The 'mumager' and stepfather who made Charlotte Church a millionaire: Child prodigy was 価値(がある) £25 million by 11 and says her mother's partner 押し進めるd her to stay in the limelight - but '圧力 cooker' of fame almost 廃虚d their 関係

Charlotte Church?明らかにする/漏らすd this week that the 抱擁する personal fortune of £25 million she amassed as a child soprano has all but disappeared, with the now 38-year-old 星/主役にする (人命などを)奪う,主張するing she's 'no longer a millionaire'.

The singer, who?first 発射 to fame at the age of just 11, after singing Andrew Lloyd Webber's Pie Jesu on ITV's This Morning, 伸び(る)d 支配(する)/統制する of her own 財政/金融s at the age of 16, after sensationally 解雇(する)ing her mother, Maria, and her step-father James, who'd helped her earn her teenage millions.?

In a new interview this week, t he singer once dubbed the '発言する/表明する of an Angel' 明らかにする/漏らすd that her six-bedroom £1.5million mansion has been 貿易(する)d in for a more humble 半分-detached 所有物/資産/財産 in her native むちの跡s in a 企て,努力,提案 to keep her 財政/金融s stable.?

From that first TV 業績/成果 until a みごたえのある teenage 反乱 five years later that would break the family apart, 'mumager' Maria and stepfather James Church, who 結婚する Maria when the singer was just three and 可決する・採択するd her in 1999, were 堅固に in the 運動ing seat of the child prodigy's career.?

Opportunities: After shooting to fame at just 11, Charlotte Church would amass a £25million personal fortune during her teenage years, with her mumager Maria, and stepfather James, guiding the young soprano's career - but this week, the star suggested she felt pressured during her teenage years to keep making money

適切な時期s: After 狙撃 to fame at just 11, Charlotte Church would amass a £25million personal fortune during her teenage years, with her mumager Maria, and stepfather James, guiding the young soprano's career - but this week, the 星/主役にする 示唆するd she felt 圧力d during her teenage years to keep making money

This week, the star, who revealed most of her millions have now gone, said her step-father James wanted to keep her in the spotlight despite her desire to live more like a normal teen

This week, the 星/主役にする, who 明らかにする/漏らすd most of her millions have now gone, said her step-father James 手配中の,お尋ね者 to keep her in the スポットライト にもかかわらず her 願望(する) to live more like a normal teen

The singer, who's now married to musician Jonathan Powell, has long referred to James as 'dad' after her 生物学の father, Stephen Reed, who died from Covid in 2021, walked out on the fami ly when she was just a toddler.

However, this week she 反映するd on her stepfather's ambition, 明らかにする/漏らすing his 願望(する) to keep 説 yes to lucrative 適切な時期s that (機の)カム the 十代の少年少女's way 誘発するd the 不和 that would 結局 end their working 関係.?

The mother-of-three said: 'When I made money, I did say to my dad when I was 14, "I'm not sure about this showbiz stuff. I'm not really having a good time," and he was like, "Just stick at it as we don't get these 適切な時期s."

While the three are now の近くに once more - 特に since James' diagnosis with rare 終点 illness AL amyloidosis in 2019, her stratospheric success and the 圧力s of fame for a time 粉々にするd their 関係 - with Charlotte estranged from her mum and stepfather for two years when she was just 16.?

In 2022, the singer 明らかにする/漏らすd how, 失望させるd by a gruelling showbiz schedule and having 直面するd terrifying 誘拐する 脅しs, she rebelled against her mum and stepfather, running away from the family home at 16.?

As a child prodigy who sang in front of the Pope, Charlotte Church amassed a fortune of £25 million by the time she was 11, but says her huge wealth has been lost in the decades since (pictured in 1999)

As a child prodigy who sang in 前線 of the ローマ法王, Charlotte Church amassed a fortune of £25 million by the time she was 11, but says her 抱擁する wealth has been lost in the 10年間s since (pictured in 1999)

She told?Kate Garraway's Life Stories that she 'needed to be 解放する/自由な' and bolted from her mum and James' care に引き続いて an argument with Maria, who had caught her smok ing.

The 落ちる-out was so 厳しい, it resulted in Maria 苦しむing a nervous 決裂/故障 after the former child 星/主役にする 辞退するd to speak to her and stepdad James for nearly two years.

Speaking about that time, Charlotte said she was just 押し進めるing 支援する on her 制限するd life: 'As far as I am 関心d, I needed to be 解放する/自由な. I felt I had to be this other eternally young, innocent little girl. I just had to 削減(する) the 関係.'

Charlotte 38, recently claimed she is 'not a millionaire' anymore and is being forced to downsize her home. Pictured: In May 2023

Charlotte 38, recently (人命などを)奪う,主張するd she is 'not a millionaire' anymore and is 存在 軍隊d to downsize her home. Pictured: In May 2023

Charlotte Church sitting outside Rydoldog House, which she has turned into a wellness retreat after buying it for £1.5million; she sold the property in March 
this year

Charlotte Church sitting outside Rydoldog House, which she has turned into a wellness 退却/保養地 after buying it for £1.5million; she sold the 所有物/資産/財産 in March this year

The singer's early career was controlled by her mother Maria and step-father James (Pictured, with mum Maria in 1999)

The singer's 早期に career was controlled by her mother Maria and step-father James (Pictured, with mum Maria in 1999)

Candid: Charlotte Church has confessed she feels terrible after running away from home aged 16 following an argument with her mum Maria, who had caught her smoking (pictured in 2005)
Wild child:?Charlotte said: 'As far as I am concerned, I needed to be free. I felt I had to be this other eternally young, innocent little girl. I just had to cut the ties' (pictured 2008)

Normal teen: 老年の just 16, Charlotte broke 解放する/自由な from her stifling showbiz schedule and ran away from home, breaking 関係 with her mum and James for two years after she was ca ught smoking (The singer pictured in 2005, and, 権利 2008)

Heartbreak: After sacking her parents when she was just 16, the teen soprano largely took control of her own finances, with her mum and step-parents using the money they'd made to invest in various ventures including a pub, B&B and more recently a dog grooming business? (The family pictured in 2004)

Heartbreak: After 解雇(する)ing her parents when she was just 16, the teen soprano 大部分は took 支配(する)/統制する of her own 財政/金融s, with her mum and step-parents using the money they'd made to 投資する in さまざまな 投機・賭けるs 含むing a pub, B&B and more recently a dog grooming 商売/仕事? (The family pictured in 2004)?

Without her parents help with finances, the We
lsh singer reportedly spent her millions, including £10,000 on a girls' holiday to Ibiza back in 2004

Without her parents help with 財政/金融s, the Welsh singer 報道によれば spent her millions, 含むing £10,000 on a girls' holiday to Ibiza 支援する in 2004

There had also been a bitter 合法的な 戦う/戦い in 2000, with pop talent 経営者/支配人 Jonathan Shalit, who first discovered Charlotte while she was 成し遂げるing in a pub in Cardiff.

The 合法的な 絡まる saw James and Maria settle in a 違反 of 契約 事例/患者 when the singer was just 14.??

Shalit's lawyers (人命などを)奪う,主張するd Maria had 解雇(する)d him while in 契約 because she no longer 手配中の,お尋ね者 to 支払う/賃金 his (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限.?

The teenage singer said outside the courtroom when the 事例/患者 was over: 'This has been a horrible year for me and the 残り/休憩(する) of the family. I am really glad it is all over.'?

However, just two years later the 十代の少年少女 sensationally 解雇する/砲火/射撃d James and Maria, after she became romantically 伴う/関わるd with DJ Steven Johnson, who her parents 同意しないd with.

She said finding fame changed the family's dynamic:?'I don't think anything went wrong it was just like a 圧力 cooker... there was a couple of 誘拐する 陰謀(を企てる)s when I was a kid, a whole 負担 of 強調する/ストレス and 圧力, we were living in each other's pockets.

The family's fall-out was so severe, it resulted in Maria suffering a nervous breakdown after the former child star refused to speak to her and stepdad James for nearly two years

The family's 落ちる-out was so 厳しい, it resulted in Maria 苦しむing a nervous 決裂/故障 after the former child 星/主役にする 辞退するd to speak to her and stepdad James for nearly two years?

Close again: After Maria and James stepped away from her career, the family eventually reconciled and now enjoy a close relationship? (mother and daughter pictured in 2019)

の近くに again: After Maria and James stepped away from her career, the family 結局 reconciled and now enjoy a の近くに 関係? (mother and daughter pictured in 2019)?

'Absolutely my best friend': Charlotte revealed her devastation in 2019 after learning her stepdad is terminally ill

'絶対 my best friend': Charlotte 明らかにする/漏らすd her 荒廃 in 2019 after learning her stepdad is terminally ill

Charlotte married musician Jonathan Powell in a secret ceremony surrounded by just a few friends and family in 2017 (pictured in 2015)

Charlotte married musician Jonathan Powell in a secret 儀式 surrounded by just a few friends and family in 2017 (pictured in 2015)?

Church 追加するd: 'It’s only with hindsight that I knew just what it meant to my mum. It felt like they had 完全に lost me and just this whole life that we had built together for the last few years.'?

In the 10年間s since, James and Maria have long been financially 独立した・無所属 of the singer, 投資するing the money they made from Charlotte's career in a B&B and dog grooming 商売/仕事.?

Maria once said: 'When she no longer needed us as chaperones after she reached 16, we had to think of new ways to earn money.?

'I knew we were good with people, so when a B&B (機の)カム up for sale in 2003, we thought, “Let’s give this a go.”'.

James continues to battle ill health, but the couple are close once more to their daughter

James continues to 戦う/戦い ill health, but the couple are の近くに once more to their daughter

最近の years have seen the trio closer than ever. In?2019, Charlotte 明らかにする/漏らすd her 荒廃 after James was 診断するd with 終点 illness?AL amyloidosis.?

She said: 'It’s 絶対 terrifying the idea of not having him around. I rely on him for so much, he’s my buddy, my 絶対の best friend and has been for years.'?

James continues to 戦う/戦い ill health but has so far 反抗するd doctors 予測s that he might live for just six months に引き続いて his diagnosis.?

証明するing just how の近くに Charlotte is with the man she calls 'Dad', he was the first guest on her new podcast series for BBC Sounds.?

In the first episode of 'Kicking 支援する with the Cardiffians', James told his step-daughter about how his own しつけ had been 貧窮化した and at times 残虐な.?

He 述べるd his first memory growing up in むちの跡s as 存在 支配するd to 暴力/激しさ by his father.?

He said: 'My father had come home drunk because we all slept in the one bed. I've got two [siblings], a brother and a sister who are older than me. We didn't have pyjamas on and my father (機の)カム upstairs drunk and (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域 us with a belt. That was my first memory as a child.'

Charlotte Church with her ex Gavin Henson at a golf tournament in 2005; the couple bought a £500,000 home and a £800,000 yacht together

Charlotte Church with her ex Gavin Henson at a ゴルフ tournament in 2005; the couple bought a £500,000 home and a £800,000 ヨット together?

The luxury yacht named 'Sketchy' that Charlotte bought with her ex-boyfriend rugby star Gavin Henson. Pictured: Swansea Marina in October 2009

The 高級な ヨット 指名するd 'あらましの' that Charlotte bought with her ex-boyfriend rugby 星/主役にする Gavin Henson. Pictured: Swansea Marina in October 2009

After a shocked Charlotte 答える/応じるd: 'Wow, dad that's f***ing horrific', James 答える/応じるd: 'It's not pleasant. That's why I think what you're doing (with this podcast) is really important.?

'There's a lot of other questions I wish that I'd ask my mothe r and father before they passed away.'

Charlotte 明らかにする/漏らすd this week that 'she's no longer a millionaire' and has 負かす/撃墜する-sized to keep her 財政/金融s in check.??

The former child 星/主役にする 認める she frittered away money when she first 伸び(る)d 財政上の 支配(する)/統制する in her late teens. She spent her fortune on a £500,000 lavish manor with ex Gavin Henson, an £800,000 ヨット, an Ibiza girls' holiday with a £10,000 法案 and, more recently, a £1.5 million hippie 退却/保養地.

にもかかわらず the 38-year-old 詳細(に述べる)ing her 財政上の misfortune and having to downsize her home, she is 報道によれば still sitting on 資産s of over £3.5 million in one of her companies and made a tidy 利益(をあげる) of £700,000 on the 最近の sale of her house.?

Charlotte Church 限られた/立憲的な, of which she is the 単独の director, saw its 資本/首都 and reserves grow from £3.36million to £3.5million in accounts, which were とじ込み/提出するd last month.

However, her The Dreaming 限られた/立憲的な, which owns the woman-焦点(を合わせる)d countryside 退却/保養地 which she recently 開始する,打ち上げるd to 支払う/賃金ing guests,?has 逮捕する 義務/負債s of £551,000.?