I went from homeless 選び出す/独身 mother to millionaire businesswoman with just £300 after 生き残るing 国内の 乱用 and 存在 'terrorised'

A mother who escaped 国内の 乱用 and 生き残るd homelessness?has 明らかにする/漏らすd how she built a successful 商売/仕事 with just £300 to get started with.?

Dani Wallace, 40, from Preston, was 'sofa surfing' between her friend's, her sister's and her mother's houses with two children under three in 2009, while trying to find 'somewhere stable to live'.

She had just come out of an abusive 関係, 説 after an unpleasant 出来事/事件 at a friend's wedding when she was four months 妊娠している her?self-価値(がある) was at an all time low.

結局 the mother managed to find a house for but it was not the 安全な 港/避難所 they had hoped for and she has enough.?

Speaking to BBC News?she said: 'We were having tyres 削除するd, we were having our windows put through. We were 存在 terrorised 肉親,親類d of in our own home and I decided one day that I'd had enough.'

Dani Wallace, from Preston,?who escaped domestic abuse and survived homelessness has built a successful business with just £300

Dani Wallace, from Preston,?who escaped 国内の 乱用 and 生き残るd homelessness has built a successful 商売/仕事 with just £300

Dani, who had been a 経営者/支配人 in the モーター 産業 and a professional singer, decided to make the most of those 技術s and she started to motivational speaking and coaching.???

She said: 'I started to 熟考する/考慮する 商売/仕事. I started to understand more about how you can make money online and how you can make money in events because my heart lies in events.'

In 2019, she 始める,決める up her 会社/堅い I Am The Queen Bee (IATQB) which 目的(とする)s to 奮起させる other people to make the same changes Dani did - and become the best 見解/翻訳/版 of themselves.??

She surrounded herself with people in the same 産業 and 'learnt from the most incredible 助言者s'. She then 始める,決める up online programmes, teaching people how to speak in public and how to 現在の.

The 商売/仕事 st arted making money from her Bee 奮起させるd and Bee Heard programmes, 同様に as the live events.?

Dani, who is now also happily married to 示す Wallace, 41, who 作品 as 長,指導者 of 操作/手術s for her movement, now runs events, such as the Big Festoon, 申し込む/申し出ing inspiration, 動機づけ and 祝賀 for entrepreneurs.

She went from give away some 解放する/自由な tickets to her first small event, to the 2025 event at Bolton Stadium Hotel selling out all 600 tickets in just 48 hours.

Dani, who had been a manager in the motor industry and a professional singer, decided to make the most of those skills and she started to motivational speaking and coaching

Dani, who had been a 経営者/支配人 in the モーター 産業 and a professional singer, decided to make the most of those 技術s and she started to motivational speaking and coaching

The business started making money from her Bee Inspired and Bee Heard programmes, which launched twice a year, as well as the live events

The 商売/仕事 started making money from her Bee 奮起させるd and Bee Heard programmes, which 開始する,打ち上げるd twice a year, 同様に as the live events

She went from give away some free tickets to her first small event, to the 2025 event at Bolton Stadium Hotel selling out all 600 tickets in just 48 hours

She went from give away some 解放する/自由な tickets to her first small event, to the 2025 event at Bolton Stadium Hotel selling out all 600 tickets in just 48 hours

She is looking at holdin g the 2026 event at an 円形競技場 for a (人が)群がる of up to 2,000, 説 her 商売/仕事 is 推定する/予想するd to turn over £1.3m this year, and she hopes to 二塁打 that 量 in 2025.

Speaking to The Sun in 2021, she said:?'I started the 商売/仕事 with £300 in my 支援する pocket to 始める,決める up a Wix website. I wasn't able to 投資する in the 商売/仕事, I had to 投資する as I went.

'There was a lot of 裁判,公判 and error, but I grew the 商売/仕事 to six 人物/姿/数字s in 12 months. The first 開始する,打ち上げる of my online programme turned over £16,000.?I thought it was a fluke, that's a year's 行う for some people I know.

Dani, who had been a manager in the motor industry and a professional singer, decided to make the most of those skills and she started to motivational speaking and coaching

Dani, who had been a 経営者/支配人 in the モーター 産業 and a professional singer, decided to make the most of those 技術s and she starte d to motivational speaking and coaching

She surrounded herself with people in the same industry and 'learnt from the most incredible mentors'. She then set up online programmes, teaching people how to speak in public and how to present

She surrounded herself with people in the same 産業 and 'learnt from the most incredible 助言者s'. She then 始める,決める up online programmes, teaching people how to speak in public and how to 現在の

'It's crazy how people have really bought into the vibe of what IATQB's all about. Every time we grow, we reinvest, and our events sell out not only in real life but online 同様に.'?

Thanks to her hard work and dedication?Dani was able to buy her first family home in over a 10年間, in March 2021, costing £375,000.?

Dani has now 始める,決める up a support service for 生存者s of 国内の 乱用, called The 飛行機で行く Anyway 創立/基礎.?

The 飛行機で行く Anyway 創立/基礎,?not-for-利益(をあげる) company, was 開始する,打ち上げるd in 2020 to help 生存者s 接近 some of the best 商売/仕事 助言者s and 商売/仕事 service p roviders in the UK.