DEAR JANE: My best friend 招待するd me on vacation with her - but I can't stand her MORTIFYING airplane habits

  • In her 最新の agony aunt column, best-selling author Jane Green dishes out advice to a woman who is horrified by her friend's in-flight 決まりきった仕事?
  • Do you have a question for Jane? Email or ask it below
  • READ MORE: My own sister GHOSTED me after I got 妊娠している

Dear Jane,

One of my closest friends has 招待するd me away on a girls' trip to Italy?this summer - and while it sounds like a dream vacation, there's something 持つ/拘留するing me 支援する from pulling the 誘発する/引き起こす on 確認するing.?

The only time this friend and I have travelled together before, she drove me 全く insane with her incredibly 半端物 飛行機で行くing habits.

She 苦しむs from 苦悩 and has a 恐れる of 飛行機で行くing, so I understand 完全に why she relies on these 'rituals', as she calls them, to get her through long 計画(する) 旅行s, but the idea of sitting there next to her while she's doing them for eight 半端物 hours is just not something I think I can 扱う.

I know you're probably thinking, 'How bad could they be?' but 信用 me here.

Dear Jane, my best friend invited me to go on vacation with her - but I'm so embarrassed by her in-flight rituals that I can't stand the though
t of flying with her

Dear Jane, my best friend 招待するd me to go on vacation with her - but I'm so embarrassed by her in-flight rituals that I can't stand the thought of 飛行機で行くing with her

Not only does she 主張する on spraying this disgusting-smelling 'soothing もや' every five seconds, she also meditates ? loudly, with humming ? whispers affirmations to herself, and routinely shakes her whole 団体/死体 to '解放(する) the 緊張'.

These are the things she does to 対処する, I understand that 完全に. But it's わずかに mortifying to be sitting と一緒に her while she does this whole 決まりきった仕事, and 率直に it 廃虚s my experience when all I want to do is 負かす/撃墜する a glass of red ワイン and go to sleep on long flights.

What I'm wondering is whether you think I can get away with somehow 調書をとる/予約するing us on different flights without bringing this whole thing up.?

International best-selling author Jane Green offers sage advice on readers' most burning issues in her Dear Jane agony aunt column

International best-selling author Jane Green 申し込む/申し出s 下落する advice on readers' most 燃やすing 問題/発行するs in her Dear Jane agony aunt column

We live in the same city, so it would be tricky to get by her, but maybe if I (不足などを)補う a 嘘(をつく) about having some extra 空気/公表する miles on a different 航空機による?

Or does that make me the worst friend in the world?


Flightmare 恐れる

Dear Flightmare 恐れる,

If all you want to do is 負かす/撃墜する a glass of red ワイン and go to sleep on a long flight, I 堅固に 示唆する you drink that ワイン, get an 注目する,もくろむ mask, and a very good pair of ear plugs to listen to music, or a soporific story that will send you straight off to sleep.

Your friend's 行為 can easily be 溺死するd out.?

As for 存在 mortifying, I would 扱う/治療する it with humor rather than 当惑 or 不快.?

Nobody is going to 裁判官 you for your friend's muttering and shaking, and who knows, she may see the funny 味方する of things if you start doing ridiculous '苦悩-relieving' 演習s of your own.

No lies necessary. Only humor and some excellent ear plugs.?

Have a lo vely vacation!