I was 選び出す/独身 for six years because I'm too hot to date and men are '脅すd off' by my good looks

A woman (人命などを)奪う,主張するs she was 選び出す/独身 for six years because she's too hot to date, and men are 脅迫してさせるd by her 信用/信任.

Shirley Rosemary Flynn, 41, from Birmingham, says rude trolls called her 'arrogant' when she 以前 spoke out to say men were 脅すd to date her because of her good looks.

She (人命などを)奪う,主張するd 可能性のある suitors would 取り消す on her at the last minute - 説 men are '脅すd off' by how attractive she is.?

Shirley said she also struggles to make friends because women 'envy' her 外見 and are insecure.

But にもかかわらず her dating struggles, Shirley has now received some 申し込む/申し出s of marriage.?

Shirley Flynn was trolled when she said she's too hot to date anyone - but says haters just don't like her confidence

Shirley Flynn was trolled when she said she's too hot to date anyone - but says haters just don't like her 信用/信任

'I've been inundated by messages by men asking me for a date and even marriage 提案s and 申し込む/申し出s abroad,' the OnlyFans model said.?

'People think I'm arrogant and 十分な of myself and say they don't want to date me because I'm too arrogant.

'I thought it was funny, people 説 I'm 十分な of myself. It seems to be おもに from middle 老年の or older women - because 明白に they're insecure.

'A beautiful 確信して woman is not going to 反応する to something like that, they'd laugh and move on.

'Some of them said I should go to Specsavers - 井戸/弁護士席 I've got glasses and I still look sexy with my glasses on.'

以前, Shirley said her good looks have even 原因(となる)d 問題/発行するs with ex-boyfriends who would get jealous when she got attention from other men.

And she says she hasn't given up hope on finding 'the one' - hoping to 会合,会う someone who can rise to the challenge.

She hopes to 奮起させる women to feel more 確信して in themselves - encouraging them not to compare themselves to other women.

Shirley, a 41-year-old social media model, says men are scared to date her and women are jealous of her

Shirley, a 41-year-old social マスコミ model, says men are 脅すd to date her and women are jealous of her

Shirley said her good looks have even caused issues with ex-boyfriends who would get jealous when she got attention from other men

Shirley said her good looks have even 原因(となる)d 問題/発行するs with ex-boyfriends who would get jealous when she got attention from other men

'I had 負担s of men asking me for dates and marriage on my Instagram and Facebook - I was やめる surprised,' said Shirley.

'I think if all women felt 確信して and could look in the mirror and say to themselves "I'm 確信して and beautiful and sexy", they wouldn't be fighting amongst each other.

'They make comments about my curves - they make out it's 偽の but I 港/避難所't had to 支払う/賃金, I'm natural.

'A lot of 加える-size women think they won't get attention from men - but I get more attention now than I did when I was slimmer.

'Rather than looking at other women and comparing, I tend not to do that - there's women younger, slimmer, more beautiful than me.

'But I don't compare myself to them, I high-five them.'

When people said she should go to Specsavers, Shirley responded that she already has glasses and says she looks sexy with them on

When people said she should go to Specsavers, Shirley 答える/応じるd that she already has glasses and says she looks sexy with them on

However, the social media personality - who calls herself 'Busty Malone' - has been banned online for her revealing content multiple times

However, the social マスコミ personality - who calls herself 'Busty Malone' - has been banned online for her 明らかにする/漏らすing content 多重の times

The 41-year-old says she has been 'discriminated' against for her JJ-sized chest
She hasn't given up hope on finding 'the one' - hoping to meet someone who can rise to the challenge

The 41-year-old says she has been '差別するd' against for her JJ-sized chest

Shirley , who calls herself 'Busty Malone' on TikTok, has been kicked off the 壇・綱領・公約 多重の times for her 明らかにする/漏らすing ビデオs - and has said she has been 差別するd against for her JJ-sized breasts.?

Since September 2020, Shirley has been banned from TikTok 多重の times for 恐らく '侵害する/違反するing community 指導基準s' with her 明らかにする/漏らすing content and skimpy 着せる/賦与するing choices.?

She told 船体 Live 以前: 'It's 差別. They're banning me because I've got really big boobs. My ビデオs are not nude or pornographic.?

'If I was a size eight, or a B or C cup, they'd never have complained about me.'?

Shirley also gets inundated with messages 告発する/非難するing her of having plastic 外科 - but 主張するs her 破産した/(警察が)手入れする is all real.??