EXCLUSIVEMove over Amanda Owen: The Yorkshire Shepherdess's heartthrob son Reuben 明らかにする/漏らすs how he's 対処するing with life after his parents' very public 分裂(する) as he 開始する,打ち上げるs his own show

The thing about growing up on a farm is that it must imbue you with a 'plough on' 態度 to life. Whatever else 生じるs you or your family, every morning there are animals to 料金d, 盗品故買者s to mend, 刈るs to tend.

So it was this morning, says Reuben Owen, the eldest son of the perhaps the most high-profile farming family in Britain. In the yard, nestled in the Yorkshire Dales, the family ethos was very much in 証拠.

'Mum and dad were both there, working away, together, doing summat with the cows,' he says. 'That's how it is. Nothing has changed in that regard. They just get on with it. They are both the same, really. They get on what whatever 職業s need doing. 広大な/多数の/重要な 役割 models, really, brilliant. Farming away, out in the rain and snow. They are really 堅い, the pair of them.'

Reuben, 20 -? pictured with his mother - could deliver a lamb and handle a wrench before he could read or write

Reuben, 20 -? pictured with his mother - could 配達する a lamb and 扱う a wrench before he could read or 令状

Reuben?s parents, of course, are Amanda and Clive Owen whose tending of their sheep ? and their human flock, of nine children ? became a viral sensation and a TV phenomenon

Reuben's parents, of course, are Amanda and Clive Owen whose tending of their sheep ? and their human flock, of nine children ? became a viral sensation and a TV 現象

Reuben's parents, of course, are Amanda and Clive Owen whose tending of their sheep ? and their human flock, of nine children ? became a viral sensation and a TV 現象.

Series after series took テレビ視聴者s high into the Yorkshire Dales to follow Amanda and her husband Clive as they navigated life in one of the most remote corners of Britain.

テレビ視聴者s took them to our hearts ? the glamorous Amanda (who had once been a model, and it showed), her adoring other-half Clive, and their 解放する/自由な-範囲 brood, who grew up in 前線 of our 注目する,もくろむs.

This was reality TV with heartwarming content and テレビ視聴者s couldn't get enough of this いつかs 残虐な, but often bucolic, slice of 田舎の family life.

Reuben, 20, who could 配達する a lamb and 扱う a wrench before he could read or 令状, made his first 審査する 外見 when he was just eight, and yes, he says today, his しつけ was as perfect as the cameras 示唆するd.

'It was a grand childhood. I couldn't imagine a better place to grow up. It was 広大な/多数の/重要な fun,' he says, 解任するing all the swimming in waterfalls, striding out to the pub six miles away for a packet of peanuts, or riding a Shetland pony through the house (his mother once said that she 手配中の,お尋ね者 her children to grow up in the sort of home 'where they could answer a door on a horse').

It still is that sort of home. He tells me his younger siblings got bicycles for Christmas, and the novelty hasn't yet worn off. 'It's still 大混乱/混沌とした. They are all riding 一連の会議、交渉/完成する in circles in the yard, 原因(となる)ing havoc.'

Amanda and Clive Owen with their children Annas, Clemmy, Raven, Sidney, Nancy, Miles, Edith, Violet and Reuben outside Ravenseat Farm

Amanda and Clive Owen with their children Annas, Clemmy, Raven, Sidney, Nancy, Miles, Edith, Violet and Reuben outside Ravenseat Farm

Reuben, Sarah and Tommy. 'When I'm driving the Land Rover, my knees are wrapped around the steering wheel', says 6ft 7in Reuben

Reuben, Sarah and Tommy. 'When I'm 運動ing the Land Rover, my 膝s are wrapped around the steering wheel', says 6ft 7in Reuben

I remember 会合 Reuben when he was 15, during an interview and photoshoot at the farm. He is even taller now. 'About 6ft 7in, or somewhere there,' he says. 'I don't 現実に 手段 myself that often!'. Is this a help or hindrance on the farm? 'When I'm 運動ing the Land Rover, my 膝s are wrapped around the steering wheel, and いつかs on my smaller diggers I look a bit of a clown, but other than that I like it. It's better than 存在 small.'

Most 十代の少年少女s are either taciturn or stroppy. He was, even then, an old 長,率いる on young shoulders, and a 決定的な cog in the family wheel. He was the one cajoling the younger ones into position and helping his dad move furniture for the photographer.

While the eldest child Raven was the academic of the family (and is now at university. 'I don't really understand what she's doing. Something clever about biomedicine,' he says), Reuben was the 手渡すs-on practical one, always taking a piece of 機械/機構 apart to see how it worked.

His mum proudly 述べるd how Reuben had made her a welly-boot puller for Christmas, fashioned out of old oak boards and 麻薬を吸うing.

She ? just as practical, in her way ? had once bought him an unexploded WW2 爆弾 as a gift, 推論する/理由ing that he would like it more than a Nintendo, or a history 調書をとる/予約する. The 爆弾 had deactivated but still.

'It's still there, sitting on the mantelpiece,' he laughs. 'It was a 広大な/多数の/重要な 現在の. I was never bothered with Nintendos or anything like that. I was happiest out on the tractor, or tinkering away.'

And now the little boy we watched grow up has 相続するd something more tricky than the family farm. The family's fame, and 人気 with テレビ視聴者s, seems to be 残り/休憩(する)ing on his shoulders.

There have been several spin-off shows from the 初めの Our Yorkshire Farm series, one featuring Reuben and his dad, but now he has landed his very own TV show ? Reuben: Life In The Dales will have him 堅固に in the 運動ing seat, …を伴ってd by friends Sarah and Tom.

This series showcases 田舎の life in わずかに different way, mostly away from the farm, 最高潮の場面ing Reuben's 成果/努力 to 設立する his own ground 作品 商売/仕事. Will テレビ視聴者s be as captivated by a TV series where the supporting 星/主役にするs of the show are not sheep or chickens, but 脅迫者s and earthmovers? That one remains to be seen, but Reuben is taking the ide a of cameras に引き続いて his every move in his stride, even if he doesn't 完全に get the 控訴,上告.

'I'm used to it,' he says. 'I don't see myself as a TV 星/主役にする. I just stick to what I know ? my diggers and 機械/機構. But it's nice that people have tuned in over the years, so when they asked if I'd like to do this, I thought 'why not?'. It shows people what's going on. It doesn't really make a difference to us. We are just doing what we are always doing, but if people watching it on telly means bringing them a bit of happiness…'

Over the weeks, the series shows Reuben, Sarah and Tom take on a variety of 事業/計画(する)s, 転換ing トンs of earth, (疑いを)晴らすing 破片. Reuben, at the 舵輪/支配, is shown in entrepreneur 方式. His 'flock' is a growing stable of 雇う-工場/植物 機械/機構.?

'I've got four 360 diggers now,' he says, proudly. 'A 14-tonner, an eight-tonner, a three-tonner and a one-tonner. There are two 脅迫者s, a couple of youthful tractors and a shed 十分な of vintage ones, but they are more of a hobby really than a part of the 商売/仕事.'

The series shows Reuben, Sarah and Tom take on a variety of projects, shifting tons of earth

The series shows Reuben, Sarah and Tom take on a variety of 事業/計画(する)s, 転換ing トンs of earth

What's Reuben's attitude to social media? His mum was an early embracer of it. He's posted these bike pictures on Instagram

What's Reuben's 態度 to social マスコミ? His mum was an 早期に embracer of it. He's 地位,任命するd these bike pictures on Instagram

Series after series took viewers high into the Yorkshire Dales to follow the Amanda and her husband Clive, and family, as they navigated life in one of the most remote corners of Britain

Series after series took テレビ視聴者s high into the Yorkshire Dales to follow the Amanda and her husband Clive, and family, as they navigated life in one of the most remote corners of Britain

Will テレビ視聴者s care about big farmyard machines? The 利益/興味ing thing is that they care about Reuben. When he 地位,任命するd a ビデオ on Instagram of him 試みる/企てるing to crank an old tractor into life, he was flooded with fans telling him to be careful.?

'It went mad,' he laughs. 'People were 説 'don't do it like that, you will break your thumb', but I was doing it in the way I'd been shown, and it was perfectly 安全な.'

What's his 態度 to social マスコミ? His mum was an 早期に embracer of it, and 明確に knew and embraced the 力/強力にする of 'brand'. He has grown up with it, and has 76,000 信奉者s on Instagram, but genuinely seems never to have thought of himself as a brand.?

'I've had it (social マスコミ) for years, since I were at school. All my mates had it. If people want to follow along that's 肉親,親類d, and they caught do, but there is naught that is 利益/興味ing there! It's just what I'm up to. If they think that is 利益/興味ing, they are more than welcome to follow along.'

While the show is very much 始める,決める in the Yorkshire Dales, the 範囲 is wider. One episode sees Reuben, Sarah and Tom travel south to a digger contest. In another they go even その上の afield ? to フラン. It was the first foreign holiday Reuben had ever been on. In fact, before フラン, he had never left the country, or had a パスポート.

New directions all 一連の会議、交渉/完成する then. テレビ視聴者s hoping to see the 残り/休憩(する) of the Owen family in this series may be disappointed, though. While Reuben's brothers Miles and Sidney appear in the series, hel ping out, the 残り/休憩(する) of the 一族/派閥 are noticeably absent, although Reuben 保証するs me his mum and dad are 'always around, and really supportive. They help 運動 diggers too, from time to time. They are both pretty good.'

What isn't 演説(する)/住所d in the series is the bombshell that did 現実に 爆発する in 2022, when it was 発表するd Amanda and Clive had separated. テレビ視聴者s were left reeling, and the whole family's TV 未来 was すぐに in 疑問.?

What was the fallout within the family, though? Reuben is ひどく loyal to both parents, but 収容する/認めるs they did sit 負かす/撃墜する and explain to the children that they were splitting up. He ? and the others, he 示唆するs ? 受託するd it as just one of those things.

'Yeah, they spoke about it, but it's not really a big 取引,協定 between any of us. It's やめる simple really. Everyone gets along 広大な/多数の/重要な. It's not really changed for any of us, if you get me.'

This is because your parents have been pragmatic, and 確実にするd that nothing changed, for the family? 'Yes, they decided and that was that. They are happy as they are.' And the kids? Surely there must have been upset? 'They are not fussed,' he says. 'They go to whichever house they want. Everyone makes it work. Beyond that, it's not my 商売/仕事. All I want is for them to be happy. That is all that 事柄s. They are happy, and that's all that counts.'

Clive and Amanda have been more open about what went on ? to a point. When they gave a 共同の interview last year, fans were surprised when he seemed to 非難する himself for their marriage 問題/発行するs.?

'When all this went on, I was ranting and raving and drinking and carrying on. It was taking her away I think, and it wasn't. She was committed and we were all committed but it seemed to eat away at me and I 扱うd it 不正に and behaved 不正に に向かって her.'

It has never been 明らかにするd wh at he meant by this, and no answers are 来たるべき today, but as Amanda once pointed out ? in typical 負かす/撃墜する-to-earth fashion - 'Look, there are two simple facts: if he thought I was brilliant and I thought he was brilliant, then we wouldn't have separated. It's a fact, isn't it? But you know what, that's not unique. It's just how things are, 圧力s, all the 残り/休憩(する) of it. But we have nine kids, with associated friends, girlfriends, and we just have to get on with it.'

Now grown up, the kids are 'not fussed,' by their parents' split, Reuben says

Now grown up, the kids are 'not fussed,' by their parents' 分裂(する), Reuben says

Will viewers care about big farmyard machines? The interesting thing is that they care about Reuben

Will テレビ視聴者s care about big farmyard machines? The 利益/興味ing thing is that they care about Reuben

When asked if she and Clive were now 'co-parenting' she said she regarded the 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 as a 'buzzword, which just means we take it in turns to shout at the kids'.

やめる how the whole 一族/派閥 has adapted will be その上の 調査するd, no 疑問, when Amanda and Clive return to the 審査するs for another spin-off called The Farm Next Door. In this show (which also features Reuben) they will be filmed pulling together to do up another 所有物/資産/財産 nearby.

What Reuben's own series illustrates, however, is that the スポットライト is now 堅固に on the next 世代, who have grown up knowing nothing else. The show ? like the 田舎の life it showcases ? will go on.

Reuben: Life In The Dales starts on Thursday, April 25, at 8pm on Channel 5. Stream on My5