Mother of boy, 14, with a 厳しい peanut アレルギー 激突するs Manchester Airport after staff threw away his life-saving 医薬 during 安全 checks on way to Italy for a school trip

The mother of a boy with a 厳しい peanut アレルギー has slammed Manchester airport after they 恐らく 押収するd life-saving 医薬 during 安全 checks.

Emma Wakefield, from Derby, was anxious at the thought of her 14-year-old son Ben going on a school trip, since his アレルギーs have in the past hospitalised him and left him 本気で ill.

In 準備 for his 旅行 to Pisa,?Italy earlier this month, she packed two (製品,工事材料の)一回分s of 医薬, a paper prescription, a 調印するd doctor's letter and a copy of Ben's care 計画(する).?

He also wore a disability lanyard and was …を伴ってd by a teacher. But in 安全, his 医薬 was 押収するd and 恐らく tipped away, without staff 協議するing his teacher first.

In Italy, Ben had an allergic reaction to an apple, which was 扱う/治療するd with a second (製品,工事材料の)一回分 of 医薬, which was 蓄える/店d in his スーツケース.

Emma, from Derby, was anxious about her son Ben (both pictured) going on a school trip to Italy earlier this month due to his severe peanut allergy

Emma, from Derby, was anxious about her son Ben (both pictured) going on a school trip to Italy earlier this month 予定 to his 厳しい peanut アレルギー?

Emma packed two batches of medication, a paper prescription, a signed doctor's letter and a copy of Ben's care plan in preparation for his trip. Above: The pair are pictured together

Emma packed two (製品,工事材料の)一回分s of 医薬, a paper prescription, a 調印するd doctor's letter and a copy of Ben's care 計画(する) in 準備 for his trip. Above: The pair are pictured together?

Emma claims that security staff at Manchester Airport (pictured) confiscated Ben's medication and tipped it away

Emma (人命などを)奪う,主張するs that 安全 staff at Manchester Airport (pictured) 押収するd Ben's 医薬 and tipped it away

The 44-year-old mother said: 'I was worried about him going away, because of his アレルギーs, and so I followed all the 指示/教授/教育s very carefully.

'The 安全 労働者 didn't check with Ben's teacher, and he didn't 協議する his doctor's letter or his care 計画(する). He 簡単に saw that Ben had too much liquid and 注ぐd it away.

'That 決定/判定勝ち(する) could have had 悲劇の consequences. Ben got on a flight without all the 医薬 he needed, and he was at 危険.

'In the past, he's been 極端に ill in hospital with アレルギーs. His 条件, and others like his, need to be taken 本気で. At the very least, 安全 労働者s should not be making 決定/判定勝ち(する)s for children without even letting their adult know.'

Ben's 条件 was 診断するd 老年の two, after his arm swelled when he got peanut butter on it. His 条件 was 井戸/弁護士席-managed but 老年の 10, he 苦しむd a 厳しい reaction from a nougat 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業.

The mother-of-two said Ben has been 'extremely ill' in the past with his allergies and was shocked to hear his medication had allegedly taken away . Above: Emma with her two children, Ben and Izzy

The mother-of-two said Ben has been '極端に ill' in the past with his アレルギーs and was shocked to hear his 医薬 had 恐らく taken away . Above: Emma with her two children, Ben and Izzy

Emma slammed the airport and said alleged action could have had 'tragic consequences Above: The mother pictured with her children Ben and Izzy

Emma slammed the airport and said 申し立てられた/疑わしい 活動/戦闘 could have had '悲劇の consequences Above: The mother pictured with her children Ben and Izzy

Ben needed to take his medication after having a reaction to an apple on the trip to Pisa and luckily had medication in his suitcase. Above: One of Ben's holiday snaps

Ben needed to take his 医薬 after having a reaction to an apple on the trip to Pisa and luckily had 医薬 in his スーツケース. Above: One of Ben's holiday snaps?

He was 急ぐd to hospital by 救急車 and placed in 批判的な care whilst doctors stabilised his 条件.

Emma said: 'There is no 疑問 they saved his life, and it was a 思い出の品 how serious it could be. When the school trip (機の)カム around, I 手配中の,お尋ね者 him to go and have fun, but I was also worried.'

The mother-of-two said she followed Manchester Airport's 指導/手引 when packing her teenage son's 医薬.

'I had packed two lots of 医薬, one in 手渡す luggage, one in the 持つ/拘留する, so if he had any problems in the airport or on the 旅行, he had his epi-pen and his antihistamine. He also had two inhalers,' Emma said.?

In 安全, Ben and his teacher became separated and a 安全 労働者 恐らく tipped his 瓶/封じ込める of antihistamine away.

The teacher explained: 'Like most 14-year-olds, Ben didn't make a (民事の)告訴. They made no 成果/努力 to talk to his teacher and so he just carried on. An aeroplane is a high-危険 環境 for Ben, there is little ventilation and there are people eating in の近くに proximity.

Emma claimed she followed Manchester Airport's guidance when packing her son's bag. Above: The mother pictured with her children Ben and Izzy

Emma (人命などを)奪う,主張するd she followed Manchester Airport's 指導/手引 when packing her son's 捕らえる、獲得する. Above: The mother pictured with her children Ben and Izzy

Ben and his teacher got separated during the security checks and his medication was allegedly taken off him. Pictured: The plane in Manchester before take off

Ben and his teacher got separated during the 安全 checks and his 医薬 was 恐らく taken off him. Pictured: The 計画(する) in Manchester before take off?

Natasha (pictured), who had a deadly nut allergy, died onboard a flight in 2016 after she ate something that contained?sesame seeds

Natasha (pictured), who had a deadly nut アレルギー, died onboard a flight in 2016 after she ate something that 含む/封じ込めるd?sesame seeds

'It is terrifying to think he made that 旅行 without the 訂正する 医薬.'

In 2016, a 15-year-old girl died onboard a flight after she had an allergic reaction to a Pret 挟む.

Natasha Ednan-Laperouse had a deadly nut アレルギー and was travelling with her father and her friend to Nice on July 17, 2016.

Her father Nadim 株d an artichoke, olive and tapenade baguette with Natasha just before 搭乗 the British 航空路s flight but within an hour she had lost consciousness and went into cardiac 逮捕(する).

The high-street chain had failed to label its 一括ing and 公表する/暴露する that the 挟む 含む/封じ込めるd sesame seeds - a 致命的な 成分 for Natasha.

Her father Nadim 株d an artichoke, olive and tapenade baguette with Natasha just before 搭乗 the British 航空路s flight but within an hour she had lost consciousness and went into cardiac 逮捕(する).?

He said: 'You just can't imagine having a small 量 of something and your child dying in 前線 of you. It's just 考えられない.'

After her horrific death, Natasha's 法律 was 明かすd - a 支配する which 軍隊s food chains to carry proper allergen 警告s.

Emma has complained to Manchester Airport but they (人命などを)奪う,主張する their 労働者 'was 訂正する in discarding the item.'

Symptoms of a food アレルギー and what you should do if you have one

によれば the NHS, ありふれた symptoms of a f ood アレルギー 含む:?

  • Feeling dizzy or lightheaded
  • Itchy 肌 or a raised 無分別な (蜂の巣s)
  • Swelling of the lips, 直面する and 注目する,もくろむs (angioedema)
  • Coughing, wheezing, breathlessness, noisy breathing or a hoarse 発言する/表明する
  • Sneezing or an itchy, runny or 封鎖するd nose
  • Feeling sick or 存在 sick
  • Tummy 苦痛
  • Diarrhoea

?You could get symptoms straight after eating the food, or days later.?

Here are steps you should take if you have a food アレルギー, によれば the NHS:

  • Check food labels and restaurant menus carefully to make sure they do not 含む/封じ込める the food you're allergic to
  • Tell friends, family, nursery, school and work about your アレルギー
  • Carry 2 adrenaline 自動車-injectors with you at all times, if you need them
  • Tell staff at restaurants and caf?s about your アレルギー
  • Tell 航空機によるs and cabin staff about your アレルギー before you 飛行機で行く
  • Wipe 負かす/撃墜する surfaces in public before eating

Source: NHS


In their reply to Emma, they said: 'I do understand your 関心s regarding the 医薬, unfortunately we cannot 許す this in 手渡す baggage as per the 指示的な of the DfT 詳細(に述べる)s and operating 手続きs we must follow, and I apologise for any upset this has 原因(となる)d you. '

Emma said: 'I'd like them to give an 保証/確信 this won't happen again. I want them to change 手続き in the 未来 so other children are not put at 危険, as Ben was. Next time, their mistake could be 致命的な.'

A Manchester Airport 広報担当者 said the 出来事/事件 is under 調査.