I'm a cart girl - these are the lamest 好転 lines I've heard on the ゴルフ course

  • Positions as cart girls are 高度に coveted, にもかかわらず the downsides
  • A number of TikTokers have 明らかにする/漏らすd the creepy 行為 they're 支配するd to
  • Still, they 株 they have no 悔いるs 予定 to the excellent tips they receive??

妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 cart girls at ゴルフ courses across the US are 株ing the cheesiest compliments they receive from adoring men on the green.?

The 職業, which 含むs riding around in a cart and serving drinks to golfers, has become a coveted position の中で women in their 20s.?

Many see it as an 平易な way to collect cash through tips while 熟考する/考慮するing for college.?

But with the cash comes cringe comments, from men 申し込む/申し出ing 'mouth to mouth resuscitation' to telling them they look like their favorite singers.?

Lissa Diaz recently began 株ing snippets of her conversations with golfers while she 運動s her 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 cart.?

In one such ビデオ, an 身元不明の man can be heard telling her that she looks like a 'young Alicia 重要なs' and that '[重要なs] is not as beautiful as you'.??

While Diaz can be heard 反応するing 前向きに/確かに to the old man's 'compliments', the text on her ビデオ reads: 'I just go along with it'

A TikTok creator named Lissa Diaz recently began sharing snippets of her conversations with golfers whil
e she drives her bar cart

A TikTok creator 指名するd Lissa Diaz recently began 株ing snippets of her conversations with golfers while she 運動s her 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 cart

In one such video, an unidentified man can be heard telling her that she looks like a 'young Alicia Keys ' and that '[Keys] is not as beautiful as you'

In one such ビデオ, an 身元不明の man can be heard telling her that she looks like a 'young Alicia 重要なs ' and that '[重要なs] is not as beautiful as you'

Another creator named Kenny, who goes by @kennyspivey24 on TikTok,?revealed that she made about $558 in tips alone in one day and another $370 on a separate day - claiming that the tip money she earned was alone far much more that what she would possibly earn as a resident doctor

Another creator 指名するd Kenny, who goes by @kennyspivey24 on TikTok,?明らかにする/漏らすd that she made about $558 in tips alone in one day and another $370 on a separate day - (人命などを)奪う,主張するing that the tip money she earned was alone far much more that what she would かもしれない earn as a 居住(者) doctor

The TikToker is a?a fourth-year medical student and works as a cart girl as a side gig

The TikToker is a?a fourth-year 医療の student and 作品 as a cart girl as a 味方する gig

In another ビデオ, Diaz can be heard engaging in 'banter' with another old man and 'complimenting' how good he looks for his age.?

多重の テレビ視聴者s commented that the man had a '豊富な laugh' while many others called 存在 a cart girl 'a dream 職業'.?

She also 明らかにする/漏らすd in another ビデオ that at times she lied about herself to seem more likeable to golfers.?

Another creator 指名するd Kenny, who goes by @kennyspivey24 on TikTok, 公表する/暴露するd that she is a fourth-year 医療の student and 作品 as a cart girl as a 味方する gig.?

In one of her ビデオs, Kenny 明らかにする/漏らすd that she made about $558 in tips alone in one day and another $370 on a separate day - (人命などを)奪う,主張するing that the tip money she earned was alone far much more that what she would かもしれない earn as a 居住(者).?

But while she did earn nearly $1000 in the (期間が)わたる of two days, Kenny 明らかにする/漏らすd in another ビデオ that an 年輩の golfer once requested physical 接触する.

The caption read: '70+ year golfer: 'You're in 医療の school huh? Want to give me mouth-to-mouth?'

Kenny also captioned the ビデオ: 'It’s always the oldest ones too, like...'

But while she did earn nearly $1000 in the span of two days, Kenny revealed in another video that she was once for 'mouth-to-mouth' by an elderly golfer

But while she did earn nearly $1000 in the (期間が)わたる of two days, Kenny 明らかにする/漏らすd in another ビデオ that she was once for 'mouth-to-mouth' by an 年輩の golfer

The caption read: '70+ year golfer: "you're in medical school huh? want to give me mouth-to-mouth". The college student can be heard lip-synching to a popular audio and saying: 'Immediately no'

The caption read: '70+ year golfer: "you're in 医療の school huh? want to give me mouth-to-mouth". The college student can be heard lip-synching to a popular 音声部の and 説: 'すぐに no'

Another TikToker named Cass Holland told her viewers that she once earned a $200 tip from two men after she sold a can of Dr. Pepper for $3.50

Another TikToker 指名するd Cass Holland told her テレビ視聴者s that she once earned a $200 tip from two men after sh e sold a can of Dr. Pepper for $3.50

But while Kenny and Holland revealed the good and the bad side about being a cart girl, a creator named Kelli revealed that she was once hit by a golf ball in the chest - and received no apology

But while Kenny and Holland 明らかにする/漏らすd the good and the bad 味方する about 存在 a cart girl, a creator 指名するd Kelli 明らかにする/漏らすd that she was once 攻撃する,衝突する by a ゴルフ ball in the chest - and received no 陳謝


not me getting 攻撃する,衝突する with a ゴルフ ball ??????????? also the chainsaw in the background can f*ck offff ??

? 初めの sound - kelli?

A TikTo ker 指名するd?Cass Holland told her テレビ視聴者s that she once earned a $200 tip from two men after she sold them a can of Dr. Pepper for $3.50.?

She said that one of her 正規の/正選手s at the ゴルフ course let her swipe his card and 追加する in any tip 量 she liked after complimenting her hair and outfit.??

Holland said she had earned nearly $500 in just three hours.?

But while Kenny and Holland 明らかにする/漏らすd the good and the bad 味方する about 存在 a cart girl, another TikToker 明らかにする/漏らすd the golfers' rude 行為 on field.?

Another creator, who goes by @xokelliscott, 明らかにする/漏らすd that she was once 攻撃する,衝突する straight? in the chest by a ball and received no 陳謝.?

She also 公式文書,認めるd that usually, golfers either yell 'fore' to 警告する people if they 攻撃する,衝突する a ball に向かって someone.?

But while the 疑わしい 好転 lines and problematic 行為 may 軍隊 some to think twice, many of these TikTokers' fans 主張する that they would put up with all the golfers' antics to get a chance to make those tips.?