What is the viral 'look between two letters on your keyboard' challenge taking over social マスコミ? Here's all you need to know about the 傾向 that's 運動ing people insane

A new 傾向 has 爆発するd over social マスコミ telling people to look between 確かな letters on their keyboards - and it's already 原因(となる)ing high levels of irritation.?

The idea behind the craze is to make a 声明 or 提起する/ポーズをとる a question on social マスコミ, which people can answer or understand by looking at the letter or letters that come between two other characters on their keyboard.

For example, U comes between Y and I so you might want to tell someone to look between them to tell them: 'All I want is U.'

The 公式の/役人 Guinness World 記録,記録的な/記録するs account jumped on the 傾向, 地位,任命するing on X that an applicant said they 'want to break the 記録,記録的な/記録する for the longest time without sleep'.

Their 返答 was: 'Look between T and U on your keyboard,' - which brings up the letter Y, often used as shorthand for 'why?' in online conversations.?

The 傾向 has popped up on TikTok and X with 使用者s from America, the UK, South Afr ica and Nigeria 地位,任命するing about it.?

This couple, from Nigeria, took to X to post about the trend, with the letters spelling out 'JK', which stands for 'joking'

This couple, from Nigeria, took to X to 地位,任命する about the 傾向, with the letters (一定の)期間ing out 'JK', which stands for 'joking'

This man, from America, made fun of the trend in his car and mimicked the meme

This man, from America, made fun of the 傾向 in his car and mimicked the meme

The meme? originated from a meme posted almost May 2021 on 4Chan, an image-based site where anyone can post things anonymously.?The letters between T and O are Y, U and I, which spell out Yui, the name of the cartoon in the anime series

The meme? 起こる/始まるd from a meme 地位,任命するd almost May 2021 on 4Chan, an image-based 場所/位置 where anyone can 地位,任命する things 不明な.?The letters between T and O are Y, U and I, which (一定の)期間 out Yui, the 指名する of the 風刺漫画 in the anime series?

One post even racked up 36 million views, asking users to try and find the hidden word in their keyboard? - which spelled out JK (or Joke), the letters between H and L

One 地位,任命する even racked up 36 million 見解(をとる)s, asking 使用者s to try and find the hidden word in their keyboard? - which (一定の)期間d out JK (or Joke), the letters between H and L?

It 起こる/始まるd from a meme 地位,任命するd 不明な in May 2021 on 4Chan, an image-based 場所/位置.?

Someone 地位,任命するd a picture of a character from K-On and wrote: 'Look between t and o on your keyboard.'

The letters between T and O are Y, U and I, which (一定の)期間 out Yui, the 指名する of the 風刺漫画?in the anime series.

But it has since spiralled from there, with people using the idea to (一定の)期間 out many other things and some are やめる creative.?

People across 壇・綱領・公約s such as X, 以前は known as?Twitter, have jumped on the movement, cleverly 株ing words and abbreviations they've come up with.

One 地位,任命する, which managed to rack up a whopping 36million 見解(をとる)s, said: 'Cheaters will tell you they love you and then their 活動/戦闘s tell you to look between H and L on your keyboard.'

The letters (一定の)期間 out 'JK' which means 'just kidding'. The comments on the 地位,任命する were filled with people 賞賛するing the poster for making them laugh, but others were 混乱させるd by t he 傾向 and asked others what it meant.

Netflix said: 'Who should be going out together this 週末? Look between Y and O on your keyboard,' (一定の)期間ing out U and I.

Even the 公式の/役人 X account jumped in on the fun, 令状ing: 'Look between z and c on your keyboard, hi.'?

This man, from South Africa, also made fun of the meme that has divided the internet

This man, from South Africa, also made fun of the meme that has divided the internet?

Users on X are divided, with some jumping on the bandwagon and others expressing how sick they were of seeing it on their pages

使用者s on X are divided, with some jumping on the bandwagon and others 表明するing how sick they were of seeing it on their pages

But others are sick of seeing it on their 料金d and, in 抗議する, made their own memes joking about the 傾向.

One 株d a ビデオ of Tony Soprano 説 'shut the f** up' and commented: 'On your keyboard look between… Me:'?

Another penned: 'Say "look between 2 letters on your keyboard" one more time mf,' along with a picture of Samuel L Jackson 持つ/拘留するing a gun to someone's 長,率いる in the film 低俗雑誌 Fiction.??