Baby Reindeer actress Jessica Gunning 勧めるs テレビ視聴者s to stop trying to 跡をつける 負かす/撃墜する Richard Gadd's stalker 'Martha' - and says sleuths 'have 行方不明になるd the point' of the show

The actress who played Martha Scott in the new 攻撃する,衝突する Netflix series Baby Reindeer has 勧めるd テレビ視聴者s to stop searching for the real-life person her character is based on.

Yorkshire born Jessica Gunning, 38, branded the searching 行為/法令/行動する as a 'real shame', 追加するing that テレビ視聴者s 意図 on finding the real-life Martha have 行方不明になるd the show's point.

The six-part series, created by Richard Gadd, is based on his own experience of stalking and horrific 性の 強襲,強姦, showing his stalking ordeal 広げる as the character of Martha becomes ますます obsessed with him.

Now, after watching the series, some fans have been sent into a frenzy as they try to 跡をつける 負かす/撃墜する Gadd's real-life stalker, にもかかわらず him 繰り返して 強調する/ストレスing that his stalker was also a 犠牲者 and someone in serious need of mental health support, which they never received.

In conversation with Glamour, Jessica commented: 'I didn't know that was happening. I would 勧める people not to be doing that. I think if that is happening, I think it's a real, real shame, because it shows that they 港/避難所't watched the show 適切に.'

The 直面する behind Martha Scott in Baby Reindeer, Jessica Gunning (pictured), has 勧めるd テレビ視聴者s to stop searching the the real-life Martha?

The actress, who has also featured in The 無法者s and 支援する と一緒に Davis Mitchell and Robert Webb, 追加するd that Richard went through a 広大な/多数の/重要な 成果/努力 to 保護する her character's 身元.

She continued: 'I think they should try and watch the show again and really see what the point of it was ? it definitely wasn't that.

Richard first wrote a one-man theatre show and later, the Netflix series about his ordeal, and he 以前 明らかにする/漏らすd in an interview with GQ: 'We've gone to such 広大な/多数の/重要な lengths to disguise her to the point that I don't think she would recognise herself.'

一方/合間, Jessica explained that her 業績/成果 on the 批判的に acclaimed show never 始める,決める out to be an imitation of the real-life Martha in the first place.?

She 追加するd: 'I deliberately didn't want to do an impersonation of somebody, I 手配中の,お尋ね者 to do an 解釈/通訳 of this character.'

The 38-year-old actress explained that she felt an 巨大な 責任/義務 throughout the filming 過程 to 確実にする Richard's mental 井戸/弁護士席-存在 while he relived traumatic events.

Richard first met his real-life stalker after he 申し込む/申し出d 'a crying stranger a cup of tea' when she (機の)カム into the 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 where he worked in 2015.

But the woman's obsession grew. She started 侵略するing his life by に引き続いて him around and even waiting outside his home - with her stalking spanning four and a half years.

The British actress has said that the viewers tracking down Richard Gadd's real-life stalker have missed the point of the show (pictured: Jessica as Martha)

The British actress has said that the テレビ視聴者s 跡をつけるing 負かす/撃墜する Richard Gadd's real-life stalker have 行方不明になるd the point of the show (pictured: Jessica as Martha)

Richard Gadd (pictured) relived a series of a traumatic events in the critically-acclaimed Netflix show

Richard Gadd (pictured) relived a 一連の a traumatic events in the 批判的に-acclaimed Netflix show?

She would heckle him at his gigs and 乱用 his parents, even putting his 暮らし in danger by calling him a paedophile の中で his work 同僚s.?

最初, Richard's friends saw the funny 味方する in the attention from his stalker, with the actor [以前 説: 'At first everyone at the pub thought it was funny that I had an admirer.

'Then she started to 侵略する my life, に引き続いて me, turning up at my gigs, waiting outside my house, sending thousands of voicemails and emails.'

Netflix said that every 選び出す/独身 email shown in the series was a real message sent from the stalker to Richard.

However the stalker also gave him items such as sleeping pills, a woolly hat, a pair of brand new boxer shorts and a stuffed reindeer toy - something Martha did not do in the series.

It was 'years' before the police 結局 took Richard's (民事の)告訴s 本気で and six years before they finally 介入するd, he 以前 told The Times - something which 長引かせるd the agony for everyone 伴う/関わるd, 含むing his 親族s.

The police told him at the time that unless his stalker became 肉体的に violent, there was little they could do to 解決する the 問題/発行する.

Gadd has revealed he first encountered 'Martha' when he was working in a pub and offered her a cup of tea because she was crying

Gadd has 明らかにする/漏らすd he first 遭遇(する)d 'Martha' when he was working in a pub and 申し込む/申し出d her a cup of tea because she was crying

The show tells the story of how, after the chance pub encounter, 'Martha' became obsessed with Richard (who is named Donny in the series)

The show tells the story of how, after the chance pub 遭遇(する), 'Martha' became obsessed with Richard (who is 指名するd Donny in the series)

Richard was 軍隊d to 証明する there was a danger by 記録,記録的な/記録するing his stalker's voicemails and 徹底的に捜すing through them to find instances of her 脅すing him or those の近くに to him.

Bu t にもかかわらず her 影響する/感情ing his life for years, he has since said that he feels sorry for her, 追加するing that she is a 犠牲者 of a 'failed system'.

He told The 独立した・無所属 at the time: 'I can't 強調 enough how much of a 犠牲者 she is in all this.

'Stalking and いやがらせ is a form of mental illness. It would have been wrong to paint her as a monster, because she's unwell, and the system's failed her.'

He told The 後見人 that because she was not getting the 援助 she needed, 'her 不安定 would just come 負かす/撃墜する the phone at me every day.'

It comes after fans of the 攻撃する,衝突する Netflix show are 納得させるd they have 設立する Richard Gadd's real-life stalker based on an old clip that has 現れるd online.

The Netflix series sees Martha be given a prison sentence for her offences but Gadd hasn't divulged the fate of his own stalker, except to say the issue has been resolved and he never wanted to 'throw someone w
ho was that level of mentally unwell in prison'. Jessica Gunning and Richard last week

The Netflix series sees Martha be given a 刑務所,拘置所 宣告,判決 for her offences but Gadd hasn't divulged the 運命/宿命 of his own stalker, except to say the 問題/発行する has been 解決するd and he never 手配中の,お尋ね者 to 'throw someone who was that level of mentally unwell in 刑務所,拘置所'. Jessica Gunning and Richard last week?

The ビデオ shows the comedian, from Fife, onstage competing in Cambridge?for the Chortle Student Comedy Award.

Dressed in a red T-shirt, he joked about having trouble with the microphone stand, making the audience howl with laughter.?

But テレビ視聴者s were shocked to hear a familiar giggle, almost 同一の to that of Martha Scott, the 指名する of the stalker in the 攻撃する,衝突する series (played by Jessica Gunning) in the audience.

In the programme, Donny (played by Gadd himself) also speaks in 詳細(に述べる) about her 感染性の, di stinctive laugh.

The 34-year-old comedian has not 明らかにする/漏らすd the 指名する and 身元 of the real life woman - meaning it is incredibly hard to find out where she is now.?

But those (麻薬)常用者d to the series have been on a 使節団 to 暴露する her 身元 and have been trawling through clips of his old 始める,決めるs to see if they can find her.?

The clip from 2012, 地位,任命するd on TikTok?by @goggle_tok, racked up 9.6million 見解(をとる)s on the 壇・綱領・公約, with thousands of lovers of the show commenting their thoughts.

One wrote: 'The laugh is so 正確な,' Another agreed and penned: 'It sounds JUST like her.'

A third said: 'I want to see the real Martha.'

A fourth also commented and (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that Gadd makes 'the exact same joke' in episode one of the Netflix show and that it is the 'same 始める,決める'. It is not known who filmed the 初めの ビデオ, nor is it 確認するd 正確に/まさに whose laughter can be heard in the audience.

However, Gadd has since been slammed for?'not doing enough' to p rotect the?身元 of his stalker after internet sleuths (人命などを)奪う,主張するd to find her online.?

He 以前 made it (疑いを)晴らす that he's changed 指名するs and 明確な/細部 詳細(に述べる)s of the story to 保護する the 身元s of those 伴う/関わるd, even (人命などを)奪う,主張するing that 'Martha' 'would not even recognise herself' in 攻撃する,衝突する show.

But since the series 空気/公表するd, fans have gone crazy over 可能性のある theories on who each of the characters could be in reality, with some (人命などを)奪う,主張するing to have 設立する the actual real life Martha's 身元.??

Taking to X fans of the show?criticised the series for not doing enough to 保護する the stalker's 身元 with one person 説: 'How can he say they went to 広大な/多数の/重要な lengths to 保護する her 身元?! They literally changed her 指名する and nothing else. Surely they knew this would happen.'?

The 34-year-old plays the lead Donny in the Netflix series which is based on his own experiences of being stalked by a woman called Martha Scott, played by Jessica Gunning (pictured) and sexually abused by a high profile comedy agent

The 34-year-old plays the lead Donny in the Netflix series which is based on his own experiences of 存在 stalked by a woman called Martha Scott, played by Jessica Gunning (pictured) and sexually 乱用d by a high profile comedy スパイ/執行官

Another wrote: 'I thought he 明言する/公表するd that the character profile of Martha was so much 除去するd from the 初めの stalker even she'd not be able to identify herself?'

Referring to a woman fans think is Martha, they continued: 'If this is her, it doesn't seem very far 除去するd…either way once I watched I wondered how long it would take for.'

Another agreed 説: 'Yeah there's 絶対 no chance that they will be shocked at this unraveling so quickly and easily lol.'

Someone else wrote: 'People 現実に 設立する the real Martha's Twitter and engaging with it? A known looney stalker woman is who people want to engage with? Ain't no way.'

Another said: 'It bothers me that the show didn't do enough to 隠す her 身元 in the first instance. If it's not her, then they've 巻き込むd the wrong person. And if it is, 井戸/弁護士席 who knows how she would take it. So wrong. And like you say, 行方不明になるd the point of the show.'?

People have 示唆するd that enough 詳細(に述べる)s of the real stalker's life, and her messages to Gadd were 含むd in the 演劇 that amateur 捜査官/調査官s were 恐らく able to identify her online.??

類似して, as internet sleuths try to 跡をつける 負かす/撃墜する Gadd's TV (n)役員/(a)執行力のある abuser people in the public 注目する,もくろむ are bei ng hounded by 憶測.

Now Gadd has been 軍隊d to ask people to stop trying to 人物/姿/数字 it out,?because it is 主要な to 誤った 告訴,告発s against his friends.??