Taylor Swift's new album - The 拷問d Poets Department - has been 解放(する)d with to much much ファンファーレ/誇示, with fans and critics あられ/賞賛するing the surprise 二塁打 album as her 'best storytelling yet', 賞賛するing the 'surreal, beautiful, and insane' lyricism with 'intimacy of Folklore and Evermore with the synth-pop gloss of Midnights'.

The lead 跡をつける Fortnight - featuring 地位,任命する Malone - opens with Taylor 述べるing herself as a '機能(する)/行事ing アル中患者'.

'I was s'提起する/ポーズをとるd to be sent away / But they forgot to come and get me / I was a 機能(する)/行事ing アル中患者 / 'Til nobody noticed my new aesthetic,' she sings.

While the 14-time Grammy 勝利者 often sings about fictional and imagined 状況/情勢s, her 言及/関連s to ワイン, other alcohol?and 麻薬s has 増加するd 意味ありげに since her 早期に days as a church-going, clean 削減(する) country girl.?

This is perhaps unsurprising, given she was just 16 when her self-肩書を与えるd debut album was 解放(する)d.

Taylor Swift's new bum - The Tortured Poets Department - has been released with to much much fanfare, with fans and critics hailing the surprise double album as her ' best storytelling yet ', praising the ' surreal, beautiful, and insane ' lyricism with 'i ntimacy of Folklore and Evermore with the synth-pop gloss of Midnights. Taylor is pictured during her Eras tour

Taylor Swift's new bum - The 拷問d Poets Department - has been 解放(する)d with to much much ファンファーレ/誇示, with fans and critics あられ/賞賛するing the surprise 二塁打 album as her ' best storytelling yet ', 賞賛するing the ' sur real, beautiful, and insane ' lyricism with 'i ntimacy of Folklore and Evermore with the synth-pop gloss of Midnights. Taylor is pictured during her 時代s 小旅行する

The lead track Fortnight - featuring Post Malone - opens with Taylor describing herself as a 'functioning alcoholic'

The lead 跡をつける Fortnight - featuring 地位,任命する Malone - opens with Taylor 述べるing herself as a '機能(する)/行事ing アル中患者'?

It seemingly suggests a potential new announcement or a surprise coming at 2:00. a.m. ET

It seemingly 示唆するs a 可能性のある new 告示 o r a surprise coming at 2:00. a.m. ET

But in the years に引き続いて, she said she wasn't a hard party girl.

'Maybe I'll have a glass of ワイン, but nothing too hard-核心 for me,' she told Ladies Home 定期刊行物 in 2010 about her 21st birthday 祝賀s.

'I've never had the 燃やすing 願望(する) to drink,' she told Ladies Home 定期刊行物.?

'I need to be in 支配(する)/統制する of what I say, and if I drank, I'd 強調する/ストレス out about 説 the wrong thing at the wrong time.'

'It'll be 冷静な/正味の that I'll be able to go to a lot of concerts that my friends always go to and I sit at home because it's 21 and over,' she said. 'Other than that, I don't think I'm going to all of a sudden start 存在 in love with the idea of going to a club,' she 追加するd to People.?

In fact, her first four albums -?Taylor Swift, Fearless, Speak Now and Red - didn't について言及する alcohol at all. Even 1989,? written when she was 24, living in New York and certainly going out more she only made a thin 言及/関連 to booze.

'You're still all over me like a ワイン-stained dress I can't wear anymore,' she sings in Clean, believed to be about ex-boyfriend Harry Styles.

The アルコール飲料- 言及/関連s really took off with her 2 017 album 評判, 大部分は 奮起させるd by her move to London, her 反目,不和 with Kim Kardashian and Kanye West - 同様に as romance with Joe Alwyn.

Cheers: Taylor Swift shared a laid-back shot wearing minimal make-up, olive trousers and a sold-out knit sweater, featuring an allover daisy pattern on Thursday

元気づけるs: Taylor Swift 株d a laid-支援する 発射 wearing 極小の make-up, olive trousers and a sold-out knit sweater, featuring an allover daisy pattern on Thursday

Taylor, pictured on? Graham Norton, often is seen enjoying wine

Taylor, pictured on? Graham Norton, often is seen enjoying ワイン

Taylor Swift officially dropped The Tortured Poets Department on Friday - her hotly-anticipated 11th studio album

Taylor Swift 公式に dropped The 拷問d Poets Department on Friday - her hotly-心配するd 11th studio album?

Taylor Swift alcohol 言及/関連s in her songs??

Taylor Swift,?Fearless, Speak Now and Red?

  • No 言及/関連s to alcohol, she does 言及/関連 partying on the 丸天井 跡をつける of Red, The Very First Night?


'Clean': 'You're still all over me like a ワイン-stained dress I can't wear anymore.'

Blank Space: 'I get drunk on jealousy'??


'…Ready For It?': 'Island 微風 and lights 負かす/撃墜する low. No one has to know.' Island 微風 is a fruity vodka cocktail.

'Gorgeous': 'Whiskey?on ice; Sunset and Vine. You've 廃虚d my life by not 存在 地雷.'?

'Get drunk and make fun of the way you talk'?

Delicate: 'You can make me a drink' 'dive 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 on the east 味方する, where you at? '

'逃亡 Car': 'I knew it from the first Old Fashioned we were 悪口を言う/悪態d.'?

'I met you at the motel 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業'?

'King Of My Heart': 'Up on the roof with a schoolgirl 鎮圧する, drinking beer out of plastic cups.'

'Dress': 'I'm 流出/こぼすing ワイン in the bathtub. You kiss my 直面する, and we're both drunk.'?

'This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things':?'Jump into the pool from the balcony. Everyone swimming in a シャンペン酒 sea.'

'here's a toast to my real friends'?

End Game: 'your 注目する,もくろむs are アルコール飲料, your 団体/死体 is gold' 'drinking on the beach with you all over me'

New Year's Day:?'きれいにする up 瓶/封じ込めるs with you'?

So It Goes.. 'Met you in a 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業'


Cruel Summer:?'i'm drunk in the 支援する of the car'?

Cornelia Street: 'drunk on something stronger than the drinks in the 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業?

'Paper (犯罪の)一味s': 'The ワイン is 冷淡な like the shoulder that I gave you in the street.'

'Death By A Thousand 削減(する)s': 'My time, my ワイン, my spirit, my 信用. Tryna find a part of me you didn't t ake up.'

'London Boy': 'And you know I love Springsteen, faded blue ジーンズs, Tennessee whiskey.'

'You can find me in the pub, we are watching rugby with his school friends,'?

'Drinking in the afternoon'?

'誤った God': 'Hell is when I fight with you, but we can patch it up good. Make 自白s and we're begging for forgiveness. Got the ワイン for you.'

'You Need To 静める 負かす/撃墜する': 'You are somebody that I don't know. But you're takin' 発射s at me like it's Patr?n, and I'm just like, damn. It's 7 a.m.'?


'The 1': 'Ros? flowing with your chosen family. And it would've been 甘い if it could've been me.'

'The Last 広大な/多数の/重要な American 王朝': 'Filled the pool with シャンペン酒 and swam with the big 指名するs and blew through the money on the boys and the ballet.'?

'August': 'August sipped away like a 瓶/封じ込める of ワイン, '原因(となる) you were never 地雷.'

'This Is Me Trying': '注ぐing out my heart to a stranger, but I didn't 注ぐ the whiskey.'

'i got wasted like all my 可能性のある'?

Cardigan: 'dancing in your levi's, drunk under a streetlight '?

My 涙/ほころびs ricchochet: 'drunk on this 苦痛'?

Mirrorball: 'drunk as they watch my 粉々にするd 辛勝する/優位s glisten'?


'Willow': 'Lost in your 現在の like a priceless ワイン.'

'シャンペン酒 Problems': 'シャンペン酒 problems.'

''Dom P?rignon you brought it'

Gold 急ぐ - I don't like a gold 急ぐ (a cocktail)?

'No 団体/死体, No 罪,犯罪': 'Este's a friend of 地雷. We 会合,会う up every Tuesday night for dinner and a glass of ワイン.'?

' 'That ain't my Merlot on his mouth.'

'Ivy': 'So tell me to run or dare to sit and watch what we'll become. And drink my husband's ワイン.'?

'終結': 'I'm 罰金 with my spite and my 涙/ほころびs and my beers and my candles.'?


'Maroon': 'How'd we 結局最後にはーなる on the 床に打ち倒す, anyway?' You say. Your roommate's cheap-ass screw-最高の,を越す Ros?, that's how.'?

?'The burgundy on my T-shirt when you splashed your ワイン into me.'?

'操る': 'I'm the 勝利,勝つd in our 解放する/自由な-flowing sails and the アルコール飲料 in our cocktails.'?

'Paris': 'Cheap ワイン, make believe it's シャンペン酒.'

?'原因(となる) we were somewhere else in an alleyway, drinking シャンペン酒.'?

Q< /span>uestion...? 'It was one drink after another'?

Dear Reader: 'My fourth drink in my 手渡す'?

?The 拷問d Poets Department

?Fortnight: 'I was a 機能(する)/行事ing アル中患者. 'Til nobody noticed my new aesthetic'

Florida!!!: 'The ハリケーン with my 指名する when it (機の)カム I got drunk and I dared it to wash me away バリケードd in the bathroom with a 瓶/封じ込める of ワイン'?

The 黒人/ボイコット Dog: 'And so I watch as you walk Into some 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 called The 黒人/ボイコット Dog'?


Her five albums since have ますます 言及/関連d alcohol, with the singer also について言及するing drinking on social マスコミ, during interviews and on her 時代s 小旅行する.

Speaking during her 時代s 小旅行する shows, Taylor explaining that 令状ing Folklore - cowritten by her then-boyfriend Joe Alwyn, she explained: '[I was] imagining that, instead of 存在 a lonely millennial woman covered in cat hair drinking my 負わせる in white ワイン.

'I was a ghostly Victorian lady wandering through the 支持を得ようと努めるd with a candle in a candlestick 支えるもの/所有者, and I wrote only on parchment with a feathered quill,'.

In her ビデオ for Anti-Hero, the lead 跡をつける on 10th album Midnights, Taylor drinks 発射s, while she's often discussed her love of ワイン in interviews.

Speaking to People magazine in 2020, she said: 'I love spending a 十分な evening cooking a meal while sipping a glass of ワイン and listening to old music,'.

She also 株d pictures of herself and Joe drinking ワイン.?

'biiig 孤立/分離,' she captioned the artful snap of herself raising a glass, with two snake and ワイン emojis, nodding to her 跡をつける End Game.?

In 最近の years, Taylor has enjoyed さまざまな nights out with friends.

Recently, the four-time Grammy AOTY 勝利者?enjoyed an epic girls night out with celebrity pals 含むing Blake Lively, Sophie Turner and Brittany Mahomes, with the 法案 coming to a whooping?$4,000 (£3,212).

I got a blank check baby!?Taylor Swift enjoyed an epic girls night out with celebrity pals including Blake Lively, Sophie Turner and Brittany Mahomes in New York City last month amid her new romance with Travis Kelce ? but who picked up the bill?

I got a blank check baby!?Taylor Swift enjoyed an epic girls night out with celebrity pals 含むing Blake Lively, Sophie Turner and Brittany Mahomes in New York City last month まっただ中に her new romance with Travis Kelce ― but who 選ぶd up the 法案?

Sip: Taylor was seen sashaying off the stage and slowly raising her glass at screaming fans after the curtain came down and she headed off for a much-deserved break
Sip: Taylor was seen sashaying off the stage and slowly raising her glass at screaming fans after the curtain came down and she headed off for a much-deserved break

Sip:?Taylor was seen sashaying off the 行う/開催する/段階 and slowly raising her glass at 叫び声をあげるing fans after the curtain (機の)カム 負かす/撃墜する and she 長,率いるd off for a much-deserved break

However, the 星/主役にする seemingly has a work-hard play-hard 態度, 完全に going off alcohol while 成し遂げるing on her 時代s 小旅行する.

Speaking to Time Out about prepping for the 記録,記録的な/記録する-breaking 小旅行する, the 星/主役にする said that?she lived 'like a frat guy' on the road on previous 小旅行するs, but 'this time was different'.

'I knew this 小旅行する was harder than anything I'd ever done before by a long 発射,' she told the 出版(物), who has 指名するd her 2023's Person of the Year.?

?She explained that she 削減(する) out alcohol 完全に ahead of the 小旅行する, 追加するing, 'Doing that show with a hangover... I don't want to know that world.'

While 反映するing on the impressive length of her show, Taylor said that she 手配中の,お尋ね者 to give her fans something special since she knew how hard they had to work to get there.

However, Taylor was pictured drinking ワイン after the last date of the US 脚 of the 小旅行する.

Travis Kelce has lifted the lid on his busy weekend at Coachella with girlfriend Taylor Swift

Travis Kelce has 解除するd the lid on his busy 週末 at Coachella with girlfriend Taylor Swift

Swift and Kelce were spotted at Coachella on Saturday, watching her pal Jack Antonoff's band, Bleachers, perform at the festival
The Bad Blood hitmaker and the NFL star danced together in the crowd in a fan video posted to TikTok by Kale Tompkins

They were were spotted watc hing her pal Jack Antonoff's 禁止(する)d, Bleachers, 成し遂げる

Karlie Kloss and Taylor Swift attend the Chicago Bulls vs New York Knicks game at Madison Square Garden on October 29, 2014

Karlie Kloss and Taylor Swift …に出席する the Chicago Bulls vs New York Knicks game at Madison Square Garden on October 29, 2014

The move appeared to be inspired by a scandal from January's Golden Globe Awards ceremony, when Taylor was glimpsed chatting with her longtime pal Selena Gomez

The move appeared to be inspi red by a スキャンダル from January's Golden Globe Awards 儀式, when Taylor was glimpsed chatting with her longtime pal Selena Gomez

The songstress,? - whose former BFF Karlie Kloss was in 出席 at the final show, looked delighted as she sipped on white ワイン?at Los Angeles ' SoFi Stadium on Wednesday.

The 星/主役にする wowed in a purple sequin dress teamed with flat leather boots as she 示すd 53 dates on the 記録,記録的な/記録する-breaking 小旅行する.

Taylor was seen sashaying off the 行う/開催する/段階 and slowly raising her glass at 叫び声をあげるing fans after the curtain (機の)カム 負かす/撃墜する and she 長,率いるd off for a much-deserved break.

She's also been pictured partying with boyfriend Travis Kelce at Coachella. She also 負かす/撃墜するd a beer while watching him play football, and she's also been seen this?

She sent the (人が)群がる at 最高の Bowl LVIII into hysterics after she was seen chugging a drink and slamming it 負かす/撃墜する while on the jumbotron at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas?in February.?

She's in the (人が)群がる watching as her man, Travis Kelce, and the Kansas City 長,指導者s take on the San Francisco 49ers.

Taylor Swift was seen knocking back a drink on the jumbotron at Super Bowl LVIII

Taylor Swift was seen knocking 支援する a drink on the jumbotron at 最高の Bowl LVIII

Swift and Kelce were spotted at Coachella on Saturday, watching her pal Jack Antonoff's band, Bleachers, perform at the festival
The Bad Blood hitmaker and the NFL star danced together in the crowd in a fan video posted to TikTok by Kale Tompkins

They were were spotted watching her pal Jack Antonoff's 禁止(する)d, Bleachers, p erform

Today, hours after?Taylor Swift's fans 爆撃するd out for her new album The 拷問d Poets Department, the 星/主役にする 誘発するd a social マスコミ frenzy by dropping 15 more 跡をつけるs.

にもかかわらず already splashing out for 多重の 見解/翻訳/版s of the 記録,記録的な/記録する in a 企て,努力,提案 to get their 手渡すs on all four 特別手当 跡をつけるs, fans will have to part with even more hard-earned cash when the 最高の-sized 記録,記録的な/記録する goes on sale.

After 解放(する)ing her new album at midnight ET (2am UK time), Taylor took to Instagram to 発表する her 最新の 記録,記録的な/記録する was 現実に a surprise '二塁打 album,' after 誘発するing a flurry of 憶測 by 地位,任命するing a countdown clock on social マスコミ.

Captioning the 地位,任命する, Taylor told her 信奉者s that she'd written 'so much 拷問d poetry in the past two years' that she 手配中の,お尋ね者 to 株 it with her fans.

株ing the 二塁打 album was called The 拷問d Poets Department: The Anthology, she wrote: 'It's a 2am surprise: The 拷問d Poets Department is a secret DOUBLE album. ???

Taylor Swift's The 拷問d Poets Department 十分な tracklist and meanings: How singer's lyrics 反映する on her ill-運命/宿命d romances and reignite bitter 反目,不和 in most personal album yet?

Fortnight (feat. 地位,任命する Malone)?

Taylor appears to 言及/関連 the end of her 関係 with Joe Alwyn and her その後の fling with Matty Healy in the first 跡をつける on her album.?

The first 詩(を作る) appears to hint at the end of her romance with Joe as she sings: I was supposed to be sent away but they forgot to come and get me.?

Taylor then wishes an ex 井戸/弁護士席 who betrayed her: All of this to say, I hope you're okay, but you're the 推論する/理由 / No one here's to 非難する but what about your 静かな 背信.

In the second 詩(を作る), Taylor 会談 about a short-lived fling that helped her 'move on', 潜在的に a 言及/関連 to Matt.?

She sings: 'All my mornings are Mondays stuck in an endless February / I took the 奇蹟 move on 麻薬 and the 影響s were 一時的な / And I love you, it's 廃虚ing my life / I touched you for only a fortnight.'

The 拷問d Poets Department

The titular 跡をつける is a shimmering melody which 示唆する that Taylor, modestly, doesn't see herself at the 最高の,を越す (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する of 拷問d poets: 'You're not Dylan Thomas, and I'm not Patti Smith.'

It also appears to ひどく 言及/関連 her fling with Matty as she sings: 'You smokеd then ate seven 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業s of chocolate / We 宣言するd Charlie Puth should be a bigger artist.

'I scratch your 長,率いる, you 落ちる asleep / Like a tattooed golden retriever / But you awaken with dread.'?

She also makes a candid 言及/関連 to her mental health, singing: 'But you told Lucy you'd kill yourself if I ever leave /And I had said that to Jack about you so I felt seen'.?

My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys

Written 単独で by Taylor, this song's dense electronic hum 追加するs 強烈な 公式文書,認めるs.?

Fans have 示唆するd the 肩書を与える is a 言及/関連 to the 'shiny toy she sang about in her 攻撃する,衝突する Cruel Summer from the album Lover.?

It's not (疑いを)晴らす if she is referring to heartbreak after splitting from Joe or the abrupt end to her romance with Matty.?

'Once I 直す/買収する,八百長をする me, he's gonna 行方不明になる me,' she 公約するs, 追加するing: 'I know I'm just repeating mysеlf Put me 支援する on my shelf / But first, pull the string And I'll tell you that he runs Because he loves me (He loves me).'

負かす/撃墜する Bad

Taylor 言及/関連s mental health again as she 詳細(に述べる)s how '負かす/撃墜する' she feels without an ex and the infatuation she felt with him.

'Everything comes out teenage petulance,' sings Taylor as she 激しく 調査するs the fallout from an old 関係.

She continues: 'Everything comes out teenage petulance / F**k it if I can't have him / I might just die, it would make no difference /?負かす/撃墜する bad, waking up in 血 /星/主役にするing at the sky, come 支援する and 選ぶ me up.

'F**k it if I can't have us / I might just not get up / I might stay 負かす/撃墜する bad.'

So Long, London

The first 跡をつける to be written with The 国家の's Aaron Dessner brings a change of pace, with a lovely, choral intro. 'So long, London, you'll find someone,' sings Taylor.

The song appears to be a 言及/関連 to British ex Joe and a follow up to her 攻撃する,衝突する?London Boy from Lover.?

She 言及/関連s their different approaches to the end of their romance, singing in the first 詩(を作る): 'I kept 静める and carried the 負わせる of the 不和 / Pulled him in tighte r each time he was drifting away / My spine 分裂(する) from carrying us up the hill.'?

詩(を作る) three she muses: 'And you say I abandoned the ship, but I was going 負かす/撃墜する with it / My white knuckle dying 支配する 持つ/拘留するing tight to your 静かな 憤慨.'?

But Daddy I Love Him

'I know he's crazy, but he's the one I want,' sings Taylor, showing wry humour as she 収容する/認めるs to 落ちるing for the bad boys. Produced, with real brightness, by Dessner.

She goes on to revel in the fact she 解任するs 警告 from critics, singing: 'They slammed the door on my whole world / The one thing I 手配中の,お尋ね者

'Now I’m running with my dress unbuttoned, / 叫び声をあげるing, But daddy I love him / I’m having his baby / No I’m not, but you should see your 直面するs.'?

Fresh Out The Slammer

Finger-選ぶd acoustic guitar 追加するs folky 公式文書,認めるs reminiscent of lockdown albums Folklore and Evermore to Fresh Out The Slammer, which 詳細(に述べる)s 急ぐing into a new 関係.?

Seemingly a 言及/関連 to her fling with Matty - who she 以前 時代遅れの in 2015 - she sings: 'Now pretty baby, I’m running 支援する home to you. / Fresh out the slammer I know who my first call will be to.'?

On the decay of her past 関係, she sings: '後援d 支援する in winter, silent dinners, bitter he was with her in dreams / Gray and blue and fights and tunnels, 手錠d to the (一定の)期間 I was under.

'For just one hour of 日光 / Years of labor, locks and 天井s / In the shade of how he was feeling.'

Florida!!!?(feat. Florence + The Machine)

An album 最高潮の場面, this theatrical duet with London singer Florence W elch is an uplifting song of escape ? from small-town life and a bad romance.

Tellingly the first 小旅行する stop に引き続いて her 分裂(する) from Joe was in Tampa, Florida and she begins her song by singing: 'You can (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域 the heat if you (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域 the 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s too.?

'They said I was a cheat, I guess it must be true / And my friends all smell like 少しのd or little babies / And this city reeks of 運動ing myself crazy.'

This is her first new album since the end of her six-year relationship with British actor Joe Alwyn and, while she doesn't mention Alwyn by name, speculation will be rife that tracks such as So Long, London are about him. Pictured together in 2019

This is her first new album since the end of her six-year 関係 with British actor Joe Alwyn and, while she doesn't について言及する Alwyn by 指名する, 憶測 will be rife that 跡をつけるs such as So Long, London are about him. Pictured together in 2019

有罪の As Sin?

A tale of unrequited love, and a superb slice of 1980s-style soft 激しく揺する. It even について言及するs The Downtown Lights, a 1989 選び出す/独身 by Scottish 禁止(する)d The Blue Nile.

She begins the 跡をつける with her feelings on 存在 '罠にかける' in a 関係, singing: 'My 退屈’s bone-深い, this cage was once just 罰金 / Am I 許すd to cry??

'I dream of 割れ目ing locks, throwing my life to the wolves or the ocean 激しく揺するs.'

She hints at an emotional 事件/事情/状勢 供給するing her 解放(する), singing: 'These 致命的な fantasies giving way to labored breath taking all of me we’ve already done it in my 長,率いる.?

'If it’s make-believe why does it feel like a 公約する we’ll both 支持する somehow?”'

Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me?

Big 派手に宣伝するs, a 劇の 協定, and more 乾燥した,日照りの humour in another song penned 単独で by Taylor. 'You wouldn't last an hour in the 亡命 where they raised me,' she snarls.

It's reminiscent of her 攻撃する,衝突する 選び出す/独身?Look What You Made Me Do and the villain arc is 目だつ in her lyrics.?

She sings: 'I was tame, I was gentle till the circus life made me mean /Don’t you worry folks, we took out all her teeth

'Who’s afraid of little old me? 井戸/弁護士席 you should be.'

I Can 直す/買収する,八百長をする Him (No Really I Can)

A moody, stripped-負かす/撃墜する number worthy of Lana Del Rey, who has also worked extensively with the song's 生産者, Jack Antonoff.

She appears to be referring to chain smoking, booze loving Matty, as she sings: 'The smoke cloud 大波s out his mouth like a freight train through a small town / The jokes that he told across the 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 were 反乱 ing and far too loud.'

Fans had 表明するd their 関心s when Taylor started dating The 1975 bad boy rocker and it seems her friends had the same 保留(地)/予約s.?

Taylor sings:? 'They shake their 長,率いるs, 説, "God help her" when I tell ‘em he’s my man / But your good Lord doesn’t need to 解除する a finger / I can 直す/買収する,八百長をする him, no really I can / And only I can.'?

The Alchemy:?Sporting metaphors aplenty suggest a track inspired by the singer's current boyfriend, American football star Travis Kelce. Pictured at Coachella this week

The Alchemy:?冒険的な metaphors aplenty 示唆する a 跡をつける 奮起させるd by the singer's 現在の boyfriend, American football 星/主役にする Travis Kelce. Pictured at Coachella this week


'You said I'm the love of your life,' sings Taylor on this warm, resonant piano ballad. In a smart 新たな展開, the 'loml' 最終的に becomes 'the loss of my life'.

She 述べるs 存在 love- 爆弾d by an old 炎上, seemingly referring to Matty given their past experience.?

Others have 示唆するd the intensity of the lyrics 示唆する it relates to her longterm 関係 with Joe.?

She sings: 'I felt a glow like this, never before and never since /If you know it in one glimpse it’s 伝説の.

'You and I go from one kiss to getting married / Still alive, 殺人,大当り time at the 共同墓地 / Never やめる buried.'?

I Can Do It With A Broken Heart

More 1980s 影響(力)s on an electronic pop 跡をつける that sees Taylor 公約するing to remain a trouper, にもかかわらず any romantic 争い.

She sings about putting on a 勇敢に立ち向かう 直面する while her 関係s 公然と 落ちる apart, 公式文書,認めるing: 'They said, "Babe, you gotta 偽の it till you make it," and I did.

'Lights, camera, b***h, smile / Even when you wanna die / He said he'd love me all his life / But that life was too short / Breaking 負かす/撃墜する, I 攻撃する,衝突する the 床に打ち倒す / All the pieces of me 粉々にするd as the (人が)群がる was 詠唱するing more.'??

Taylor has 以前 認める she struggled with her love live playing out so 公然と and the narrative that she'd had more boyfriends than other women.??

The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived

'You didn't 手段 up in any 手段 of a man,' sings a disdainful Taylor on a melodramatic ballad.

The 肩書を与える is noteworthy, given that Matty's stature is an 反対する of some 審議. The singer 以前 公表する/暴露するd: 'Everyone in [the 1975] is 6’4” and I’m 5’10”, so everyone thinks that I’m 5’5”.'

More recently, he 演説(する)/住所d these short man 主張s by telling a fan that he was 'sick to f***ing death of this', 主張するing that he is 'a big boy.'

She sings: 'And I don’t 行方不明になる what we had / But could someone give a message / To the smallest man who ever lived?'

The Alchemy

Not all the songs are about heartbreak, as 冒険的な metaphors aplenty 示唆する a 跡をつける 奮起させるd by the singer's 現在の boyfriend, American football 星/主役にする Travis Kelce.?

'When I touch 負かす/撃墜する, call the amateurs and 削減(する) them from the team,' she sings.

Speaking about the 近づいている 解放(する) 支援する in February, when he was building up to the 最高の Bowl in Las Vegas, Kelce said he had heard some of the songs on Taylor's 最新の 解放(する).

'I have heard some of it and yes, it's unbelievable,' he said to reporters. 'I can't wait for her to shake up the world when it finally 減少(する)s.'

Clara 屈服する

It's tempting to think Taylor sees something of herself in a の近くにing 跡をつける 奮起させるd by Clara an American actress of the 1920s who lived her life in the Hollywood goldfish bowl.

She goes on to 言及/関連 Stevie Nicks as she 詳細(に述べる)s struggling with the trappings? of fame.?

Taylor sings: 'I'm not trying to exaggе率 / But I think I might die if I made it, die if I made it / No one in my small town thought I'd 会合,会う these 控訴s in LA / They all want to say.'?

The 黒人/ボイコット Dog?

The 黒人/ボイコット Dog is also a 言及/関連 to 不景気 and 欠如(する) of energy?based on a demonic hellhound 事実上の/代理 as an omen of death in English folklore and literature.?

同様に as the eerie lyrical meaning to the 肩書を与える, The 黒人/ボイコット Dog is a 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 in Vauxhall, London - her ex Matt's city of birth and just a 石/投石する's throw away from Joe's hometown of?王室の Tunbridge 井戸/弁護士席s in Kent.?

In the song, she belts out: 'I am someone who until 最近の events you 株d your secrets with and your 場所 / you forgot to turn it off / And so I watch as you walk into some 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 called The 黒人/ボイコット Dog...

'I just don't understand how you don't 行方不明になる me in The 黒人/ボイコット Dog when someone plays The Starting Line and you jump up, but she's too young to know this song that was intertwined in the 魔法 fabric of our dreaming.'?


Taylor is torn between calling things off for good or 再燃するing with an ex in imgonnagetyouback.

Emotions are 明確に running high as she sings: ‘Whether Im gonna be your wife / Or 粉砕する up your bike / I 港/避難所’t decided yet’.

She appears to 言及/関連 her new romance with Travis as the song goes on, 株ing: 'I can feel it coming / In the way you move / 押し進める the reset button /We’re becoming something new.

'See you got somebody else / Say I got someone else too / Even if it’s him, I'm leaving here with you.'?

The Albatross

It seems London watering 穴を開けるs are a 主題 of the album, with The 黒人/ボイコット Dog and The Bolter joining The Albatross as 明らかな 言及/関連s to 発生地s.?

The Albatross Club is a pub in Farringdon, London but also has particular ly eerie significance in its meaning as a word alone.?

Albatross is defined in the Britannica Dictionary as: 'A continuing problem that makes it difficult or impossible to do or 達成する something.?Fame has become an albatross that 妨げるs her from 主要な a normal and happy life.'

Additionally, an albatross is a large white ocean bird that has very long and often 黒人/ボイコット wings - which many に例えるd to her outfit from the Grammys.?

Taylor is taking no 囚人s in this 跡をつける, referring to herself as?one of the largest seabirds on Earth - famed for their 巨大(な) wingspan and ability to glide seamlessly.?

She sings about taking 復讐 with the lyrics: 'She is here to destroy you/ Devils that you know / Raise worse hell than a stranger'.?

Taylor Swift has reignited her explosive feud with Kim Kardashian by releasing a diss track aimed at the reality star (pictured with Kim in 2015)

Taylor Swift has reignited her 爆発性の 反目,不和 with Kim Kardashian by 解放(する)ing a diss 跡をつける 目的(とする)d at the reality 星/主役にする (pictured with Kim in 2015)

Taylor also seems to reference Kim's 10-year-old daughter North West dancing to Shake It Off on TikTok back in January, she writes:# your kid comes home singin' a song that only us two is gonna know is about you'

Taylor also seems to 言及/関連 Kim's 10-year-old daughter North West dancing to Shake It Off on TikTok 支援する in January, she 令状s:# your kid comes home singin' a song that only us two is gonna know is about you'

Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus

Taylor tells the story of a rocky 関係 in which their partner betrays them and 焦点(を合わせる)s on 麻薬s more than her.?

She hints at infidelity on their part by singing: 'Your hologram つまずくd into my apartment / 手渡すs in the hair of somebody in 不明瞭 /指名するd Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus / And I just watched it happen / As the 10年間 would play us for fools.'?

Taylor goes on to 言及/関連, singing: 'You said some things that I can’t unabsorb / You turned me into an idea of sorts / You needed me, but you needed 麻薬s more / And I couldn’t watch it happen.'

How Did It End??

Taylor appears to 言及/関連 the 憶測 over her 関係 with Joe Alwyn as she 詳細(に述べる)s in the chorus:?

'Come one come all It's happ'nin' again / The empathetic hunger descends We'll tell no-one / 'Cept all of our friends / We must know How did it end?'?

So High School

While many 跡をつけるs are bold 目的(とする)s at her exes Matt and Joe, happiness does 統治する in her 跡をつける So High School where she discusses 現在の boyfriend Travis.?

She sings: 'You know how to ball, I know Aristotle, brand new, 十分な throttle // Touch me while your bros play Grand 窃盗 自動車 // It's true, 断言する, scouts 栄誉(を受ける) // You knew what you 手配中の,お尋ね者, and, boy, you got her.'

Taylor the 直接/まっすぐに 言及/関連s a resurfaced ビデオ in which Travis was asked who?marry, kiss or kill between Ariana Grande, Katy Perry and Taylor.?

She sings: 'Are you gonna marry, kiss or kill me? Kill me. It's just a game, but really, really, I'm betting on all three for us two.?

The Bolter?

Fans have made many 解釈/通訳s of The Bolter - with links to a London pub in the form of Mansion House' s 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 of the same 指名する while also alluding to a suitor running into the night - something fans 主張するd was about Joe.?

Some Twitter 使用者s (人命などを)奪う,主張するd the 場所 is where the former couple enjoyed their first date - yet the (人命などを)奪う,主張するs were quickly 論争d by 充てるd 信奉者s.

The 初期の (人命などを)奪う,主張する (機の)カム from a fan 令状ing: 'The Bolter is a 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 in London where Taylor and Joe went on their first 遠出?!?!???? I’m done, BYE'.?

Others followed up 令状ing: '***明らかに that’s not the 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 they were 公然と first seen together!!!!*** But there is indeed this 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 in London which is crazy anyway...?guys it's not real, it was different place'.?

She sings: 'Started with a kiss // "Oh, we must stop 会合 like this" // But it always ends with a town car スピード違反 // Out the 運動 one evenin' // Ended with the 激突する of a door // But she's got the best stories // You can be sure...

'All her fuckin' lives // Flashed before her 注目する,もくろむs // And she realized // It feels like the time // She fell through the ice // Then (機の)カム out alive'.

thanK you aIMee?

Fans are 納得させるd the 24th 跡をつける - thanK you aIMee - is 目的(とする)d at Kim Kardashian, as the letters K,I and M are capped up to (一定の)期間 out her 指名する.

Taylor sings in one line: 'There's a bronze spray-tanned statue of you and a plaque underneath it/That 脅すs to 押し進める me 負かす/撃墜する the stairs, at our school.'

'All that time you were throwin' punches, I was buildin' somethin' / And I can't 許す the way you made me feel / 叫び声をあげるd 'F**k you, Aimee' to the night sky, as the 血 was gushin' / But I can't forget the way you made me 傷をいやす/和解させる.'

She goes on to 追加する: 'And it wasn't a fair fight, or a clean kill / Each time that Aimee stomped across my gravе / And then she wrote hеadlines/ In the 地元の paper, laughing at each baby step I'd take.'

Taylor 結論するs by 確認するing she's changed the 指名する of the woman she's singing about - その上の fuelling 憶測 the 跡をつける is about Kim.

She also seems to 言及/関連 Kim's 10-year-old daughter North West dancing to her 2014 選び出す/独身 Shake It Off on TikTok, finding it ironic as the 'song is about you'.

She sings: 'And so I changed your 指名する, and any real defining 手がかり(を与える)s/And one day, your kid comes home singin' a song that only us two is gonna know is about you.'

The Bad 血 songstress, 34 - who recently?teased a '時刻表/予定表' to her fans ahead of the LP's 解放(する) - 最初 発表するd the album while …に出席するing the 2024 Grammys earlier this year in February.

The 肩書を与える of her 最新の work had 原因(となる)d fans to 推測する that the 指名する was 目的(とする)d at her ex, Joe.?

As the album 攻撃する,衝突する streaming 壇・綱領・公約s, Swift published a 非常に長い 声明 on Instagram where she 述べるd it as 'an anthology of new 作品 that 反映する events, opinions and 感情s from a (n)艦隊/(a)素早いing and fatalistic moment in time - one that was both sensational and sorrowful in equal 手段.'?

She continued: 'This period of the author's life is now over, the 一時期/支部 の近くにd and boarded up. There is nothing to avenge, no 得点する/非難する/20s to settle once 負傷させるs have 傷をいやす/和解させるd. And upon その上の reflection, a good number of them turned out to be self-(打撃,刑罰などを)与えるd.

'This writer is of the 会社/堅い belief that our 涙/ほころびs become 宗教上の in the form of 署名/調印する on a page. Once we have spoken our saddest story, we can be 解放する/自由な of it.

'And then all that's left behind is the 拷問d poetry,' 結論するd Swift, as she 発表するd: 'THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT is out now.'

Hours later, Swift surprised fans by 発表するing it was a surprise 二塁打 album.??

にもかかわらず already splashing out for 多重の 見解/翻訳/版s of the 記録,記録的な/記録する in a 企て,努力,提案 to get their 手渡すs on all four 特別手当 跡をつけるs, fans will have to part with even more hard-earned cash when the 最高の-sized 記録,記録的な/記録する goes on sale.

After 解放(する)ing her new album at midnight ET (2am UK time), Taylor took to Instagram to 発表する her 最新の 記録,記録的な/記録する was 現実に a surprise '二塁打 album,' after 誘発するing a flurry of 憶測 by 地位,任命するing a countdown clock on social マスコミ.

Captioning the 地位,任命する, Taylor told her 信奉者s that she'd written 'so much 拷問d poetry in the past two years' that she 手配中の,お尋ね者 to 株 it with her fans.

株ing the 二塁打 album was called The 拷問d Poets Department: The Anthology, she wrote: 'It's a 2am surprise: The 拷問d Poets Department is a secret DOUBLE album. ???

'I'd written so much 拷問d poetry in the past 2 years and 手配中の,お尋ね者 to 株 it all with you, so here's the second 分割払い of TTPD: The Anthology. 15 extra songs. And now the story isn't 地雷 anymore… it's all yours.'?

While the deluxe 見解/翻訳/版 is not yet 利用できる for Taylor's website, there were four different 見解/翻訳/版s of the 初めの album 利用できる, each 含む/封じ込めるing a different 特別手当 跡をつける, and 定価つきの at £13.99 ($17.38).

The vinyl 見解/翻訳/版, 含むing 特別手当 跡をつける The Manuscript, costs £33.99 ($42.23), while a 'phantom (疑いを)晴らす vinyl' is price the same.

This means, that if Swifties were willing to splash out on every incarnation of the album, it's already 始める,決める them 支援する over £140 ($174).

It remains to be seen how much more this new supersized 見解/翻訳/版 of the album, and its さまざまな vinyl 相当するものs, will cost.
