KFC 発表するs new 限られた/立憲的な 版 menu item to celebrate the start of BBQ season - but you'll have to be quick

KFC has 発表するd the 開始する,打ち上げる of a new 限られた/立憲的な 版 menu item to celebrate the start of barbecue season.?

With the days progressively getting warmer and the evenings はしけ, Brits will be bringing out their barbecues once again to celebrate the 日光 and 試みる/企てる to 最高の,を越す up their tans.?

But if you don't fancy slaving over a hot 取調べ/厳しく尋問する yourself, you can 長,率いる to the popular 急速な/放蕩な food chain, which is 始める,決める to kick off barbecue season with a bang thanks to the 開始する,打ち上げる of its Ultimate BBQ Burger on Monday 29th April.

Featuring KFC's 署名 初めの Recipe chicken fillet, fresh lettuce, cheese and packed with crispy onions, the new 創造 確実にするs every bite is juicy and bursting with flavour.?

Featuring KFC's signature Original Recipe chicken fillet, fresh lettuce, cheese and packed with crispy onions, the new creation ensures every bite is juicy and bursting with flavour

Featuring KFC's 署名 初めの Recipe chicken fillet, fresh lettuce, cheese and packed with crispy onions, the new 創造 確実にするs every bite is juicy and bursting with flavour

A 甘い, sticky and smoky BBQ sauce 追加するs to a tantalising new burger, with the items packed between a brioche bun.?

If you want to get your 手渡すs on the newest item from the KFC menu, you will have to be quick?

It is only 利用できる from April 29 until June 9, or until 在庫/株 lasts, for just £6.49 in restaurants across the UK.

If that’s not enough smoky flavour, you can pair it with the chain's 存在するing BBQ Bites for only £2.79 or go all out and 扱う/治療する yourself to the 十分な BBQ experience with the Ultimate BBQ Burger box meal - which consists of an Ultimate BBQ Burger 加える 1 小型の fillet, 正規の/正選手 署名 fries, BBQ 下落する and your choice of a 味方する and drink - for £9.99.

If you're placing an order for your burger rather than visiting a 蓄える/店, in the first week after 開始する,打ち上げる it will be?排他的に 利用できる for 配達/演説/出産 経由で Just Eat and KFC 配達/演説/出産.?

It comes after?Which? 明らかにする/漏らすd the most 維持できる restaurants in the UK , with KFC and Greggs coming at the 底(に届く) of the 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる).?

研究員s asked the restaurants a 一連の questions about 重要な sustainability 問題/発行するs, 含むing 資源s and 放出/発行s, sourcing 政策s, waste and plastics, transparently and 顧客 choice 同様に as 的s.

KFC's low 得点する/非難する/20 was せいにするd to its 決定/判定勝ち(する) not to 株 (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) on electricity or water 消費, renewable energy, food waste and landfill.

'KFC has 誓約(する)d to be a 逮捕する 無 商売/仕事 by 2040 or sooner, ten years ahead of 政府 的s,' a KFC spokesperson said.

'We are 熱烈な about embedding sustainability across all areas of our 商売/仕事 and are working with a 範囲 of 専門家s to 確実にする we get this 旅行 権利.'