the 時代s 小旅行する.

Their closeness has always been evident and poignant, and Scott has even been dubbed 'the most supportive dad' at the 時代s 小旅行する.

At a concert last year, TikToker @haylzz13 株d a clip of the 充てるd father filming his daughter 成し遂げる, in awe. Commenters couldn't 含む/封じ込める their delight at the 甘い 陳列する,発揮する of parental affection, 説 he 'must be beyond proud'.

In her Netflix 文書の, 行方不明になる Americana, the father and daughter 株d an emotional 交流 as the singer told her family about 計画(する)s to speak out against 共和国の/共和党の Marsha Blackburn.

'I can't see another 商業の [with] her disguising these 政策s behind the words 'Tennessee Christian values',' Taylor said.

'I live in Tennessee. I am Christian. That's not what we stand for.'

As her father tried to 押し進める 支援する, Taylor 主張するd that she wished she had 発言する/表明するd her political 見解(をとる)s earlier and come out against Donald Trump.?

Scott is a longtime Merrill Lynch (a Bank of America company) employee whose registered investment adviser The Swift Group is based in the family's hometown of Wyomissing, Pennsylvania. Both pictured in a throwback snap

Scott is a lon gtime Merrill Lynch (a Bank of America company) 従業員 whose 登録(する)d 投資 助言者 The Swift Group is based in the family's hometown of Wyomissing, Pennsylvania. Both pictured in a throwback snap

The father-of-two has previously been described as very protective of his daughter - and has been by her side during the Eras tour. Taylor and her father pictured in 2013 with Andrea

The father-of-two has 以前 been 述べるd as very 保護の of his daughter - and has been by her 味方する during the 時代s 小旅行する. Taylor and her father pictured in 2013 with Andrea

In The Best Day, she sings: 'I have an excellent father, his strength is making me stronger.' Pictured at the GRAMMY Awards in February

In The Best Day, she sings: 'I have an excellent father, his strength is making me stronger.' Pictured at the GRAMMY Awards in February

'But I can't change that,' she continued. 'I need to be on the 権利 味方する of history. … Dad, I need you to 許す me for doing it, because I'm doing it.'?

In a later interview with?Variety, she said: 'This was a 状況/情勢 where, from a humanity 視野, and from what my moral compass was telling me I needed to do, I knew I was 権利, and I really didn't care about repercussions.

'My dad is terrified of 脅しs against my safety and my life, and he has to see how many stalkers we を取り引きする on a daily basis, and know that this is his kid. It's where he comes from.'

Her father is also 特記する/引用するd as a 保護の 人物/姿/数字 in many of Taylor's lyrics.

In The Best Day, she sings: 'I have an excellent father, his strength is making me stronger.'

Speaking to Esquire in 2014, Taylor also opened up about her childhood growing up on a Christm as tree farm in Pennsylvania, where she's 初めは from, which she said Scott 'tended to as a hobby'.

'He'd tend to the farm as his hobby,' she explained. 'He'd get up four hours 早期に to go mow the fields on his tractor. We all had 職業s. 地雷 was 選ぶing the praying-mantis pods off of the trees, collecting them so that the bugs wouldn't hatch inside people's houses.?

'My parents were very strict about education and hard work, from the time my brother and I were really little kids.'

In 2004, the family made the move to a town just outside Nashville to 支える the teen's career, The 圧力(をかける) of 大西洋 City?報告(する)/憶測s.

Speaking to Esquire in 2014, Taylor also opened up about her childhood growing up on a Christmas tree farm in Pennsylvania, where she's originally from, which she said Scott 'tended to as a hobby'

Speaking to Esquire in 2014, Taylor also opened up about her childhood growing up on a Christmas tree farm in Pennsylvania, where she's 初めは from, which she said Scott 'tended to as a hobby'

Speaking to UDaily in 2009, Scott 明らかにする/漏らすd that the family realized the 可能性のある for Taylor's talent from a very young age.

'She was always singing music when she was three, five, six, seven years old,' he said. 'It's Taylor doing what she likes to do.

'We had a kid that was really 熱烈な about it, and when she was 13 she got a 開発 取引,協定 at RCA.

'That was the 確定/確認 that maybe she wasn't crazy, because her 令状ing is why she got it.'

It comes as Scott escaped 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s after an Australian photographer (刑事)被告 him of punching him in the 直面する に引き続いて the superstar's final show in Sydney.

Speaking to UDaily in 2009, Scott revealed that the family realized the potential for Taylor's talent from a very young age. Pictured in 2008

Speaking to UDaily in 2009, Scott 明らかにする/漏らすd that the family realized the 可能性のある for Taylor's talent from a very young age. Pictured in 2008

Taylor said Scott used to 'get up four hours early to go mow the fields on his tractor' on the tree farm. Both pictured in 2014

Taylor said Scott used to 'get up four hours 早期に to go mow the fields on his tractor' on the tree farm. Both pictured in 2014

She had 成し遂げるd her last Aussie show of The 時代s 小旅行する when the 申し立てられた/疑わしい 出来事/事件 occurred in the 早期に hours of February 27.

She and her father,?Scott had travelled from Homebush on a 高級な ヨット to the フェリー(で運ぶ) wharf in 中立の Bay where Scott was then (刑事)被告 of punching waiting photographer Ben McDonald, 51.

An 調査 into the 申し立てられた/疑わしい 出来事/事件 was 開始する,打ち上げるd by the North Shore Police 命令(する).

NSW?Police have since 確認するd to Daily Mail Australia no その上の 活動/戦闘 was taken over the 出来事/事件.

At the time, a spokeswoman for Taylor Swift told Daily Mail Australia the photographers were 存在 '積極的な'.

'Two individuals were 積極性 押し進めるing their way に向かって Taylor, grabbing at her 安全 職員/兵員, and 脅すing to throw a 女性(の) staff member into the water,' she said.

However, Mr McDonald - the 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある of Matrix マスコミ Group - slammed the 声明 as 'utter rubbish' and said the only 女性(の) at the scene was Taylor.

Mr McDonald said: 'This is the sort of bulls**t I might 推定する/予想する.'

'Which 女性(の) was that? The only one there was Taylor.'

Earlier this year Scott also?dodged a question about whether he 推定する/予想するs Travis Kelce to ask for his blessing before 提案するing to his daughter.?

After touching 負かす/撃墜する at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) ahead of the?Grammy Awards, the superstar's father 拒絶する/低下するd to answer a?query about his eldest child's love life.

In 返答 to a?paparazzo 尋問 whether the father-of-two 尋問 if the? Kansas City 長,指導者s tight end needs to ask for his '許可' to 提案する, Scott quickly の近くにd his car door.?

Just a few minutes earlier, however, he was happy to answer a few football-関係のある questions, 含むing if he was a?Kansas City 長,指導者s fan before Taylor began dating him.

Meanwhile, Taylor has on Friday sent her fans into an emotional frenzy as she dropped her latest album - with Swifties already labeling the LP 'a m
asterpiece'. Pictured with her mother in 2010

一方/合間, Taylor has on Friday sent her fans into an emotional frenzy as she dropped her 最新の album - with Swifties already labeling the LP 'a masterpiece'. Pictured with her mother in 2010

'I’m a football fan - of all teams,' the longtime Philadelphia Eagles fan answered coyly, によれば Page Six.

He proceeded to 公式文書,認める that?Andy Reid, the team's 現在の 長,率いる coach, 'used to coach the Eagles'.

一方/合間, Taylor has on Friday?sent her fans into an emotional frenzy as she?dropped?her 最新の album?- with Swifties already labeling the LP 'a masterpiece'.

The Grammy 勝利者 also 発表するd on Thursday that the first 選び出す/独身 from the new work is Fortnight, which features fellow music artist 地位,任命する Malone.?

The album became 利用できる at 9p.m. (PST) and her 献身的な fans have 発言する/表明するd their thoughts over the music, with some 存在 driven to 涙/ほころびs and others calling 拷問d Poets the singer's 'best album.'?

One typed, 'IM CRYING RN. TAYLOR WE LOVE YOU!!!!' while another 追加するd, 'This is going to be the best album Taylor has made I know it.'?

Scott has always been by Taylor's side throughout her career. The father and daughter pictured in 2011

Scott has always been by Taylor's 味方する throughout her career. The father and daughter pictured in 2011

Taylor's mother Andrea has also always been present for her daughter. Both pictured in Nevada in 2011

Taylor's mother Andrea has also always been 現在の for her daughter. Both pictured in Nevada in 2011

'13 seconds in and its already the best album,' a 信奉者 penned, and one excitedly wrote, 'OMG Taylor this is a masterpiece!! Thank you for this amazing album!! Love you.'?

One fan on X 追加するd, 'Me as soon as each 跡をつける begins,' and 株d a one-second time marker 同様に as a GIF of Michael Jackson 説, 'I love this song!'

'I love it so much already,' a Swiftie typed, while another penned, 'THIS IS THE BEST ALBUM YOU'VE EVER MADE.'?

'10 seconds into The 拷問d Poets Department,' one typed while 追加するing a GIF of Max (Sadie 沈む) from Stranger Things floating up into the 空気/公表する.?

Another social マスコミ 使用者 噴出するd, 'You literally have a way with words that no one else has, it's SO breathtaking. THANK you for all that you do, once again. now if you'll excuse me, I got an album to stream all day.'?

Fans have also 推測するd that her 最新の work might possible 言及/関連 to her short romance with The 1975 frontman, Matty Healy, and also her boyfriend, Travis Kelce.?

Before the 最高の Bowl earlier this year, the NFL 星/主役にする 表明するd to Extra, 'I have heard some of it, yes. And it is unbelievable.'

'I can't wait for her to shake up the world when it finally 減少(する)s,' he continued, while later 追加するing, 'I can't give you anything. I'll leave that up to her.'

The football player 追加するd, 'She's unbelievable. She's re-令状ing the history 調書をとる/予約するs herself. I told her, "I'll have to 停止する my end of the 取引 and bring home some 金物類/武器類, too."'